How to run .exe file 24/7 even after remote desktop logout VPS - windows

how can i run an .exe file 24/7 on a windows server?
The script needs to be started manually from a virtual desktop connection and then left it in the background. The problem is that when i close the remote desktop connection the script stops.
VPS: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 with Desktop Experience Locale English AMI provided by Amazon


How docke run linux container on windows server 2019?

I downloaded desktop meet some error, and I found the docker desktop didn’t support on windows server.
Then I wanted to run a linux image in windows server, but I can’t find how to trans windows mode to linux mode.And more I didn’t find the dockercli.exe.
So now my question is:
dose windows server support linux mode?
If it does, how to change to such mode?
if not, how to run linux container on windows server 2019?
To run docker on windows server 2019, try this
You should also install WSL Feature

Install Windows 7 on Google Cloud

Im totally new to Google Cloud. I got free uses for some time from google.
I want to setup a lab. So I want to install Windows 7 on Google Cloud.
The image for Windows 7 is not available, you can create a custom image, upload it and then create an instance with that image, but honestly I would not follow this path if you have just started and you want only to run a Windows server.
So, if you don't really need Windows 7 for some reason and you want to run a Windows virtual machine the easiest thing to do is to create an instance using one of the available images:
Windows Server version 1709 Core for Containers (Beta)
Windows Server version 1709 Core
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 R2 Core
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016 Core
Windows Server 2016
In order to do so go to the Console, enter in Compute Engine, VM instances, click on create instance, at this point from the tab that will be opened select the Windows image that you prefer and set up the machine as you like. Wait some minute and you will be able to connect to it through RDP.
Note that there is a Quickstart guide in order to help you in the process.

Is there a regedit key in windows that blocks the running of exe files (by services)

I have a Windows Service that runs an exe file and it is working fine under Win7 and Win8 Environments. But when I try the program in a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 Environment, the service works but the exe file is not run. So I am wondering if there is a regedit key that blocks running of exe files when they are run from Session 0 or something similar.
I have noticed that Windows 2012 by default blocks running interactive programs. But I have already allowed it by setting the following value to zero.
When you install a Windows Service in Windows Server enviorment, you need to check Allow service to interact with desktop property in the service properties -> Log On.
When this property is enabled, try to restart Interactive Services Detection service.

Schedule login to Windows Server 2008 R2 Virtual Box

I have a test script created using TestComplete 10.0. The test script to uninstall then install a software and update config file. It hosted in a Windows 2008 R2 Virtual Box and I have tested using TestExecute and it runs successfully.
I have scheduled the run via Task Scheduler and I have created a bat file to run it. Task starts successfully but fails. I have searched in Google and found TestComplete fails when remote desktop session is disconnected for the user set to execute the task.
I have tried adding the tscon /dest:console but did not successfull.
Is there any other way to login to Windows Server 2008 R2 Virtual Box?
This behavior is documented and the TestComplete Help file contains a number of possible solutions for it. You can find this information in the Running Tests on Locked Computers help topic of the tool.

What is Terminal Server/Terminal Services on a Windows platform?

I'm currently reading the MSDN description of some Windows APIs, such as WTSEnumerateSessions for instance, and it has words, such as
... is used ... on a Terminal Server
... requires running Terminal Services
But there seems to be no explanation of what all that "terminal" stuff is and how can I make sure that it is actually running.
Can I be sure that every Windows XP SP3, Vista and Windows 7 machine has those terminal services running?
Terminal Services is the component of Windows that allows remote desktop sessions. Generally, you have a Windows Server that is running the Terminal Services role. Clients, whether it be a windows 7 box, or a thin client, connect to the terminal server using the RDP protocol.
WTSEnumerateSessions is meant to be run on such a server and returns a enumerated list of client sessions.
Windows XP, Vista, and 7 all have the ability to host remote desktop sessions, however it is not as powerful as the actual Terminal Services (now called Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2) role.
