Custom error page routing struts 2 + spring boot - spring

I am trying to run a struts 2 application in spring boot provided embedded tomcat, I have managed to do so following the link The application is working, however I am not able to get through the custom page error routing based on http error code which was configured earlier in web.xml. I have tried below solutions so far and none of them seems to work as I keep getting default tomcat error page for 404.
Things I have tried so far:
1.Disabled white label error page using.
2.created public/error folder in src/main/resouces and placed all html error code related html files there.
3.Also tried creating templates folder under src/main/resources and placed http error code files there.
4.I have also configured my filterregistration bean with below setting.
Can someone please help what needs to be done for the error routing to work???


On running spring boot war from cmd getting error resolving template exception in thymeleaf

On running the spring boot war file from the command line why I am getting the below error in thymeleaf :
Error resolving template, template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers.
I have changed the default thymeleaf template folder location using spring.thymeleaf.prefix property in application properties file. However, when I run the same code using IDEs it works perfectly fine.
Oh ok I got the issue, it was with the html file name which i was returning from my controller. I was using / with the file name (e.g. /index) because of which it was failing. But i am amazed that the IDEs are smart enough to detect that issue and somehow internally auto corrected it while running. That's why it was running via IDEs but failing while running the war from command line.

How to set up a swagger-ui standalone server/application?

I would like to set up a standalone swagger-ui application, to view the different APIs from different servers in one central place.
In a second step I would like to customise swagger-ui to show multiple APIs at once.
I don't want to add swagger-ui to all the servers that provide swagger api-docs though.
To do so I would like to use spring boot and thought this should be an easy task. However, I have trouble getting it to work.
Here is what I did:
Generated a Spring Boot application using
included spring-boot-starter-web
added io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.3.1 dependency
When opening http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html I see a 404 error and UI seems broken:
Is there any reason for using Spring-boot instead of a simple web server for this?
See for example here with Nginx, including some basic authentication (pretty old link but still looking alright), or in the ReadMe of the swagger-ui github reposiory directly for easily serving with Connect/gulp-serve inside Docker (the setup can also be reproduced directly without Docker if wanted).
Also I have no idea why you're getting resources requested by the page on a different port... Just ask in case you still need help now on this topic.

Wildfly Undertow HTTP Response 200 but no content

I am developing a simple web service using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers : Version: Kepler Service Release 2 Build id: 20140224-0627 and Wildfly-8.2.0.Final. I chose wildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype using Maven and started development. Firstly, there was no problem, I could add some simple jsp pages and also a simple html page with some images and javascript inclusion then I could deployed, launched and accessed those pages by browser. But all of a sudden, Wildfly (I guess Undertow maybe?) started to response with HTTP response 200 with no content... I really don't get what is going on. I also did rollback my sources to the very early simple pages only. But still the symptoms are the same. Also I have tried to use newer version of Wildfly-9.0.1.Final and deployed manually but I haven't seen any difference.
ex1) this is ok. (Of course browsers take care of this...)
ex2) this kind of contents won't be loaded and sent back as content 0...
I doubted local path issue but I haven't changed anything and it was loaded earlier.
It would be really appreciated if somebody could give me a solution.
Finally I have solved this problem. I have found a problem on a servlet I have added at last. Actually I was trying to migrate my web service running on glassfish and did migrate files one by one. I specified a URL to be handled by the servlet in Web.xml when it run on glassfish. But somehow, it's not working on Wildfly which means all URL request are unexpectedly handled by the servlet... Since I have no idea to specify url to be handled by the specific servlet in Web.xml for Wildfly, I decided to filter request URL in the servlet code. So it is working now. Thank you guys trying to help me...

How can I populate dynamic information on a custom Tomcat 404 page?

I'm putting together a web app using Tomcat + Spring, and I'd like to have custom 404 pages which contain dynamic content, not just a static html file. For example, if I were working on a blog site, I might want to show a list of the 5 most recent posts on the 404 page to direct the user to actual content.
Additionally, is there a way I can leverage the error information when generating the error page? For example, if the error involved an exception happening in my app, as opposed to a bad url, can I display the stack trace?
Are you creating the project from scratch? Are you able to use Spring-Boot? Spring Boot provides a lot of nice error handling functionality out of the box that can be easily modified.
Either way, if you just want to use standard error page mapping in the web.xml, or example:
When your application returns a 404 status code, the request will be intercepted and forwarded internally to the endpoint /error/404 - which can just be any endpoint in your spring app, so can do any dynamic stuff that you would in a normal controller.
To do it programatically, without Spring Boot, you could create a Filter class that wraps all requests and just catches exceptions and checks for non 2XX response codes and forwards/handles appropriately - this is basically the solution that the Spring Boot guys implemented (see the ErrorPageFilter class).
To access info about the exception, that can be accessed from the request - see here for similar answer:

WAS Liberty not serving images, css, js

I have an application which is working fine on Websphere server (as war and Eclipse Project).
Direct deploy on Liberty through WAR is also working fine.
I was trying to deploy it on WAS Liberty through Eclipse project. There are no console errors but once the application loads, none of the following files are getting loaded in the web page: js, gif, css
Because of this the page is looking distorted and most of the functionality is lost.
Surprisingly there are some JSPs in the js folder and these are getting loaded, so looks like the folders are published properly. But for all the mentioned files (js etc), I get following error in the browser console: 500 (Internal Server Error) .
There are no errors and the server log is also clean.
My setup: WAS Liberty 8.5, RHEL 6.5. Eclipse Luna, WDT Project having Eclipse structure, not maven.
I have tried both loose config and 'from workspace' settings
Edit1: I noticed that Spring beans are not getting initialized properly. Getting null pointer on applicationContext.getBean.
OK, found the problem.
As I guessed this was related to spring initialization, though the problem was more code related.
Due to wrong implementation of REST implementation, where the base path was set as root application path (“/”), rest API classes were getting instantiated on application load and were then making calls to code which was instantiating few Spring beans.
But at this point the Spring listeners had not fired, hence the appcontext was empty. Some of the base application object were getting initialized with empty beans and hence spring security context and related classes were failing to serve the application content properly. (Problem is spring related code is created by another team and we just get the jar, hence I am not even able to debug it properly, so I don't know where it was failing exactly)
The thing that makes it Liberty specific is: The same problematic code is working fine on Websphere full profile and Weblogic and even on Liberty if we deploy as WAR. Not sure what classloading difference is causing difference in behaviour.
Thanks to all who took time and efforts for replying.
I am facing the same issue using open liberty and Eclipse Krazo when the base path is
application path (“/”)
so i have changed the path as shown below
package io.openliberty.sample;
public class ConfigApplication extends Application {
Now the CSS and imgs are loading with no issues.
