Download files to a specific location using Postman - download
I have followed the tutorial and have successfully obtained the contents of the file, but where is the file being downloaded. In addition, how do I specify the location of where I want to download the file?
Result on Postman

Instead of Send, hit the downward arrow immediately on the right and select Send and Download in the dropdown. Then once the response comes back you will be prompted with where to save the download:


Downloading from object URL always fails the first time in Firefox

When opening an object URL in Firefox the file's content is correctly displayed (in the PDF viewer), but "Save page as..." cannot download the blob. The download list in Firefox lists the file as "failed". Clicking on "retry" is successful.
The same approach works successfully in Chrome.
There's no backend involved (at this point). The blob is correctly retrieved in the frontend and displayed, but only on retry is able to download.
The object URL hasn't been revoked (and I can still see an entry in the session storage for the blob. That it always seems to work the second time seems to point to a timing problem to me, but I wouldn't know where to see what failed here.
where the blob was created from the backend's content using Angular's HttpClient:
getContentFileById(id: string): Observable<Blob> {
return this.http.get(`${this.documentUrl}/${id}/content`, {
responseType: 'blob'
This is both with current Firefox (78.0.2) and Firefox Developer Edition (79.0b9) on macOS Catalina (10.15.5).
It occurs with a file that had the original content disposition attachment or inline although I suspects that's lost anyways when it's converted to a blob.
Here's a simplified minimal example, where I see the same behavior. I couldn't figure out how to create a Blob directly from an ASCII binary representation, so the example uses a base64-based string. The basic idea to open a created object URL remains the same though:
Unfortunately this example only opens as PDF file in Firefox, while my actual code also works in Chrome...
I noticed that selecting the normal download button (which most users probably use) works. It's only when you try "Save Page As..." that it first fails, but can download the file on clicking "Retry" in the Downloads list...

How can we measure the performance of downloading file activity using Jmeter

Login into application
Dashboard page will be loaded
Click on the "User Details" section
Select the file and click on the download button.
Windows POP-UP will prompt and will ask to SAVE the file.
File will start to download on to specified location
Downloading the file is nothing more than HTTP GET method, so given your configure HTTP Request sampler URL to point to the file you want to download:
JMeter will download the file when you run the test and measure the associated time.
You can also use Save Responses to a file listener if you are interested in the remote file content of plan to reuse the downloaded file later on.
More information: Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter

Unable to record an upload file scenario in JMeter though it is possible by manual effort with specific browser settings

I am working on upload file module that works on internet explorer only and it requires following browser setting mandatory:
"Include local directory path when uploading files to server" should be enabled.
A failure message "Unable to upload file" displays when we do not make required setting in browser while manual attempt else it works fine.
Now when I am trying to record the scenario in JMeter, getting same error message even I made required browser settings.
Note: Additionally, I tried to include these calls by copying from browser tools and paste it in JMeter transaction but get the same result in response.
Have any one experience the same or can help me out?
Few things to consider:
Make sure that you use Java implementation of HTTP Request
Make sure that "Use multipart/form-data for POST" is checked
Make sure that you provide a file within "Send Files With the Request" field providing correct path, parameter name and mime-type
If all above has already been applied and you still experience problems I would recommend to capture the data being sent by Internet Explorer with a sniffer (Fiddler, Wireshark, etc.) and compare it to data, being sent by JMeter. They must be the same. If they aren't - you'll need to customize it using HTTP Header Manager, HTTP Cookie Manager, etc. If JMeter is not flexible enough to set all the required parameters via GUI, i.e. still tries to send full path of file instead of just filename or vice versa, you can always go deeper and manually build multi-part post request via Java Request Sampler (see SleepTest and JavaTest source code for details) or via Beanshell which is 100% compatible with Java syntax but may be harder to debug due to it's script nature.
Path to SleepTest and JavaTest files is follows:
JMeter sources are available from JMeter download page
Steps to upload the image using jmeter:
locate the image in bin folder Select Post method and check the "Use
multipart/form-data for POST" in HTTP Request
Provide details of Send files With the Request in HTTP Request
Record the Upload scenario and stop button in Jmeter (Image wouldn't upload while recording in Jmeter)
Now before running the script, Go to upload response and give the full path of image in "Send files with request field"
Now Run the script. You can able to see the image

Downloading file with Express

I'm using Express and I need to download a file from server. I can easily download it with just , but there is some query parameters, that I want to hide from user.
So now I'm trying to use jQuery.ajax that sending a request to Express (srv1) and then Express sending request with my parameters to the another server (srv2). Server responds me with 'Content-disposition' header and a file data. It's ok. And there is a question - can I use that file and respond with it to my initial ajax request?
The problem is, that even with files (that already on my srv1) doesn't work. Express sets headers well, but no file is prompting to download. Maybe there is a probem in ajax?
You cannot cause the browser to perform a file download with a javascript ajax request (this is a security limitation). See for details. You'll need a normal browser GET or POST request to get a proper file save dialog.

ruby/bash: How do I download a large file with using the "If-Range" and "Range" headers?

I've been trying to use mechanize to download mp3 files, but the server always returns a 404.
Looking at the headers my browser sends (checked on Chrome and FF), I noticed that the If-Range and Range headers are used to initiate a successful download, so I'm guessing the server is rejecting any request that doesn't specify them.
What is the right way to download files in this way, using ruby (Net::HTTP) or bash (curl or wget)?
404 is file not found. Are you sure your URL is correct? If it is correct then you should be able to use wget <full url and file name> to test it.
