Find out the used email account by google developer console project id - google-api

To get Google Analytics data from their API we are using a service account with p12 key, the GA API working fine but sometime I get Rate Limit error so I just planned to update my limit from the console but I just forgot which email account I used previously for that developer console project. So now I just want to know is there any way I can find out which email account is associated with my Google Analytics Service account's project id?
Currently I am getting this error when exceed the daily call rate of that GA API.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Google_Service_Exception' with
message 'Error calling GET
(403) Daily Limit Exceeded. The quota will be reset at midnight
Pacific Time (PT). You may monitor your quota usage and adjust limits
in the API Console:'
in /var/www/html/GoogleServerApi/src/Google/Http/REST.php:79 Stack
trace: #0 /var/www/html/GoogleServerApi/src/Google/Http/REST.php(44):
Google_Http_REST::decodeHttpResponse(Object(Google_Http_Request)) #1
Object(Google_Http_Request)) #2
/var/www/html/GoogleServerApi/src/Google/Service/Resource in
/var/www/html/GoogleServerApi/src/Google/Http/REST.php on line 79
The error itself say monitor my quota usage and adjust limits in the API Console but I don't remember my associated email id. So I just need help on that How can it get the associated EMAIL by my project id? You can also Let me know any forum or group where I can get help on this.

No there is no way to track a service account back to the Google account used to create it on google developer console.


Google play READ_CALL_LOG permission

Reading call log is the basic feature of my app, but i dont know which option to select among the following in the list in the declaration form.
Default SMS handler
Default Phone handler
Default Assistant handler
Transactional backup and restore for users and archive for enterprise (time-limited/non-continuous)
Enterprise archive, CRM, and device management
Caller ID, spam detection, and blocking
Connected device companion apps (for example, smartwatch or automotive)
Cross-device synchronization or transfer of SMS or calls
SMS-based financial transactions and related activity where access is restricted to financial SMS transactions (for example, 5-digit messages)
SMS based money management
Proxy calls
Services - Carrier
Services - OEM
Device Automation
Physical safety / emergency alert apps (e.g., senior safety)
Call-based OTP account verification
Using SMS_CB_RECEIVED for customer communications (e.g., Smart Zone Cast service)
Write and Show Call History in Dialer
In-vehicle hands-free use or projected display
Anti-SMS Phishing
Since its only write and show call history in dialer option thats close to my requirement, i selected this, but now i got thefollowing email from google.
Google Play
Developer update
Hi Developers at Bot Entity, Thanks for contacting the Google Play
team about your app Whatsupp Direct, com.whatsappdirect.wd. Publishing
Status Publishing status: Rejected After review, your app has been
rejected and wasn't published due to a policy violation. If you
submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still
available on Google Play. Issue: Violation of Permissions policy After
reviewing your app, we found that it doesn’t qualify to use the
requested permissions for the following reason(s): App is using
unnecessary permissions When you submitted your app, you specified
your app's core functionality as follows: Write and Show Call History
in Dialer. However, based on the permitted uses, your app is only
allowed to access the following permissions: WRITE_CALL_LOG. Please
remove the following permission(s) from your app: READ_CALL_LOG.
now how do i get READ_CALL_LOG in the list??

YouTube Data API returns "Access Not Configured" error, although it is enabled

My internally used web solution to retrieve YouTube video statistics that is based on this example ( now fails to work. Not sure when exactly it happened, but it used to work couple of months ago.
I now tried to run unedited example code (apart from adjusting the CLIENT_ID, of course), and I am getting exactly the same error:
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "accessNotConfigured",
"message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 123 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.",
"extendedHelp": "" } ], "code": 403, "message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 123 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry."
When I check the YouTube API in developer console, it shows enabled status, and the Credentials compatible with this API include the ID used to authenticate the client. I can see the statistics for credential use increment when I retry the API call attempts, and the metrics reflect the number of requests and also show that the error rate is 100%. But there is no extra info on those failed attempts in the console to help on debugging the problem.
I have deleted and recreated API key and OAuth key, but that did not change anything.
Had there been any extra info on those errors on the developer console side, for example client quote exceeded, I could see how to fix this. Now I am completely stuck.
Create a new project
Weirdly, creating a new project just gets the API to work properly!
The error message is unfortunately a red herring: your project's access to YouTube Data API Services is automatically disabled after a 90 day inactivity period.
You should have received a notice via email regarding this action, which also contains the steps that need to be taken to regain access: please fill out and submit the exceptions form.
Try to start a new Project with new oAuthCliedID & oAuthClientSecret
What seems to have done it for me after a lot of fiddling was to:
Go to the OAuth consent screen of the project.
Enter an Application name.
Press Save.
Lo and behold, after 5 minutes it started working.

Error "Fatal SparkPostError: Exceed Sending Limit" when sandbox=true

I send the message via SparkPost API with option sandbox=true.
I get error "Fatal SparkPostError: Exceed Sending Limit"
I can't find description of the error in DOCs, Google or stackoverflow.
Anybody know what issues with sandbox of SparkPost? How much is limit for sandbox? When does it refresh?
The sandbox options allows you to send using the domain. It is currently limited to 50 sends for the lifetime of the account. At this time you should have a verified sending domain to use going forward. If you are looking for information on testing using SparkPost, take a look at this support document:

error : { "code": "MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI", "message": "REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox." }

I am new with the "outlook" api. i want to get all calender event,contact and mail from "outlook account".
but i does not get appropriate result with "outlook" account its working fine with "office365" account
i follow this documentation for get all required data
and i create application for getting data from here
but every time when i login with my outlook account it's give me an error like this.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance...
Just ran into the same problem and found an explanation here. It appears we're going to have to wait for the accounts to be enabled unless you request a testing account as described in the link. Confirmed the same results when using the non-enabled account in the Outlook Oauth Sandbox.
From the first link
Because enabling mailboxes on for the Outlook REST API happens over a period of time, your existing account may take a while to get enabled. To test your app accessing data on mailboxes that have already been enabled, you can request a new, enabled developer preview account by emailing
If your app accesses mailbox data, it should handle scenarios where the user's mailbox has not yet been enabled for the Outlook REST API. In such situations, when you make a REST request, you would get an error like the following:
HTTP error: 404
Error code: MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI or MailboxNotSupportedForRESTAPI
Error message: “REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox.
Step 1 :
Click the Below Link :
Step 2:
Step 3 :
Step 4 :
Step 5 :

Mailchimp API send call returns Campaign_EgpPrediction error

I'm using MailChimp v2.0 API at the moment to replicate, update and then send mail campaigns. All so far so good, but occasionally I'm getting this curious error when I call campaigns/send
"status": "error",
"code": -99,
"name": "Campaign_EgpPrediction_Exception",
"error": "Campaign_EgpPrediction"
If I try again, it may work. Seems sporadic.
Workflow: I replicate one of our standard campaigns then get the new ID, then with this ID I update the title, make it a URL-driven campaign by updating the url value, move it to a folder, then send it.
All the other API calls are successful, just the send sometimes says that.
I can't find reference to the error anywhere in MailChimp docs, I have asked their API support team but whilst I'm waiting...
This is caused by a predicted bounce rate warning. After I went ahead and sent the campaign despite the warning (which doesn't exist in MailChimp's documentation) I got the following from the compliance team shortly afterwards:
This is a note from the MailChimp compliance team. Omnivore, our automated abuse prevention system, detected a recent campaign that generated a bounce rate which exceeded allowable industry thresholds. Noting the account received an above threshold bounce rate, Omnivore has detected that this list requires removal from our system before we would be able to reactivate the account.
As a bulk delivery service we are required to enforce the industry thresholds that ISPs, anti-spam groups and corporate email protection services set regarding spam complaints, bounces and unsubscribe requests. When rates exceed industry thresholds, as your campaign did, Internet Service Providers can block service to the entire MailChimp ecosystem.
Keeping this in mind, the list must be removed from the account before we are able to support further sending. Because a list cannot be deleted for 7 days following a campaign send, we do ask that these contacts be bulk unsubscribed from the list following the instructions provided
So, it looks like the system will warn you with this error message via then API and then let's you send it anyway if you persist!
I hope this helps someone else in the future from sending to a list that may cause you larger problems later.
