Maven archetype package construction - maven

I created my own archetype which has a custom pom.xml and a custom class in a package like this: ${groupId}.${artifactId}.core
The problem is at package. When I create a maven project with my archetype the package it is not like ${groupId}.${artifactId}.core. It is only ${groupId}.
This is the generated class by archetype:
But the tree is like this (package is not builded how I want):
Why my project is not builded how I expect and how I done this?
Here is the tree of project from where I generate archetype
package ${package}.core;
import fl.raul.libs.methods.Common;
public class MainCore{
public static void main(String[] args){
//REMINDER : update version of fl.raul.libs - if needed.
<archetype xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
P.S.: I think it is something from Intellij. I tested this archetype in Eclipse and package is how it should be (fl.raul.testers.core).

Please move the file into correct folder (core) and adjust archetype.xml, I think that is what breaks the default behavior, here.
Alternatively to package ${groupId}.${artifactId}.core you can use package ${package}.core;.
${package} property can be provided on archetype generation and defaults (if omit) to ${groupId}.${artifactId}.
Please also refer to this "nice answer" & "wider scope question":


Generate and run Maven Kotlin jar

I'm trying to generate a jar file of my kotlin project.
I read Maven Kotlin and copied the code into my pom.xml but I don't understand what I'm supposed to insert at ${main.class}.
Here is my code architecture with as my main class.
I tried MorisKt.class, /MorisKt.class, target/Moris.class(container folder of my compiled code)
And nothing worked. The jar is generated but I have Could not find or load main class when I try to run it.
If you can explain me where I'm doing it wrong
You need to put your main class file in a package and then reference it with the fully qualified name.
For instance if you put your Moris.kt in a package named app it would be :

Setting dependency of a component to mantle-usl - custom Groovy class

I have a custom groovy class inside mantle-usl component. I would like to use the class in other component. Hence, I need to add a dependency so that the new component (or project) has the jar of mantle-usl ready for use.
Is there anyone who can help with this? I attempted to modify the build.gradle file of the project. And add a project dependency, but it returned an error.
project(':runtime/component/warehouse-items-masterenumerator') {
dependencies {
compile project(':runtime/component/mantle-usl')
As you would expect, this does not work. It seems that I do not have the project references set correctly.
The mantle-usl component doesn't have any compiled code in it so the build.gradle file does not build a jar file, it is only used for running the Spock tests.
I wouldn't recommend adding your own code to mantle-usl, it is easier and cleaner to put it in a separate component. For an example of a build.gradle file that does build a jar file look at the moqui/example component or most of the moqui tool components (such as moqui-elasticsearch).
You also don't need to modify the main build.gradle file from the moqui-framework repository, dependencies should be declared in the build.gradle file in each component (which are picked up automatically in the main build).

How to work with JMeter and Junit

I am very new to JMeter
I am trying to use Junit Request sampler in JMeter.In my project we have a class called from these class methods i am calling some other class methods.It has lot of dependencies
How can i create jar file for with dependencies
I saw many examples for JMeter with Junit Request sampler. But, those all examples are independent classes
Can any one please help me
There are several ways of creating a .jar file:
Using Maven
Using Ant
Using Eclipse
.jar files are basically ZIP archives so you can just compile your and put resulting PayloadProcessorTest.class into /lib/junit/test.jar file keeping package structure. After restart JMeter will pick up the class. Don't forget to add any 3rd-party jars used in PayloadProcessorTest (if any) to JMeter classpath. For more information check out How to Use JUnit With JMeter guide.
If you want to get the dependencies with Maven you can run
mvn install dependency:copy-dependencies, which will create a folder inside your target folder called 'dependency' filled with the dependencies. To speed this up you can add the command as External Tool in Eclipse using Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations.
Or if you want to use Eclipse you can choose File > Export > Java > Runnable JAR file and select the option 'Copy required libraries into a sub folder next to the generated JAR'. However to do this you will need to add a main class, and run it once as a Java Application before trying to export. The Main class can be empty or not.
package test;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Really, it depends what packaging capabilities you have.
You need to compile your classes in one or more jars, and then put them in the %JMETER_HOME%/lib/ext folder.
Or use maven to do it all for you.

Maven Jaxb Generate Fails When Compiling A Module That Depends On Multiple Modules

I have an Eclipse Maven project consisting of multiple modules, some of which contain Xml schemas that I want to generate classes for (using Jaxb). My project layout is as follows:
schemas\core (pom)
schemas\core\types (jar)
schemas\vehicle (pom)
schemas\vehicle\automobile (jar)
schemas\vehicle\civic (jar)
The projects that contain schemas are:
schemas\core\types (xsd\types.xsd)
schemas\vehicle\automobile (xsd\automobile.xsd)
schemas\vehicle\civic (xsd\civic.xsd)
Some of the modules contain schemas that import schemas from other modules:
automobile.xsd imports types.xsd
civic.xsd imports types.xsd, automobile.xsd
Since the schemas are located in different projects I use a classpath catalog resolver along with catalog files to resolve the location of the schemas.
The automobile project depends on schemas in the types project. Here is the entry in its catalog file (catalog.xml):
<rewriteSystem systemIdStartString="http://schemas/core/types/" rewritePrefix="classpath:xsd/" />
Note the use of classpath:xsd/ to tell the catalog resolver to find the schemas on the classpath.
I also use episodes to prevent the classes in types from being re-generated inside the automobile project. Here is a snippit from my pom.xml:
When I run mvn clean install on automobile project everything works file. The schema types.xsd is resolved on the classpath and the classes are ultimately generated.
Where I run into problems is trying to compile the project civic.
The civic project depends on both types.xsd and automobile.xsd. I use a catalog file (catalog.xml) to define the location of the schemas:
<rewriteSystem systemIdStartString="http://schemas/core/types/" rewritePrefix="classpath:xsd/" />
<rewriteSystem systemIdStartString="http://schemas/vehicle/automobile/" rewritePrefix="classpath:xsd/" />
I use episodes to prevent re-generation of the classes. Here is a snippit from the pom.xml for civic:
When I try to run mvn clean install on the civic project I run into problems. It complains about not being able to resolve the public/system ids. Here are some of the error messages I get:
Could not resolve publicId [null], systemId [jar:file:/_m2repository/schemas/vehicle/automobile/1.0-SNAPSHOT/automobile-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!http://schemas/core/types/types.xsd]
[ERROR] Error while parsing schema(s).Location [].
IOException thrown when processing "jar:file:/_m2repository/schemas/vehicle/automobile/1.0-SNAPSHOT/automobile-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!http://schemas/core/types/types.xsd".
Exception: no !/ in spec.
For some reason it cannot find types.xsd when trying to parse the jar file from the automobile project.
Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Thank you.
Note - I was experimenting around with tying to get things to work and I did find one way. If I remove the episodes from the pom.xml file I no longer get the error, however, the project civic ends up with all the types from the dependent modules (which is something I am tying to avoid by using the episodes).
If you want to see the full catalog.xml and pom.xml files for each project please see the following links:
Author of the maven-jaxb2-plugin here.
I have just released the 0.10.0 version of the maven-jaxb2-plugin. This release fixes the MAVEN_JAXB2_PLUGIN-82 issue which is related to the reported problems.
This was actually NOT a bug in the maven-jaxb2-plugin, but an issue (or, better to say a few issues) in the XJC itself:
These issues cause problems when catalog and binding files are used together. This was also the reason why the Maven artifact resoltion did not work correctly in certain cases.
In the 0.10.0 release, I have implemented workarounds for JAXB-1044 and JAXB-1045. I will try to get my patches to the XJC via pull requests, but you know, I'm not sure, when/if Oracle guys will accept my PRs.
In the maven-jaxb2-plugin I've now implemented quite reliable workarounds. See this test project here:
This does exactly what you want: resolves schema via catalog AND Maven resolver to the resource from another artifact. Basically, this rewriting:
REWRITE_SYSTEM "" "maven:org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin-tests-MAVEN_JAXB2_PLUGIN-82-a:jar::!"
now works fine.
In case of problems do mvn -X and check the output, you'll also see the statements of the catalog resolver in the log. This might give you hints, what does not work.
Here's another project which uses schemas, bindings and the catalog itself from one central artifact:
Snippets from the POM:
REWRITE_SYSTEM "" "maven:org.hisrc.w3c:w3c-schemas:jar::!/w3c"
<jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="" node="/xs:schema">
<jaxb:package name="org.hisrc.w3c.xlink.v_1_0"/>
So how all of this works:
Schemas as well as the catalog and global bindings are stored in the central artifact w3c-schemas.
The project wants to compile the URL
The catalog rewrites this URL into the systemId maven:org.hisrc.w3c:w3c-schemas:jar::!/w3c/1999/xlink.xsd. (There's a /w3c/1999/xlink.xsd resource in the w3c-schemas jar).
This systemId is then resolved my the Maven catalog resolver (delivered my the maven-jaxb2-plugin) into the "real" URL which will be some jar:... URL pointing to the resource within the w3c-schemas artifact JAR in the local repository.
So the schema is not downloaded from the Internet but taken from the local resource.
The workaround keep the "original" systemIds, therefor you can customize the schema using its original URL. (The resolved systemId won't be convenient.)
The catalog file and the global bindings file will be the same for all the individual projects, so they're also put into the central artifact and referenced there using the dependencyResource.
I have the same problem. Schema C imports B and A, B imports A. Generating sources for A, works, B is also fine and for C a MalformedUrlException pops up.
I'm still investigating the error but a workaround is to use the systemIdSuffix (Oasis spec 1.1) to match the systemId and rewrite it. You need to do the following:
Remove the 'catalogResolver' element from the plugin configuration in the poms.
Replace the content of the catalog file for the 'automobile' project with the following:
<systemSuffix systemIdSuffix="types.xsd" uri="maven:schemas.core:types!/types.xsd"/>
Replace the content of the catalog file for the 'civic' project with the following:
<systemSuffix systemIdSuffix="types.xsd" uri="maven:schemas.core:types!/types.xsd"/>
<systemSuffix systemIdSuffix="automobile.xsd" uri="maven:schemas.vehicle:automobile!/automobile.xsd"/>
Let me know if this works for you.
I faced similar problems. I used the sample projects found here.
I modified these projects in 2 ways:
1) Have an A project with 2 namespaces and a local catalog file. Have a project B depending on this, using the episode of A in B.
2) Have an A project, a B project and a C project. B relies on A and C relies on B.
In both cases I got the same exception as you. But I started to realize in situation 2 what is happening.
This is the exception:
com.sun.istack.SAXParseException2; IOException thrown when processing "jar:file:/Users/sjaak/.m2/repository/org/tst/b-working/1.0/b-working-1.0.jar!". Exception: no !/ in spec.
So, it tries to resolve namespace relative to project B when building project C. I traced the problem back to, method startElement.
The solution I use is adapting the org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2:maven-jaxb2-plugin. I used their MavenCatalogResolver (the default one as pointed out above) and made a small change, simply not offering the whole systemId: jar:file:/Users/sjaak/.m2/repository/org/tst/b-working/1.0/b-working-1.0.jar!, but in stead use a pattern that only offers the part after the exclamation mark for resolving.
Here's the code:
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2.DependencyResource;
import org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2.DependencyResourceResolver;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class MavenCatalogResolver extends {
private final static Pattern PTRN = Pattern.compile("^jar:file:(.*).jar!(.*)$");
public static final String URI_SCHEME_MAVEN = "maven";
private final DependencyResourceResolver dependencyResourceResolver;
private final CatalogManager catalogManager;
public MavenCatalogResolver(CatalogManager catalogManager,
DependencyResourceResolver dependencyResourceResolver) {
this.catalogManager = catalogManager;
if (dependencyResourceResolver == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Dependency resource resolver must not be null.");
this.dependencyResourceResolver = dependencyResourceResolver;
public String getResolvedEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
String result;
Matcher matcher = PTRN.matcher(systemId);
if (matcher.matches())
result = super.getResolvedEntity(publicId,;
result = super.getResolvedEntity(publicId, systemId);
if (result == null) {
return null;
try {
final URI uri = new URI(result);
if (URI_SCHEME_MAVEN.equals(uri.getScheme())) {
final String schemeSpecificPart = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
try {
final DependencyResource dependencyResource = DependencyResource
try {
final URL url = dependencyResourceResolver
String resolved = url.toString();
return resolved;
} catch (Exception ex) {
catalogManager.debug.message(1, MessageFormat.format(
"Error resolving dependency resource [{0}].",
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
catalogManager.debug.message(1, MessageFormat.format(
"Error parsing dependency descriptor [{0}].",
return null;
} else {
return result;
} catch (URISyntaxException urisex) {
return result;
This actually fixed my problem. I'll investigate a bit more. I've got the feeling there might be some XJC arg that I could use, or perhaps the catalog XML format offers more possibilities.
Hope it helps.

Copying java source file from different maven project and modifying its package declaration

Suppose we have two different maven projects; project A and project B
Project B uses A and needs to dynamically (using maven pluggins ?) copy a source file "" from project A, modify its package declaration and compile it (project B should have the same class from project A but with other package declaration ..)
I am trying to copy the source file from A to B before modifying the package declaration and compile all.
Is this the good approach ?
So, project A expose its java file as a resource
But how can I copy this file to B (B is a dependency in A) ? does "maven-resources-plugin" enable to copy resources from a dependency project, and if so, how do I specify the property "directory" in "resource"
I tried by specify the location of the file in the jar dependency but it did not work
Do you have other propositions ?
Finally I solved it by the following steps:
1 - Use "maven-dependency-plugin" to extract (unpack) what I want (the source files from the jar) of included artifacts.
2 - Use "maven-antrun-plugin" to execute ant commands, to replace the strings, create the new package and move modified sources ..
see here
3 - Use "build-helper-maven-plugin" to point the compiler to the new source package in order to include them in the compilation phase
PS: These three steps must happen in the phase "generate-sources" !
maven-resources-plugin enable you to copy java source anywhere before compiling (you can initialize phases) but the problem lies in package declaration in the java file. you need to modify it also and that is not simple in maven
But why you need to do so ? why you need to use the same code in two different packages ???
