How to inject a zero-noise signal compact binary coalescence signal - bilby

Is it possible to inject a signal by itself with no coloured Gaussian noise?
Question asked by Arunava Mukherjee via email

Yes. There are two easy ways to do this.
1) Use the existing helper functions
When generating an interferometer object, bilby provides several helper routines denoted by In this case, you'll want to use this function (I've truncated the doctring)
name, injection_parameters, injection_polarizations=None,
waveform_generator=None, sampling_frequency=4096, duration=4,
start_time=None, outdir='outdir', label=None, plot=True, save=True,
Helper function to obtain an Interferometer instance with appropriate
power spectral density and data, given an center_time.
Note: by default this generates an Interferometer with a power spectral
density based on advanced LIGO.
name: str
Detector name, e.g., 'H1'.
zero_noise: bool
If true, set noise to zero.
So you just pass the flag in and it will create an interferometer with just the injection signal (you'll then need to make one for each interferometer you want in the list of interferometers passed in to the likelihood.
2) Use the low level set strain data methods
Alternatively, you may instead wish to use the low level methods themselves. As a general rule of thumb, you can always look at the source code for the generic helper functions to figure out how this should be done. Here, we create a H1 interferometer set the strain data with zero noise and inject a signal:
interferometer = get_empty_interferometer("H1")
interferometer.power_spectral_density = PowerSpectralDensity.from_aligo()
sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration,
injection_polarizations = interferometer.inject_signal(
Information correct as of v.0.3.5


Web2py Number Formatting for Thousands

I'm sort of new to Web2py. I have a system that's working just fine, but I want to make an improvement regarding visualization. There's a couple of fields that use numbers (defined as double in their respective define_table methods) to represent currency, but I want them to also show with a separator for thousands, such as 183,403,293.34. I checked some documentation, but I couldn't find a direct way to handle this form of customization, though I could be missing something.
Any suggestions regarding this? Cheers!
First, if representing currency, you should use the decimal field type rather than double (some calculations using double values may yield incorrect results due to the use of floating point representations internally). However, if using SQLite, there is no distinction between decimal and double, so in that case, you might want to multiply all values by 100 and instead store integers.
In any case, to display a given numeric value with thousands separators in Python, you can do:
For more details, see and
If you are using the values via web2py functionality that makes use of the field's represent function (e.g., the grid or the .render() method), you can define a custom represent function, such as:
Field('amount', 'decimal(12, 2)',
represent=lambda v, r: '{:,}'.format(v) if v is not None else '')
You could use the Python function of the locale module:
{{= locale.format ('%. 2f', your_value, grouping = True)}}

How can I add the P5-property to a s.Vector object?

I have two different variations of the
let diff = nearby.boid.velocity
console.log(diff.p5) //undefined
diff = p5.Vector.div(diff, nearby.d*nearby.d)
let diff = p5.Vector.sub(this.position, nearby.boid.velocity);
console.log(diff.p5) // an object with the p5-property
I want to normalize the code so I can put it in a function. In the first example, I can't use diff.div and in the second, I can't use p5.vector.div. p5.vector.sub is adding a the p5 property, can I do that without subtraction somehow?
I'm a little confused about what you're trying to do: why do you need the p5 reference inside your function? Why can't you use p5.Vector.div() in your second example? Can you post a small example that shows what you're trying to do, and why it won't work?
Keep in mind that there are two versions of the functions: static and non-static. For example:
p5.Vector.div() is static, takes two parameters, and returns a result without modifying the parameters.
myVectorInstance.div() is non-static. It takes one parameter, and modifies myVectorInstances to it contains the result.
If you want to create a function that does not affect the parameters, then you probably want to use the static version.
If you're curious, you can look at the code for p5.Vector here. Looks like it uses the p5 reference internally to convert between degrees and radians using the p5.toRadians() and p5.fromRadians() functions. I don't know why some instances of p5.Vector populate it and others do not, but it seem like an implementation detail that you aren't supposed to rely on.

How can I use more than one additional regressor with DeepAREstimator in gluon-ts?

When creating training or test data in gluon-ts we can specify an additional real-valued regressor in the DeepAREstimator by specifying a feat_dynamic_real. Is there support for multiple real-valued regressors?
There is a one_dim_target flag in gluonts.dataset.common.ListDataset which is used to create the training/test data objects. This seems like it could be needed to support multiple additional regressors, however I couldn't find a good example on the intended usage.
Here is the set up for creating training data with one additional regressor:
training_data = ListDataset(
[{"start": df.index[0], "target": df.values, "feat_dynamic_real": df['randomColumn'].values}],
freq = "5min", one_dim_target=False
and the Estimator:
from gluonts.model.deepar import DeepAREstimator
from gluonts.trainer import Trainer
estimator = DeepAREstimator(freq="5min", prediction_length=12, trainer=Trainer(epochs=10))
predictor = estimator.train(training_data=training_data)
I'm looking for the syntax/configuration needed for multiple regressors.
Yes, there is support for that. First of, Gluon TS refers to regressors as features and the signal that we are trying to predict as target. Thus, the one_dim_target flag you mention is related to the dimension of the ouput and not the input.
Below is the code I use to associate a multi-dimensional feature (input) to each target signal (I use a one-dimensional target)
train_ds = ListDataset([{FieldName.TARGET: target,
FieldName.START: start,
for (target, start, fdr) in zip(
In the zip-function above,
target: Is a 1-dimensional numpy array containing the target signal, i.e., the shape of target is (1,#of time steps)
custom_ds_metadata['start'] : Is a pandas date variable indicating the beginning of the data
feat_dynamic_real: Is a 2-dimensional numpy array containing two feature signals, i.e., feat_dynamic_real has shape (#of features, #number of time steps)

Setting the power spectral density from a file

How does one set the power spectral density (PSD) from file and is it possible to use a different PSD for generating the data and for likelihood evaluation?
Question asked by Vivien Raymond by email.
Setting the PSD from file
To set the PSD from a file, first initialise a list of interferometers, here we just use Hanford:
>>> ifos =['H1'])
Every element of the list is initialised with a default PSD using the advanced LIGO noise curve, to check this
>>> ifos[0].power_spectral_density
PowerSpectralDensity(psd_file='/home/user1/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bilby-0.3.5-py3.6.egg/bilby/gw/noise_curves/aLIGO_ZERO_DET_high_P_psd.txt', asd_file='None')
Note, no data has yet been generated. To overwrite the PSD,simply create a new PowerSpectralDensity object and assign it (if you have multiple detectors, you'll need to do this for every element of the list)
ifos[0].power_spectral_density =
Nest, generate an instance of the strain data from the PSD:
sampling_frequency=4096, duration=4,
You can check what the data looks like by doing
Note, you can also inject signals using the ifos.inject_signal method.
Using a different PSD for likelihood evaluation
Each ifo in the ifos list contains both the data and a PSD (or equivalent ASD). For inference, we pass that list into the object as the first argument and the PSD for each element of the list is used in calculating the likelihood.
So, if you want to use a different PSD for likelihood estimate. First generate the data (as above). Then, assign the PSD you want to use for sampling to each element of ifos and pass that object into the likelihood instead. This won't overwrite the data (provided you don't call set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_densities of course).

ROC on multiple test sets in h2o (python)

I had a use-case that I thought was really simple but couldn't find a way to do it with h2o. I thought you might know.
I want to train my model once, and then evaluate its ROC on a few different test sets (e.g. a validation set and a test set, though in reality I have more than 2) without having to retrain the model. The way I know to do it now requires retraining the model each time:
train, valid, test = fr.split_frame([0.2, 0.25], seed=1234)
rf_v1 = H2ORandomForestEstimator( ... )
rf_v1.train(features, var_y, training_frame=train, validation_frame=valid)
roc = rf_v1.roc(valid=1)
rf_v1.train(features, var_y, training_frame=train, validation_frame=test) # training again with the same training set - can I avoid this?
roc2 = rf_v1.roc(valid=1)
I can also use model_performance(), which gives me some metrics on an arbitrary test set without retraining, but not the ROC. Is there a way to get the ROC out of the H2OModelMetrics object?
You can use the h2o flow to inspect the model performance. Simply go to: http://localhost:54321/flow/index.html (if you changed the default port change it in the link); type "getModel "rf_v1"" in a cell and it will show you all the measurements of the model in multiple cells in the flow. It's quite handy.
If you are using Python, you can find the performance in your IDE like this:
rf_perf1 = rf_v1.model_performance(test)
and then print the ROC like this:
print (rf_perf1.auc())
Yes, indirectly. Get the TPRs and FPRs from the H2OModelMetrics object:
out = rf_v1.model_performance(test)
fprs = out.fprs
tprs = out.tprs
roc = zip(fprs, tprs)
(By the way, my H2ORandomForestEstimator object does not seem to have an roc() method at all, so I'm not 100% sure that this output is in the exact same format. I'm using h2o version
