How can I get the user's first and last name by his gmail? - google-api

I am developing an application to work In my application through Google_Service_Directory I got a users. But I can not understand who it is - I see only gmail. I want by gmail to get the name and surname. How can I do it?
On the Internet, I found answers to the Google Plus library. But Google Plus is closing. What are some other ways to get your first and last name by gmail?

You have a few options and they will give you similar information.
people get Google+ api.
response: people.resource
"objectType": "person",
"id": "11720047553265346",
"displayName": "Linda Lawton",
"name": {
"familyName": "Lawton",
"givenName": "Linda"
Note: this call appears on the Google+ api documentation how ever this end point is not being shutdown. (waiting for feed back from google on if this is shut down or not.)
Userinfo endpoint
The second option is to call the identity server directly to the userinfo endpoint as described in OpenIDConnect requires profile scope i think
people.get people api
people.get from the people api
"displayName": "Linda Lawton",
"familyName": "Lawton",
"givenName": "Linda",
"displayNameLastFirst": "Lawton, Linda"
Cant search on email
Note: This will give you the information on the current logged in user. There is no way to get back the name of a persona directly by their email address. Assuming you are running an service account with domain wide delegation you may be able to use people.get with the user id of one of the users on the domain. I have not tried this


Why does it turn into an unavailable room when I create a google resource calendar with its API?

I'm going to create a google resource calendar room via its API (i.e. But the problem is, when I create one, it turns into an unavailable (crossed out) room within google calendar rooms and I couldn't find any attribute to make it available!
Here's the body request/response:
"kind": "admin#directory#resources#calendars#CalendarResource",
"etags": "\"CTyc505ppdmJR2motHVsU17kzItOkPo5vYViqlSF0rU/FB0b765ZgWIpTBaxn5YQIwZWWNM\"",
"resourceId": "9f698cdc-84f9-4688-95a7-c2207b4fa7ae",
"resourceName": "StackOverflow Test",
"generatedResourceName": "Orangery Hildesheim Nordstadt-EG-StackOverflow Test (3)",
"resourceEmail": "",
"capacity": 3,
"buildingId": "Orangery-Hildesheim-Nordstadt",
"floorName": "EG",
"resourceCategory": "CONFERENCE_ROOM"
Here's the output on google calendar:
After two months finally I found a solution!
In fact, the main problem is related to the lack of permission for those created resources for other users in the organization. To tackle this problem I used another google API named ACL (Access Control Level) ref, to set a privilege for other users. Basically, a google resource actually is a google resource calendar, so you can use ACL API to access that calendar. Moreover, the parameter to reach that calendar is resourceEmail as the unique ID of the respective resource calendar.
Here's the thing I did to make unavailable resources to be available (bookable):
change calendarId with the value of resourceEmail of the google resource.
the body of the request:
"scope": {
"type": "domain",
"value": "" # if you selected type as `domain` you should write your domain name here.
"role": "writer"
With this procedure, you will need to the authorization scope as well.

Google Calendar API request is denied for scope

My app needs to create a Google Calendar and manage events in it for users. Google API Console allows to create a consent form for this scope:
It is supposed to allow creation of secondary calendars and events in those calendars. Description reads:
Make secondary Google calendars, and see, create, change, and delete
events on them
However, after a user gives permission through the consent form etc, I am getting PERMISSION_DENIED when I try to create a calendar (I am using the REST api
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.",
"errors": [
"message": "Insufficient Permission",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "insufficientPermissions"
My code and the rest of the plumbing (authorization code, access token etc) works because if I use this scope:
I am able to create the calendar.
So, anybody knows if is deprecated or something? It is not listed in the V3 calendar documentation but I was hopping that it continue to work. I hate to ask the user for full permission to all calendars since I only want to create and access a secondary calendar and that scope supposed to do exactly what I need.
As you can see under OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs, is not a valid scope for Calendar API v3.
The documentation for Calendars:insert states that the only valid scope for creating a new calendar is
You notice yourself that if you try to create a calendar with - be it on OAuth2 playground or elsewhere - the request fails with a 403 error
Unfortunately is not a valid scope, the acceptance of this scope on OAuth2 playground is a bug. might not seem as valid scope - but works for me.
Successfully could create new calendar with that scope, then manage events within it, and calendar itself appears on list of calendars in
Can't really help much without knowing exactly the flow you have on creating and executing requests to google. Also keep in mind it worked for me with server side app. Using latest library provided by google for PHP.

Enable Google My Business API. Api calls failed

I tried to access GMB account list api with an access token having scope
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Google My Business API has not been used in project xxxxxx before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"links": [
"description": "Google developers console API activation",
"url": ""
Whenever I tried to submit request from I got an email from GMB that
Your company already has a whitelisted project to access the Google My Business API. At this time, we are only whitelisting one project per business..
I checked, but there is no library with name Google My Business.
Current enabled Libraries are
Have you submitted the form to get access to the GMB API?
When you fill it, you have to precise the email addresses that Google will grant access to. Maybe someone else filled in for your company but didn't mention your email address.
In my case, when I received a confirmation email from the GMB team, I was able to see the GMB API when I searched for it in the console (see screenshot)
Then, all I had to do was to click to enable it.

Zoho API: Get the user that is making the request

I have seen Zoho APIs give us the option to get all kinds of user information, yet I cannot find any method to fetch info about the user that is currently making the request.
OAuth2 secured API's usually offer such an endpoint, like Google or Twitter do.
In their documentation there is something that looks like it:
But then they shatter any hope with their explanation:
CurrentUser - To get the list of current CRM users
Is there any known way achieve this?
This is the right endpoint:
It requires the aaaserver.profile.READ scope.
Example Response:
"ZUID": 123123123123,
"First_Name": "Example",
"Last_Name": "Name",
"Display_Name": "Example Name",
"Email": ""
I have tested this personally and can confirm that the text on their docs is wrong.
They say:
CurrentUser - To get the list of current CRM users
But in reality, that endpoint really does return a single user everytime, the user to whom the oauth token belongs. So it's not returning "a list of current CRM users", but rather "the currently logged in user" - exactly as you desire.
So your gut was right, and that endpoint will achieve what you are trying to do.

Google API - How can I get the gmail contact details page?

My application use google+ sign-up and login system.
When user click on gplus button allows my app to manage his gmail contacts.
After logged in, I can get all the gmail contacts very easily with a simple $.getJSON call.
Google response is a well structured JSON - feed and entries where I can find contacts fullname, email address, mobile number etc.
My problem is to be able to jump to the google details page of a specific contact.
Here my question: Do you know how can I do that?
I mean ... where is the contact unique identifier and how can I make a link that open the google details of that specific contact?
Use Google+ data API instead. It returns with details of use including id of that user.
Its response is as below:
"kind": "plus#person",
"id": "118051310819094153327",
"displayName": "Chirag Shah",
"url": "",
"image": {
"url": ""
Now, using that id, you can goto user details page at
for full details, see here:
