When executing bin/console cache:clear the debugger won't stop on the first line of code.
The following output is shown in the xdebug log.
[18806] Log opened at 2019-02-04 15:58:42
[18806] I: Checking remote connect back address.
[18806] I: Checking header 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'.
[18806] I: Checking header 'REMOTE_ADDR'.
[18806] W: Remote address not found, connecting to configured address/port: :-|
[18806] I: Connected to client. :-)
[18806] -> <init xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="http://xdebug.org/dbgp/xdebug" fileuri="file:///home/vagrant/projects/valkplanner2/bin/console" language="PHP" xdebug:language_version="7.3.0RC3" protocol_version="1.0" appid="18806" idekey="PHPSTORM"><engine version="2.7.0beta1"><![CDATA[Xdebug]]></engine><author><![CDATA[Derick Rethans]]></author><url><![CDATA[https://xdebug.org]]></url><copyright><![CDATA[Copyright (c) 2002-2018 by Derick Rethans]]></copyright></init>
I am using PhpStorm 2018.3.3.
The following is my debug configuration in PhpStorm:
And this is the Xdebug configuration in /etc/php/7.3/cli/php.ini.
;use `route -n` to find dev machine IP address from homestead environment (seems to default to
The debugger works just fine when I do a request with the browser or Postman using the ?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=PHPSTORM in the URL or the Chrome debugger addon.
The log suggests communication with xdebug works, but PhpStorm does not react.
Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Sounds like another service listening on Xdebug port instead of PhpStorm.
On Mac, PhpStorm cannot detect if Xdebug port is already used by another service or not (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-29443).
You may use sudo lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN sort of command to see what that service might be. Most likely it will be php-fpm (as it uses TCP 9000 port by default). On Mac & Linux, php-fpm quite likely will be installed on your dev machine (usually gets installed together with PHP).
Solution: change Xdebug port from default 9000 to some another port, most often it would be just next one -- 9001. Do it in both php.ini and PhpStorm (make sure that it's not listening to debug connections at that moment; if it does, stop and start again). If you are using some webserver (e.g. Apache) you may need to restart that as well (for PHP to read new config).
I'm trying to share the port 443 from my development machine (win10) to my laptop (os x) using the amazing Live Share feature of Visual Studio Code.
On the dev machine I can access the service (running behind an nginx reverse proxy), so server is running fine.
VS Code doc mention a 1:1 mapping for the port "unless it's already in use".
Checking with sudo lsof -P -i TCP -s TCP:LISTEN on the mac, I can confirm 443 is not in use.
But the port on the mac is mapped to a random port (50150 in this case) instead of 443.
I guess I'm lacking some rights to open a sub 1000 port on os x.
Does anyone know what I can do (I mean other then running vscode as root)
Short answer (for anyone who would find this later) : not possible!
Restricted ports are ... restricted.
And as I said in the question i don't want to run vscode as root.
But what I ok to run as root is a small utility to do port forwarding.
So I'm now using portforward (npm -> https://www.npmjs.com/package/portforward ) to do just that, and everything works fine.
Have spent over a day trying to get PhpStorm to debug a Drupal site inside a Vagrant virtual machine running Xdebug and I feel I'm close - but just not quite there yet.
Currently, in PhpStorm when debugging I have an error:
Waiting for incoming connection with ide key 'PHPSTORM'
In the Xdebug log in the VM (at /tmp/xdebug.log)
[2094] I: Checking remote connect back address.
[2094] I: Checking header 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'.
[2094] I: Checking header 'REMOTE_ADDR'.
[2094] I: Remote address found, connecting to
[2161] E: Time-out connecting to client (Waited: 200 ms). :-(
[2161] Log closed at 2020-12-15 04:25:32
I tried setting up the Zero-configuration debugging without any luck.
For the debugging configuration, I have a PHP Remote Debug that validates correctly although it always defaults to the 'Local Web Server or Shared Folder' rather than the 'Remote Web Server' option.
When I started the project I set it up as a local web server option and I'm worried that I haven't changed the correct settings to now make this a remote web server. The connection type for the deployment is now 'Local or mounted folder' but originally this was 'In-place'.
Under Languages & Frameworks --> PHP --> Servers, I set this up on port 80, using Xdebug and without path mappings. I tried changing the port etc but then it doesn't validate so I'm confident that the server settings are correct and that PhpStorm is talking to the virtual machine correctly.
I changed the /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini file but phpinfo() says the configuration is coming from /etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.ini. The changes I made in the php.ini file are active though. phpinfo() is showing:
xdebug.idekey: PHPSTORM
xdebug.remote_port: 9000
xdebug.remote_autostart: Off
xdebug.remote_connect_back: On
Really at a loss now as to what to try next. It is incredibly frustrating so hope someone can shed some light.
EDIT --- As per comment here is the screenshots of the setup:
Deployment: Local or mounted folder
PHP settings
The server setup
Debug settings
Validate the debugger from the remote server
Run Chrome with the debug addon running
The error message
The Run debug configuration settings
Start of the phpinfo with the config file showing where the xdebug settings need to be edited.
The Xdebug settings of phpinfo()
Some of the tests as per the comments:
After logging in to 'vagrant SSH' it shows the IP address to be used ( The local computer is also IP a telnet test of both of these works.
A 'sudo nano' of the Xdebug ini file
NOTE: Changing the remote connect back to 0 fixed the connection:
And then the path mapping needed to be turned on in the Server settings and then everything was working correctly.
Big thanks to LazyOne for his helpful and thorough comments. :)
1) Check if there are separate php.ini files used by web server, -- you need to edit the right php.ini file.
Run phpinfo() and check to see if there is an ini file for Xdebug. In my case this was at /etc/php/7.4/fpm/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini
2) What's your Xdebug version?
Version 2 and 3 of Xdebug have slightly different parameters. In my case I was running Xdebug 2.9.5
3) What is the IP address of your Host OS as seen from the inside the VM? That's where Xdebug should connect (as it's Xdebug that connects to IDE and NOT other way around).
When you first log in to the SSH there will be an IP address shown. This is what the IP should be for Xdebug. In my example, this was
4) xdebug.remote_connect_back: On -- try set it off and ensure that you have correct xdebug.remote_host (as Xdebug v2 may not fallback to remote_host value when autodetected IP fails.
This fixed my connection!
sudo nano /etc/php/7.4/fpm/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini
Then change:
Save, and then restart the server.
Test the connection again. After this step I had a connection between the host and remote server but I also had to turn on path mapping in PhpStorm to get the debugger working 100%.
5) Ensure that PhpStorm is the one that listens on Xdebug port when "phone handle" icon is enabled (use netstat or alike to confirm) and is allowed in firewall.
6) If you know the correct IP and sure that PhpStorm is listening -- you can just use telnet from inside the VM and try to connect to IDE on Xdebug port -- if connected then IP, port and firewall is most likely set up correctly.
Even with the error messages, the telnet check was working. So it pointed to the issue being with the Xdebug setup rather than the handshaking between the host and remote server.
Thanks to LazyOne's comments for finding the answer and for presenting a great workflow to help identify the problem.
I was experiencing something very similar to what you described.
I was able to start a debug session from the xdebug cli tool (dbgpClient) which proved to me that it was an issue with phpStorm.
My project is using a legacy version of xdebug. (2.2.7)
Downgrading to phpStorm 2020.2.4 resolved my issue.
(It's one-click in the jetbrains toolbox to downgrade)
Thanks for the answers in this issue. It took me half a day to find out that xdebug 2.2.7 with php5.3.10 doesn't work on Phpstorm 2020.3. So I downgraded to 2020.2.4 and it works again.
I am trying to debug PHP files which sit on a remote server (on the same network) without success.
Here is my php.ini config for xdebug on the remote server where PHP and xdebug are installed:
xdebug.remote_autostart=0 is the IP address of my PC on which my editor is installed.
I have tried to get this working with both Atom and Sublime Text 3 without success. I think that my path bindings may be incorrect.
I log into the remote linux machine using SFTP. I can then double click on php files in my application and they will open in my editor where I can work on them and save them. How can I set up the path bindings to debug these remote php files? I'm not sure what the second (local) part of the path binding should actually be? Do I need to add the location where the FTP software stores a temporary copy of the file I am working on as the local part of the binding?
I have tried the following:
URL - the address of where the app runs on the remote server:
e.g. http://www.mywebsite.com/testapp/
Path Binding - remote path to the application root on linux : path to the local copy of the files on my machine where the FTP software stores them:
e.g. /web/testApp/ : C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\scp18929\
I'm a little confused about how the path binding works, and what the values should be. Am I doing this correctly? Can this even be done?
If anyone can help that would be great.
Probably, the first thing to check is whether Xdebug actually tries to connect to your IDE. You can do that, by adding:
to your php.ini file. When you then initiate debugging, there should be information in the /tmp/xdebug.log file, where it will tell you where it tried to connect too, and whether the connection succeeded or failed.
If you get something like:
I: Remote address found, connecting to
E: Could not connect to client. :-(
That means that either your IDE wasn't listening for something, or that there is a firewall preventing an incoming connection, or that the IP address is incorrect.
Instructions for running weinre state that I need to insert following script:
<script src="http://a.b.c:8081/target/target-script-min.js"></script>
where http://a.b.c is my server IP or host name.
Couple of questions:
Does this mean that I must open port 8081 on my remote server?
Also what is the target-script-min.js? It looks like I need to upload it to a target folder?
The way you start the weinre sever is by running the command
in your command line. And then you leaving it running for as long as you're still using weinre. You have options for this command that you can find by type weinre --help, but the important ones are --boundHost, and --httpPort. --boundHost defaults to localhost and --httpPort defaults to 8080. So run
weinre --boundHost
where is your ip address, which you can find by running ipconfig. Put the following in your code:
<script src=""></script>
Then, in your browser, go to
I wrote a blog post about it here: https://adam.garrett-harris.com/how-to-setup-remote-debugging-in-phonegap
To answer your second question, the target-script-min.js is just a javascript file that's a part of weinre whenever you install it. When you have weinre running, you can visit
to see the file if you want.
The weinre server is "started" by executing this command weinre --boundHost a.b.c.d where a.b.c.d stands for the local IP of the desktop used for debugging. The port 8080 will be opened (default port, but you may configure an other one).
At this point, the script http://a.b.c.d:8080/target/target-script-min.js becomes available on your local network, and may be called by your application located on an other device in the same local network.
If your application or tested web page call this script, it will be seen by your desktop.
Therefore, you don't have anything to upload on your target...
Weinri debug resume
After successfully installed weinri,
1 - Run this command with your ip address:
weinre --boundHost
2 - Attach in your code header:
<script src=""></script>
3 - Access your website in your tablet or whatever device
3 - Get the wenri debug screen on:
Obs: 'anonymous' word can be replaced by another of your choice.
if you can't debug your html page even after completing all of the steps mentioned in the Nokia Developer Article,
then check your windows firewall settings.Please be sure that the firewall setting for private network is TURNED OFF ..
Just got XAMPP 1.8.1 installed on my Windows 8 PC, this version includes packages mentioned below:
Apache 2.4.3
MySQL 5.5.27
PHP 5.4.7
FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41
Tomcat 7.0.30 (with mod_proxy_ajp as connector)
Strawberry Perl Portable
XAMPP Control Panel 3.1.0 (from hackattack142)
When I launched and tried to start Apache, it gave following error:
12:04:41 PM [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
12:04:41 PM [Apache] Status change detected: running
12:04:42 PM [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
12:04:42 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
12:04:42 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
12:04:42 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
12:04:42 PM [Apache] Check the "/xampp/apache/logs/error.log" file
12:04:42 PM [Apache] and the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
After that I checked error.log, it was empty so no help from there.
So here is the solution for this:
I check port 80 used by Skype, after that I changes port to 81 and also along with that somewhere i read this error may be because of SSL Port then I changed SSL port to 444. However this got resolved easily.
One most important thing to notice here, all the port changes should be done inside config files, for http port change: httpd.conf for SSL httpd-ssl.conf. Otherwise changes will not replicate to Apache, Sometime PC reboot is also required.
Edit: Make Apache use port 80 and make Skype communicate on other Port
For those who are struggling with Skype, want to change its port and to make Apache to use port 80.
No need to Re-Install, Here is simply how to change Skype Port
Goto: Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection
There you need to uncheck Use port 80 and 443 as alternative for incoming connections.
That's it, here is screen shot of it.
I had the exact same error.
It was because i didn't run setup_xampp.bat
This is a better solution than going through config files and changing ports.
This problem may occur due to apache not getting required port (default is 80).
The port may be being used by other services.
For example: Skype also has default port 80.
Installing Skype and Apache both on same machine will cause conflict and hence Apache will not start.
Either, you change Skype port or change Apache port as described in following steps:
Change the ports of Apache and it will work for you.
Go to httpd.conf
How to change port for Apache:
Search for:
ServerName localhost:80
Change it to:
ServerName localhost:81
Also Search For:
Listen 80
Change it to:
Listen 81
If you have created any virtual hosts, change the ports there also.
Then restart your apache.
I had the same problem, but I understand the VMware service is the problem. VMware host service and Apache service conflict together.
To Solve it »
Run your task manager » in services tab find VMwareHostd » then right click and stop it » every thing have been solved.
Enter services.msc and shutdown anything SQL you have running.
The SQL server might be taking over the port.
I had the same problem and error, I tried changing the ports for http port from 80 to 81 and ssl port from 443 to 444 but still received the same error so I reverted the ports to default and ran setup_xampp.bat which solve the problem in seconds.
Skype is usually the culprit because it uses port 80 by default. Just close it or uncheck "Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections" under tools > options... > advanced > connection and then restart Skype.
I had to manually edit the 2 text files (httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf) using the Config button for Apache to run and change in notepad from 80 > 81 and 443 > 444
Using the Xampp UI config manager doesn't save the changes into Apache.
change 80 to 81 and 443 to 444 by clicking config button and editing httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.congf. Now you can Access XAMPP from
An error in your httpd.conf or other Apache config files will cause this. Revert httpd.conf et al to the pristine, installer versions and see if Apache runs again.
(I tried Skype and other suggestions here, no luck, but logs [XAMPP > Apache > Logs button] showed that it ran once when first installed. That was the giveaway.)
Likely errors:
Did you edit with a Windows text editor that changes line endings to non-Unix? (Solution here.)
Missing or invalid DSO files (.so)
I had this problem and then I ran "apache_start.bat" the error in german told me there was a problem with line 51 in httpd-ssl.conf which is
What I did was comment lines 163 (ssl module) and 522 (httpd-ssl.conf include) in httpd.conf;
I don't need ssl for development, so that solved it for me.