How to get columns of a model instance in Laravel? - laravel

Can I extract a specific column for a model instance in Laravel instead of using query methods statically? more clearly, instead of writing the code below:
MyModel::select('columnName')->where('id', $model->id)->first();
can we write?

Well, when you grab it from a model class, it is a Eloquent Object, and it has all attributes from the database.
But if you are talking about serializing that into an array or JSON everytime, then you need to modify your $visible array ;
if you wanna transform it for a specific case, then you need to do :
MyModel::select('columnName')->where('id', $model->id)->first()->pluck('columnName');


Eloquent model setRelation generating array instead of Collection

If you are doing $instance = $model->with('categories')->find($id); and after var_dump($instance->categories) it going to return Collection of categories.
But on the project I'm working on in some heavy queries, we are not using with and getting data with a combination of GROUP_CONCAT and CONCAT, like this:
\DB::raw('GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(, ",,", SEPARATOR ";;") as categories'),
And then we are building relations manually parsing result and creating a relationship using $instance->setRelation($relation, $data) but for some reason, it's returning an array of objects instead of Collection.
There are also option to use setRelations() and this method returning Collection but I found if you have bidirectional relations it's creating recursion and working really slow. For example: if in User model we have set $this->hasMany('Comments') and in Comments model we have set return $this->belongsTo('User'); and after when we running setRelations() to manually build relations it is create nesting models with recursion (User->Comments->User and so on).
The third option is to not use setRelation() or setRelations() and just to manually create Collection, populating it and set to model. But in such case, it will not be set as a model relation.
Any suggestions on how to build manually in the right way (to create relation is same way eloquent creating with with).
Group return collection of collection so you have to remove the keys of first collection and for that you can use values function of collection like this
$instance->setRelation('relation', $data->values()->all());

Why does Laravel array cast sort the elements, and can it be avoided?

I have a JSON field in a database which is populated using the array cast on an Eloquent model.
Before saving the field, Laravel sorts the elements by their key. Presumably this happens during serialisation.
Why does it do this? And is there a way to prevent it?
If you do not need to implement search by field, you can use the text type instead of the json type. Just before saving, you will need to execute json_encode, either yourself or implement a mutator.
I've never encountered this behavior before, but perhaps you can try using an accessor and a mutator to accomplish what you want. Let's say your database column is meta. You can use Laravel's special setAttribute and getAttribute methods in your model.
A mutator
For example, to json_encode data as it's about to be saved to your database it would be:
public function setMetaAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['meta'] = json_encode($value);
An accessor
To json_decode data as it's being retrieved it would be:
public function getMetaAttribute($value)
return json_decode($value, true);
The rule of thumb is take get or set and append your column name with first letters uppercased and removing any underscores, and appending Attribute to the method name. E.g. active_users column becomes getActiveUsersAttribute and so on.
Try that and see if it does any funky sorting.
Sometimes MySQL changes the order of keys when a JSON field is used.
The basic solution is to use a TEXT field to store json.
See Mysql 5.7 native json support - control keys order in json_insert function

Laravel Eloquent: Access relationship of Original

In Laravel you can use getOriginal() on a model in order to get the original model (before changes since it was queried).
Now I need to access the relationship of that original model... is there a way to do that?
$item = OrderItem::where('id', $id)->with('qualification')->first();
$original_item = $item->getOriginal();
$original_item["qualification"] is not defined. I can access qualification_id though.
getOriginal() method returns array of the model's original attribute values, it is not a model itself, therefore you can not get a relationship.
So you can access the relationship using standard way: $item->qualification, that should not be affected by your changes of the parent model.

Prevent hydration model objects with eloquent

I would like to understand what happen when using the toArray () method in a case like this:
Eloquent prevents the construction of the collection and the hydration of individual model objects and directly returns an array or eloquent first hydrates the collection and the model objects and then converts everything into an array (thus doing an extra operation)?
If the answer was the second, how can I get the first behavior with eloquent?
I specify with eloquent because it would be nice to be able to do this by continuing to refer in an abstract way to the entities without then mentioning specific database features in the code (for example the name of the tables).
Answering both your questions. The second one will happen. And you can't make Eloquent create an array, you can just convert an object or collection to an array.
Also, your query has a lot of redundant code, you could just do this:

How do I add an array of pivot table data to a user?

I have a pivot table of user_activities. I already have the relationship defined in the model, for example:
$activities = User::find($id)->activities;
This returns an array of objects. I want to send the user object with the activities array.
I've tried dynamically assigning this activities array to the user object but I only get an empty object as a result ($user->activities = {}) instead of the array full of activity objects. How do I add this array of activity objects to the user object?
You may try following approach (your approach should work, related models will be loaded later on call (dynamically) but this is better, known as eager loading):
$user = User::with('activities')->find($id);
Make sure you have declared the relationship properly and have related models as well.
