Request user input in bash_profile alias command - bash

Is there anyway to stop in a bash_profile alias command and prompt for a user input? I'm fairly new to writing terminal commands.
I'm making a custom command that will take 2 inputs and edit my host files and set up vhosts for me on my local machine, at the moment i'm just passing the arguments into the command
But ideally I would like to be able to just run addSite, then the command stops and prompts 'Please enter the domain for your new site'.
Is this possible? If not, can someone point me in the right direction to be able to write a custom terminal command that can do this?

You can ask for user input with read and pass a prompt with the -p flag. After the command, you specify the variable name. Then access it like any other variable.
read -p 'Please enter the domain for your new site: ' domain
echo Your domain name: $domain
EDIT: as pointed out by #tripleee in the comments, it's worth noting that this will have unintended side effects if a shell is launched from another source e.g. if you launch an executable file from Finder.


Is there a way to include the input in the bash file so that I will not type the input required in the command line every time I run the bash script

I am utilizing bash scripts to perform auto deployment on live site with Ubuntu server.
One of the line has something like:
scp user_name#ip_address:/path/to/releases/$release
Once the Ubuntu execute this command, it will ask me for password input in the command line like:
Enter passphrase for key '/home/user_name/.ssh/id_rsa':
Is there a way to include the input in the bash file so that I will not type the password in the command line every time I run the bash script?
You could use another file in which you write the needed input lines.
./ < your_input_file.txt
But that really don't seem like the best idea, I'd rather try to prevent the need for input in each of the sub-commands.
You can permanently remove the passphrase on your id_rsa key by running this command and setting a new blank passphrase:
ssh-keygen -p
For a generic solution, you can use an expect script to programmatically drive and interact with a terminal session.

How can I pass arguments to shell script in other command with questions

I have a small doubts because I don't know how can I prepare shell script which should execute other command with questions...
It means e.g. that I have to connect with VPN client and need to answer a several question. Accept trusting (yes/no), then choose VPN option (VPN/VPN-1), introduce login and password. I would like to have one script with all parameters (of course exclude password).
Any ideas? Thanks
If the answers file works, you can avoid placing the password into the file using replacement token. For example, write 'PASSWORD in the file, and then use 'sed' (or other tool) to replace it at run time.
Possible to use 'read -s password' or other method to get the password at run-time.
sed -e 's/__PASSWORD__/$REAL_PASSWORD/' | command-to-setup
If the number of items in the answer file is small, and do not change, you can inline them into your script
command-to-setup <<__ANSWERS__

Creating a GUI to interact with Putty

I have to build one application which on button click starts passing command with putty.exe how can it be done with process.start ?
ProcessStartInfo startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.Arguments = "some load session";
this is my current code but i want to push certain script and commands to putty terminal as well
It looks like PuTTY's command line support is rather minimal, but the -m option may work:
From -m: read a remote command or script from a file
The -m option performs a similar function to the ‘Remote command’ box in the SSH panel of the PuTTY configuration box (see section 4.18.1). However, the -m option expects to be given a local file name, and it will read a command from that file.
With some servers (particularly Unix systems), you can even put multiple lines in this file and execute more than one command in sequence, or a whole shell script; but this is arguably an abuse, and cannot be expected to work on all servers. In particular, it is known not to work with certain ‘embedded’ servers, such as Cisco routers.
You'll have to put your command(s) in a file before and pass that to PuTTY, but for simple tasks, it could work.
As mentioned in a comment on the question, Plink sounds much more amenable to what you're trying to do, as it (appears to) support a fully interactive session via the StandardInput and StandardOutput properties on the object you'll get back from Process.Start().

how to ftp remote server through running a shell script

ftp ipaddress
cd path
get filename
i want these line to be executed in a shell script only first line is executing after entering username and password the rest line are not executing and the control is stuck at ftp> prompt
Once your script invokes the program ftp, the shell loses control until the ftp program finishes. So you need to use some new technique. One way is with the program expect, which you can get a hint about here: . Another way is to use a more "scriptable" FTP client, such as lftp on Linux, which has specific features to enable the sort of scripted use you're going for.
You need to use a non-interactive FTP client if you want to do this in a script rather than an interactive shell. ncftp is one you could check out.
Or you can use a shell "here" document:
ftp -in <<EOS
user pswd
cd path
get filename
The here document sends everything via the open program's stdin, just as if you typed it in at the command line. Note that ftp clients can be finicky and each one seems to have it's own set of gotchas, so some experimentation and use of man ftp will likely be required.
Looks like this has come up before on Stackoverflow, you might want to read through
how to ftp multiple file using shell script

Escape sequence <ESC>]0;

I am currently trying to write a script that uses expect to logon to SSH. Logging on to a server every prompt appears as [user#host]~/directory$ when I use a xterm color terminal. However, if I read the output from SSH directly with expect I see the following <ESC>]0;user#host:~/directory[user#host]~/directory$. Using export PS1="#-->" changes the result to <ESC>]0;user#host:~/directory#-->.
My question is: What does the sequence <ESC>]0;do? And which class of terminals does it belong to? I could not find it for neither VT52 nor VT100.
by default, the label of each tab is the name of the job that's running in that session. some systems are configured to augment this with additional information such as the hostname you're logged in to or your current directory; this is done by sending a special code of:
such as, ESC]0;david#Scott:~^G, would put "david#Scott:~" in my tab title
this is referred to as the XTERM hardstatus hack.
