Geolocation error: ERROR(1): User denied geolocation prompt - firefox

I'm getting a console error in both Firefox and Safari:
ERROR(1): User denied geolocation prompt
when calling navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition()
I've made a very simple Geolocation demo exactly like the example here:
It is https secure, and I click Allow Location Access.
Here's the demo:
It works in Chrome. I can confirm that it does work in Firefox 63, but does not in 64 onwards. It does not work in Safari. Any insight would be much appreciated, thank you!

Look like they fix it in a new Version, facing the same problem:


The example about native message in Firefox

I'm trying to use the native message in Firefox, and I'm trying to run the example in, but Firefox gave me a notice says:
"attempt to post Message on disconnected port."
I tried everything that I can, but it doesn't work. Could anybody help me?

Sonar rest API insufficient privileges

I can't access most of the Sonar API, for example
or see api/sources/scm. api/server/system and some other general stuff works but nothing where I actually see the code.
I always get a
{"errors":[{"msg":"Insufficient privileges"}]}
I set the project permissions to let anyone see source code & browse the porject, I tried it with Postman, a Java HttpRequest, the command line ...
curl -u admin:admin localhost:9000/api/tests/show?key=htmlparser:/src/test/java/
I checked with SonarQube 5.1 and 4.5.1. I've found a posts with the same issue but have yet to find a fix. Does anyone have a solution idea?
Thanks for your help
It was a syntax error (even though the message said Insufficient privileges). The correct call would be:
If you are not sure what goes before the "src/..." don't worry. You can get it by calling api/projects/index and looking at the attribute named "k".

Firebug throws up permission issue in Wordpress / timely calendar

The Calendar on keeps hanging when trying to change months/tags/ etcetera. Strangely it does not hang when you are logged into wordpress.
Running firebug (when logged out of WP) it throws up the following error message when trying to go to the next month:
"NetworkError: 403 Forbidden -"
Clearly there is a permission error, however i can not find a solution (even changing permissions on server did not work)
To reiterate, all works fine when logged in to WP and the above eror only occurs when logged out, ie like every visitor.
Hope this solution is an easy one and i am just overlooking the obvious.
Thanks in advance!
Solution Found!
Was using Ithemes security plugin:
By unticking
* Suspicious Query Strings
* Filter out non-english characters from the query string.
In the plugins settings page
Everything started working again!

How to fix firefox connection untrusted

Firefox gives me connection untrusted for SSL https, and why is that, Chrome shows https in green so, chrome OK, firefox not, why ?
when i install ff 16.0.2, i seem to have same prob with you(untrusted connection especially firefox addon)..For me, it basically cause by my nod32 antivirus, i try go to setting>protocol filtering>ssl>certificates>untick "add the root certificate to known browser''(make sure ff really close)..then tick it again and click OK..done
Please check this:
I thing you can bypass the warning:
You can tell Firefox to bypass these certificate warnings. You should only bypass the warning if you're sure that the site is legitimate. Legitimate public sites will not ask you to do this. An invalid certificate can be an indication of a web page that will defraud you or steal your identity.
1.On the warning page, click Or you can add an exception....
2.Click Add Exception.... The Add Security Exception dialog will appear.
3.Click Get Certificate.
4.Read the text describing the problems with this site.
5.Click Confirm Security Exception if you want to trust the site.
If any of these TS won't work, then try to update to FF V7. Don't forget to file a bug in bugzilla with all the necessary information.
However if you wish to access sites without accepting the certificate each time, use the add-on skip-cert-error ""
I had this weird issue "Your connection is not secure" whereas Chrome works like a charm.
Actually, it is because i let the corporate pac script to manage the proxy setup ticking the option "use system proxy settings". Actually, Firefox don't like it !
When i switch back to the manual proxy settings, all get back to work.
Of course, you need to known proxy params.
Go & surf ...
Change your Date to current date :D
I had same issue

'Security error" code: "1000' in Audio API example

I'm trying to repeat the example from here, but am getting this error:
Security error" code: "1000
var fb = event.frameBuffer,
Everything in my folder have 777 rights, but it's still is giving me it. My Firefox version is 4.0, so Audio API features should be available. What could be the problem? I've copied the example without any change. Any suggestion would help, thank you.
You have to make sure your audio and web page are same origin, and if you're doing this from a file:/// URI, you have to tell Firefox to not force origin checks, see our note here:
