I know I can access metrics via KafkaStreams::metrics(). However is there anyway to reset the metrics after the application has been started?
This would be useful for perf testing. The process rate metrics are always low because its throughput/sec app is up.
if you are interested in doing perf testing I'd suggest not relying on metrics, but do your own measurements to get more accurate numbers over time.
Currently there's no way to reset metric values inside KafkaStreams
Given following architecture:
The issue with that is that we reach throttling due to the maximum number of concurrent lambda executions (1K per account).
How can this be address or circumvented?
We want to have full control of the rate-limiting.
1) Request concurrency increase.
This would probably be the easiest solution but it would increase the potential workload quite much. It doesn't resolve the root cause nor does it give us any flexibility or room for any custom rate-limiting.
2) Rate Limiting API
This would only address one component, as the API is not the only trigger of the step-functions. Besides, it will have impact to the clients, as they will receive a 4x response.
3) Adding SQS in front of SFN
This will be one of our choices nevertheless, as it is always good to have a queue on top of such number of events. However, a simple queue on top does not provide rate-limiting.
As SQS can't be configured to execute SFN directly a lambda in between would be required, which then triggers then SFN by code. Without any more logic this would not solve the concurrency issues.
4) FIFO-SQS in front of SFN
Something along the line what this blog-post is explaining.
Summary: By using a virtually grouped items we can define the number of items that are being processed. As this solution works quite good for their use-case, I am actually not convinced it would be a good approach for our use-case. Because the SQS-consumer is not the indicator of the workload, as it only triggers the step-functions.
Due to uneven workload this is not optimal as it would be better to have the concurrency distributed by actual workload rather than by chance.
5) Kinesis Data Stream
By using Kinesis data stream with predefined shards and batch-sizes we can implement the logic of rate-limiting. However, this leaves us with the exact same issues described in (3).
6) Provisioned Concurrency
Assuming we have an SQS in front of the SFN, the SQS-consumer can be configured with a fixed provision concurrency. The value could be calculated by the account's maximum allowed concurrency in conjunction with the number of parallel tasks of the step-functions. It looks like we can find a proper value here.
But once the quota is reached, SQS will still retry to send messages. And once max is reached the message will end up in DLQ. This blog-post explains it quite good.
7) EventSourceMapping toogle by CloudWatch Metrics (sort of circuit breaker)
Assuming we have a SQS in front of SFN and a consumer-lambda.
We could create CW-metrics and trigger the execution of a lambda once a metric is hit. The event-lambda could then temporarily disable the event-source-mapping between the SQS and the consumer-lambda. Once the workload of the system eases another event could be send to enable the source-mapping again.
Something like:
However, I wasn't able to determine proper metrics to react on before the throttling kicks in. Additionally, CW-metrics are dealing with 1-minute frames. So the event might happen too late already.
8) ???
Question itself is a nice overview of all the major options. Well done.
You could implement throttling directly with API Gateway. This is the easiest option if you can afford rejecting the client every once in a while.
If you need stream and buffer control, go for Kinesis. You can even put all your events in S3 bucket and trigger lambdas or Step Function when a new event has been stored (more here). Yes, you will ingest events differently and you will need a bridge lambda function to trigger Step Function based on Kinesis events. But this is relatively low implementation effort.
I don't understand what this value intends to provide.
According to the documentation, the gauge sounds like the "totals" while the counter is the delta (since last request? delta compared to what?).
Well, in my standard spring boot application (still on version 1.4.2), all counters are 0 and the gauge would go up and down without any logic.
I am the only person in the system, i'll hit refresh, and i'll get a value like this:
I'll hit refresh again on the application, and i'll get this again:
Hit refresh again, and I get this:
How can this number ever go DOWN? shouldn't it always increase as the use on my system increases? Perhaps it gauges the last few seconds? If so, how do I know when to monitor?
I need a decent monitoring solution that provides the following data:
Total number of requests (and rate)
Total number of errors
Latency information
Seems like item #3 is not supported by metrics at all, and the first two simply don't work as I expect them to.
Note: this server is a Spring Zuul gateway, but I don't think this should impact anything?
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to ship Aerospike metrics to another node using some available methods, e.g., collectd.
For example, among the Aerospike monitoring metrics, given two fields: say X and Y, how can I define and send a derived metric like Z = X+Y or X/Y?
We could calculate it on the receiver side but it degrades the performance of our application overall. Will appreciate your guidance in advance.
It can't be done within the Aerospike collectd plugin, as the metrics are more or less shipped immediately once they are read. There's no variable that saves the metrics that have been shipped.
If you can use the Graphite plugin, it keeps track of all gathered metrics then sends once at the very end. You can add another stanza for your calculated metrics right before nmsg line. You'll have to search through the msg[] array for your source metrics.
The Nagios plugin is a very different method. It's a single metric pull, so a wrapper script would be needed to run the plugin for each operand, and run the calculation in the wrapper.
Or you can supplement existing plugins with your own script(s) just for derived metrics. All of our monitoring plugins utilize the Aerospike Info Protocol and you can use asinfo to gather metrics for your operands similar to the previous Nagios method.
We have an application that parses tweets and we want to see the activity in real time. We have tried several solution without success. Our main problems is that the graphing solution (example:graphite), needs a continious flow of metrics. When the db aggregates the metrics it's an average operation which is done, not a a sum.
We recently saw cube from square which would fit our requirement but it's too new.
Any alternatives?
I found the solution in the last version of graphite:
If I understood correctly, you cannot feed graphite in realtime, for instance as soon as you discover a new tweet?
If that's the case, it looks like you can specify a unix timestamp when updating graphite metric_path value timestamp\n so you could pass in the time of discovery/publication/whatever, regardless of when you process it.
What is the best practise solution for programmaticaly changing the XML file where the number of instances are definied ? I know that this is somehow possible with this csmanage.exe for the Windows Azure API.
How can i measure which Worker Role VMs are actually working? I asked this question on MSDN Community forums as well: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazure/thread/02ae7321-11df-45a7-95d1-bfea402c5db1
To modify the configuration, you might want to look at the PowerShell Azure Cmdlets. This really simplifies the task. For instance, here's a PowerShell snippet to increase the instance count of 'WebRole1' in Production by 1:
$cert = Get-Item cert:\CurrentUser\My\<YourCertThumbprint>
$sub = "<YourAzureSubscriptionId>"
$servicename = '<YourAzureServiceName>'
Get-HostedService $servicename -Certificate $cert -SubscriptionId $sub |
Get-Deployment -Slot Production |
Set-DeploymentConfiguration {$_.RolesConfiguration["WebRole1"].InstanceCount += 1}
Now, as far as actually monitoring system load and throughput: You'll need a combination of Azure API calls and performance counter data. For instance: you can request the number of messages currently in an Azure Queue:
You can also set up your role to capture specific performance counters. For example:
public override bool OnStart()
var diagObj= DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration();
AddPerfCounter(diagObj,#"\Processor(*)\% Processor Time",60.0);
AddPerfCounter(diagObj, #"\ASP.NET Applications(*)\Request Execution Time", 60.0);
AddPerfCounter(diagObj,#"\ASP.NET Applications(*)\Requests Executing", 60.0);
AddPerfCounter(diagObj, #"\ASP.NET Applications(*)\Requests/Sec", 60.0);
//Set the service to transfer logs every minute to the storage account
diagObj.PerformanceCounters.ScheduledTransferPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0);
//Start Diagnostics Monitor with the new storage account configuration
So this code captures a few performance counters into local storage on each role instance, then every minute those values are transferred to table storage.
The trick, now, is to retrieve those values, parse them, evaluate them, and then tweak your role instances accordingly. The Azure API will let you easily pull the perf counters from table storage. However, parsing and evaluating will take some time to build out.
Which leads me to my suggestion that you look at the Azure Dynamic Scaling Example on the MSDN code site. This is a great sample that provides:
A demo line-of-business app hosting a wcf service
A load-generation tool that pushes messages to the service at a rate you specify
A load-monitoring web UI
A scaling engine that can either be run locally or in an Azure role.
It's that last item you want to take a careful look at. Based on thresholds, it compares your performance counter data, as well as queue-length data, to those thresholds. Based on the comparisons, it then scales your instances up or down accordingly.
Even if you end up not using this engine, you can see how data is grabbed from table storage, massaged, and used for driving instance changes.
Quantifying the load is actually very application specific - particularly when thinking through the Worker Roles. For example, if you are doing a large parallel processing application, the expected/hoped for behavior would be 100% CPU utilization across the board and the 'scale decision' may be based on whether or not the work queue is growing or shrinking.
Further complicating the decision is the lag time for the various steps - increasing the Role Instance Count, joining the Load Balancer, and/or dropping from the load balancer. It is very easy to get into a situation where you are "chasing" the curve, constantly churning up and down.
As to your specific question about specific VMs, since all VMs in a Role definition are identical, measuring a single VM (unless the deployment starts with VM count 1) should not really tell you much - all VMs are sitting behind a load balancer and/or are pulling from the same queue. Any variance should be transitory.
My recommendation would be to pick something that is not inherently highly variable to monitor (e.g. CPU). Generally, you want to find a trending point - for web apps it may be the response queue, for parallel apps it may be azure queue depth, etc. but for either they would be the trend and not the absolute number. I would also suggest measuring them at fairly broad intervals - minutes, not seconds. If you have a load you need to respond to in seconds, then realistically you will need to increase your running instance count ahead of time.
With regard to your first question, you can also use the Autoscaling Application Block to dynamically change instance counts based on a set of predefined rules.