Ansible Tower and Ansible Version - ansible

I have Ansible Tower Version of 2.4.5 and ansible version 2.1.1.
I wanted to Update Tower Version to 3.0.0 as Official Documentation says
Does anyone know if Updating Tower Version will require Ansible Version update too?

In you question you link to the latest version documentation, as per today you must upgrade the version of Ansible to 2.2 (at minimum) required to run Ansible Tower versions 3.2 and later.
In you case, you want to upgrade to the version 3.0.0:
You may refer to the Ansible Tower 3.0 Documentation.
In the Requirements documentation for version 3.0.0 it says:
While Ansible Tower depends on Ansible Playbooks and requires the
installation of the latest stable version of Ansible before installing
Tower, manual installations of Ansible are no longer required.
Beginning with Ansible Tower version 2.3, the Tower installation
program attempts to install Ansible as part of the installation
process. Previously, Tower required manual installations of the
Ansible software release package before running the Tower installation
program. Now, Tower attempts to install the latest stable Ansible
release package.
If performing a bundled tower installation, the installation program
attempts to install Ansible (and its dependencies) from the bundle for
you (refer to Using the Bundled Tower Installation Program for more
If you choose to install Ansible on your own, the Tower installation
program will detect that Ansible has been installed and will not
attempt to reinstall it. Note that you must install Ansible using a
package manager like yum and that the latest stable version must be
installed for Ansible Tower to work properly.


Ansible 2.9.7 on RHEL 7.9 - Upgrade plan

Ansible 2.9.7 is running on RHEL 7.9 server.
We are planning to upgrade the Ansible to latest version.
As per documentation, there are many Ansible versions released after 2.9.7 and latest one is Ansible 7 (ansible-core and ansible).
Can you advise which version would be the appropriate one to upgrade from 2.9.7 on the existing RHEL 7.9 server ? Does latest Ansible versions support RHEL 7.9 ?
Can you advise which version would be the appropriate one to upgrade from 2.9.7 on the existing RHEL 7.9 server?
This will depend on your environment and capabilities.
... just like to note that within Enterprise Packages for Linux (EPEL) a version with bug fixes is available, Ansible v2.9.27.
~/test$ yum provides ansible
ansible-2.9.27-1.el7.noarch : SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
Repo : EPEL-7
Does latest Ansible versions support RHEL 7.9?
Since it is written in Python it is somehow agnostic about the underlying OS, but it will depend on the Python version installed.
If you don't plan to install another Python environment and stay with the distributed version from the OS, Python 2.7, then you are bound up to Ansible v2.11. See Ansible Community Topic Issue #54.
~/test$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)
~/test$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.11.12]
config file = /home/user/test/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = [u'/home/user/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/home/user/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections']
ansible python module location = /home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /home/user/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /home/user/.local/bin/ansible
python version = 2.7.5 (default, May 27 2022, 11:27:32) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)]
jinja version = 2.11.3
libyaml = True
If you can install another Python environment you can use higher Ansible versions.
Please take note that certain modules, Ansible Galaxy, Collections, etc. may have own requirements and dependencies.
Further Documentation Links
Installing Ansible - Prerequisites (v2.9)
Installing Ansible - Requirements (latest)
Releases and maintenance (latest)

Installing Ansible Collections on RHEL

I am trying to install Ansible collections for ServiceNow (ServiceNow collections) on RHEL 8.5 using ansible version 2.9.27, however the note on provided webpage states that
Installing collections with ansible-galaxy is only supported in
ansible 2.9+
Since Ansible v. 2.10
is not available for RHEL I cannot make an update to version 2.10 therefore I can't use ansible-galaxy. Is there any other way to install these collections? If not do you have any suggestions regarding other ways to install ansible 2.10 so I can use Ansible Tower with these collections?

What Ansible version does AWX 19.1.0 offer?

I am using AWX 17.1.0 which offers Ansible version 2.9.18. The older Ansible version is becoming a bit of an issue. There does not seem to be a documented way to upgrade Ansible in an existing Ansible installation. I am using btw a local docker setup.
Is this correct? That there is no documented / approved way to update Ansible?
Local docker I think is no longer an option so there is also no way to upgrade my AWX to 19.1.0.
On the website I cannot find any information on the Ansible version of AWX 19.1.0. What is Ansible version of AWX 19.1.0?
Is this correct? That there is no documented / approved way to update Ansible?
Yes. Meanwhile I have done it by building my own custom image and it worked at the time (at least for our team usage). But it is clearly not recommended. (Note that the way the images are built has drastically changed since I have done this)
Local docker I think is no longer an option so there is also no way to upgrade my AWX to 19.1.0.
I made the same interpretation mistake as you and that is actually a wrong statement. This install type just doesn't have the same visibility in the current documentation (a simple link on the install page) and has been moved to a separate page
I cannot find any information on the Ansible version of AWX 19.1.0
I didn't either briefly looking at the code, but the easiest way is probably to spawn a test install and try.
sh-4.4$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.11.0rc2]
config file = None
configured module search path = ['/home/runner/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /home/runner/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.8.3 (default, Aug 31 2020, 16:03:14) [GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)]
jinja version = 2.10.3
libyaml = True

Unable to install ansible on red hat 7

Unable to install ansible. Error nothing to do package ansible not available . Red hat 7
Performed yum upadte
Installed epel package
Reading the docs is always a good first step.
We’ve changed how the Ansible community packages are distributed. For users of RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux version 7, the Ansible community RPM package will transition from the EPEL repository to the Extras channel. There will be no change for version 6 of RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux since Extras is not a part of version 6.

Ansible insatllation through brew and pip in mac

What is the difference between brew installation and pip installation in mac
Is there any supporting packages ?
Please give me some good ways to install ansible
brew install ansible
I prefer a installation via brew. I see the following pro's:
integration better geared towards mac (pip is more general purpose)
I try to install everything via brew (not pip for python, npm for javasscript...)
upgrade mechanism seems better to me (as far as I know upgrading every pip package is a bit hacky)
The ansible documentation recommends installation via pip :
I trust the product documentation more than the hearsay. Arguments like "I try to install everything via brew" do not apply here.
I recommend using pip as well, with a good python versions management and virtual environment.
I am using myself a combination of pyenv + venv (the latter is a module in recent versions of python in the standard library) and run Ansible on a control node in Mac OS in a python virtual env. It gives full control and definitely is not "hacky". The brew way is relying on system python on the other hand puts ansible in a Cellar site packages, ties it to a particular version of python with all its consequences and surprises.
To the OP - please read the ansible user guide and getting started documentation first before asking "please give me one sample".
