I am trying to get Google API key for Google Search API but this is showing "loading..." permanently:
Always showing same error:
In my case, it happened when my internet provider stopped sending me an IPv6 address.
Maybe it's your case too.
I attempted to retrieve an email using the Gmail API using Go. The Go client followed the redirects but stopped after reaching its limit:
Get "https://www.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/186fcaba0de2c103%3Falt%3Djson%26format%3Dmetadata%26prettyPrint%3Dfalse&q=EhQ0WJdTGNi_5J4ZIjDuikp4BXiPLIs8CUe1LwNSe7C1o4C4rcYk2_W7gKUxVgXMh-MXORDYLkM4PRRenpjyAmRy": stopped after 10 redirects
It seems strange that fetching an email with an ID given by the Gmail API (via users.history.list) would result in redirects, especially more than 10. Why would users.messages.get employ any redirects? What does this signify? Is there any way to counteract it?
http://www.google-analytics.com/collect?v=1&tid=UA-XXXXXXX-1&cid=1060320920.1612316285&t=event&ec=transaction&ea=call&el=202102081703_0507-1474-0311&ni=TRUE&ti=offline&ta=&tr=100&tt=0&ts=0&pa =callOrder&pr1id=&pr1nm=product_name&pr1qt=1&pr1pr=100&pr1ca=machine
I am trying to send the above URL to Google Analytics using apps scipt.
When I enter it directly into the URL address bar, an event is sent.
However, if you refer to the existing data (POST method) and send it to apps scipt, the event is not caught in Analytics.
Try to see if you have Exclude spam and bot option checked in View settings. That could be the cause.
When creating Calendar Events via the Graph API, the events are created correctly in the calendar of the organizer but the invites to the participants get bounced. The organizer gets a 'Delivery has failed...' message with the following error message:
Remote Server returned '550 5.7.708 Service unavailable. Access denied, traffic not accepted from this IP. For more information please go to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526653 AS(7171)
Sending emails manually through Outlook (web) from the organizer to the participants works fine.
The issue is intermittent. After changing the DNS server, everything worked fine for some time.
I checked https://protection.office.com/restrictedusers as suggested in the answers to similar posts, but this list is empty.
I also tried delisting the IP address (my own?) through https://sender.office.com/, but to no avail.
The tenant is linked to the Microsoft Developer Program and would allegedly have a 'bad reputation'. However, I don't understand how that would explain the fact that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't when sending exactly the same API request and hence 'triggering' exactly the same emails...
I think the best way to overcome this would be to add a domain to your developer tenant as per the guidance here:
Add and validate all domains in Office 365 that you use to send email messages. For more information, see Add a domain to Office 365.
I'm not guaranteeing this will resolve it. You have to understand that those developer tenants are only meant for experimentation and so there are checks and balances to ensure they are used in a bad manor.
How many emails are you sending through this tenant?
Calendar events are sent out via email. Add the "Mail.Send" permission to you App Registration.
This solved it for me.
My internally used web solution to retrieve YouTube video statistics that is based on this example (https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/quickstart/js) now fails to work. Not sure when exactly it happened, but it used to work couple of months ago.
I now tried to run unedited example code (apart from adjusting the CLIENT_ID, of course), and I am getting exactly the same error:
"domain": "usageLimits",
"reason": "accessNotConfigured",
"message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 123 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/youtube.googleapis.com/overview?project=123 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.",
"extendedHelp": "https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/youtube.googleapis.com/overview?project=123" } ], "code": 403, "message": "Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 123 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/youtube.googleapis.com/overview?project=123 then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry."
When I check the YouTube API in developer console, it shows enabled status, and the Credentials compatible with this API include the ID used to authenticate the client. I can see the statistics for credential use increment when I retry the API call attempts, and the metrics reflect the number of requests and also show that the error rate is 100%. But there is no extra info on those failed attempts in the console to help on debugging the problem.
I have deleted and recreated API key and OAuth key, but that did not change anything.
Had there been any extra info on those errors on the developer console side, for example client quote exceeded, I could see how to fix this. Now I am completely stuck.
Create a new project
Weirdly, creating a new project just gets the API to work properly!
The error message is unfortunately a red herring: your project's access to YouTube Data API Services is automatically disabled after a 90 day inactivity period.
You should have received a notice via email regarding this action, which also contains the steps that need to be taken to regain access: please fill out and submit the exceptions form.
Try to start a new Project with new oAuthCliedID & oAuthClientSecret
What seems to have done it for me after a lot of fiddling was to:
Go to the OAuth consent screen of the project.
Enter an Application name.
Press Save.
Lo and behold, after 5 minutes it started working.
I'm setting up my Laravel website, and now comes the part where I configure Mailgun to send and receive emails.
I followed different guides to do that, yet I don't feel I'm doing it right. I'm now stuck with this error:
Failed: postmaster#syrianafood.dk → ibrahim_hasan_eng#hotmail.com 'New Order from Ibrahim Hasan' Not delivering to previously bounced address
i.e. Mailgun is not able to deliver my emails. Could you please guide me through this? Thank you!
If mail was sent and rejected by the provider (bad content, headers, etc), Mailgun will automatically blacklist that address from being sent to in the future.
This is to prevent blacklisting yourself from many of the different MX providers out there.
If you think you've solved that problem, you can perform a DELETE request through the Mailgun API in the format of DELETE /<domain>/bounces/<address> before sending the mail, and then you'll be able to send to that address again.
You can check if a bounce has happened previously by performing a POST request to POST /<domain>/bounces. Furthermore, you will receive a JSON object back with a REASON as to why the bounce occurred, giving you the ability to respond in kind to this.
If a domain is not working correctly and it's not in the blacklist, then it's possible that the MX Provider its self is not accepting the emails and is responding unfavorably in a way that Mailgun cannot handle.
You can also delete the mail directly from the Mailgun UI if you have the login credentials. Please see the comment below and give it an upvote.