I need to check for string in response data.Lets say 'has been submitted' is the string and if it is not there i should stop the next request. I am planning to use Result status action handler. any other better solution ?
Use Response assertion as a child of the HTTP request and put your string in Patterns to Test
I have a http request which gives json output as :
"MESSAGE_DESCRIPTION":"OTP Generated Successfully",
I want to use otp as the input parameter in json for my next http request.
I have added JSON extractor with following configuration :
enter image description here
Names of created variable : OTP
JSON path expressions : $..data.otp
Match No. : 1
But still when I am calling this parameter as
"otpNumber": "${OTP}" in my next input JSON http request, its not getting called.
and value is passed as ${OTP} for otpNumber
How can I handle this
As per JMeter Documentation:
Variables, functions (and properties) are all case-sensitive
So you need to change this line:
"otpNumber": "${OTP}"
to this one:
"otpNumber": "${otp}"
and your test should start working as expected.
You can observe which JMeter Variables are defined along with their values using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
I am creating an API endpoint which contains a file upload field and a few string fields. My goal is to allow clients to clear values on those string fields, i.e. the DB should persist these values as null.
However, due to the fact that the request may contain files, the client should be setting the Content-type header to multipart/form-data. This implies that client cannot send a representation of "null", but can only send an empty string to indicate the intent of clearing the value for a given string field.
Is there a way for grape-api library to know that when it is receiving a multipart request it should be able to nullify blank string values in the params, or is there a better approach to what I am trying to achieve?
Grape.configure do |config|
config.param_builder = Grape::Extensions::Hashie::Mash::ParamBuilder
you can override the param builder. extend the default one and override the build_params method or monkey patch it.
params.transform_values {|v| v.eql?('') ? nil : v }
I have caught up in a situation, where in i need to verify the response of the Previous Sampler for one of the value and if the Value for that is [], then i need to trigger the below request or else then switch to another Sampler.
Check Response of Sampler for One of the attribute
IF(attribute value==[])
Execute the Sampler under IF Conditions.
New Sampler
Sample Response:
I need to check if the attribute custom_options is empty or not! If Empty do some actions and if not empty do some other action !
Need if condition to simulate this!
Help is useful!
A nice to have feature in JMeter would be Else statement, but until then you will have to use 2 If Controllers
If Controller allows the user to control whether the test elements below it (its children) are run or not.
Assuming you hold your attribute value using regex/json/css/other post processor extractor add two condition, first is positive and under it the Sampler:
${__groovy("${attributeValue}" == "[]")}
Second is negative and under it add the New Sampler
${__groovy("${attributeValue}" != "[]")}
__groovy is encourage to use over default Javascript
Checking this and using __jexl3 or __groovy function in Condition is advised for performances
Go for Switch Controller
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the request which returns your JSON
Put the following code into "Script" area:
def size = com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.read(prev.getResponseDataAsString(), '$..custom_options')[0].size()
if (size == 0) {
vars.put('size', 'empty')
} else {
vars.put('size', 'notempty')
Add Switch Controller to your Test Plan and use ${size} as "Switch Value"
Add Simple Controller as a child of the Switch Controller and give empty name to it. Put request(s) related to empty "custom_options" under that empty Simple Controller
Add another Simple Controller as a child of the Switch Controller and give notempty name to it. Put request(s) related to not empty "custom_options" under that notempty Simple Controller.
More information: Selection Statements in JMeter Made Easy
I am extracting the HTML response code from a samplier. I would like to use the if controller to conditionally extract more information if the right response code is returned.
So teh Get Message Response Extractor would save the response code to the variable: GetMessageResponse.
Then the If Controller would check if GetMessageResponse is 200:
If this is true then extract more information like this:
However I am not getting anything in ResponseText, what am I doing wrong?
You can do it in one shot if you switch to the JSR223 PostProcessor, the relevant Groovy code would be:
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
if (prev.getResponseCode() == '200') {
def responseText = JsonPath.read(prev.getResponseDataAsString(),'$.MessageObj.Text').get(0)
vars.put('ResponseText', responseText)
else {
vars.put('ResponseText','Response code is: ' + prev.getResponseCode())
Jayway JsonPath
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
In JMeter what you do is extract whatever the response and set Default Value field to something that will be filled when response will not contain extraction, for example for JSON Extractor:
What you show will not work because you put Extractors in IfController, as there is no Sampler, nothing will happen due to scoping rules.
Also when you'll need for another thing to use If Controller, no need to extract response code, just use:
HTTP request
.. regular expression to pick up a token "PostID"
HTTP request
..Beanshell assertion to verify if ${PostID} exists in the response
I am using the while controller to loop the request till PostID is found
while condition being ${__javaScript("${count}" != 1)}
Beanshell assertion is failing though I see the PostID in the response of "FetchSentPost" request
I need the while loop to end on the first encounter of Post ID in the HTTP request "FetchSentPost"
Where Am I going wrong?
You have a syntax error in your Beanshell script:
String ID = vars.get(PostID);
should be
String ID = vars.get("PostID");
Going forward you can add debug(); directive to the beginning of your JMeter script for troubleshooting. I would also recommend switching to JSR223 Assertion and Groovy language, Groovy performs much better and more Java-compliant.
There are several mistakes made in the script.
Condition must be changed to ${__javaScript(${count} != 1)}. No double quotes.
In BeanShell Assertion, instead of count += 1, you must assign count value using vars.put as follows vars.put("count", 1);
As Dmitri mentioned, other mistake is:
String ID = vars.get("PostID");
Related to contains vs regex matching, try both after making above changes. I tried with contains, it is working.
Using contains:
vars.put("count", 1);
created a user defined variable 'PostIdFound' with value 'False' outside the while loop.
Changed the while condition to ${__javaScript(${PostIdFound} != true)}
and then changed the BeanShell script as follows
import java.util.regex;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
String ID = vars.get("PostID");
String str= SampleResult.getResponseDataAsString();
Issue Resolved. Thankyou #Dmitri T and #Naveen for the help