FFMPEG: animation: Zoom In and zoom Out - ffmpeg

How can I get the following effect with FFMPEG?
I know I have to do it with Zoompan, but the truth is, I've been trying for a while and I can not!

the following code works:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i imagen.png -vf "scale=iw*4:ih*4,zoompan=z='if(lte(mod(on,60),30),zoom+0.002,zoom-0.002)':x='iw/2-(iw/zoom)/2':y='ih/2-(ih/zoom)/2':d=25*5" -c:v libx264 -t 5 -s "1280x720" out.mp4 -y
The code is based on the following (answered by Gyan):
FFMPEG How to zoom in and then zoom out in one command line.
Also, if there is a way to do it better, I invite you to participate.

Please try following command:
ffmpeg -y -i image.jpg \
-vf zoompan=d=300:z='if(gte(zoom,1.8)+eq(ld(1),1)*gt(zoom,1),zoom-0.03*st(1,1),zoom+0.03+0*st(1,0)):x=iw/2-(iw/zoom/2):y=ih/2-(ih/zoom/2)' \
-t 10 output.mp4
The code is based on the following:


overlay multiple images on a video with specific time per image and repeat (loop) the process the images until video end

I am trying to making video with ffmpeg where I want to overlay images on a video.
I want to show the image for 5 secound each and want to the process to loop until the video end.
I am using following commend which working perfectly but want to modify to loop the images.
ffmpeg -y -i long_process/2-scrolling.mp4 \
-i upload-images/040820221255452.png \
-i upload-images/040820221255453.png \
-filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]overlay=75:(H-h)/2:enable='between(t, 1, 5)'[v0]; \
[v0][2:v]overlay=75:(H-h)/2:enable='between(t, 5, 10)'" \
-c:a copy long_process/output.mp4
I am very new to ffmpeg looking for help from you.
Thanks in advance
I got the answer
ffmpeg -y -i long_process/2-scrolling.mp4 -framerate 1/3 -pattern_type glob -loop 1 -i 'tools/*.png' \
-filter_complex "[0]overlay=75:(H-h)/2:shortest=1" \
-r 60 -c:a copy long_process/output.mp4

How to add 'drawtext' to overlay in ffmpeg?

The command is ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 5 -i "demo_1.jpg" -filter_complex "nullsrc=size=640x360[background];[background][0:v]overlay=shortest=1:x='min(-(t)*20,0)'" -qscale 1 -y out.mp4
I am animating the image from right to left. In the above command, I need to add text, How to integrate the drawtext feature of ffmpeg to that.
The video animation is https://youtu.be/teXUiPKX83o.
Need to add text to that video.
ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 5 -i "demo_1.jpg" -filter_complex
-qscale 1 -y out.mp4
See drawtext docs for more info.

Speed up poster image overlay

Using FFMPG I'm creating a poster image from a video and adding an watermark/overlay to the poster. The following works great with small video files, but destroys my CPU with 1080p files.
ffmpeg -ss 15 -i preview.mp4 -i play-button.png \
-filter_complex overlay='(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2', \
scale='min(640\, iw):-1' -vframes 1 poster.jpg
Is there any way to speed this up? Or should I look to another solution for the overlay?
My solution is similar yours. But i use -s to set the output resolution for the image, and -f image2 for rendering. This commands works fine for me:
ffmpeg -ss 15 -i preview.mp4 -i play-button.png -filter_complex "overlay=(main_w-overlay_w)/2:(main_h-overlay_h)/2" -vframes 1 -s 640x360 -f image2 -y poster.jpg

How to scale and position watermark to scale?

I'm scaling a video and applying a watermark like so:
ffmpeg -ss 0:0:0.000 -i video.mp4 -y -an -t 0:0:10.000
-vf \"[in]scale=400:316[middle]\" -b:v 2000k -r 20
-vf 'movie=watermark.png,pad=400:316:0:0:0x00000000 [watermark];[middle] [watermark]overlay=0:0[out]'
However, the applied watermark seems to be scaled to the original video size rather than the smaller scaled video size.
This command line worked on ffmpeg version 0.8.6.git and now behaves differently after an upgrade to version N-52381-g2288c77.
How do I get it to work again?
Update 2013-04-26:
I now have tried to use the overlay filter's X and Y parameters instead of padding without success.
Answered by ubitux on the FFmpeg IRC:
Use scale and overlay in a single -filter_complex chain, like so:
ffmpeg -y -ss 0 -t 0:0:30.0 -i 'video.mp4' -i '/watermark.png'
-filter_complex "[0:0] scale=400:225 [wm]; [wm][1:0] overlay=305:0 [out]"
-map "[out]" -b:v 896k -r 20 -an
Also load the watermark via -i rather than the movie filter.

Overlay animated images with transparency over a static background image using ffmpeg?

I'm looking to create a video using a set of png images that have transparency merged with a static background.
After doing a lot of digging I seems like it's definitely possible by using the filters library.
My initial video making without including the background is:
ffmpeg -y -qscale 1 -r 1 -b 9600 -loop -i bg.png -i frame_%d.png -s hd720 testvid.mp4
Using -vf I can apply the background as overlay:
ffmpeg -y -qscale 1 -r 1 -b 9600 -i frame_%d.png -vf "movie=bg.png [wm];[in][wm] overlay=0:0 [out]" -s hd720 testvid.mp4
However the problem is it's overlaying the background over the input. According libacfilter I can split the input and play with it's content. I'm wondering if I can somehow change the overlay order?
Any help greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to make the following filter work but I'm getting the movie without the background:
ffmpeg -y -qscale 1 -r 1 -b 9600 -i frame_%d.png -vf "movie=bg.png [bg]; [in] split [T1], fifo, [bg] overlay=0:0, [T2] overlay=0:0 [out]; [T1] fifo [T2]" -s hd720 testvid.mp4
Got video making using -vf option. Just piped the input slit it applied image over it and overlayed the two split feeds! Probably not the most efficient way... but it worked!
ffmpeg -y -r 1 -b 9600 -i frame_%d.png -vf "movie=bg.png, scale=1280:720:0:0 [bg]; [in] format=rgb32, split [T1], fifo, [bg] overlay=0:0, [T2] overlay=0:0 [out]; [T1] fifo [T2]" -s hd720 testvid.mp4
The overlay order is controlled by the order of the inputs, from the ffmpeg docs
[...] takes two inputs and one output, the first input is the "main" video on which the second input is overlayed.
You second command thus becomes:
ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -qscale 1 -r 1 -b 9600 -i frame_%d.png -vf "movie=bg.png [wm];[wm][in] overlay=0:0" -s hd720 testvid.mp4
With the latest versions of ffmpeg the new -filter_complex command makes the same process even simpler:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i bg.png -i frame_%d.png -filter_complex overlay -shortest testvid.mp4
A complete working example:
The source of our transparent input images (apologies for dancing):
Exploded to frames with ImageMagick:
convert dancingbanana.gif -define png:color-type=6 over.png
(Setting png:color-type=6 (RGB-Matte) is crucial because ffmpeg doesn't handle indexed transparency correctly.) Inputs are named over-0.png, over-1.png, over-2.png, etc.
Our background image (scaled to banana):
Using ffmpeg version N-40511-g66337bf (a git build from yesterday), we do:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i bg.png -r 5 -i over-%d.png -filter_complex overlay -shortest out.avi
-loop loops the background image input so that we don't just have one frame, crucial!
-r slows down the dancing banana a bit, optional.
-filter_complex is a very recently added ffmpeg feature making handling of multiple inputs easier.
-shortest ends encoding when the shortest input ends, which is necessary as looping the background means that that input will never end.
Using a slightly less cutting-edge build, ffmpeg version 0.10.2.git-d3d5e84:
ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 5 -i back.png -vf 'movie=over-%d.png [over], [in][over] overlay' -frames:v 8 out.avi
movie doesn't allow rate setting, so we slow down the background instead which gives the same effect. Because the overlaid movie isn't a proper input, we can't use -shortest and instead explicitly set the number of frames to output to how many overlaid input frames we have.
The final result (output as a gif for embedding):
for references in the future as of 17/02/2015, the command-line is :
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i images/background.png -i images/video_overlay%04d.png -filter_complex overlay=shortest=1 testvid.mp4
thanks for llogan who took the time to reply here : https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4315#comment:1
