Finding if a graph is still strongly connected after edge removal - algorithm

A strongly connected digraph is a directed graph in which for each two vertices 𝑒 and 𝑣,
there is a directed path from 𝑒 to 𝑣 and a direct path from 𝑣 to 𝑒. Let 𝐺 = (𝑉, 𝐸) be a
strongly connected digraph, and let 𝑒 = (𝑒, 𝑣) ∈ 𝐸 be an edge in the graph.
Design an efficient algorithm which decides whether 𝐺
β€² = (𝑉, 𝐸 βˆ– {𝑒}), the graph
without the edge 𝑒 is strongly connected. Explain its correctness and analyze its running
So what I did is run BFS and sum the labels, once on the original graph from 𝑒 and then again in G' without the edge (again from 𝑒)
and then : if second sum (in G') < original sum (in G) then the graph isn't strongly connected.
P.S this is a question from my exam which I only got 3/13 points and I'm wondering if i should appeal..

As Sneftel points out, the distance labels can only increase. If u no longer has a path to v, then I guess v's label will be infinite, so the sum of labels will change from finite to infinite. Yet the sum can increase without the graph losing strong connectivity, e.g.,
\ /|
\| /
where v's label increases from 1 to 2 because of the indirect path through w.

Since the graph G is strongly connected, G' is strongly connected if and only if there is a path from u to v (this path would replace the edge e).
You can use any path finding algorithm to solve this problem.


Proof of having k edge-disjoint paths there and back

I have been trying to prove this for a decent amount of time, but nothing is coming to my mind. Anybody have some tips? I'd be happy to see an explanation.
I also found this question on StackOverflow, that says this:
If the direct u->v traffic doesn't knock out any links in v->u, then
the v->u problem is equivalent of finding the maximum flow from v->u
as if the u->v flow doesn't happen.
He describes how it can be solved, but still there is no answer to the question that the author asked.
So, the problem is:
Given a directed graph, at each vertex the number of incoming and outgoing edges is the same. Let there be k edge-disjoint paths from b to a in this graph.
How can I prove that it also contains k edge-disjoint paths from a to b?
Thanks in advance!
We can try to argue about the general case where the graph is a multi-graph (i.e. can have multi-edges and loops).
Note: Following the convention that two copies of an edge count towards in and degree twice. And a loop count towards both in and out degree once. Also assuming when you say paths, you mean simple paths.
Using induction on the number of vertices in the graph G.
Base case: G has only vertices a and b.
Now as there are k edge-disjoint paths from a to b, all of them are simply k copies of the edge a->b. Thus to have in and out degrees same for both vertices there have to be k copies of b->a, and thus the claim holds.
Induction G has n >=1 vertices apart from a and b.
Let the nth vertex be u. Let in-degree of u, same as its out-degree be d. Let the d vertices with edges "going into" u be s1,s2,..,sd and similarly the d vertices with edges going out from u be t1,t2,..,td (note all these vertices may not be unique). Just pair these vertices up. Say si with ti (1<=i<=d). Now just "short-circuit" the vertex u, i.e. rather than having the edge si->u->ti, just have si->ti. Let the new graph be G'. It is trivial to see in and out degree of vertices are still the same in G' (as it was in G). And it is not hard to argue that the new graph still has k disjoint paths from a to b. Additionally G' has one less vertex. So apply inductive hypothesis, and claim holds for G'. Lastly not hard to check again, un-short circuiting u still keeps the claim intact for G.

Difficulties understanding, bipartite graphs

I am looking back at some of my algorithms homework(exam soon haha), and I am having troubles understanding the solution to one of the questions.
The Question
Tutor Solution
I am having difficulties visualizing the solution, I understand that if you have an odd number of cycles than your graph cannot be bipartite. But as I stated, I don't understand the shortest path from s to u and v to s.
Let's say G is bipartite. Then the vertex set can be divided into V1 and V2 s.t. every edge of G includes a vertex from each set. Then the vertices of every path in G alternate between V1 and V2, so the parity of the length of every path between every pair of vertices is the same. I.e., if G is bipartite and v,w are two vertices of G, then the length of every path connecting v & w is either even or odd.
If there is an edge (u,v) connecting two vertices in the same layer then this is violated. The BFS path to v and u have the same length, so same parity, since v & u are in the same layer. The edge between v & u gives us a path longer by 1, so of a different parity. Contradiction.
The tutor's solution isn't as clear as it could be, since it talks about cycles, and the two paths don't necessarily form a cycle since they can share vertices. And the definition of bipartite graph is slightly wrong (or uses non-standard definitions of edges, cross-product etc. where the things aren't pairs but 2-element sets).
But instead of the definition as given, I'd just say that a graph is bipartite if the vertices can be coloured black or white, such that each edge goes between different-coloured vertices. (Equivalently you can simply say "the graph is 2-colourable").
From this definition, it follows that if there's an even length path between two vertices they must be the same colour, otherwise different colours. In the BFS on a bipartite graph, a vertex u is layer i has a path of length i from s to u, so all vertices in the same layer have the same colour. Thus there can be no edge between two vertices in the same layer.

algorithm to solve the replacement paths problem for specific situations

I have to solve this problem and it has been bugging me for hours and I can't seem to find a valid solution that satisfies the time complexity required.
For any edge e in any graph G, let G\e denote the graph obtained by deleting e from G.
(a)Suppose we are given an edge-weighted directed graph G in which the shortest path Οƒ from vertex s to vertex t passes through every vertex of G. Describe an algorithm to compute the shortest-path distance from s to t in G\e, for every edge e of G, in O(VlogV) time. Your algorithm should output a set of E shortest-path distances,one for each edge of the input graph. You may assume that all edge weights are non-negative.[Hint: If we delete an edge of the original shortest path, how do the old and new shortest paths overlap?
(b) Describe an algorithm to solve the replacement paths problem for arbitrary undirected graphs in O(V log V ) time.
a) Consider the shortest path P between vertices s and t. Since P is a shortest path, there is no edge between any two vertices u and v in P in which the length of shortest path between u and v is bigger than 1 in the induced graph P. Since every vertex in G is present in P, So every edge of G is present in the induced graph of P. So we conclude that every edge in G is between two adjacent vertices in P (not the induced graph of P). The only thing you should check for each edge e which connects vertices u and v in G, is that there is another edge which connects u and v in G. If so, the shortest path doesn't change in G/e, otherwise s and t will lie on different components.
First of all I want to mention that the complexity can't only depend on V since the output should contain E values, therefore I guess it should be O(E + Vlog(V)).
I think the following idea should work for problem b) and thus for a) as well. Let Οƒ be the shortest s-t path.
For every edge e in G/E(Οƒ), the shortest path in G/e is still Οƒ.
If we remove an edge e in Οƒ, then the shortest path in the remaining graph would like this: it would start going along Οƒ, then would continue outside (might be from the very first vertex s, then go back to Οƒ (might be at the very last vertex t). Let's then iterate over all edges e=(u,v) that either go from G/Οƒ to Οƒ, or from one vertex of Οƒ, that is closer to s, to another vertex of Οƒ, that is closer to t, as edges of potential candidate paths for some shortest s-t path in G/e' for some e'. Suppose that w is the last vertex in the shortest s-u path U that belongs to Οƒ. Then U+e+Οƒ[v..t] is a potential candidate for a shortest s-t path in graphs G/e' for all e' in Οƒ[w..v]. In order to efficiently store this candidate, we can use a Segment Tree data structure with min operation. This would give us O(E log(E)) total complexity for all updates after we consider all edges. It might be possible to make it O(Vlog(V)) if we look closer at the structure of the updates, but I am not sure at the moment, might be not. Precomputing vertices w for each shortest s-u path above can be done in a single Dijkstra run, if we already have Οƒ.
So in the end the solution runs in O(Elog(E)) time. I am not sure how to make it O(E + Vlog(V)), it is possible to make Dijkstra to run in this time by using Fibonacci heap, but for the updates for candidates I don't really see a faster solution at the moment.

Directed maximum weighted bipartite matching allowing sharing of start/end vertices

Let G (U u V, E) be a weighted directed bipartite graph (i.e. U and V are the two sets of nodes of the bipartite graph and E contains directed weighted edges from U to V or from V to U). Here is an example:
In this case:
U = {A,B,C}
V = {D,E,F}
E = {(A->E,7), (B->D,1), (C->E,3), (F->A,9)}
Definition: DirectionalMatching (I made up this term just to make things clearer): set of directed edges that may share the start or end vertices. That is, if U->V and U'->V' both belong to a DirectionalMatching then V /= U' and V' /= U but it may be that U = U' or V = V'.
My question: How to efficiently find a DirectionalMatching, as defined above, for a bipartite directional weighted graph which maximizes the sum of the weights of its edges?
By efficiently, I mean polynomial complexity or faster, I already know how to implement a naive brute force approach.
In the example above the maximum weighted DirectionalMatching is: {F->A,C->E,B->D}, with a value of 13.
Formally demonstrating the equivalence of this problem to any other well known problem in graph theory would also be valuable.
Note 1: This question is based on Maximum weighted bipartite matching _with_ directed edges but with the extra relaxation that it is allowed for edges in the matching to share the origin or destination. Since that relaxation makes a big difference, I created an independent question.
Note 2: This is a maximum weight matching. Cardinality (how many edges are present) and the number of vertices covered by the matching is irrelevant for a correct result. Only the maximum weight matters.
Note 2: During my research to solve the problem I found this paper, I think it would be helpful to others trying to find a solution: Alternating cycles and paths in edge-coloured
multigraphs: a survey
Note 3: In case it helps, you can also think of the graph as its equivalent 2-edge coloured undirected bipartite multigraph. The problem formulation would then turn into: Find the set of edges without colour-alternating paths or cycles which has maximum weight sum.
Note 4: I suspect that the problem might be NP-hard, but I am not that experienced with reductions so I haven't managed to prove it yet.
Yet another example:
Imagine you had
4 vertices: {u1, u2} {v1, v2}
4 edges: {u1->v1, u1->v2, u2->v1, v2->u2}
Then, regardless of their weights, u1->v2 and v2->u2 cannot be in the same DirectionalMatching, neither can v2->u2 and u2->v1. However u1->v1 and u1->v2 can, and so can u1->v1 and u2->v1.
Define a new undirected graph G' from G as follows.
G' has a node (A, B) with weight w for each directed edge (A, B) with weight w in G
G' has undirected edge ((A, B),(B, C)) if (A, B) and (B, C) are both directed edges in G
Now find a maximal (weighted) independent vertex set in G'.
Edit: stuff after this point only works if all of the edge weights are the same - when the edge weights have different values its a more difficult problem (google "maximum weight independent vertex set" for possible algorithms)
Typically this would be an NP-hard problem. However, G' is a bipartite graph -- it contains only even cycles. Finding the maximal (weighted) independent vertex set in a bipartite graph is not NP-hard.
The algorithm you will run on G' is as follows.
Find the connected components of G', say H_1, H_2, ..., H_k
For each H_i do a 2-coloring (say red and blue) of the nodes. The cookbook approach here is to do a depth-first search on H_i alternating colors. A simple approach would be to color each vertex in H_i based on whether the corresponding edge in G goes from U to V (red) or from V to U (blue).
The two options for which nodes to select from H_i are either all the red nodes or all the blue nodes. Choose the colored node set with higher weight. For example, the red node set has weight equal to H_i.nodes.where(node => node.color == red).sum(node => node.w). Call the higher-weight node set N_i.
Your maximal weighted independent vertex set is now union(N_1, N_2, ..., N_k).
Since each vertex in G' corresponds to one of the directed edges in G, you have your maximal DirectionalMatching.
This problem can be solved in polynomial time using the Hungarian Algorithm. The "proof" by Vor above is wrong.
The method of structuring the problem for the above example is as follows:
A # 7 9
B 1 # #
C # 3 #
where "#" means negative infinity. You then resolve the matrix using the Hungarian algorithm to determine the maximum matching. You can multiply the numbers by -1 if you want to find a minimum matching.

Shortest Paths in undirected cyclic graphs

Can someone please explain how given an undirected graph G = (V; E); edge lengths le > 0; and edge edges in E.
We can generate the length of the shortest cycle containing edge e.
I understand how to do this in directed graphs, but im not sure how to approach the problem with an undirected graph.
Without modifying the graph: Let e be an edge (u, v). Choose one of the two nodesβ€”I'll choose uβ€”and run an ordinary Dijkstra/BFS starting from u with one minor modification: When making the first hop, you must not add v to the queue. Now search for v.
