Is there a way to call the cursor from FormLabel when using RN Elements? - react-native-elements

I'm trying to see if there's a way to set focus when touching the part set by FormLabel.
Right now focus is set when a user touches the FormInput part. To make UX better I'd like to also call the cursor anytime a user touches the title of the input field.


Select Alias isn't changing to the proper alias

I have a combo box in a grid. The form has a lot of tables (opened in init and assigned aliases). The grid has property
RecordSource is set to HEAT
The column in the grid has controlSource set to Heat.Event_no and the current control is CmbEvent. The CmbEvent control source is set to heat.event_no. Everything works as it should in the grid except...
When I select an item out of the combo box, the following code runs as a procedure called from the Click event:
IF event.relay
GO OrigRelayRec IN RELAY
The issue that I am having is that unless I am stepping through the code, the alias() never goes to RELAY. No matter what alias it starts on (usually HEAT), if I put a break point in at GO TOP, the alias() shows up as EVENT. The only way it ever gets to RELAY is if I step through the code.
Any thoughts on why Select alias isn't actually selecting the alias?
Usually in cases like this I set the focus to a control other than the grid. The problem is since the grid has focus it will always keep the alias selected that's bound to the grids RecordSource.
So right before your SELECT you can do something like "Thisform.cmdOK.SetFocus()" (it can be any control on your form other than the grid). That should do the trick.

Set the cursor, bypassing cursor magnification

I'd like to set the cursor in a Mac application for a specific view without that cursor being subject to the Cursor Magnification setting in Universal Access.
As an example, I'd like to set the cursor to a preview of the brush the user has selected. It should be the size of the brush, so that the user knows what how big their brush-stroke will be. Cursor magnification throws this off; I might as well just have the arrow cursor at that point.
I do not want to change (and have to restore) the cursor magnification setting itself. I want specific custom cursors to not be subject to it.
Hiding the cursor and drawing a fake cursor within my view doesn't work, since it'll be clipped at the view/window edges.
I'd prefer a solution that lets me use NSCursor, but seeing no obvious solution in that class, I'd be willing to accept another solution that uses something lower-level.
Hiding the cursor and drawing a fake cursor within my view doesn't work, since it'll be clipped at the view/window edges.
Then an overlay window is your next best bet, I think.

How to fix overlapping objects on the stage in AS3

I have a flash game where I have a picture designed to be the textbox for a prompt and textbox inside with the relevant text but the textbox is being hidden by the image. Anyone know how to make is so that the textbox is guaranteed to be on top or whatever I need to do to keep this from happening?
The other answer using setChildIndex will definitely work, however, I think a different design approach is really what you should be doing to remove the headache altogether.
For example in a game I might have different layers such as :
Those 3 Sprite layers would get added to the stage in that order. I would then add display objects to the appropriate layers. So anything I added to the backgroundLayer or gameLayer would ALWAYS be 'behind' my user interface on the interfaceLayer.
That allows you to not have to worry about the layering constantly. The answer with setChildIndex will fix the problem for that moment, but should something else be added to the container it will overlap your textbox, which is something I don't assume you want.
here's an example :
var backgroundLayer:Sprite = new Sprite;
var gameLayer:Sprite = new Sprite;
var interfaceLayer:Sprite = new Sprite;
now, whatever you add to interfaceLayer, will ALWAYS be on top of objects you add to gameLayer or backgroundLayer.
So in the case of your text box, just add it to your interfaceLayer and any other objects you want behind it, you add to the gameLayer or backgroundLayer.
The order of adding display objects to display object containers effect their z-order, in other words the front to back order. The last added display object becomes the frontmost. So the child index of the children of a display object container is important for drawing of overlapped children.
If you put picture and text on the same DisplayObjectContainer such as a MovieClip:
Lets say your DisplayObjectContainer is mc.
And your textbox is txt
Please try this:
mc.setChildIndex(txt, mc.numChildren-1);

Applescript and Microsoft Word

I'm working on a applescript to update the content of a document in Microsoft Word. The updating process is quite long (might take more than 5s). So I want to prevent users to change anything during the updating. Do you know whether Microsoft or Applescript a function like that?
In Windows, I can just display a User Form (which is a dialog telling that "we are updating... ") and close that form when it's done. However, I don't know whether I can do the same in Mac (with Applescript alone).
When you say "applescript", I don't know if you mean "plain" applescript or the AppleScriptObjC version. If you mean the latter, then I know ways to do it.
One way I've used during slow processes is to put an overlay view over the whole content view of the window. I make it translucent white to partially obscure the window, and put some kind of message (and maybe a progress indicator) on it. You can just use an NSBox (of the custom type) in IB to make this, and then make a subclass of NSBox to color the view and override mouseDown:. MouseDown:, doesn't need to have any code in it, just by overriding it, you capture any key and mouse events so they don't accumulate on the event queue, and get used by the view below after your overlay goes away. Here's code I've used:
script Overlay
property parent : class "NSBox"
on awakeFromNib()
set overlayColor to current application's NSColor's colorWithCalibratedWhite_alpha_(1,.8)
on mouseDown_(theEvent)
--log "mouseDown"
end script
I have this view as the top most view in the view hierarchy, and set its hidden property to true until I want to show it.

Prevent Pivot navigation in Windows Phone

I have an audio recording application for Windows Phone. It consists of a pivot control with two pivot items. One is for recording control, and another one is for reviewing and listening the recorded items.
When the recording is taking place, I need the way to prevent the user from navigating away from the current pivot item, but to retain the feel that an entire pivot item moves, but doesn't flip to the next item, as if there is none.
I know I could use GestureListener from Silverlight Toolkit, but using it I will need to implement a simulation of pivot movement myself.
Is there a build-in way to prevent pivot navigation?
If no, can you point me to an example on how I can animate control movement on gesture flipping?
Is it mandatory that the user has to remain on the one PivotItem?. If not, you could just disable the second PivotItem so that the user knows that it's there, but can't actually interact with it.
secondPivotItem.IsEnabled = false;
Alternatively, you could dynamically insert the second PivotItem when you want it and remove it when you don't. For example, when recording:
then when you want the second PivotItem to appear:
The only "problem" with this is that when you only have one PivotItem on screen, the user can't scroll. However, this is how a Pivot control is supposed to function.
If you really want the user to scroll back to itself, you could create a blank PivotItem (with no header). Then, handle the Pivot's LoadingPivotItem event. Check if the item that it about to be loaded is the blank one. If so, then use Pivot.SelectedItem = recordingPivotItem to navigate back to the recording PivotItem. You can then use the above method to dynamically add the second PivotItem when the recording is over. This isn't the normal UX for pivots, but should do what you're trying to achieve.
Seems to me that the best solution is making the pivot control invisible to hit test altogether. I simply set PivotMain.IsHitTestVisible = false and set it back to true whenever I am done recording.
There is a good attached property approach on how to make a particular element hit test visible, while casting an entire panorama or pivot item hit test invisible:
Here is the link to a blog post of an author with the source code:
Works for me until the dynamic loading and removing of the pivot items with textblock header will be added to the SDK's pivot control.
The down side of locking a person into a pivotitem or disabling one so that a person cannot navigate is that you are going to frustrate the user. PivotItems are meant to be flicked to and from, and writing an app that has behavior different than this is going to take away from the user experience, because the app is not going to behave the way they expect it to.
Personally, if you are going to lock them into one pivot item, I think you should go ahead and create another page without a Pivot control and navigate to it. Also, whether you choose to do it this way or not, you need to keep in mind that regardless of whether they are locked into a certain pivotitem or they are navigated to another page, the back button must work as expected, or the app won't pass certification.
