How to start a triangulation on a set of (boundary) points - computational-geometry

I have a set of (boundary) points and I want to start triangulating them. From all references that I found, the authors only mentioned methods on how to add new points and hence create new edges (at the same time remove the old, bad points/edges), assuming that the points have been triangulated initially. So, how do I do the FIRST triangulation before I can use all the suggested methods (to add new points and edges) in the literature. For a simple case, say, if I have a circle with boundary points (x,y)=(r cos\theta,r sin\theta), I could possibly create a triangle for every three neighboring points. But then, there will be no edge crossing the region near the center of the circle.


How to find visibility of a polygon from a vertex v in a concave polygon

I'm working on an assignment 2d art gallery problem to find a minimum number of vertex guards. As part of solving the problem using genetic algorithms, I would need to find out the area of the polygon that is visible for a guard placed on a vertex.
The input is a polygon with known 2d (x,y) coordinates. Could you please help me know how to calculate the visibility of the guard(i.e what part of the polygon he could possibly see) placed on a vertex of the polygon?
This is a solution for finding visible area from an arbitrary point inside the polygon. You can change it to restrict point to polygon vertices:
Step 1: Draw rays from guard toward each vertex and find intersection points with all edges of polygon.
Step 2: Check if ray crosses polygon (yellow) or just touches it (purple).
Step 3: Sort intersections on a ray by their distances from the guard and find closet cross point. Call all further points invisible (red) and closer ones visible (green).
Step 4: Now each edge of polygon is equivalent to one or multiple segments, each segment that its both end points are labeled as visible will be visible. Sum length of such segments.
Here is a more complicated sample:
And keep in mind that it is just a start and you can optimize it. Think about Niko's comment for first improvement.

Best way to merge overlapping convex polygons into a single concave polygon?

I am working with several convex polygons that overlap each other and I need to combine them back together to form one single polygon that may be convex or concave.
The problem is always as follows:
1) The polygons that I need to merge together are always convex.
2) The vertices of each polygon are defined in clockwise order.
3) The polygons are never in any specific order.
4) The final polygon can only be simple convex or concave polygon, i.e. no self-intersection, no duplicate vertices or holes in the shape.
Here is an example of the kind of polygons that I am working with.
![overlapping convex polygons]"image removed")
My current approach is to start from the first polygon and vertex by vertex I loop through all vertices of all of the polygons to find overlap. If there is no overlap, I store the vertex for the final outline and continue.
Upon finding overlapping vertices, I determine which polygon to continue to by measuring the angles of the possible paths and by choosing the one that leads towards the outside of the shape.
This method works until I encounter polygons that do not have vertices overlapping each other, but instead one polygon's vertex is overlapping another polygon's side, as is the case with the rectangle in the image.
I am currently planning on solving these situations by running line intersect checks for all shapes that I have not yet processed, but I am convinced that this cannot be the easiest or the best method in terms of performance.
Does someone know how I should approach this problem in a more efficient manner and/or universal manner?
I solved this issue and I'm posting the answer here in case someone else runs into this issue as well.
My first step was to implement a pre-processing loop based on trincot's suggestions.
I calculated the minimum and maximum x and y bounds for each individual shape.
I used these values to determine all overlapping shapes and I stored a simple array for each shape that I could later use to only look at shapes that can overlap each other.
Then, for the actual loop that determines the outline of the final polygon:
I start from the first shape and simply compare its vertices to those of the nearby shapes. If there is at least one vertex that isn't shared by another vertex, it must be on the outer edge and the loop starts from there. If there are only overlapping vertices, then I add the first shape to a table for all checked shapes and repeat this process with another shape until I find a vertex that is on the outer edge.
Once the starting vertex is found, the main loop will check the vertices of the starting shape one by one and measure how far from the given vertex is from every nearby shapes' edges. If the distance is zero, then the vertex either overlaps with another shape's vertex or the vertex lies on the side of another shape.
Upon finding the aforementioned type of vertex, I add the previous shape's number to the table of checked shapes so that it isn't checked again. Then, I check if there are other shapes that share this particular vertex. If there are, then I determine the outermost shape and continue from there, starting back from step 2.
Once all shapes have been checked, I check that all non-overlapping vertices from the starting shape were indeed added to the outline. If they weren't, I add them at the end.
There may be computationally faster methods, but I found this one to be simple to write, that it meets all of my requirements and it is fast enough for my needs.
Given a vertex, you could speed up the search of an "overlapping" vertex or edge as follows:
Finding vertices
Assuming that the coordinates are exact, in the sense that if two vertices overlap, they have exactly the same x and y coordinates, without any "error" of imprecision, then it would be good to first create a hash by x-coordinate, and then for each x-entry you would have a hash by y-coordinate. The value of that inner hash would be a list of polygons that have that vertex.
That structure can be built in O(n) time, and will allow you to find a matching vertex in constant time.
Only if that gives no match, you would go to the next algorithm:
Finding edges
In a pre-processing step (only once), create a segment tree for these polygons where a "segment" corresponds to a min/max x-coordinate range for a particular polygon.
Given a vertex, use the segment tree to find the polygons that are in the right x-coordinate range, i.e. where the x-coordinate of the vertex is within the min/max range of x-coordinates of the polygon.
Iterate those polygons, and eliminate those that do not have an y-coordinate range that has the y-coordinate of the vertex.
If no polygons remain, the vertex does not participate in any edge of another polygon.
You cannot get more than one polygon here, since that would mean another polygon shares the vertex, which is a case already covered by the hash-based algorithm.
If you get just one polygon, then continue your search by going through the edges of that polygon to find a match -- which is what you already planned on doing (line intersect check), but now you would only need to do it for one polygon.
You could speed that line intersect check up a little bit by first filtering the edges to those that have the right x-range. For convex polygons you would end up with at most two edges. At most one of those two will have the right y-range. If you get such an edge, check whether the vertex is really on that edge.

The shortest path between two points on a cuboid on its surface

I can't find a universal solution to "The Spider and the Fly Problem" (the shortest path between two points on a cuboid on its surface). Everybody solves a one specific case but what when two points can be anywhere?
My idea was to create an algorithm that considers various nets of a cuboid, calculates shortest paths on 2D and then returns the minimum but I have no idea for the algorithm to generate these grids (I guess hardcoding all combinations is not the best way).
Simplistic approach (only works where the points are on the same or adjacent faces)
Flatten the cube structure to 2d as follows...
Start with a face containing one of the two points. If this also contains the other point, you can stop there and the solution is trivial.
There are only 4 neighbouring faces. If any of them contain the other point, you can place that face adjoining the first, and plot the straight line.
Otherwise, then the points are on opposing faces. You need to try placing the final face adjoining each of the 4 neighbouring faces, and choose the shortest of the 4 alternatives. This will not always give the best solution, but it's not far off, and is cheap.
Generic approach
Jim Propp's surface distance conjecture is that For a centrally symmetric convex compact body, the greatest surface distance between two points is achieved only for pairs which are opposites through the centre. My conjecture based on that would be that the shortest distance is approximately where the plane made by the two points and the centre of the body meets the surface. So you simply need to find where that plane intersects the faces using 3d geometry, and use the faces that are crossed by the shorter of the two alternatives when looking at possible routes. If the plane runs along an edge of the cube (e.g. if the points are on opposite faces and are both between the centre of the face and the corner of the face, and those corners are linked by an edge) then routes through both faces should be considered, although I speculate they will be equivalent lengths.
This solution is more generic, and also satisfies scenarios where the points are on the same face, connected faces and opposite faces.
The only problem with this approach arises where the line between the two points passes through the centre of the body, which by definition means that the two points are exactly opposite each other, because that means the 3 points are in a straight line, so there isn't a plane...
I think this is a good question, for which the answer is not at all obvious. In the smooth realm, it is an extraordinarily difficult problem. Geodesics (shortest paths) on a sphere (which is a smooth analog of a cube) are easy to find. Geodesics on a biaxial ellipsoid (an ellipsoid of revolution; one cross section is a circle) are much harder to find. Finding geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid (a smooth analog of a general cuboid) was a challenging unsolved problem in the first half of the 19th century. See the Wikipedia page.
On the other hand, geodesics on cuboid are made from straight line segments so are much simpler. But some of the difficulty of the problem remains.
You may be able to find some literature on the subject if you search for the term "net". A polyhedron cut along some edges so that it can be flattened is often called a "net". I was able to quickly find a site that claims (without proof) that there are just 11 different nets for a cub(oid). But I agree with you that hard coding all the variations is not the best way.
It's not even obvious to me that the approach using nets will work for all polyhedra. I think I see an argument that will work for cuboids, but for general polyhedra, even convex polyhedra, it is not known whether they must have even one net. See the Wikipedia page. I think a satisfying solution to the problem on cuboids should work more generally on polyhedra, and the net idea seems to be insufficiently general, in my view.
What I'm thinking might work is a dynamic programming solution, where you look at the different edges your path can pass through between the initial and final points. There is a hierarchy of edges (those on the starting face; those containing a vertex on the starting face; those on the faces adjacent to the starting face; etc.). For each point on each of those edges you can find the minimum distance to the start point, culminating in the minimum distance from the end point to the start point.
Another way to think about this is to use something akin to the reflection principle, except instead of reflections, we use rotations in space which rotate the polyhedron about one of its edges so that the other face adjacent to the edge becomes coplanar with the starting face. Then we don't have to worry about whether we have a good net or not. You just pick a sequence of edges so that the final point is eventually rotated onto the plane of the initial face. The sequence of edges is finite because any loop is not part of a minimal path. I'll think about how I might be able to communicate this idea better.
I solved the problem for cubes and cuboids by discretizing the cube edges, generating a big graph and solving graph shortest path problem. You can specify start point (sx, sy, 0), and algorithm will determine all shortest path to target points on top face (z = 1), here for 19 * 19 target points. Cube edges are divided into 100 parts. Graph with these settings has n=1558 vertices and m=464000(!) edges, inner loop of floyd_warshall_path() for updating shortest path distances is executed n³ = 3,781,833,112 times (takes less than 1 minute on Raspberry Pi400). Orange shortest paths flow through 3 cuboid faces, blue ones through 4. Algorithm generates OpenSCAD file as output. Details in this posting, all code in GitHub repo.
I made experiments with 1 x 1 x 3 cuboid and was able to find examples where shortest path between two points needs to pass 5 faces. Code is submitted to GitHub repo, and details are in this forum posting.
Orange shortest paths are passing 3 faces, blue are passing 4 faces, and the new yellow shortest paths pass 5 faces! With "mirror" at bottom, allowing to see the bottom face with start point as well. This time cuboid edges are divided into 150 parts (149 inner vertices), and there are 49 * 49 top face target points for single start point on bottom face:
I implemented cuboid shortest paths completely different this time, no graph, and geometric distance calculations in 28 possible foldings of cuboid into plane, details in this new forum thread:
Efficient cuboid surface shortest path problem application
The much increased efficiency with all the sliders allows to change x/y coordinate of bottom face point, number of divisions in X/Y direction and which folding to display, with instantaneous display after any change. This allows to play with a cuboid and "see" how the shortest paths change (on top face as well as on side and bottom faces).
Scale to 50% size, 0.5fps animation shows the 6 foldings containing any shortest path. The animation corresponds to clockwise traversal of OpenSCAD 3D top face shown on the right.
With added top and bottom face view.
but for anyone still interested, this question was solved on stackxechange by "Intelligenti pauca" (with some nice diagrams): here is the original link
The "Simplistic approach" from "Richardissimo" was on the right track, you just need to check a few more cases.
Intelligenti pauca:
If the two points belong to adjacent faces, you have to check three
different possible unfoldings to find the shortest path. In diagram
below I represented the first point (red) and the second point (black)
in three possible relative positions: middle position occurs when the
path goes through the common edge, in the other cases the path
traverses one of the faces adjacent to both faces. The other possible
positions are clearly longer than these.
If the two points belong to opposite faces, then 12 different possible
positions have to be checked: see diagram below.
After mapping the points like this you can calculate the distances like normal on a plane an have min(possible distances) as your shortest path-length.

Point in polygon on Earth globe

I have a list of coordinates (latitude, longitude) that define a polygon. Its edges are created by connecting two points with the arc that is the shortest path between those points.
My problem is to determine whether another point (let's call it U) lays in or out of the polygon. I've been searching web for hours looking for an algorithm that will be complete and won't have any flaws. Here's what I want my algorithm to support and what to accept (in terms of possible weaknesses):
The Earth may be treated as a perfect sphere (from what I've read it results in 0.3% precision loss that I'm fine with).
It must correctly handle polygons that cross International Date Line.
It must correctly handle polygons that span over the North Pole and South Pole.
I've decided to implement the following approach (as a modification of ray casting algorithm that works for 2D scenario).
I want to pick the point S (latitude, longitude) that is outside of the polygon.
For each pair of vertices that define a single edge, I want to calculate the great circle (let's call it G).
I want to calculate the great circle for pair of points S and U.
For each great circle defined in point 2, I want to calculate whether this great circle intersects with G. If so, I'll check if the intersection point lays on the edge of the polygon.
I will count how many intersections there are, and based on that (even/odd) I'll decide if point U is inside/outside of the polygon.
I know how to implement the calculations from points 2 to 5, but I don't have a clue how to pick a starting point S. It's not that obvious as on 2D plane, since I can't just pick a point that is to the left of the leftmost point.
Any ideas on how can I pick this point (S) and if my approach makes sense and is optimal?
Thanks for any input!
If your polygons are local, you can just take the plane tangent to the earth sphere at the point B, and then calculate the projection of the polygon vertices on that plane, so that the problem becomes reduced to a 2D one.
This method introduces a small error as you are approximating the spherical arcs with straight lines in the projection. If your polygons are small it would probably be insignificant, otherwise, you can add intermediate points along the arcs when doing the projection.
You should also take into account the polygons on the antipodes of B, but those could be discarded taking into account the polygons orientation, or checking the distance between B and some polygon vertex.
Finally, if you have to query too many points for that, you may like to pick some fixed projection planes (for instance, those forming an octahedron wrapping the sphere) and precalculate the projection of the polygons on then. You could even create some 2d indexing structure as a quadtree for every one in order to speed up the lookup.
The biggest issue is to define what we mean by 'inside the polygon'.
On a sphere, every polygon (as long as the lines are not intersecting) defines two regions of the sphere. Both regions are equally qualified to be called the inside of the polygon.
Consider a simple, 1-meter on a side, yellow square around the south pole.
You can think of the yellow area to be the inside of the square OR you can think of the square enclosing everything north of each line (the rest of the earth).
So, technically, any point on the sphere 'validly' inside the polygon.
The only way to disambiguate is to select which side of the polygon you want. For example, define the interior to always be the area to the right of each edge.

Saddle roof algorithm

I have map (openstreetmap project) with many buildings. Each building is a polygon. How can I make saddle roof parts polygons for every building outline?
Algorithm should transform one polygon in 2D to set of polygons in 2D (or 3D).
Reason for this transformation is visualization - better rendering isometric view.
For example (shading isn't important):
alt text
Main part (like 90%) of what you are looking for is called "skeleton". Take a look here, at the figure called "Other examples". This page is from a manual of a computer graphics library, so you'll find there a general description, and links to the (free) code.
Isn't this just what you get with a 4-neighbor watershed algorithm, plus marking all edges that are local extrema along the line perpendicular to the direction of fastest ascent? (The shading would need to be added somehow, of course, but wouldn't this give you the position of the roof peaks and angles?)
Your examples seem to assume that all roof slopes are the same. The additional lines (when seen directly from above) are then the lines of equal distance from the edges. These can be constructed by taking the angle bisector between two edges.
The algorithm would look like this:
Start with any two neighbouring edges.
Add a line along their angle bisector.
Take the next neighbouring edge.
Add a line along this angle bisector.
Where two new lines meet, mark a new vertex, and clip the lines.
From this vertex, add a line along the angle bisector of the two outer edges where the two lines originated.
Take the next edge, etc..
Take care to correctly clip the new lines and manage the new vertices.
