Best practice for result values when returning an error in Go - go

If your function returns both a value type and also an error type, is it "the go way" to make sure the value type is niled/zero-valued when the error type is non-nil?
func mayError() ([]string, error) {
Should the []string return value be nil if the error is not nil?

Generally speaking, if a function failed to complete a task, its return value should be treated as unreliable. Because errors in go are values, the caller may ignore the error it returns. For exmaple:
foo := myType{
Bar: 123,
Foo: "some string",
b, _ := json.Marshal(foo)
I'm ignoring the error because it's a type I've created, and I know it can be marshalled. However, it's considered bad practice either way. All the same, now imagine someone calling your function:
slice, _ := mayError()
And your function, after adding 2 elements to the slice, errors. Returning the partial slice could, and probably will, lead to buggy behaviour further down the line. That makes code hard to debug. On balance, I'd say it's best to return a nil slice and an error in that case. If the code looks like this:
slice, _ := mayError() // returns nil, someErr
// panic
if slice[0] != "" {
At least the error shows up immediately, and you'll see any errors returned by mayError are being ignored. This makes the code way easier to debug/maintain/fix.


Go errors: Is() and As() claim to be recursive, is there any type that implements the error interface and supports this recursion - bug free?

Everywhere I look, the "way" to "wrap" errors in Go is to use fmt.Errof with the %w verb
However, fmt.Errorf does not recursively wrap errors. There is no way to use it to wrap three previously defined errors (Err1, Err2, and Err3) and then check the result by using Is() and get true for each those three errors.
Thanks to #mkopriva's answer and comments below it, I now have a straightforward way to implement this (although, I am still curious if there is some standard type which does this). In the absence of an example, my attempts at creating one failed. The piece I was missing was adding an Is and As method to my type. Because the custom type needs to contain an error and a pointer to the next error, the custom Is and As methods allows us to compare the error contained in the custom type, rather than the custom type itself.
Here is a working example:
Highlights from the above link
type errorChain struct {
err error
next *errorChain
//These two functions were the missing ingredient
//Defined this way allows for full functionality even if
//The wrapped errors are also chains or other custom types
func (c errorChain) Is(err error) bool { return errors.Is(c.err, err) }
func (c errorChain) As(target any) bool { return errors.As(c.err, target) }
//Omitting Error and Unwrap methods for brevity
func Wrap(errs ...error) error {
out := errorChain{err: errs[0]}
n := &out
for _, err := range errs[1:] { = &errorChain{err: err}
n =
return out
var Err0 = errors.New("error 0")
var Err1 = errors.New("error 1")
var Err2 = errors.New("error 2")
var Err3 = errors.New("error 3")
func main() {
//Check basic Is functionality
errs := Wrap(Err1, Err2, Err3)
fmt.Println(errs) //error 1: error 2: error 3
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err0)) //false
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err2)) //true
While the Go source specifically mentions the ability to define an Is method, the example does not implement it in a way that can solve my issue and the discussion do not make it immediately clear that it would be needed to utilize the recursive nature of errors.Is.
Is there something built into Go where this does work?
I played around with making one of my own (several attempts), but ran into undesirable issues. These issues stem from the fact that errors in Go appear to be compared by address. i.e. if Err1 and Err2 point to the same thing, they are the same.
This causes me issues. I can naively get errors.Is and errors.As to work recursively with a custom error type. It is straightforward.
Make a type that implements the error interface (has an Error() string method)
The type must have a member that represents the wrapped error which is a pointer to its own type.
Implement an Unwrap() error method that returns the wrapped error.
Implement some method which wraps one error with another
It seems good. But there is trouble.
Since errors are pointers, if I make something like myWrappedError = Wrap(Err1, Err2) (in this case assume Err1 is being wrapped by Err2). Not only will errors.Is(myWrappedError, Err1) and errors.Is(myWrappedError, Err2) return true, but so will errors.Is(Err2, Err1)
Should the need arise to make myOtherWrappedError = Wrap(Err3, Err2) and later call errors.Is(myWrappedError, Err1) it will now return false! Making myOtherWrappedError changes myWrappedError.
I tried several approaches, but always ran into related issues.
Is this possible? Is there a Go library which does this?
NOTE: I am more interested in the presumably already existing right way to do this rather than the specific thing that is wrong with my basic attempt
Edit 3: As suggested by one of the answers, the issue in my first code is obviously that I modify global errors. I am aware, but failed to adequately communicate. Below, I will include other broken code which uses no pointers and modifies no globals.
Edit 4: slight modification to make it work more, but it is still broken
type errorGroup struct {
err error
wrappedErr error
//...implemention Unwrap and Error excluded for brevity
func Wrap(inside error, outside error) error {
return &errorGroup{outside, inside}
var Err1 = errorGroup{errors.New("error 1"), nil}
var Err2 = errorGroup{errors.New("error 2"), nil}
var Err3 = errorGroup{errors.New("error 3"), nil}
func main() {
errs := Wrap(Err1, Err2)
errs = Wrap(errs, Err3)
fmt.Println(errs)//error 3: error 2: error 1
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err1)) //true
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err2)) //false <--- a bigger problem
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err3)) //false <--- a bigger problem
Edit 2: playground version shortened
See for an example of this.
EDIT 1: A trimmed version of my code focusing on the important parts:
type errorGroup struct {
err error
wrappedErr *errorGroup
//...implemention Unwrap and Error excluded for brevity
func Wrap(errs ...*errorGroup) (r *errorGroup) {
r = &errorGroup{}
for _, err := range errs {
err.wrappedErr = r
r = err
var Err0 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 0"), nil}
var Err1 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 1"), nil}
var Err2 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 2"), nil}
var Err3 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 3"), nil}
func main() {
errs := Wrap(Err1, Err2, Err3)//error 3: error 2: error 1
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err1)) //true
//Creating another wrapped error using the Err1, Err2, or Err3 breaks the previous wrap, errs.
_ = Wrap(Err0, Err2, Err3)
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err1)) //false <--- the problem
You can use something like this:
type errorChain struct {
err error
next *errorChain
func Wrap(errs ...error) error {
out := errorChain{err: errs[0]}
n := &out
for _, err := range errs[1:] { = &errorChain{err: err}
n =
return out
func (c errorChain) Is(err error) bool {
return c.err == err
func (c errorChain) Unwrap() error {
if != nil {
return nil
Your code modifies package-global error values, so it is inherently broken. This defect has nothing to do with Go's error handling mechanics.
Per the documentation you linked, there are two error-handling helpers: Is, and As. Is lets you recursively unwrap an error, looking for a specific error value, which is necessarily a package global for this to be useful. As, on the other hand, lets you recursively unwrap an error looking for any wrapped error value of a given type.
How does wrapping work? You wrap error A in a new error value B. A Wrap() helper would necessarily return a new value, as fmt.Errorf does in the examples in the linked documentation. A Wrap helper should never modify the value of the error being wrapped. That value should be considered immutable. In fact, in any normal implementation, the value would be of type error, so that you can wrap any error, rather than just wrapping concentric values of your custom error type in each other; and, in that case, you have no access to the fields of the wrapped error to modify them anyway. Essentially, Wrap should be roughly:
func Wrap(err error) error {
return &errGroup{err}
And that's it. That's not very useful, because your implementation of errGroup doesn't really do anything - it provides no details about the error that occurred, it's just a container for other errors. For it to have value, it should have a string error message, or methods like some other error types' IsNotFound, or something that makes it more useful than just using error and fmt.Errorf.
Based on the usage in your example code, it also looks like you're presuming the use case is to say "I want to wrap A in B in C", which I've never seen in the wild and I cannot think of any scenario where that would be needed. The purpose of wrapping is to say "I've recieved error A, I'm going to wrap it in error B to add context, and return it". The caller might wrap that error in error C, and so on, which is what makes recursive wrapping valuable.
For example:
Instead of chaining/wrapping, you will "soon" (Go 1.20, as seen in Go 1.20-rc1 in Dec. 2022) be able to return a slice/tree of errors.
(In the meantime, mdobak/go-xerrors is a good alternative)
The release note explains:
Wrapping multiple errors
Go 1.20 expands support for error wrapping to permit an error to wrap
multiple other errors.
An error e can wrap more than one error by providing an Unwrap method
that returns a []error.
The errors.Is and errors.As functions have been updated to inspect
multiply wrapped errors.
The fmt.Errorf function now supports multiple occurrences of the %w
format verb, which will cause it to return an error that wraps all of
those error operands.
The new function errors.Join returns an error wrapping a list of
That comes from:
proposal: errors: add support for wrapping multiple errors
Since Go 1.13, an error may wrap another by providing an Unwrap method returning the wrapped error.
The errors.Is and errors.As functions operate on chains of wrapped errors.
A common request is for a way to combine a list of errors into a single error.
An error wraps multiple errors if its type has the method
Unwrap() []error
Reusing the name Unwrap avoids ambiguity with the existing singular Unwrap method.
Returning a 0-length list from Unwrap means the error doesn't wrap anything.
Callers must not modify the list returned by Unwrap.
The list returned by Unwrap must not contain any nil errors.
We replace the term "error chain" with "error tree".
The errors.Is and errors.As functions are updated to unwrap multiple errors.
Is reports a match if any error in the tree matches.
As finds the first matching error in a inorder preorder traversal of the tree.
The errors.Join function provides a simple implementation of a multierr.
It does not flatten errors.
// Join returns an error that wraps the given errors.
// Any nil error values are discarded.
// The error formats as the text of the given errors, separated by newlines.
// Join returns nil if errs contains no non-nil values.
func Join(errs ...error) error
The fmt.Errorf function permits multiple instances of the %w formatting verb.
The errors.Unwrap function is unaffected: It returns nil when called on an error with an Unwrap() []error method.
Why should this be in the standard library?
This proposal adds something which cannot be provided outside the standard library: Direct support for error trees in errors.Is and errors.As.
Existing combining errors operate by providing Is and As methods which inspect the contained errors, requiring each implementation to duplicate this logic, possibly in incompatible ways.
This is best handled in errors.Is and errors.As, for the same reason those functions handle singular unwrapping.
In addition, this proposal provides a common method for the ecosystem to use to represent combined errors, permitting interoperation between third-party implementations.
So far (Sept. 2022) this proposal seems a likely accept has been accepted!
CL 432575 starts the implementation.
There arr several approaches but there is one thing that you should keep in mind: if you have multiple errors, you may need to handle it as a slice of errors
For instance, imagine you need to check if all errors are the same, or there is at least one error of certain type you can use the snippet below.
You can extend this concept or use some existing library to handle multierrors
type Errors []error
func (errs Errors) String() string {
func (errs Errors) Any(target error) bool{
for _, err := range errs {
if errors.Is(err,target) {
return true
return false
func (errs Errors) All(target error) bool{
if len(errs) == 0 { return false }
for _, err := range errs {
if !errors.Is(err,target) {
return false
return true

Is it possible to get a single value from a function (which has multiple return values) during a statement?

Lets say for example add(int, int) returns and int and an error, and I want to append the int return value into a string. The way I know how to do it in go is:
foo := ""
bar, _ := add(1, 2)
foo += strconv.Itoa(bar)
However, if add() didn't return an error variable, I can just do foo += strconv.Itoa(add(1, 2)).
Is it possible to ignore the error variable during the statement to do something like that?
Is it possible to ignore the error variable during the statement to do something like that?
No, Go offers no language construct for something like this.
(But you can have your own Must... functions like you'll find in package regexp or text/template.)
Disclaimer (my opinion): This answer is just for fun. I don't recommend ever using this. Ignoring errors is bad, and trying to compactify every line of code is a fool's errand. This just illustrates some interesting concepts about how Go handles multiple return values, and I learned something new while writing this, so I thought I'd share.
Related: The more practical cousin of this problem is the "Must pattern", used by some of the standard library including templates. It involves taking a value and an error, panicing if the error is not nil, and then returning the value. See this (currently frozen) proposal
You need a wrapper function to do this. The multiple return values will automatically expand to fill the arguments.
See this example which matches the types of add()
func ignoreError(i int, err error) int {
return i
foo := ""
foo += strconv.Itoa(ignoreError(add(1, 2)))
Here's a more general alternative, which will take any number of values from another function and return the first.
func takeFirstValue(v ...interface{}) interface{} {
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil
return v[0]
foo := ""
foo += strconv.Itoa(takeFirstValue(add(1, 2)).(int))
This option requires casting at the call site .(int) to restore the data type, as takeFirstValue returns interface{}.

How can I assign a reflect.Value that holds an error object to an ordinary variable of type error?

I am trying to write a function that returns back to its caller an error result taken from the result slice of reflect.ValueOf(somefunc).Call(someargs).
I've tried numerous variants of refer. calls, and type assertions. but cannot seem to get the compiler to let me put the actual concrete value from the reflect.Value slice back into an ordinary error variable.
Here's the code, using os.Getwd as the function:
var somefunc interface{}
var errToCaller *error
somefunc = os.Getwd
ftype := reflect.TypeOf(somefunc)
errType := reflect.TypeOf(errToCaller).Elem()
resType := ftype.Out(1)
fmt.Println("resType.Implements(errType) = ",
res := reflect.ValueOf(somefunc).Call([]reflect.Value{})
fmt.Printf("res[1] as %%v = %v\n", res[1])
fmt.Printf("res[1] as %%#v = %#v\n", res[1])
fmt.Printf("ValueOf(res[1]) as %%v = %v\n",
fmt.Printf("ValueOf(res[1]) as %%#v = %#v\n",
fmt.Printf("ValueOf(res[1]).Type() as %%#v = %#v\n",
fmt.Printf("ValueOf(res[1]).Interface() as %%#v = %#v\n",
// *errToCaller = reflect.ValueOf(res[1])
// *errToCaller = reflect.ValueOf(res[1]).Interface()
// *errToCaller = reflect.ValueOf(res[1]).Interface().(error)
With the following output:
resType.Implements(errType) = true
res[1] as %v = <nil>
res[1] as %#v = error(nil)
ValueOf(res[1]) as %v = <error Value>
ValueOf(res[1]) as %#v = reflect.Value{typ:(*reflect.rtype)(0x4b9a60), ptr:(unsafe.Pointer)(0xc42000a3f0), flag:0x94}
ValueOf(res[1]).Type() as %#v = &reflect.rtype{size:0x18, ptrdata:0x10, hash:0x500c1abc, tflag:0x7, align:0x8, fieldAlign:0x8, kind:0x19, alg:(*reflect.typeAlg)(0x4a62d0), gcdata:(*uint8)(0x4daa41), str:21371, ptrToThis:184032}
ValueOf(res[1]).Interface() as %#v = error(nil)
I've abbreviated the example to remove lots of other Printf statements that indicate (to me at least) that the types are the same (even in what I think are the relevant fields of the reflect.Value struct). Why, when all of the various print statements seem to be telling me the result is an error value, can't I assign it to my local variable?
Uncommenting the first assignment in the code example above results in this complaint from the compiler:
./passerror.go:30: cannot use reflect.ValueOf(res[1]) (type reflect.Value) as type error in assignment:
reflect.Value does not implement error (missing Error method)
So I figured I needed the Interface() result, but still no luck (using the 2nd assignment commented out above):
./passerror.go:31: cannot use reflect.ValueOf(res[1]).Interface() (type interface {}) as type error in assignment:
interface {} does not implement error (missing Error method)
Finally, a type assertion on the Interface() return value causes a panic:
panic: interface conversion: reflect.Value is not error: missing method Error
No matter what I've tried, I can't seem to escape from the dreaded reflect.Value which prevents me from doing the assignment to ordinary error variable. I have tried Set() also without success, but perhaps incorrectly.
I would be forever grateful for insight and/or the magic incantation to do this.
Thanks for the spot on comment. The code requires a real error variable, not just a *error, after which localerr = res[n].Interface().(error) worked perfectly. (also changed function to os.Chdir using a bogus argument to trigger a non-nil error value)
The value returned from Call is a slice of reflect.Values, so there is no need to wrap the result in another reflect.ValueOf call like you do in your example code:
reflect.ValueOf(res[1]) // not what you want
Doing that will change the value's underlying type from error to reflect.Value which is the reason why subsequently calling .Interface().(error) causes the program to panic.
So to fix your code just call .Interface().(error) directly on the result like so:
And, as already pointed out by Cerise Limón, when you do type assertion it's good practice to use the "comma ok" idiom to avoid unnecessary panics.
err, ok := res[1].Interface().(error)
if !ok {
// oops
Or, a bit more concise alternative:
if err, ok := res[1].Interface().(error); ok && err != nil {
// it's a non-nil error

Use 'comma ok' idiom or return pointer?

Consider the following Go snippet:
func sheep() (int, bool) {
return 1, true
func main() {
if dolly, ok := sheep() {
//do something
As I read on 'Effective Go' this is called the 'comma ok' idiom. As far as I can tell this is used to distinguish from a 'found' and 'not found' thing.
The same can be achieved via:
type Sheep struct {}
func sheep() *Sheep {
return &Sheep{}
func main() {
if dolly := sheep(); dolly != nil {
//do something
The latter example seems to fulfill the same purpose, perhaps even nicer. With the 'comma ok' example the assignment is only valid in the if block.
Perhaps I'm missing some considerations. Which pattern is preferred? And why?
A brief example:
In Go, a nil value may be a perfectly good value. For example a nil slice works (almost) like an empty slice, and the same may be true for user-defined pointer receivers.
For this reason, the comma-ok or comma-error idiom is usually preferred because it makes it obvious that the caller of the function needs to treat the error case (or the not-ok) case explicitly.
So, these are idiomatic when the Sheep return value may not be valid:
func sheep() (*Sheep, bool) {...}
func sheep() (s *Sheep, ok bool) {...} // Adding names to make it clearer
func sheep() (*Sheep, error) {...}
And this is idiomatic only when the return value is always valid:
func sheep() *Sheep {...}
This is an area where Go is different from other languages, where a nil return value may be used to signal an error. The Go idioms of comma-ok and comma-error neatly work around the "billion-dollar mistake" of nil pointers by making code that doesn't deal with invalid return values look wrong. If you write idiomatic code, you can immediately see when errors are being ignored: for example the assignment to s2 here immediately jumps out as suspicious:
s1 := sheep()
s2, _ := sheep()
Both are acceptable, plus you missed the most common idiom; Returning value, error.
The "comma ok" idiom as referenced in "Effective Go" is typically reserved for the builtin operations, like reading from a map or channel, and for type assertions.
I would use it if you need to return a value where a pointer would be unnecessary, inconvenient, or where nil is a valid value; but depending on the situation value, error could be just as good.

do I always have to return a value even on error

If I have a function that looks like this
func ThisIsMyComplexFunc() (ComplexStruct, error)
where ComplexStruct is a big struct that usually contain loads of values.
What if the function stumbles on an error right in the beginning, before I even started building my struct, ideally I would like to only return the error, e.g.
return nil, err
but it wont let me do it, it forces me to create a dummy complex struct and return that together with the error, even though I never want to use the struct.
Is there a way around this?
If your function is declared to return two values, then you will need to return two values.
One option that might simplify your code is to use named return values:
func ThisIsMyComplexFunc() (s ComplexStruct, err error) {
Now you can just assign to s and/or err and then use a bare return statement. You will still be returning a ComplexStruct value, but you don't need to initialise it manually (it will default to a zero value).
You can return a pointer to the struct:
func ThisIsMyComplexFunc() (*ComplexStruct, error) {
if somethingIsWrong {
return nil, err
return &theStructIBuilt, nil
In general, it'll be cheaper to pass big structs by pointer anyway, because it's easier to copy a pointer than the whole struct.
