Cannot compile - unknown flag "-pdbrpc" in "p2" - visual-studio

I'm trying to compile a C++ project in VS 2017. Previously I used VS 2019 but due to it's annoying bugs I moved back to 2017, but now I get and error: unknown flag "-pdbrpc" in "p2". I don't even know what this flag means and I didn't find it in .vcxproj files.
I tried to change my project's config settings to disable optimization, but didn't succeed. Also I searched that error in google but didn't find anything useful. How can I fix this annoying problem?

Had same problem. Disabling Whole Program Optimization fixed it.

You probably forgot to downgrade some projects you depend upon.
Make sure all of your projects (including static libraries you link with) use the same v141 (VS2017) Platform Toolset. It can be visible in the Solution Explorer as Project Name (Visual Studio 2017).
In my case I had a hidden project.default.props that was using $(DefaultPlatformToolset), which started to point to v142 as soon as I installed VS2019.


Visual Studio 2022 problem after upgrade to last version 17.2.6

like title after upgrade, VS detect many error like this:
But the code build successfully.
I try to repair Visual Studio 2022 but this not solve the problem.
Any suggestions?
Thank you
This issue is caused not by the Visual Studio update from 17.2.5 to 17.2.6, but by the update from .NET SDK 6.0.301 to 6.0.302 (which is automatically done during the Visual Studio upgrade). Intellisense is still looking for the code analyzers in the old SDK directories.
To find this, you should actually not look at the errors, but at the warnings (seeing you have 56 warning, I guess you tend not to look at them. It's a very good habit to keep the number of warnings at 0).
Inbetween the warnings you should see something like:
Warning CS8034 Unable to load Analyzer assembly C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.301\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\analyzers\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.NetAnalyzers.dll: Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.301\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\analyzers\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.NetAnalyzers.dll’.
How I fixed it: by manually opening the properties (alt-enter) of each problematic project. If you do that, it automatically fixes the paths.
Hans Passant's fix (deleting all the obj directories) seems way simpler, and might be a good thing to do on any Visual Studio upgrade. (Note, only delete the build obj directories, not those of dependencies, like git/github/node-modules/etc)
edit: Note that there is a side-issue with .NET SDK 6.0.302, where source generators run twice, which breaks anything that relies on them, like the WPF- and WinUI community toolits.
edit2: Microsoft has notified that these issues should be solved with the next release/update.
Updating Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers from the Package Manager Console removed the warnings for me.
NuGet\Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers -Version 3.3.3

building with Visual Studio 2019 but getting depend on MFC140U.dll

I have moved from VS2015 to VS2019. I've created a deployment and all is good locally, here on three machines. But when I shipped a test MSI out to an old laptop we got an MFC140.dll not found. I found the dependency in one of my dlls, thought it had something to do with not moving it up to UNICODE. Did that and it still depends on MFC140U.dll
I do have
toolset (VS 2019)vs142
SDK Version 10.0(latest installed)
I've googled and pulled hair out. But the lights are not coming on. Checked, and this is also happening to a second dll I build.
So I check another app that goes into the deployment. It does not use any of my dlls. Yet it also depends on MFC140U.dll as well as MFC142U.dll. The only libs linked in this one are BOOST and SQLITE3. And those don't have any MFC dependencies. This just adds to my confusion.
The only thing that would make sense to me is that a vs142 build has some 140 dependency and the deployment system is not picking that up. Note that deployment is not done with install shield as was done with vs2015.
Yes, I could fix it by shipping the MFC140U.dll but that just does not seem right. Either I, or Microsoft, has something wrong is all I can figure.
I created a fresh MFC project with VS2019 and looked at the depends. Same thing, this is about Microsoft. And it looks like the deployment system includes MFC142x dlls but not the MFC140 that is required.
You don't mention what your "deployment system" is, so I'm not sure what installer technology you are using here.
But your application or one of your DLL's has a dependency on MFC. If MFC isn't needed, you'll want to check your build settings on the exe or dll in question. The other item to check is if you are errantly including the afx.h header in your project. The afx.h has #pragma comment(lib, xxx) entries that resolve to the proper mfc140xxx.lib depending on your build options.
If the MFC dependency is legitimate, you should be installing the VC runtime components using the vsredist packages designed for just that purpose. These should be installed to your hard drive under a path similar to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.21.27702
Alternatively, you can download the latest using the following link:
The latest supported Visual C++ downloads

VS 2017 15.3 Yellow Triangles on References

This morning I upgraded to VS 2017 15.3 and now am getting yellow triangles for most of my references. The project runs fine (build is good in CLI and VS and restore has been run multiple times) that I can tell (and even better on dotnetcore 2.0 actually) but these remain. Has anyone else had this happen or have a suggestion? Thanks.
Link to project.assets.json file -->
Also issue of greyed out usings and red references although everything builds and runs fine.
Update: VisualStudio twitter account responded to me to note that this is a bug and they are working on a fix for the future on this....
I have two responses to my post:
1) The using issue noted with things greyed out was actually a ReSharper issue. If you upgrade to VS 2017 15.3 and use R# make sure you update it as well to 2017.2.
2) The Yellow triangles issue is being looked at by the Visual Studio team but honestly I believe it to be linked to warnings in the build that those references are being coerced to either lower dependencies (ie Newtonsoft at different levels) or previews. The quickly evolving .NET 2.0 world may have exacerbated this issue. Yellow triangles have traditionally meant missing but check your warnings to see if that is related and then review the dependency chain. I will update this answer once I hear back from VS team (shout out to them and Damian Edwards + Scott Hanselman for helping me with this on Twitter).
I was experiencing the yellow triangle on references issue after updating the projects in my (.NET 4.6.1) solution to the new .NET Standard .csproj format that comes with VS2017. The references I was getting warnings for were ProjectReference type (although it seemed to spill over into PackageReference for common packages in the projects in question).
I did not have any build warnings and there was nothing in the verbose build output to indicate what the cause could be.
I could follow all warnings back to a single project in my solution. I was able to solve by removing that project from my solution and then adding it back and re-adding only the necessary project references.
It seems the issue was related to unnecessary project references (or possibly circular) caused by the new transitive dependencies support. After removing the project and adding it back with only the minimum ProjectReferences and relying on transitive dependencies support to propagate the dependency, the warnings all disappeared.
This also solved an issue where the project in question was failing compilation during a command line msbuild initiated build on my CI server which only has VS2017 build tools installed (not the full IDE).
I had the same issue, some of the references were marked with the yellow triangle. However, I was able to build and run my project.
I managed to remove these warning by following steps from this answer:
.Net 2015 References with yellow triangle for Nuget packages on portable libraries
I turned on tracing for Visual Studio, I had next warnings in log files for all uncorrectly loaded references:
Encountered conflict between 'Reference:Microsoft.Win32.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=MSIL' and 'Reference:C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll'. Choosing 'Reference:C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Studio\MSBuild\Microsoft\Microsoft.NET.Build.Extensions\net461\ref\Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll' because AssemblyVersion '' is greater than ''.
To be precise, I did next steps:
Removed error condition from my .csproj file
Removed <Private>true</Private> parameter for not-loaded references in .csproj file
Deleted not-loaded packages from \lib and \ref folders in corresponding MSBuild folder.
Deleted packages from \packages folder in solution.
Restored nuget packages.
I'm not sure all these steps are necessary, but it worked for me.
You could check my answer on relative topic here:
Just for documentation purpose for new person with this issue try
this and you will rememberme :D
If you go to: Tools > NuGet Administrator > Configurations. and you
have "Allow nuget...." and "automatically check...." cheked.
The only thing than you have to do is click con the button "Clear
All NuGet Cache(s)"
That's it, you don't have to edit manual thinks than can be dangerous,
believe me, I use to need to done some of the steps than describe here
a lot of time, and try more than 5 steps of the official Microsoft
documentation for that issue you could check it here:
But just cleaning the cache solve all the problems
To "Clear All NuGet Cache(s)" in Visual Studio 2019
Tools->NuGet Package Manager->Package Manager Setting
Mismatched Windows SDK Version between the referencing project and the references will cause it. In the vcxproj file it is "<WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>SDK Version</WindowsTargetPlatformVersion>"
I was upgrading from VS2012 to VS2017. Everything was good, then I upgraded to a new version of libtomcrypt and libtommath. Rather than tweak my existing projects, I up-converted the projects from the distributions from VS2008 -> VS2012 -> VS2017. In the process, I picked up Windows SDK Version 10.0.17763.0 in both the new projects. However, all of the projects that referenced those were 8.1, and thus the warning.
I know that this was ready to solve it, and one of my answers was ready to say something about that, but, maybe some of you present the same error and none of this solution listed here solves the problem... I don't know why this problem comes with the global installation of .net 6, but, if you present this issue again, you need to go to
And delete all the content, don't be afraid, that's a cache generator than will be created again if is need it.
I had a similar issue with visual studio 2017. And discovered that, if when I changed the dependency settings of the package I wanted to install (from lowest dependency to highest) everything worked fine.
Today faced the same issue with an imported project.
FAILED ATTEMPTS: Tried updating nougat packages, checking improper imports and everything imaginable. No help.
SOLUTION: At last just tried building the solution and it worked!
PS: Try building the project first. If it does not work then go for solution hunting.

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 shows IntelliSense errors but solution compiles

We are currently evaluating the new Visual Studio 2015 and encountered a strange problem with IntelliSense. When I compiled our main solution with the new studio the build succeeds, but nevertheless 6 errors are shown.
I discovered that it's not a real error, but only an intellisense error. The code is definitely correct and everything compiled successfully. The code however is marked red and errors show up in the error list.
All 6 errors have the same origin. It's a simple constructor call. Strange enough, but there are also some occurrences of the exact same constructor without any errors.
The error message:
Code: CS1729
Message: '<the class>' does not contain a constructor that takes that many arguments.
Project: <the project name>
File: <the path to the file>
The new studio was installed on a freshly installed Windows 7 without any legacy software (no VS13).
I've already tried to clear the caches, deleted the suo file, deleted bin and obj directories, cleaned and rebuilt the solution etc. But nothing worked.
Can anyone explain that behavior to me?
I had thousands of intellisense errors and 0 build errors. After deleting .suo file and restarting VS intellisense errors are gone.
Suo file is located relatively to source in:
According to comment: Beware that *.suo is a hidden file.
Edit: According to comments, VS2017 has the same issue, so you can use similar solution: Delete .vs\SolutionName\v15\.suo
VS2019 still has this issue. Delete .vs\SolutionName\v17\.suo
If deleting .suo still does solve your problem, then delete also all bin and obj directories in every project in the solution.
Also had this problem with a migrated project, so I referenced the Microsoft.CSharp dll. In some projects I needed to remove and add again the Reference in the project.
Ran into similar issue in Visual Studio 2017 ASP.Net Core Project. Following steps did the trick for me
Perform Clean Solution
Close VS
Delete .suo file & Delete bin/obj directories
Reopen VS
Similar problem as others, but different resolution. Posting in case I can help someone else.
Running Visual Studio 2017 15.5.2. I use Git and frequently switch branches. Several weeks ago, I started having editors show me errors (all related to types it could not find even though references were valid). Compile worked great. I confirmed the same issue in VS 2017 15.6 Preview (Jan 6, 2018). I would try to delete cache, SUO files, or bin/obj folders and no impact. At first it would appear to work. Reopen Visual Studio and everything would look good. Use "Rebuild Solution" and the IntelliSense errors would returns. I even tried uninstall/reinstall of Visual Studio.
I had the same issue on two machines, both with same version of Visual Studio.
By looking at the errors about missing types, they all appeared to come from two referenced projects. One of those references was a shared project used by just about every other project in the solution, but one of them was a small project without many references. It just so happens that the small project was also referenced by my larger shared project. In Visual Studio, I unloaded the small project and reloaded it. The errors went away! They errors did not come back on Rebuild Solution.
I then switched Git branches and the errors all came back. Fortunately I repeated the above steps of unloading/reloading the small project and the errors went away.
Every time I switch Git branches, the errors come back until I repeat that process. There are zero changes between the Git branches for the smaller project that I unload/reload. Unclear why that sequence is fixing my issue.
Also had this problem (the title, not the specific error message), as well as squiggly lines in the editor. The first squiggly line is under the first #include statement, which names a precompiled header. Intellisense fails to include the precompiled header, but doesn't list that as an error; instead it lists errors further down the file, on code that (very rightfully) relies on declarations in the precompiled header.
The reason Intellisense doesn't find the precompiled header in my environment is that the header named is not an actual file. It doesn't have to be in any other VC or gcc version I used, nor in the 2015 compiler, as long as the precompiled header settings are correctly configured. Apparently not any more for Intellisense. I'm not entirely sure it was different in 2013, maybe I just never noticed.
In the unlikely case that this would be the problem reported here, the solution is simple: create a small file with the pretend-name of the precompiled header, as specified in #include directives, and let that file include the actual name of the precompiled header.
If you wonder... why this distinction between the precompiled header name in the '#include' statement and the actual filename of the precompiled header? Precisely because it guarantees that precompiled header settings are correctly configured. Wherever a precompiled header is "#included", there is no file around that could be included. Either an actually precompiled (binary) version of the actual header is read, or the compilation fails. Obviously, a disadvantage is that it confuses people reading the code, not just Intellisense.
Visual Studio 2017
I have deleted ".suo" file from location .vs\SolutionName\v15.suo
And then restarted Visual studio. This worked for me.
Today I've had similar problem with MSVC++ 2015. I almost gave up and decided to go on without IDE hints, but suddenly I've noticed that stdafx.h of the project i had problems with doesn't contain any standard library headers. I've speculated that inclusion of all standard headers used in the project in stdafx.h might boost up compilation speed, however doing so fixed Intellisense errors as well.
In Visual Studio 2019 the problem is with changing branches with Git when there are NuGet packages installed in the project. What I did to solve this:
Clean Solution
Close Visual Studio
Delete the packages folder
Open Visual Studio
Go to Package Manager
Restore all packages
If roslyn is missing, close and open Visual Studio, then recompile.
I had multiple stdfax.h in Additional Include Directories. Make sure the stdafx.h you intended is first in your path.
I had a similar issue with different Visual Studio versions.
Deleting the .suo or .vs folder did not help for me.
The Solution for me was, that I had the Extension StopOnFirstBuildError active. After turning off "Stop build on first error" in the build menu, and after the solution was fully built, the errors shown by Intellisense went away.
I was seeing the intellisearch errors only when publishing a website. (ASP/C# site, VS 2017). They broke the publish. Site ran fine locally.
Cleared the errors by unchecking the setting to pre-compile, and it published fine.
Publish -> Setting -> File Publish Options -> Precompile during publishing
I had this issue with a reference to another project. Removing and re-adding the project reference worked for me.

Visual Studio 2010 , QT and intellisense/highlight error

Hi have a problem with VisualStudio 2010 and the QT5 plugin, it seems that VisualStudio doesnt recognize the QT Library (despite i have installed the plugin and followed the whole procedure).
This is what I see:
So the IDE highlights the QT stuff like if the files were not present, and Intellisense is not working. But, If I compile the application, it compiles without error and works like a charm.
What could be the cause of the highlight/Intellisense issue?
You cannot launch Visual Studio 2010 directly.
You will need to launch the QT 5.0.1 for Desktop(MSVC 2010) command line from Program Files->Qt 5.0.1->5.0.1
After which you will need to run the vcvarsall.bat and devenv after.
x:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.\VC\vcvarsall.bat
x:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
This is applicable to VS2012 and Qt4.5.0, though I believe Qt version does not matter.
I am not sure if it is the same/similar to VS2010, but I stumbled upon this post while looking the answer to the same question for VS2012.
Here is what you can do:
Right-click the project in your solution and select Properties.
Select Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories.
Edit Include Directories entry.
Add $(QTDIR)\include\QtCore and any other (required by your project) Qt folders to the list (it depends what Qt headers you are using).
This has to be done to every project in your solution that uses Qt, unfortunately.
Now, there is another note:
We were transferring our solution from VS2005 to VS2012 and that problem happened to me when I converted the solution 2005->2012 BEFORE setting the QTDIR environment variable.
When I re-converted the solution again (AFTER *QTDIR* variable was created) the problem didn't appear. So make sure you have this variable before you open/convert your solution for the first time.
Based on the previous note, I believe that some information related to the issue is stored in one of the following files: .sdf and/or .v11.suo.
So closing VS, deleting these files and opening VS again might help. Just back them up before you do it - I haven't tried it myself (I just re-imported the whole solution which generated these files anew).
