Apache Nutch 2.3.1, increase reducer memory - hadoop

I have setup a small size cluster if Hadoop with Hbase for Nutch 2.3.1. The hadoop version is 2.7.7 and Hbase is 0.98. I have customized a hadoop job and now I have to set memory for reducer task in driver class. I have come to know, in simple hadoop MR jobs, you can use JobConf method setMemoryForReducer. But there isn't any option available in Nutch. In my case , currently, reducer memory is set to 4 GB via mapred-site.xml (Hadoop configuration). But for Nutch, I have to double it.
Is it possible without changing hadoop conf files, either via driver class or nutch-site.xml

Finally, I was able to found the solution. NutchJob does the objective. Following is the code snippet
NutchJob job = NutchJob.getInstance(getConf(), "rankDomain-update");
int reducer_mem = 8192;
String memory = "-Xmx" + (int) (reducer_mem * 0.8)+ "m";
job.getConfiguration().setInt("mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb", reducer_mem);
job.getConfiguration().set("mapreduce.reduce.java.opts", memory );
// rest of code below


The RAM requirements for modifying the topology are invalid in Heron

I modified the RAM requirement in the Heron example topology named WordCountTopology.java and rebuild the file using mvn assembly:assembly command. When I submitted the modified WordCountTopology to Heron cluster, I found the RAM requirement of Heron Instance did not changed.
The process of building .jar is succeed. The default RAM requirement of the WordCountTopology as following:
// configure component resources
ByteAmount.fromMegabytes(ExampleResources.COMPONENT_RAM_MB * 2));
ByteAmount.fromMegabytes(ExampleResources.COMPONENT_RAM_MB * 2));
// configure container resources
ExampleResources.getContainerDisk(2 * parallelism, parallelism));
ExampleResources.getContainerRam(2 * parallelism, parallelism));
In the above code. ExampleResources.COMPONENT_RAM_MB = 512mb. The default value of parallelism is 1.
The content about ExampleResources as following:
static ByteAmount getContainerDisk(int components, int containers) {
return ByteAmount.fromGigabytes(Math.max(components / containers, 1));
static ByteAmount getContainerRam(int components, int containers) {
final int componentsPerContainer = Math.max(components / containers, 1);
return ByteAmount.fromMegabytes(COMPONENT_RAM_MB * componentsPerContainer);
My changed the value of ExampleResources.COMPONENT_RAM_MB=512mb to 256mb.
However, the requirement of the topology showed in the Aurora scheduler as following:
And all instances in the aurora is FAILED:
My Questions: What should I do to effectively change the RAM requirement in the topology?And I don't know why tasks failed running in the mesos and aurora. Thanks for your help.
Do you know which version of Heron are you using? We recently cut over to a new packing algorithm called Resource Compliant Round Robin scheduling. Eventually, the resource allocation will be automatic.

New Distributed cache API Hadoop2 backcompatibility

I would like to know if new Distributed cache API is back-compatible with Hadoop 1?
If I change my code adhering the new API (since the old one is deprecated) will it work on Hadoop 1 cluster?
By new I mean:
Configuration conf = getConf();
Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);
job.addCacheFile(new URI(filename));

Hadoop performance modeling

I am working on Hadoop performance modeling. Hadoop has 200+ parameters so setting them manually is not possible. So often we run our hadoop jobs with default parameter value(like using default value io.sort.mb, io.sort.record.percent, mapred.output.compress etc). But using default parameter value gives us sub optimal performance. There is some work done in this area by Herodotos Herodotou (http://www.cs.duke.edu/starfish/files/vldb11-job-optimization.pdf) to improve performance. But i have following doubt in their work --
They are fixing the value of parameters at the job start time( according to proportionality assumption of data) for all the phases( read, map, collect etc.) of MapReduce job. Can we set different value of these parameters for each phase at run time according to run time environment( like cluster configuration, underling file system etc.), by changing Hadoop configuration log files of a particular node to get optimal performance from a node ?
They are using white box model for Hadoop core are they still applicable for
current Hadoop ( http://arxiv.org/pdf/1106.0940.pdf) ?
No, you couldn't dynamically change MapReduce parameters per job per node.
Configuring set of nodes
Rather what you could do is change the configuration parameters per node statically in the configuration files (generally located in /etc/hadoop/conf), so that you could take the most out of your cluster with different h/w configurations.
Example: Assume you have 20 worker nodes with different hardware configurations like:
10 with configuration of 128GB RAM, 24 Cores
10 with configuration of 64GB RAM, 12 Cores
In that case you would want to configure each of identical servers to take most out of the hardware for example, you would want to run more child tasks (mappers & reducers) on worker nodes with more RAM and Cores, for example:
Nodes with 128GB RAM, 24 Cores => 36 worker tasks (mappers + reducers), JVM heap for each worker task would be around 3GB.
Nodes with 64GB RAM, 12 Cores => 18 worker tasks (mappers + reducers), JVM heap for each worker task would be around 3GB.
So, you would want to configure the set of nodes respectively with appropriate parameters.
Using ToolRunner to pass configuration parameters dynamically to a Job:
Also, you could dynamically change the MapReduce job parameters per job but these parameters would be applied to the entire cluster not just to a set of nodes. Provided your MapReduce job driver extends ToolRunner.
ToolRunner allows you to parse generic hadoop command line arguments. You'll be able to pass MapReduce configuration parameters using -D property.name=property.value.
You can pretty much pass almost all hadoop parameters dynamically to a job. But most commonly passed MapReduce configuration parameters dynamically to a job are:
Here is an example terasort job passing lots of parameters dynamically per job:
hadoop jar hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar tearsort \
-Ddfs.replication=1 -Dmapreduce.task.io.sort.mb=500 \
-Dmapreduce.map.sort.splill.percent=0.9 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.parallelcopies=10 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.memory.limit.percent=0.1 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.input.buffer.percent=0.95 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.input.buffer.percent=0.95 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.shuffle.merge.percent=0.95 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.merge.inmem.threshold=0 \
-Dmapreduce.job.speculative.speculativecap=0.05 \
-Dmapreduce.map.speculative=false \
-Dmapreduce.map.reduce.speculative=false \

 -Dmapreduce.job.jvm.numtasks=-1 \
-Dmapreduce.job.reduces=84 \

 -Dmapreduce.task.io.sort.factor=100 \
-Dmapreduce.map.output.compress=true \

org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.SnappyCodec \
-Dmapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps=0.4 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.merge.memtomem.enabled=fasle \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.memory.totalbytes=12348030976 \
-Dmapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=12288 \

 -Dmapreduce.reduce.java.opts=“-Xms11776m -Xmx11776m \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode \
-XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4” \

 -Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=4096 \

 -Dmapreduce.map.java.opts=“-Xmx1356m” \
/terasort-input /terasort-output

Hadoop MapReduce log4j - log messages to a custom file in userlogs/job_ dir?

Its not clear to me as how one should configure Hadoop MapReduce log4j at a job level. Can someone help me answer these questions.
1) How to add support log4j logging from a client machine. i.e I want to use log4j property file at the client machine, and hence don't want to disturb the Hadoop log4j setup in the cluster. I would think having the property file in the project/jar should suffice, and hadoop's distributed cache should do the rest transferring the map-reduce jar.
2) How to log messages to a custom file in $HADOOP_HOME/logs/userlogs/job_/ dir.
3) Will map reduce task use both the log4j property file? the one supplied by the client job and the one present in the hadoop cluster? If yes, then the log4j.rootLogger would add both the property values?
Srivatsan Nallazhagappan
You can configure log4j directly in your code. For example you can call PropertyConfigurator.configure(properties); e.g. in mapper/reducer setup method.
This is example with properties stored on hdfs:
InputStream is = fs.open(log4jPropertiesPath);
Properties properties = new Properties();
where fs is FileSystem object and log4jPropertiesPath is path on hdfs.
With this you can also output logs to a dir with job_id. For example you can modify our properities before calling PropertyConfigurator.configure(properties);
Enumeration propertiesNames = properties.propertyNames();
while (propertiesNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String propertyKey = (String) propertiesNames.nextElement();
String propertyValue = properties.getProperty(propertyKey);
if (propertyValue.indexOf(JOB_ID_PATTERN) != -1) {
properties.setProperty(propertyKey, propertyValue.replace(JOB_ID_PATTERN, context.getJobID().toString()));
There is no straight forward way to override the log4j properties at each job level.
Map Reduce job itself doesn't store the logs in Hadoop,it writes logs in local file system(${hadoop.log.dir}/userlogs) of the datanodes. There is a separate process from Yarn called log-aggregation which collect those logs and combines.
Use yarn logs --applicationId <appId> to fetch the full log, then use unix command to parse and extract the part of the log you need.

MapReduce Distributed Cache

I am adding a file to distributed cache of Hadoop using
Configuration cng=new Configuration();
JobConf conf = new JobConf(cng, Driver.class);
DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new Path("DCache/Orders.txt").toUri(), cng);
where DCache/Orders.txt is the file in HDFS.
When I try to retrieve this file from the cache in configure method of mapper using:
Path[] cacheFiles=DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(conf);
I get null pointer. What can be the error?
DistributedCache doesn't work in single node mode, it just returns a null pointer. Or at least that was my experience with the current version.
I think the url is supposed to start with the hdfs identifier.
