DotTrace plugin to TeamCity - process filter is not excluding nunit3-console.exe - teamcity

I'd like to ask for some help about setting up the DotTrace plugin for one of our TeamCity builds - so far I've followed the instructions here, and got a build that sometimes works:
However, this is sometimes failing because the build produces two snapshots (snapshot.dtp and snapshot-2.dtp).
After much trial-and-error I've found out that sometimes the reason this fails is because my tests sometimes appear in the first .dtp file (which is the one used by DotTrace's Reporter.exe), and sometimes in the second file.
The other .dtp file appears to be associated with the nunit3-console.exe program, and so should be excluded, since I've added this program to "Process Filters" in the TeamCity build setup:
(I've tried every combination here, including entering the fully qualified file path)
This has the effect of adding the following line to the dotTrace.project.xml file when the profiler is run:
My understanding is that this should stop the named process from being profiled (so that the extra .dtp file isn't produced. However when the build is running, I see the following lines in the log file:
[16:01:04][Step 12/14] dotTrace Console Profiler 2018.3.2 build 777.0.20190124.112417. Copyright (C) 2019 JetBrains s.r.o.
[16:01:10][Step 12/14] Profiling in progress...
[16:01:10][Step 12/14] Executable='[file path]\nunit3-console.exe' (non-child) is being passed for filtering
[16:01:10][Step 12/14] Passed filter executable='[file path]\nunit3-console.exe'
This is showing that the nunit3-console.exe is not being excluded, as the filter would suggest.
The closest advice I can find is here, which appears to suggest what I'm doing, but is only for NUnit 2:
Does anyone know of a way to ensure nunit3-console.exe is excluded, so that it does not produce a snapshot file?

This plugin produces several snapshots by design and generates report based on all snapshots so filtering is not needed here.
I've created the issue


The "GetMinimumOSVersion" task was not given a value for the required parameter "SdkVersion"

I am trying to run msbuild command line, but, I am getting in the last step of it, the error below (it is in portuguese, but is the same error in the title.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets(227,3): erro
r MSB4044: A tarefa "GetMinimumOSVersion" não recebeu um valor para o parâmetro obrigatório "SdkVersion". [E:\2-PROJETO
My msbuild command is:
msbuild AppAlgorix.sln /p:Configuration=AppStore;Platform=iPhone /p:CFBundleVersion=1 /p:CFBundleShortVersionString=2.3.1 /p:ServerAddress={mac ip address} /p:ServerUser={mac user} /p:ServerPassword={mac pwd} /p:BuildIpa=true /p:IpaPackageDir="E:\8-IPAS\ACCORD" /t:Clean;Build /p:ArchiveOnBuild=false /p:IsAppDistribution=false /p:CodesignKey="{App ID identifier}" /p:CodesignProvision="{App Provisioning Profile}"
All the {} data are confidential, so I cropped them.
This command was working one day, but I don´t know when, but after some VS 2019 update, the command, stops working.
I have found some articles about it, but I can´t find a way to resolve this problem.
Onw of those articles is this:
My VS 2019 is updated in version 16.8.4.
I have here, about 40 apps to build and get the ipa. I was running a dosbat to resolve it, and get those ipas, more quickly. Not having this msbuild command line working, will take me to a big problem, cause I almost every week have some updates in my apps, and build one by one, will not be a great idea.
And one more thing is.. I can build inside VS 2019, without any problem. The problem happens only via msbuild command line.
I used the post Visual Studio update (16.8.1) lead to CI build failures to resolve the error.
"This has reared it's head again in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8.3.
Looks like they've moved the problem to: \MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.Messaging.targets I was able to get
my builds running again by removing the _SayGoodbye dependency on line
52 for the _DisconnectAfterClean target."
Although I have resolved the error, now I cant generate the ios.ipa package. Now, I get only the file projectName.iOS.exe, instead of projectName.iOS.ipa.
I dont know if this workaround is the final solution for this bug, yet.
We resolved this by running the build twice in-a-row. (continue on error - ignore the failed first build)
The first time always fails with the error in the question title, but it must somehow sets things up so that the second build has what it needs to succeed. The IPA is generated, etc.
I know this solution is a hack workaround, but I prefer it to manually making changes to the .targets files as I have seen suggested elsewhere (those suggestions did not work in our case anyway). Making changes like that without knowing the internals of the build process intimately could result in unintended side-effects.
NOTE: As this solution involves an expected failed partial first build, it does add to the build time, but it was only about a minute or two longer per build, and at least it works reliably.
Hope this is helpful to someone! 🤗

How to make Visual Studio build to fail on ReSharper Error

How can I make my code build to fail when ReSharper detects an "Error" after code inspection?
I am using C# in Visual Studio 2017 along with ReSharper. I have set the inspection severity of Possible 'System.NullReferenceException' to show as "Error". This setting only shows a red underline for erroneous code, however the VS build still succeeds if I just ignore it. I want to make the build to fail if developer ignores such errors detected by ReSharper inspection.
I'm afraid Resharper seems to not support this option for now.
1.In my opinion, the error level in C#\Potential Code Quality Issues is something like showing a red underline to indicate where there maybe has a risk to help improve your code. And red to indicate this issue deserves attention. Actually,it's something controlled by us, we determine to make them error(red line) or warning(blue line?).
But such a potential code issue can't be recognized by msbuild (build system in vs). So the build will ignore these potential issues and succeeds.
2.For build settings in Resharper, I tried msbuild settings and compiler settings like below:
I set every element in the Potential Code Quality Issues to error. Also, i set null reference related settings like below:
After that I create a simple null reference but the build ignores that and succeeds. Same result when I use Resharper build.(Resharper options=>Tools=>Build=>Build engine) So maybe it's a negative answer :(
This isn't an ideal solution, but JetBrains provide a command line tool called InspectCode which runs their code inspections on your solution and outputs the results in XML or other formats. You could add a custom MSBuild step which runs InspectCode.exe MySolution.sln -o=output.xml, examines output.xml for errors, and fails the build if any are found.
Unfortunately InspectCode is slow and even though the analyses seem to be cached across runs it still takes a significant amount of time. For example, on my solution of 700k lines of code the tool takes 60 seconds on the second run, i.e. with a warm cache. So I don't think this is a viable solution to run on developer machines on every build. It might be acceptable in an automated build system.

How do I include a file dynamically into a TeamCity build

I am fairly new to TeamCity and have recently been tasked with creating various builds, which I have done with no real issues.
What I am trying to do now though is include an external text file into the build output.
The external text file will be received from a service call made during the build.
These are my intended build steps:
Check out solution.
Restore packages.
Run tests.
Call web service with a configurable parameter and receive text file back.
Include text file in build.
Steps 1,2,3 and 6 are covered.
What are my options here? I must confess I do not really know where to begin.
I've spent some time today googling but it has been tricky getting the correct search term to return information on what I am trying to achieve.
I've seen some confusing articles on a 'meta runner'.
Any pointers to get me started in the right direction would be much appreciated.
Use a TeamCity command line build step -
I assume you are using build steps for all the other steps you listed so this is simply another of those.
The command line process would run somewhere under your checkout folder and thus anything it downloads would be made available as an artifact for your build

No code coverage results on TFS 2013 Build Server

So our TFS 2013 builds do everything correctly except report code coverage. I've seen similar questions here, e.g. TFS 2013 - No Code Coverage Results, but we've already tried the suggested fixes with no results.
UPDATE 1 — we've taken more steps to try to resolve this; here's the complete list:
Ensured Visual Studio Ultimate was installed on the build server
Tried setting the build definition's "CodeCoverageEnabled" to true as well as the "Code coverage is enabled" setting
Ensured the build was using the Debug configuration and that PDBs were being generated for the DLLs to be tested
Added a .runsettings file with the correct ModulePath included under <CodeCoverage> (verified in build log that the module path was being interpreted correctly; it would produce errors if we intentionally malformed it)
Checked in .runsettings file
Set build definition to "Custom" and pointed to .runsettings file
The build process itself works fine. We can get code coverage results when we build the project locally in the IDE. On the build server, both MSTest and NUnit test projects run fine, and we see pass/fail results as expected. The "No Code Coverage Results" message still plagues us though.
Update 2 -
Here is what we see in the run log:
Somebody suggested homegrown code-coverage calculator in, but it'd be a crime to spend $150 bazillion-thousand dollars on TFS 2013 & VS Ultimate 2013 with MSDN and still not have this one basic function working.
Add a run settings file to source control. Set the tests to custom and point to the run settings file. More info on using the .runsettings file can be found on msdn:
I was experiencing the same problem. My issue was with the ModulePath. The MSDN examples suggest you can just use the name of a target binary. That was not working for me. However, when I made the name a regular expression, it worked. I am also dumping build output into one folder so that pdb and other reference files are found. Hope that helps.
I am using local build server with Visual Studio online with a .runsettings file and I had exactly the same issue.
None of the trickery above helped, so I tested the build script on the hosted build controller and it worked fine, so I decided the problem must be the build server itself.
I changed the Build Service account from "Network Service" to a regular windows user account in the TFS Configuration Tool and now code coverage is collected. Note that this user will need access to the TFS build directories.
I found this question because I saw something peculiar on this article. (Look for the "Delay" setting that defaults to 60).
d. Add a new argument ‘Delay’, enter details as mentioned below
Name – Delay, Direction – In, ArgumentType-Int32, Default Value – 60
This argument is required to delay coverage check, so that required build details are filled up by the build agent, this delay varies from
system to system, in some cases this might not be required at all.
Maybe try putting in a "delay" work-flow item in the template you are using.......

VS2010 build analysis

I am working with a VS2010 solution we have inherited. It has approx 300 projects. Medium term I will try to break this down into multiple solutions, but I can't do that immediately.
One immediate problem is that if I do 2 consecutive builds, the second still does a lot of work, which says to me that something is wrong with the "make" configuration. What is the best way of analysing the build config to determine incorrect dependencies or other problems?
Is there a tool for doing this or shall I try and make my own? Thanks.
(The solution was migrated through VS2005 and VS2008 before getting to VS2010 which probably didn't help the build config)
The 'lot of work' from the second build could be just actions in the PreBuild steps, which are always executed. Make sure you get at least 'normal' instead of 'minimal' build output (Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run). Just looking at the second output should give you the information you need. As far as I know there's no tool to compare to build log files, but it shouldn't be too hard to write it yourself.
