Ghostscript How to watermark one special page of a postscript document? - ghostscript

I already add watermark (or image) in every page of a .ps document by below command and gs script.
[root#localhost ~]#gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=ps2write
content of
2 eq { pop false }
/STSong-Light-UniGB-UTF8-H findfont 30 scalefont setfont
.87 setgray
260 50 moveto 30 rotate
(test 测试) false charpath
1 setlinewidth stroke
} ifelse
} bind
>> setpagedevice
but I don't know how to specify a page to add watermark, example the .ps document is 12 pages long, I just want to add watermark on page 6, but I want the output file to contain all 12 pages document content and just page 6 has a watermark.
Does anyone Ghostscript expert know how to script this requirement?
Many thanks!!!

When the input is PostScript you can use the number your program pops from the stack, because this is the count of pages executed so far.
If you look at the definition of EndPage in the PLRM (page 427 in the 3rd edition) you will see that the operand stack contains two numbers, a reason code on top and the count of previous showpage executions. You need to test the reason code first. If its 2, pop the count and return false. If it is not 2, then check the second number to see if its tha value that will trigger your page. If it is not then return true. If it is, then first execute your marking routine an dthen return true.
NB it looks to me like your program is leaving the count of showpage executions on the operand stack when the reason code is 2. THis is poor practice; if called often enough you could cause a stack overflow error. Its also legal for a program to leave operands on the stack during showpage, and use them after. If you leave somethign on the stack then it would mean that program retrieving the wrong objects.
Unfortunately, when the input is PDF, the Ghostscript PDF interpreter executes a setpagedevice on every page, and this resets the count to 0.
So when the input is PDF you need to modify your program to keep a count of pages it has encountered so far, so that you can check it and only activate when required. Give it a unique name and store it in userdict, incrememnt it on every execution of EndPage, and run the marking part of the program only when it reaches a particular value.
PostScript is a programming language......


Can I make GhostScript use more than 2 GB of RAM?

I'm running a 64-bit version of GhostScript (9.50) on 64-bit processor with 16gb of RAM under Windows 7.
GhostScript returns a random-ish error message (it will tell me that I have type error in the array command) when I try to allocate one too many arrays totaling more than 2 GBs of RAM.
To be clear, I am seeing how growth of the memory usage in Windows Task Monitor, not from within GhostScript
I'd like to know why this is so.
More importantly, I'd like to know if I can override this behavior.
Edit: This code produces the error --
/TL 25000 def
/TL- TL 1 sub def
/G TL array def
0 1 TL- { dup == flush G exch TL array put }for
The error looks like this: Here's the last bit of the messages I get
Unrecoverable error: typecheck in array
Operand stack: --nostringval-- ---
Begin offending input ---
/TL 25000 def /TL- TL 1 sub def /G TL array def 0 1 TL- { dup == flush G exch TL array put }for --- End offending input --- file offset = 0 gsapi_run_string_continue returns -20
The amount of RAM is almost certainly not the limiting factor, but it would help if you were to post the actual error message. It may be 'random-ish' to you, but it's meaningful to people who program in PostScript.
More than likely you've tripped over some other internal limit, for example the operand stack size but without seeing the PostScript program or the error message I cannot say any more than that. I can say that (64-bit) Ghostscript will happily address more than 2GB of RAM, I was running a file last week which had Ghostscript using 8.1GB.
Note that PostScript itself is basically a 32-bit language; while Ghostscript has extended many of the architectural limitations documented in the PostScript Language Reference Manual (such as 64K elements in arrays and strings) moving beyond 32-bit limits is essentially unspecified.
As to whether you can change the behaviour, that depends on exactly what the problem is, and I can't tell from what's here.
Here's a screenshot of Ghostscript running the test file to completion, along with the Task Manager display showing the amount of memory the process is using. Not shown is the vmstatus which I ran from the PostScript environment afterwards. This showed that Ghostscript thinks it's using 10,010,729,850 bytes form a maximum of 10,012,037,312. My calculator says that 9,562.8MB comes out at 10,027,322,572.4 bytes, so a pretty close match.
To answer the points in the comments this is (as you can probably tell) on a 64-bit Windows 10 installation with quite a lot of memory.
The difference is, almost certainly, something which has been fixed since the release of 9.52. The 9.52 64-bit binary does exit with a VMerror after (for me) 5360 iterations. Obviously trying to use vast amounts of PostScript memory (as opposed to, say, canvas memory) is not a common occurrence, not least because many PostScript interpreters simply won't allow it, so this doesn't get exercised much.
The Ghostscript Git repository is here if you want to go through the commits and try to figure out which one caused the change. You only have to go back to March this year, anything before about the 19th March would have been in 9.52.
Beyond simple curiosity, is there a reason to try and use up loads of memory in PostScript ?

Sampling using new VideoReader readFrame() function in MATLAB [duplicate]

I am trying to process a video in Matlab that I read in using VideoReader. I can process the the frames without a problem, but I only want to process every fifth frame. I tried using the step function but this doesn't work on my videoreader object. Right now I can call readFrame five times, but this obviously slows down the whole process (its a lot of video material). How can I efficiently skip five frames, process five frame, skip another five, ... using Matlab?
Error message:
Undefined function 'step' for input arguments of type 'VideoReader'.
However, calling the help function on step gets me this example:
Moves the frame counter by DELTA frames for video VR. This is a
generalization of NEXT. Returns 0 on an unsuccessful step. Note that
not all plugins support stepping, especially with negative numbers. In
the following example, both IM1 and IM2 should be the same for most
vr = videoReader(...myurl...);
if (~next(vr)), error('couldn''t read first frame'); end
im1 = getframe(vr);
if (~step(vr,-1)), error('could not step back to frame 0'); end
im2 = getframe(vr);
if (any(im1 ~= im2)),
error('first frame and frame 0 are not the same');
vr = close(vr);
FNUM should be an integer.
After the videoReader constructor is called, NEXT, SEEK, or step should
be called at least once before GETFRAME is called.
Here, step is clearly called on a VideoReader object, is it not? Help would be greatly appreciated.
I've had this issue too. Without using deprecated code, the only way to do what you are trying is to call readFrame five times for every output frame. This is slow and very inefficient. However, if you use the deprecated read method (and assuming your video is a file rather than a stream), you can specify a frame number as well. I don't know why The MathWorks have gone backwards on this. I suggest that you file a service request to ask about it and say why this functionality is important to you.
In the meantime, you can try out my frame2jpg function that extracts particular frames from a video file. It tries to use the deprecated read method and falls back to readFrame if that fails. I've found the read method to be ten times faster in my own application with 1080p 60 fps MPEG-4 video. Feel free to modify the code to suit your your needs.
Don`t know if this is still of use but I´ve found a way to work around the issue.
As the readFrame reads the CURRENT frame, provided by the vid.CurrentTime property you can simply advance the property by the amount of frames you want to skip.
vid = VideoReader('myvid.mpeg')
vidFig = figure();
currAxes = axes;
n = 10;
while hasFrame(vid)
vidFrame = readFrame(vid);
vid.CurrentTime = vid.CurrentTime + n/vid.FrameRate;
image(vidFrame, 'Parent', currAxes);
currAxes.Visible = 'off';
Changing the value of n makes the video skip the amount of frames through every loop. I hope this helped.

How to use output of CIFilter recursively as new input?

I've written an own CIFilter kernel which is doing some image processing on the camera signal. It takes two arguments:
Argument one is "inputImage" (the current camera image) argument 2 is "backgroundImage" which is being initialized with the first camera image.
The filter is supposed to work recursively. The result of the filter should be used as new "backgroundImage" in the next iteration. I am calculating a background image and some variances and therefore need the result from the previous render.
Unfortunately I cannot use the output CIImage of the CIFilter in the next iteration, because the memory load gets up and up. After 10 seconds of processing it ends up with 1.4GB of RAM usage. Using the filter in a standard manner (without recursion) memory management is fine.
How can I reuse the output of a filter as input in the next iteration?
I've done a NSLog on the result image. Ant it told me
background {
CISampler:0x1002e0360 image {
FEPromise: 0x1013aa230 extent [0 0 1280 720]; DOD [0 0 1280 720]; filter MyFeatureDetectFilter: 0x101388dd0; kernel coreImageKernel; image {
CISampler:0x10139e200 image {
FEBufferImage: 0x10139bee0 metadata.colorspace: HDTV; extent: [0 0 1280 720]; format: BGRA_8; uid 5
After some seconds the log becomes sth. like
This tells me that CIImages are 'always' prototypes of the desired operation. And using them recursively adds just the "resulting CIImage 'prototype'" as input into the new 'prototype'.
Over time the "rule" for rendering blows up into a huge structure of nested prototypes.
Is there any way to force CIImages to flatten the structure inside memory?
I would be happy if I could do recursive processing, because this would blow up the power of QuartzCore to the extreme.
I tried the same in QuartzComposer. Connecting the output with the input works, but takes a lot of memory, too. After some time it crashes. Then I tried to use the Queue from QC and everything worked fine. What is the "xcode" equivalent of the QC Queue? Or is there any mechanism to rewrite my kernel to keep "results" in memory for the next iteration?
It seems like what you're looking for is the CIImageAccumulator class. This allows you to use the output of a filter as its input on the next iteration.
For an example of how to use it, you can check out this Apple sample code.

Crack some exe file - how to remove bytes

Today I am trying to remove some bytes from an EXE file.
Inside the EXE I found a path to a file that the EXE needs to load. I want to change the path, and to do that I have to remove some ../../ characters. When I do that and save the file, it looses its icon and a 'win32 unknow format error' is displayed when I try to execute it.
If I don't remove those bytes but replace them by 0, the icon is not lost, and the file looks right. Yet, the path is incorrect.
So, it looks like when I remove bytes, position of other information inside the file is lost, including resources (the icon). After removeing those bytes, I need to add other 6 bytes, to keep the same size and position of other data. Where should I do that? If I add those bytes at the end of the file, it doesn't work. Could you give me some clues? Thanks!
After removing the ../../ from the start of the string, stick six 0 bytes at the end of the string (I'm assuming you can identify the end manually). That way the offset of everything in the file remains the same. By removing the 6 bytes entirely, the offset of things after the string would change. By replacing the 6 bytes with 0s, the offset of the string would change (it would now really be at wherever it was + 6).

Pixel modifying code runs quick in main app, really slow in Delphi 6 DirectShow filter with other problems

I have a Delphi 6 application that sends bitmaps to a DirectShow DLL in real-time, 25 frames a second. The DirectShow DLL is my code too and is also written in Delphi 6 using the DSPACK DirectShow component suite. I have a simple block of code that goes through each pixel in the bitmap modifying the brightness and contrast of the image, if a certain flag is set, otherwise the bitmap is pushed out the DirectShow DLL unmodified (push source video filter). The code used to be in the main application and then I just moved it into the DirectShow DLL. When it was in the main application it ran fine. I could see the changes in the bitmap as expected. However, now that the code resides in the DirectShow DLL it has the following problems:
When the code block below is active the DirectShow DLL is really slow. I have a quad core i5 and it's really slow. I can also see a big spike in the CPU consumption. In contrast, the very same code running in the main application ran fine on an old single core P4. It did hit the CPU noticeably on that old machine but the video was smooth and there were no problems. The images are only 352 x 288 pixels in size.
I don't see the expected changes to the visible bitmap. I can trace the code in the DirectShow DLL and see the numerical values of each pixel properly altered by the code, but the viewable image in the Graph Edit ActiveMovie window looks completely unchanged.
If I deactivate the code, which I can do in real-time, the ActiveMovie window shows video that is as smooth as glass, perfectly rendered with the CPU barely touched. If I reactivate the code the video is now really choppy, probably showing only 1 to 2 frames a second with a long delay before the first frame is shown, and the CPU spikes. Not completely, but a lot more than I would expect.
I tried compiling the DirectShow DLL with everything on including range checking, overflow checking, etc. and there were no warnings or errors during run-time. I then tried compiling for fastest speed and it still had the exact same problems listed above. Something is really wrong and I can't figure out what. Note, I do indeed lock the canvas before modifying the bitmap and unlock it after I'm done. If it weren't for the "everything on" compilation run I noted above I'd say it felt like an FPU Exception was being raised and silently swallowed with every pixel computation, but as I said, no errors or Exceptions are occurring.
UPDATE: I am putting this here so that the solution, which is embedded in one of Roman R's comment, is plainly visible. The problem that I was not setting the PixelFormat property to pf24Bit before accessing the ScanLine property. As Roman suggested, not doing this must make the TBitmap code create a temporary copy of the bitmap. As soon as I added the line of code below the problems went away, both that of changes not being visible and the soft page faults. It's an insidious problem because the only object that is affected is the pointer you use to access the ScanLine property, since (assumption) it contains a pointer to a temporary copy of the bitmap. That's must be why the subsequent TextOut() call still worked since it worked on the original copy of the bitmap.
clip.PixelFormat := pf24bit; // The missing code line that fixes the problem.
Here's the code block I've been referring to:
function IntToByte(i: Integer): Byte;
if i > 255 then
Result := 255
else if i < 0 then
Result := 0
Result := i;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
procedure brightnessTurboBoost(var clip: TBitmap; rangeExpansionPowerOf2: integer; shiftValue: Byte);
p0: PByte;
x,y: Integer;
if (rangeExpansionPowerOf2 = 0) and (shiftValue = 0) then
exit; // These parameter settings will not change the pixel values.
for y := 0 to clip.Height-1 do
p0 := clip.scanline[y];
// Can't just do the whole buffer as a big block of bytes since the
// individual scan lines may be padded for CPU alignment.
for x := 0 to (clip.Width - 1) * 3 do
if rangeExpansionPowerOf2 >= 1 then
p0^ := IntToByte((p0^ shl rangeExpansionPowerOf2) + shiftValue)
p0^ := IntToByte(p0^ + shiftValue);
There are a few things to say about this code snippet.
First of all, you are using Scanline property of TBitmap class. I have not been dealign with Delphi for many years, so I might be wrong about this but I am under impression that Scanline is not actually a thin accessor, is it? It might be internally hiding things which can dramatically affect performance, such as "if he wants to access the bits of the image, then we have to first convert it to DIB before returning pointers". So a thing looking so simple might appear to be a killer.
"if rangeExpansionPowerOf2 >= 1 then" in the inner loop body? You don't really want to compare this all the way. Either make two separate functions or duplicate the whole loop without in two version for zero and non-zero rangeExpansionPowerOf2 and do this if only once.
"for ... to (clip.Width - 1) * 3 do" I am not really sure that Delphi optimizes the upper boundary evaluation to make it only once. You might be doing those multiplication thrice for every pixel, while you could do it only once the whole image.
For top perofrmance IntToByte is definitely implemented in MMX to avoid ifs and process multiple bytes at once.
Still as you say that images are only 352x288, I would suspect that #1 is ruining the performance.
