What does this code from go sources mean? Like (*(*float32)(v.ptr)) - go

In reflection package I see the code like
return float64(*(*float32)(v.ptr))
What is *(*float32)(v.ptr)? I don't have any ideas

Let's unwrap the expression. We'll take it from innermost to outermost, since that's the order it's evaluated:
Convert v.ptr to *float32, a pointer to a float32.
Dereference that pointer, giving us a float32 value.
Convert the float32 value to a float64 value.
So, whatever v.ptr is, it's converted to a float32 pointer, dereferenced, and then converted to float64, and returned.


What happens when I range over an uninitialized pointer to array in golang

I have this code
var j *[33]byte
for i := range j {
Now when I run this code I get nil pointer dereference error when I try access values in j. I'm not sure why I was even able to enter the loop in the first place considering my pointer is uninitialized.
I know an uninitialized array has all its values set to their zero value. That is
var a [5]int
Will have a default value of [0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
But I don't understand what golang does when you don't initialize a pointer to an array. Why is range able to range over it even though its nil?
From the Go spec Range Clause:
... For an array, pointer to array, or slice value a, the index
iteration values are produced in increasing order...
so as a convenience the Go language is dereferencing the pointer with the intent to iterating over its elements. The fact that the pointer is nil is a simple programming error. If this can occur, one should have a runtime check in place to guard against it.
Static analysis may be able to detect this type of bug ahead of time - but what if the variable j is accessible from another goroutine - how would the compiler know for sure that another goroutine may update it to a non-nil value right before the range loop is reached?
Go has a zero value defined for each type when you initialize a variable with var keyword (this may change when using :=, ideally used when need copies of values or specific values). In the case of the pointer the zero value is nil (also maps, interfaces, channels, slices, and functions) in case of array of type int the zero value is 0.
So, to answer your question, Go is able to iterate because you have 33 valid spaces idependently of what value is inside of that position. You can check the diference between slices and arrays on the Golang documentation to have more insights on why is that.

Why converting the same value in two ways, the results are different?

Two kinds of conversion of the same constant to float64 return the same value, but when I try to convert these new values to int, the results are different.
const Big = 92233720368547758074444444
func needFloat(x float64) float64 {
return x
func main() {
I'd expect the two first Println return the same type of value
fmt.Println(needFloat(Big)) // 9.223372036854776e+25
fmt.Println(float64(Big)) // 9.223372036854776e+25
so when I convert them to int, I expect the same output, but:
fmt.Println(int(needFloat(Big))) // -2147483648
fmt.Println(int(float64(Big))) // constant 92233720368547758080000000 overflows int
If your real question is why one attempt to convert to int produces a compile-time error message, but the other produces a very negative integer, it's because one is a compile-time conversion, and the other is a runtime conversion. I think it helps in these cases to be explicit about what you are expecting, and what can be run and what can't. Here's a Go Playground version of your code, where the last conversion is commented out. The reason for commenting it out is of course that it doesn't compile.
As Adrian noted in a comment, Big is a constant, specifically an untyped one. As Uvelichitel answered, a constant x (of any type) can be converted to a new and different type T if and only if
x is representable by a value of type T.
(The quote part is from the section Uvelichitel linked, except that mine adds the inner link for the word "representable".)
The expression float64(Big) is an explicit type conversion, with a constant as its x, so the result is a float64-typed constant with the given value. So far, that's fine: now we have 92233720368547758074444444 as a float64. This chops off some of the digits: the actual internal representation is 92233720368547758080000000 (see variant with %f directives). The low digits, ...74444444, have been rounded to ...80000000. See the link for "representable" for why the rounding occurs.
The expression int(float64(Big)) is an outer explicit type conversion surrounding an inner explicit type conversion. We already know what the inner type conversion does: it produces the float64 constant 92233720368547758080000000.0. The outer conversion tries to represent this new value as int, but it does not fit, producing an error:
./prog.go:18:17: constant 92233720368547758080000000 overflows int
if the commented-out line is uncommented. Note again that the value has been rounded, due to the inner conversion.
On the other hand, needFloat(Big) is a function call. Calling the function assigns the untyped constant to its argument (a float64) and obtains its return value (the same float64, value 92233720368547758080000000.0. Printing that prints what you'd expect, given the default or explicit formatting directive. The returned value is not a constant.
Similarly, int(needFloat(Big)) calls needFloat, which returns the same float64 value—not a constant—as before. The int explicit type conversion tries to convert this value to int at runtime, rather than at compile time. For such conversions between numeric types, there is a list of three explicit rules at https://golang.org/ref/spec#Conversions, plus a final caveat. Here, rule 2 applies: any fractional part is discarded. But the caveat also applies:
In all non-constant conversions involving floating-point or complex values, if the result type cannot represent the value the conversion succeeds but the result value is implementation-dependent.
In other words, there is no runtime error, but the int value you get—which in this case was -2147483648, which is the smallest allowed 32-bit integer—is up to the implementation. This particular implementation chose to use this particular negative number as its result. Another implementation might choose some other number. (Interestingly, in the playground, if I convert directly to uint I get zero. If I convert to int, then to uint, I get the 0x80000000 I expected.)
Hence, the key difference in terms of whether you get an error is whether you do the conversion at compile time, via constants, or at runtime, via runtime conversion.
int(float64(Big)) //illegal because
A constant value x can be converted to type T if x is representable by
a value of T
int(needFloat(Big)) //is non-constant expression because of function call
A non-constant value x can be converted to type T in any of these
- x's type and T are both integer or floating point types.

Why use the + sign in printfl?

What's the difference between:
var x float64 = 3.141592
fmt.Println("the value is" + x)
var x float64 = 3.141592
fmt.Println("the value is", x)
What does the + means?
Why is the first one wrong and the second correct?
fmt.Println is a variadic function whose arguments are generic interfaces. Any type can fulfill this interfere, including strings and floats. The second example works for this reason.
The first example, however, involves the binary operator +. As https://golang.org/ref/spec#Operators says, binary operators work in identical types. This means you can't "add" a float to a string without first explicitly casting to a string.
In general, this is a decision the golang inventors made. If you read the design tenets of go, I think you'll find this aligns well. But for the purposes of your question, it's sufficient to say, that's how it was made to work.

About Golang pointer,Why is that?

What happened ?
var n interface{} = 2
var pn = &n
var pf = (*int64)(unsafe.Pointer(pn))
fmt.Println(*pn) // 2
fmt.Println(*pf) // not 2
*pf = 9
fmt.Println(*pn) //error invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
fmt.Println(*pf) // 9
My question is Why is *pf not equal to *pn and error ?
Thanks for your reply.
n is of an interface{} type, so in memory it is represented by a struct of 2 values: a type and data. The type comes first. So you dereference it and interpret as a number.
*pf = 9 breaks that structure, so next time you try to dereference it - the runtime fails.
For simplicity let’s think we have 64-bit machine.
n is pair of 2 words of 64-bit: first is a pointer to a variable, second is a pointer to information about type - so called itab.
When you get a value pointed by pn compiler knows you want value of an interface, so it goes by the first pointer and returns int value. Compiler thinks pf is a pointer to float64 . So it lets. You to overwrite first word in the interface n with some likely incorrect address (equal to binary value of 9.0). Next time you see the value in the interface compiler uses incorrect address. And return some garbage or even SegFault.
That’s why it’s called unsafe.Pointer and is not recommended to use. Until you have very serious concerns.
An interface value contains information about the type of the data it contains and then the actual value (or a pointer to the value). When you cast a pointer to the interface to *int64, the *int64 will point into some random data in the interface value (which today happens to be a pointer to the information about the type, but this is allowed to change, this part of the language is not covered by the compatibility guarantee). When you then overwrite that data, things break, unsafe is called unsafe for a reason.
*pf is not equal to *pn because they have different types even though they might contain the same bit pattern.

trying to use interface{} to a slice to select random element

I've been trying to implement a function which can randomly select an element from any type of slice (like python's random.choice function)
func RandomChoice(a []interface{}, r *rand.Rand) interface{} {
i := r.Int()%len(a)
return a[i]
However, when I try to pass in a slice of type []float32 into the first argument this error occurs:
cannot use my_array (type []float32) as type []interface {} in function argument
is this a fundemental misuse of interface{}? is there some better way to do this?
Re: is there some better way to do this?
IMO there is. The OP approach is inefficient wrt to simple:
var v []T
// Select a random element of 'v'
e := v[r.Intn(len(v))]
Note that both of the approaches will panic for len(v) == 0 until a pre-check for this is made.
Using reflection:
func RandomChoice(slice interface{}, r *rand.Rand) interface{} {
x := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
return x.Index(r.Intn(x.Len())).Interface()
From the language specification:
Two types are either identical or different.
Two named types are identical if their type names originate in the
same TypeSpec. A named and an unnamed type are always different. Two
unnamed types are identical if the corresponding type literals are
identical, that is, if they have the same literal structure and
corresponding components have identical types. In detail:
Two array types are identical if they have identical element types and
the same array length.
Two slice types are identical if they have
identical element types.
Two struct types are identical if they have the same sequence of fields, and if corresponding fields have the same names, and identical
types, and identical tags. Two anonymous fields are considered to have
the same name. Lower-case field names from different packages are
always different.
Two pointer types are identical if they have identical base types.
Two function types are identical if they have the same number of parameters and result values, corresponding parameter and result types
are identical, and either both functions are variadic or neither is.
Parameter and result names are not required to match.
Two interface types are identical if they have the same set of methods with the same names and identical function types. Lower-case
method names from different packages are always different. The order
of the methods is irrelevant.
Two map types are identical if they have identical key and value types.
Two channel types are identical if they have identical value types and the same direction.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to
T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not
a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
Any value may be assigned to the blank identifier.
The combination of these two results that you can't assign a []MyType to an []interface{}.
Well, I can hardly believe after all the searching, that the first listed related question was: Type converting slices of interfaces in go which pretty much contains the answer.
Changing RandomChoice to use the InterfaceSlice function described in the answer to that question yields:
func RandomChoice(slice interface{}, r *rand.Rand) interface{} {
islice := InterfaceSlice(slice)
i := r.Int()%len(islice)
return islice[i]
although apparently this answer is not very well performing, because it requires the entire slice to be converted to []interface{}...
