how can I write complex queries in eloquent Orm? - laravel

SELECT * FROM user_fields WHERE (SELECT CITY FROM register_expert WHERE PERMISSION=1 AND ID=user_fields.ID_USER_FIELD)='$city_save'AND TITLE_USER_FIELD='$text_search_service';
Here is register_expert table image
And here is user_fields table mage

userFields is your models.
->join('register_expert', function($join) use ($city_save){
$join->on('', 'user_fields.ID_USER_FIELD')
->where('PERMISSION', '1')
->where('city', $city_save)
})->where('TITLE_USER_FIELD', $text_search_service);
Try this code.

I think the Eloquent query should look something like this but as I said in my comment the database and query is not well designed so I don't think it will work but just so you have an idea of how to make more complex queries in Eloquent.
$registerExperts = RegisterExperts::whereColumn('ID_USER_FIELD', 'user_fields.ID')
->Andwhere('PERMISSION', '=', 1)
$users = User::where($registerExperts->get('city') , '=', $city_save)
->andWhere('TITLE_USER_FIELD', '=', $text_search_service)
And here's a good first article to see how to make complex queries using Eloquent ORM : Dynamic relationships in Laravel using subqueries by Jonathan Reinink


How to use AND in laravel database query

$konten = Konten::all()->where('kategori','Announcement' AND 'kategori','Activities')->sortByDesc('id');
It's not work what is the right query for using AND Logic in query sir ? im so sorry i don't have much knowledge to find out the way.. the point is i want $konten contains the row from Konten where the kategori is Announcement and Activities.. how to make it happen ? it just showing konten where the kategori is activities the announcement not passed..
You can chain several where to achieve AND:
$konten = Konten::where('kategori', 'Announcement')
->where('kategori', 'Activities')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
Or use whereIn like this:
$konten = Konten::whereIn('kategori', ['Announcement', 'Activities'])
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
To achieve an AND in Laravel, you simply chain ->where() calls:
$konten = Konten::where('kategori','Announcement')->where('kategori','Activities') ...
As a side note, Konten::all() returns a Collection, and is no longer database logic. You shouldn't call ::all() unless you specifically need every record in the database.
Refactor to the following:
$konten = Konten::where('kategori','Announcement')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
This will leverage the database to perform the filtering/ordering, instead of offloading every record into a Collection and allowing PHP to perform the same logic, which can be incredibly inefficient depending on the number of records.
try this:
$konten = Konten::whereIn('kategori', ['Announcement', 'Activities'])->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get();
I have a strong feeling that you probably seek for 'orWhere' clause... If you want ALL records when kategori column equals 'Announcement' and all records when kategori equals 'Activities' you sholud use orWhere clause like so:
$konten = Konten::where('kategori', 'Announcement')
->orWhere('kategori', 'Activities')
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
Or as mentioned in answers below you can use whereIn statement.

How to count two related tables using Laravel Query Builder?

I have two tables in my database
My first table
And my second table
I would like to count how many gold members exists and how many silver members exists... I want to do a single count for each category... The rif can be repeated in the column but is the key to join the two tables.. I'm working with Query Builder and I would like to continue work with that. Someone can help me?
I tried with this code but didn't work
$count = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', 'table1.rif', '=', 'table2.rif')
Try this:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
->join('table1', 'table2.rif', '=', 'table1.rif')
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as count'), 'table1.category as category')
If you want to count only a specific category:
->join('table1', 'table2.rif', '=', 'table1.rif')
->where('table1.category', 'Silver')
See Laravel docs for more info.

Multiple inner joins using laravel and translation

I have problem using translatable library, I am trying to sort the companies by name, so as written in the doc, I need to use inner joins, I tried this code, everything is good but the data is messed up when I add voucher_translations, its like it get from different table or records, I dont know what I am doing wrong :(
$vouchers = Voucher::join('company_translations', 'vouchers.company_id', '=', 'company_translations.company_id')
->join('voucher_translations', 'voucher_translations.voucher_id', '=', '')
->where('company_translations.locale', '=', 'en');
->where('voucher_translations.locale', '=', 'en')
->orderBy('', 'asc');

Laravel Eloquent - How Do You Add a Where Condition to a Distantly Related Model Using the ORM?

I currently have the following:
Cars::with('cases')->with(['parts', 'parts.engines', 'parts.engines.metals'])
->orderBy('car_name', 'DESC')->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
The above will list all rows in my cars table along with the metal associated with the engine in each of those cars. The metals table is related to the cars table through the parts and then the engines tables.
I've tried using:
Cars::with('cases')->whereHas(['parts', 'parts.engines', 'parts.engines.metals'], function($query){
$query->where('weight', '=', 45)
})->orderBy('car_name', 'DESC')->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
But this errors out since whereHas() does not accept an array for its first parameter and I don't see a way to link to distant relationships with it.
How do I apply a WHERE conditional on a column in the metals table using the built-in ORM?
whereHas() only needs the name of the relationship for which you'd like to add the conditions. So, if you're trying to add the condition to the metals, you just need to restrict the parts.engines.metals relationship.
On a side note, when you eager load nested relationships, you don't need to also specify to load the intermediate relationship. That is, when you eager load parts.engines, you don't need to also eager load parts.
So, your query would look something like:
Cars::with(['cases', 'parts.engines.metals'])
->whereHas('parts.engines.metals', function($query) {
$query->where('weight', '=', 45)
->orderBy('car_name', 'DESC')
->orderBy('id', 'DESC');
This query will only retrieve cars that have a related metal with a weight of 45. Additionally, for those cars that are retrieved, it will also eager load all of the cases, parts, engines, and metals related to those cars.
I think you mean this:
Cars::with(['cases', 'parts', 'parts.engines', 'parts.engines.metals' => function($query){
$query->where('weight', '=', 45);
}])->orderBy('car_name', 'DESC')->orderBy('id', 'DESC');

Laravel Eloquent orWherePivot Not Returning Expected Result

I have an eloquent query where I am not getting the expected results and I was hoping someone could explain to me what the correct way to write the query.
I have three tables:
records (belongsToMany users)
users (belongsToMany records)
record_user (pivot)
The record_user table also has a column for role.
I attempt to get all the records where the user has the role of either singer or songwriter:
$results = User::find(Auth::user()->id)
->wherePivot('role', 'singer')
->orWherePivot('role', 'songwriter')
Below is how the SQL syntax is generated:
select `records`.*, `record_user`.`user_id` as `pivot_user_id`,
`record_user`.`record_id` as `pivot_record_id` from `records`
inner join `record_user` on `records`.`id` = `record_user`.`property_id`
`record_user`.`user_id` = '1' and `record_user`.`role` = 'singer' or
`record_user`.`role` = 'songwriter'
The results for singer role are what is expected: All records where the user is the singer. The problem is the results for the songwriter: I am getting ALL songwriters and the query is not constrained by the user_id. For some reason I was expecting the songwriter role to also be constrained by the user_id - what is the correct way to write this using the eloquent syntax?
Hmm..I think you need to use an advanced where clause.
$results = Auth::user()
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('record_user.role', '=', 'singer')
->orWhere('record_user.role', '=', 'songwriter');
It is Laravel issue. In my case I solve it like this:
$results = Auth::user()
->wherePivot('role', 'singer')
->orWherePivot('role', 'songwriter')
->where('user_id', Auth::id())
Or use advance where clause
If your trying to get records I would do something similar to this:
$q->where('records.role', 'singer')
->orWhere('records.role', 'songwriter');
