Display specific column name in laravel 5.6 - laravel

I am using laravel 5.6. I've two tables. One is Teachers(id,name,email,salary) another is Students(id,teacher_id,name,email) I have joined 2 tables
$vu_data = Teacher::join('Students', 'teachers.id', '=', 'students.teacher_id')
->where('teachers.id', $id)
return view('view_full')->with('vu_data',$vu_data);
How can I display sthdent name and teacher nam. There are same column name.
Thanks in advance

The better way is to use laravel Eloquent relationships https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/eloquent-relationships#one-to-many*.
Put on your Teachers model
public function students(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Students', 'teacher_id', 'id');
You will call like that:
If you want to use yur select, simple use de 'AS'
->select('Teachers.name as teacher_name', 'Students.name as student_name')

You'll need to specify the columns in a select() clause on the query, and rename the columns. Such as
Teacher::join('Students', 'teachers.id', '=', 'students.teacher_id')
->where('teachers.id', $id)
->select('teachers.name AS teacher_name', 'students.name AS student_name', [ rest of columns])
However, you might want to look into Eloquent relationships, which will allow you to iterate through a teacher then all of that teacher's students, or vice versa.

You need to add before ->get()
->select('Teachers.name as teacherName', 'Students.name as studentName')
and than you can use

As per your table structure one teacher has many students. Hence instead of using join you can use laravel relationships with hasMany :
Teacher has many students - Teacher Model :
public function students(){
return $this->hasMany(Students::class);
A student belongs to a teacher - Student Model :
public function teacher(){
return $this->belongsTo(Teacher::class);
Now you can get relationships like below :
Get all teachers with their students :
$teachers = Teacher::with('students')->get();
Get all students of a particular techer :
$teacher = Teacher::find($teacherId);
$students = $teacher->students;
Finally using this, you can convert this :
$vu_data = Teacher::join('Students', 'teachers.id', '=', 'students.teacher_id')
->where('teachers.id', $id)
return view('view_full')->with('vu_data',$vu_data);
To this :
$teacher = Teacher::find($id);
return view('view_full', compact('teacher'));
Then inside blade :
You can get teacher details : {{ $teacher->name }}
and students :
#if($teacher->students->count() > 0)
#foreach($teacher->students as $student)
{{ $student->name }}


Join tables in Laravel Eloquent method

How to write this code in eloquent method ?
$product = DB::table('products')
->join('purchase', 'products.id', '=', 'purchase.id')
->join('sales', 'purchase.id', '=', 'sales.id')
->select('sales.*', 'purchase.*','products.*')
Create model Product and add one to many relationship with Purchase in Product model.
public function purchases()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Purchase');
Create model Purchase and add one to many relationship with Sale in Purchase model.
public function sales()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Sale');
Create model Sale.
You can retrieve data using following statement.
$products = Product::with('purchases.sales')->get();
Note: I am assuming the relationship as one to many you can also declare as per your data, also you can define one to many inverse relationship, please refer to laravel docs https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#one-to-many.
You will get purchases and sales data in different key so you can use below syntax to loop over it.
foreach ($products as $product) {
foreach ($product->purchases as $purchase) {
//Purchase data for current product
foreach($purchase->sales as $sale){
//Sale data for current purchase

Laravel - Filter records by distinct relation

Right now I have the following models structure,
Country -> State -> City -> Student
And the Student model includes first_name and last_name.
So, I want countries to by filtered by giving student's first name. Like if I give John then I want list of countries which has students whose first name is John.
I was trying something like this,
I added a method called Students() in Country model and returning Student instances from that method. But now I stuck to find out how to filter countries.
Thanks in anticipation.
I came across a similar question recently and I came with the following solution myself. Probably, there are easier ways, but this will get you going for now, I guess.
First we query all the users with first_name == John, as you described, and we limit the query to output only the ID's.
$users = User::where('first_name', 'John')->get()->pluck('id');
We then cross-compare this with the result of Students() from the country model. As I don't know what you're querying for to get the country that you want, I'll just take the Netherlands as an example — that's where I'm from.
$users = Country::where('name', 'the Netherlands')->students()->whereIn('id', $users)->get();
For this to work, you must make sure that within the Students()-function in your model, the get() is left out.
Final 'result':
$users = User::where('first_name', 'John')->get()->pluck('id');
$users = Country::where('name', 'the Netherlands')->students()->whereIn('id', $users)->get();
in the Student Model create this:
public function city()
return $this->belongsTo(City::class,'city_id', 'id');
and in the City Model create this:
public function state()
return $this->belongsTo(State::class,'state_id', 'id');
Finally in the State Model:
public function country()
return $this->belongsTo(Country::class,'country_id', 'id');
For example if you made things like that in controller:
$students = Student::where('name', 'John')->get();
in the view:
#foreach($students as $student)
You can access like that.
If you have setup the model and relationship properly then you need to call them using in with function
$students = Student::where('name','John')->with('city.state.country')->get();
Loop through the $students
#foreach($students as $student)
{{ $student->city->state->country }}

How do i query the database to grab each user post and count the number of post from the user?

I am trying to make a datatable, but I am having trouble querying the database. What I want to do is select one instance of each user on the datatable and I want to grab a count of all the products created by that user.
Products Table
id user_id title
1 2 tv
2 2 car
3 2 book
4 3 glasses
So user(2) has 3 products
So user(3) has 1 products
Here is the code I been working on
$users = DB::table('users')
->join('products', 'users.id', '=', 'products.user_id')
->select('users.*', 'products.id', 'url')
->groupBy('products.id', 'url')
You need to select the user details, together with a count of the products, grouped by the user id, as follows:
$users = DB::table('users')
->selectRaw('users.*, COUNT(products.id) AS products')
->join('products', 'users.id', '=', 'products.user_id')
You can do this really simply with eloquent
Say you have your User model and Product model.
In your database structure, for your products table, you need to include a column called user_id as an integer data type.
Then You declare this relationship on the user model
public function products()
return $this->hasMany(Product::class);
then the inverse of the relation on the product's model
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
Now you can simply do the following
//This returns all users with products (eager loading pointes out by fubar)
$users = User::with('products')->get();
//Now you could pass $users to your view and loop through like so
#foreach($users as $user)
<li>{{ $user->name }} has {{ $user->products->count() }} </li>
for a specific user, you can simply
$user = User::find($id);
$userProductCount = $user->products->count();
eloquent really does make everything so clean and beautiful

Scope query in a many to many relationship

I created 2 models, "Post" and "Category". This is a many to many relationship, works great.
My tables are the following :
alex_blog_posts : where posts are stored with columns like "title", "published" etc...
alex_blog_categories : where categories are stored with columns like "title", "parent_id" etc...
alex_blog_posts_categories : where the relation is stored between posts and categories with columns "post_id", "category_id"
Let's assume I want to filter all posts that are associated to a category with name : "Category 1"
public function scopeFilterCategory($query) {
$query->join(????); // My problem is to replace the ???
$query->where('title', '=', 'Category 1');
return $query;
I'm not familiar enought with october and laravel yet and I'm stuck here. Probably very simple for laravel expert but I need a concrete example of something working cause all things I tried failed :/
Thanks for your help
laravel have the "whereHas":
On the post model you need the write this query:
$posts = Post::whereHas($relationName, function ($query) {
$query->where('title', =, 'Category 1');
$relationName - should be the name of the function that define the relation in your model (etc: 'categories')
For Laravel
There is a good answer on Laracasts
Scope for many to many relation
The following is an improved version.
Assume we have authors & articles many-to-many relation (with a pivot authors_articles);
Assume we have belongsToMany relation defined in both models;
// in Article model
public function scopeFromAuthor($query, $authorId)
return $query->whereHas('authors', function ($query) use ($authorId) {
$query->where('authors_articles.author_id', '$authorId');

Laravel Eloquent complex join statement

My database structure is the following:
So I've got a Bloggers table (sorry for the typo in the image), which has 3 topic fields, all 3 are foreign keys to the topics' table id.
I made a Blogger view front-end with a simple table showing all blogger columns. At the moment, the id's of the topics are being shown instead of the names though.
How can I change this?
I've already tried the following in my Controller, but that just creates duplicates in the view with different values in the main_topic column.
$bloggers= DB::table('bloggers')
->join('topics', function ($join) {
->on('bloggers.main_topic', '=', 'topics.id')
->orOn('bloggers.subtopic1', '=', 'topics.id')
->orOn('bloggers.subtopic2', '=', 'topics.id');
->select('bloggers.*', 'topics.name as main_topic')
return view('pages.bloggers', compact('bloggers'));
The answer to my specific question was a little different from the answers given, so I'll post it here in case anyone needs it in the future.
So I've got 3 tables: bloggers, topics and a pivot table called blogger_topic. bloggers contains 3 foreign keys (integers) to topics called main_topic, subtopic1, subtopic2. The pivot table contains a blogger_id, and a topic_id.
What I ended up with:
Blogger.php model:
public function mainTopic()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Topic', 'main_topic', 'id');
public function subtopicOne()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Topic', 'subtopic1', 'id');
public function subtopicTwo()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Topic', 'subtopic2', 'id');
Topic.php model:
public function bloggers()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Blogger');
View (blogger.blade.php):
#foreach($bloggers as $blogger)
{{ $blogger->mainTopic }}
{{ $blogger->subtopicOne }}
{{ $blogger->subtopicTwo }}
I think you should change your database tables if possible as below (sample link), by creating a pivot table. And then I think you should make relationships in Blogger and Topic model files with many-to-many. Then it would be very easy to fetch all related topics. For eg,
$topics = $blogger->topics;
Here you can reference the sample db table designs
I kindly recommend you to use models in Laravel coz they'll make your life more simple. Hope this help.
If you cant change your database, you could use group_concat on the results. Not sure if it will work but something like:
->join('topics', function ($join) {
->on('bloggers.main_topic', '=', 'topics.id')
->orOn('bloggers.subtopic1', '=', 'topics.id')
->orOn('bloggers.subtopic2', '=', 'topics.id');
->select('bloggers.*', 'topics.name as main_topic', DB::raw('group_concat(topics.name)'))
