Xamarin Android endless scroll of recycleview scrolls to top - xamarin

I have an requirement where the user should be able to load more data when the end of recycleview has reached,something like lazy loading.I am able to implement this functionality with the help of this link ,but everytime I reach the bottom and load more data the recycleview item starts from top and I Have to scroll to bottom to view the items.
Here is my code:
private async void DisplayCurrentYearData()
//current year
if (oStaticVariables.bIsConnected == true)
CurrentYear.StartIndex = 1;
CurrentYear.EndIndex = 20;
var oActCurYrData = await oWebApiService.GetCurrentYearList(oStaticVariables.MembershipID);
//var oActCurYrData = await oWebApiService.GetMembersLastYearData(new Commom.Files.Models.Member() { MembershipID = Convert.ToInt32(oStaticVariables.MembershipID) });
if (oActCurYrData != null && oActCurYrData.Count != 0)
this.listItems = new List<DataType>();
foreach (Commom.Files.Models.YearlyData x in oActCurYrData.ToList())
LogbookGroupData g1 = new LogbookGroupData(x.EventDescription, x.ActivityDescription);
if (x.Status == "1")
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Submitted");
else if (x.Status == "2")
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Awarded");
else if (x.Status == "3")
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Declined");
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Forwarded To Vetting Team");
oStaticVariables.MyActivityYearlyData = oActCurYrData;
if (Activity != null)
this.recyclerAdapterCY = new LogbookCurrentYearRecycleViewAdaptor(Activity, listItems);
this.recyclerAdapterCY.GroupClickCurrent += OnGroupClickCurrent;
this.mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(Activity);
var onScrollListener = new RecyclerViewOnScrollListenerCY(this.mLayoutManager);
onScrollListener.LoadMoreEvent += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
//Load more stuff here
else {
catch (Exception ex)
private async void LoadMoreCurrentYearData()
CurrentYear.IsLoading = true;
CurrentYear.StartIndex = CurrentYear.EndIndex + 1;
CurrentYear.EndIndex = CurrentYear.EndIndex + 5;
//current year
txtTotalPoints.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
if (oStaticVariables.bIsConnected == true)
var oActCurYrData = await oWebApiService.GetCurrentYearList(oStaticVariables.MembershipID);
//var oActCurYrData = await oWebApiService.GetMembersLastYearData(new Commom.Files.Models.Member() { MembershipID = Convert.ToInt32(oStaticVariables.MembershipID) });
if (oActCurYrData != null && oActCurYrData.Count != 0)
this.listItemsNew = new List<DataType>();
foreach (Commom.Files.Models.YearlyData x in oActCurYrData.ToList())
LogbookGroupData g1 = new LogbookGroupData(x.EventDescription, x.ActivityDescription);
if (x.Status == "1")
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Submitted");
else if (x.Status == "2")
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Awarded");
else if (x.Status == "3")
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Declined");
LogbookEntryData e11 = new LogbookEntryData(x.FormattedDate, x.Points, "Forwarded To Vetting Team");
//oStaticVariables.MyActivityYearlyData = oActCurYrData;
if (Activity != null)
this.recyclerAdapterCY = new LogbookCurrentYearRecycleViewAdaptor(Activity, listItems);
this.recyclerAdapterCY.GroupClickCurrent += OnGroupClickCurrent;
CurrentYear.IsLoading = false;
CurrentYear.IsLoading = false;
catch (Exception ex)
Here is my RecyclerViewOnScrollListenerCY class:
public class RecyclerViewOnScrollListenerCY : RecyclerView.OnScrollListener
public delegate void LoadMoreEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event LoadMoreEventHandler LoadMoreEvent;
private LinearLayoutManager LayoutManager;
public RecyclerViewOnScrollListenerCY(LinearLayoutManager layoutManager)
LayoutManager = layoutManager;
public override void OnScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy)
base.OnScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy);
var visibleItemCount = recyclerView.ChildCount;
var totalItemCount = recyclerView.GetAdapter().ItemCount;
var pastVisiblesItems = LayoutManager.FindFirstVisibleItemPosition();
if ((visibleItemCount + pastVisiblesItems) >= totalItemCount && !CurrentYear.IsLoading)
LoadMoreEvent(this, null);
Can somebody point out my mistake in the code.Please help

According to your description, you want to scroll and not reset position to the top for recycleview every time.
Originally I was creating a new Adapter when the data changed. The adapter base class will automatically clear the contents of the data calling .Clear(). This causes the scroll view to go to the top each time.
To avoid the .Clear() you need to not create a new instance of the adapter and just call Adapter.NotifyDataSetChanged() and the scroll view will not refresh to top every time data refreshes.


How to implement AdMob native ads in Xamarin Forms IOS?

I'm having a Xamarin Forms application where I could successfully add banner ads and native ads for the android with custom renderers using Google AdMob NuGet. What I'm trying to achieve here is to make them work on IOS, I managed to do that (I suppose as I'm receiving test ads) with banner but when it comes to native, I get unified native ad and it never renders...
I'm using it inside of a custom listview data template which I thought it might cause an issue, so I tried using it in the page itself but no luck, same issue.
Here is my IOS renderer so far:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(NativeAdMobUnit), typeof(NativeAdMobUnitRenderer))]
namespace Example.iOS.Components
public class NativeAdMobUnitRenderer : ViewRenderer<NativeAdMobUnit, NativeExpressAdView>
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<NativeAdMobUnit> e)
if (e.NewElement == null)
if (e.OldElement == null)
CreateAdView(this, e.NewElement.AdUnitId);
private void CreateAdView(NativeAdMobUnitRenderer renderer,String AdUnitId)
if (Element == null) return;
var loader = new AdLoader(
new AdLoaderAdType[] { AdLoaderAdType.UnifiedNative },
new AdLoaderOptions[] {
new NativeAdViewAdOptions {PreferredAdChoicesPosition = AdChoicesPosition.TopRightCorner}
var request = Request.GetDefaultRequest();
request.TestDevices = new string[] { Request.SimulatorId };
loader.Delegate = new MyAdLoaderDelegate(renderer);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
catch(Exception ex)
private UIViewController GetVisibleViewController()
var windows = UIApplication.SharedApplication.Windows;
foreach (var window in windows)
if (window.RootViewController != null)
return window.RootViewController;
return null;
private class MyAdLoaderDelegate : NSObject, IUnifiedNativeAdLoaderDelegate
private readonly NativeAdMobUnitRenderer _renderer;
public MyAdLoaderDelegate(NativeAdMobUnitRenderer renderer)
_renderer = renderer;
public void DidReceiveUnifiedNativeAd(AdLoader adLoader, UnifiedNativeAd nativeAd)
public void DidFailToReceiveAd(AdLoader adLoader, RequestError error)
public void DidFinishLoading(AdLoader adLoader)
And that's the same but for Android which is working as expected:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(NativeAdMobUnit), typeof(NativeAdMobUnitRenderer))]
namespace Example.Droid.Renderers
public class NativeAdMobUnitRenderer : ViewRenderer
public NativeAdMobUnitRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.View> e)
if (Control == null)
NativeAdMobUnit NativeAdUnit = (NativeAdMobUnit)Element;
var adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(Context, NativeAdUnit.AdUnitId);
var listener = new UnifiedNativeAdLoadedListener();
listener.OnNativeAdLoaded += (s, ad) =>
var root = new UnifiedNativeAdView(Context);
var inflater = (LayoutInflater)Context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService);
var adView = (UnifiedNativeAdView)inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ad_unified, root);
populateUnifiedNativeAdView(ad, adView);
var requestBuilder = new AdRequest.Builder();
private void populateUnifiedNativeAdView(UnifiedNativeAd nativeAd, UnifiedNativeAdView adView)
adView.MediaView = adView.FindViewById<MediaView>(Resource.Id.ad_media);
// Set other ad assets.
adView.HeadlineView = adView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.ad_headline);
adView.BodyView = adView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.ad_body);
adView.CallToActionView = adView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.ad_call_to_action);
adView.IconView = adView.FindViewById<ImageView>(Resource.Id.ad_app_icon);
adView.PriceView = adView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.ad_price);
adView.StarRatingView = adView.FindViewById<RatingBar>(Resource.Id.ad_stars);
adView.StoreView = adView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.ad_store);
adView.AdvertiserView = adView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.ad_advertiser);
// The headline and mediaContent are guaranteed to be in every UnifiedNativeAd.
((TextView)adView.HeadlineView).Text = nativeAd.Headline;
// These assets aren't guaranteed to be in every UnifiedNativeAd, so it's important to
// check before trying to display them.
if (nativeAd.Body == null)
adView.BodyView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
adView.BodyView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
((TextView)adView.BodyView).Text = nativeAd.Body;
if (nativeAd.CallToAction == null)
adView.CallToActionView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
adView.CallToActionView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
((Android.Widget.Button)adView.CallToActionView).Text = nativeAd.CallToAction;
if (nativeAd.Icon == null)
adView.IconView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
adView.IconView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nativeAd.Price))
adView.PriceView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
adView.PriceView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
((TextView)adView.PriceView).Text = nativeAd.Price;
if (nativeAd.Store == null)
adView.StoreView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
adView.StoreView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
((TextView)adView.StoreView).Text = nativeAd.Store;
if (nativeAd.StarRating == null)
adView.StarRatingView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
((RatingBar)adView.StarRatingView).Rating = nativeAd.StarRating.FloatValue();
adView.StarRatingView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
if (nativeAd.Advertiser == null)
adView.AdvertiserView.Visibility = ViewStates.Invisible;
((TextView)adView.AdvertiserView).Text = nativeAd.Advertiser;
adView.AdvertiserView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
public class UnifiedNativeAdLoadedListener : AdListener, UnifiedNativeAd.IOnUnifiedNativeAdLoadedListener
public void OnUnifiedNativeAdLoaded(UnifiedNativeAd ad)
OnNativeAdLoaded?.Invoke(this, ad);
public EventHandler<UnifiedNativeAd> OnNativeAdLoaded { get; set; }

android.widget.TimePicker$TimePickerDelegate.getMinute()' on a null object reference

We tried of using TimerPickerDialog with Number Picker in Xamarin android. Since we have time interval of 15mins
In Android 10 - getMinute() is returning Null
var classForid = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("com.android.internal.R$id");
var timePickerField = classForid.GetField("timePicker");
[![timePicker][1]][1] = (TimePicker)FindViewById(timePickerField.GetInt(null));
var field = classForid.GetField("minute");
NumberPicker minuteSpinner = (NumberPicker)timePicker
minuteSpinner.MinValue = 0;
minuteSpinner.MaxValue = (60 / TimePickerInterval) - 1;
List<string> displayedValues = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += TimePickerInterval)
We need to get the Minute picker. Screenshot:
Try to create a custom TimePickerDialog ,here is a simple sample,you could check it:
create CustomTimePickerDialog :
public class CustomTimePickerDialog : TimePickerDialog
private int _interval = 1;
public CustomTimePickerDialog(Context context, EventHandler<TimeSetEventArgs> callBack, int hourOfDay, int minute, bool is24HourView, int interval)
: base(context, ThemeHoloLight, (sender, e) =>
callBack(sender, new TimeSetEventArgs(e.HourOfDay, e.Minute * interval));
}, hourOfDay, minute / interval, is24HourView)
_interval = interval;
FixSpinner(context, hourOfDay, minute, is24HourView);
protected CustomTimePickerDialog(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)
public override void SetView(Android.Views.View view)
void SetupMinutePicker(Android.Views.View view)
var numberPicker = FindMinuteNumberPicker(view as ViewGroup);
if (numberPicker != null)
int i = _interval;
List<string> values = new List<string>();
while (i < 60)
if (i < 10)
values.Add("0" + i);
i += _interval;
numberPicker.MinValue = 0;
numberPicker.MaxValue = values.Count - 1;
protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)
GetButton((int)DialogButtonType.Negative).Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone;
private NumberPicker FindMinuteNumberPicker(ViewGroup viewGroup)
for (var i = 0; i < viewGroup.ChildCount; i++)
var child = viewGroup.GetChildAt(i);
var numberPicker = child as NumberPicker;
if (numberPicker != null)
if (numberPicker.MaxValue == 59)
return numberPicker;
var childViewGroup = child as ViewGroup;
if (childViewGroup != null)
var childResult = FindMinuteNumberPicker(childViewGroup);
if (childResult != null)
return childResult;
return null;
private void FixSpinner(Context context, int hourOfDay, int minute, bool is24HourView)
// Get the theme's android:timePickerMode
var styleableClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("com.android.internal.R$styleable");
var timePickerStyleableField = styleableClass.GetField("TimePicker");
int[] timePickerStyleable = (int[])timePickerStyleableField.Get(null);
var a = context.ObtainStyledAttributes(null, timePickerStyleable, Android.Resource.Attribute.TimePickerStyle, 0);
var timePickerModeStyleableField = styleableClass.GetField("TimePicker_timePickerMode");
int timePickerModeStyleable = timePickerModeStyleableField.GetInt(null);
int mode = a.GetInt(timePickerModeStyleable, MODE_SPINNER);
Android.Widget.TimePicker timePicker = (Android.Widget.TimePicker)findField(Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(TimePickerDialog)), Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(Android.Widget.TimePicker)), "mTimePicker").Get(this);
var delegateClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("android.widget.TimePicker$TimePickerDelegate");
var delegateField = findField(Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(Android.Widget.TimePicker)), delegateClass, "mDelegate");
var delegatee = delegateField.Get(timePicker);
Java.Lang.Class spinnerDelegateClass;
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt != BuildVersionCodes.Lollipop)
spinnerDelegateClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("android.widget.TimePickerSpinnerDelegate");
// TimePickerSpinnerDelegate was initially misnamed TimePickerClockDelegate in API 21!
spinnerDelegateClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("android.widget.TimePickerClockDelegate");
// In 7.0 Nougat for some reason the timePickerMode is ignored and the delegate is TimePickerClockDelegate
if (delegatee.Class != spinnerDelegateClass)
delegateField.Set(timePicker, null); // throw out the TimePickerClockDelegate!
timePicker.RemoveAllViews(); // remove the TimePickerClockDelegate views
var spinnerDelegateConstructor = spinnerDelegateClass.GetConstructors()[0];
spinnerDelegateConstructor.Accessible = true;
// Instantiate a TimePickerSpinnerDelegate
delegatee = spinnerDelegateConstructor.NewInstance(timePicker, context, null, Android.Resource.Attribute.TimePickerStyle, 0);
delegateField.Set(timePicker, delegatee); // set the TimePicker.mDelegate to the spinner delegate
// Set up the TimePicker again, with the TimePickerSpinnerDelegate
timePicker.Hour = hourOfDay;
timePicker.Minute = minute;
// set interval
catch (Exception e)
throw new Java.Lang.RuntimeException(e.ToString());
private static Java.Lang.Reflect.Field findField(Java.Lang.Class objectClass, Java.Lang.Class fieldClass, String expectedName)
var field = objectClass.GetDeclaredField(expectedName);
field.Accessible = true;
return field;
catch (Java.Lang.NoSuchFieldException e) { } // ignore
// search for it if it wasn't found under the expected ivar name
foreach (var searchField in objectClass.GetDeclaredFields())
if (Java.Lang.Class.FromType(searchField.GetType()) == fieldClass)
searchField.Accessible = true;
return searchField;
return null;
call like this:
CustomTimePickerDialog timePickerDlg = new CustomTimePickerDialog(this, new EventHandler<TimePickerDialog.TimeSetEventArgs>((o,e)=> { }),
hourOfDay, minute, true,15);// the 15 is the minute interval

How to Resume video after SeekTo() method in VideoView?

I have a VideoView and when I pause video, then leave the page and come back - I need to resume video from last position.
But I have a problem - after SeekTo() method video starts from beginning.
I tried to put SeekTo() in SetSource to AutoPlay but nothing is changed((
Here is my VideoPlayerRender:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(VideoPlayer),
namespace FormsVideoLibrary.Droid
public class VideoPlayerRenderer : ViewRenderer<VideoPlayer, ARelativeLayout>
VideoView videoView;
MediaController mediaController; // Used to display transport controls
bool isPrepared;
public VideoPlayerRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<VideoPlayer> args)
if (args.NewElement != null)
if (Control == null)
// Save the VideoView for future reference
videoView = new VideoView(Context);
// Put the VideoView in a RelativeLayout
ARelativeLayout relativeLayout = new ARelativeLayout(Context);
// Center the VideoView in the RelativeLayout
ARelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams =
new ARelativeLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MatchParent, LayoutParams.MatchParent);
videoView.LayoutParameters = layoutParams;
// Handle a VideoView event
videoView.Prepared += OnVideoViewPrepared;
args.NewElement.UpdateStatus += OnUpdateStatus;
args.NewElement.PlayRequested += OnPlayRequested;
args.NewElement.PauseRequested += OnPauseRequested;
args.NewElement.StopRequested += OnStopRequested;
if (args.OldElement != null)
args.OldElement.UpdateStatus -= OnUpdateStatus;
args.OldElement.PlayRequested -= OnPlayRequested;
args.OldElement.PauseRequested -= OnPauseRequested;
args.OldElement.StopRequested -= OnStopRequested;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (Control != null && videoView != null)
videoView.Prepared -= OnVideoViewPrepared;
if (Element != null)
Element.UpdateStatus -= OnUpdateStatus;
void OnVideoViewPrepared(object sender, EventArgs args)
isPrepared = true;
((IVideoPlayerController)Element).Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(videoView.Duration);
var mediaPlayer = sender as MediaPlayer;
var startTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);
if (App.CurrentPosition > startTime)
var position = (int)App.CurrentPosition.TotalMilliseconds;
((IElementController)Element).SetValueFromRenderer(VideoPlayer.PositionProperty, position);
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, args);
if (args.PropertyName == VideoPlayer.AreTransportControlsEnabledProperty.PropertyName)
else if (args.PropertyName == VideoPlayer.SourceProperty.PropertyName)
else if (args.PropertyName == VideoPlayer.PositionProperty.PropertyName)
if (Math.Abs(videoView.CurrentPosition - Element.Position.TotalMilliseconds) > 1000)
void SetAreTransportControlsEnabled()
if (Element.AreTransportControlsEnabled)
mediaController = new MediaController(Context);
if (mediaController != null)
mediaController = null;
void SetSource()
isPrepared = false;
bool hasSetSource = false;
if (Element.Source is UriVideoSource)
string uri = (Element.Source as UriVideoSource).Uri;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uri))
hasSetSource = true;
else if (Element.Source is FileVideoSource)
string filename = (Element.Source as FileVideoSource).File;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename))
hasSetSource = true;
else if (Element.Source is ResourceVideoSource)
string package = Context.PackageName;
string path = (Element.Source as ResourceVideoSource).Path;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path))
string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path).ToLowerInvariant();
string uri = "android.resource://" + package + "/raw/" + filename;
hasSetSource = true;
if (hasSetSource && Element.AutoPlay)
// Event handler to update status
void OnUpdateStatus(object sender, EventArgs args)
VideoStatus status = VideoStatus.NotReady;
var startTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);
if (isPrepared)
status = videoView.IsPlaying ? VideoStatus.Playing : VideoStatus.Paused;
TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(videoView.CurrentPosition);
((IElementController)Element).SetValueFromRenderer(VideoPlayer.PositionProperty, timeSpan);
if (status == VideoStatus.Paused &&
timeSpan > startTime &&
App.CurrentPosition = timeSpan;
I used XamarinMediaManager and all works.

Is How do I solve the error Event registration is overwriting existing delegate for MKMapView?

When I try to run my Xamarin.forms maps application I get the following error: Event registration is overwriting existing delegate. Either just use events or your own delegate: MyApp.iOS.CustomRenderer.MapDelegate MapKit.MKMapView+_MKMapViewDelegate
I attached my CustomMapRender file to this question
... C#
using ICCHMapClusterControllerDelegate = MapClustering.ICCHMapClusterControllerDelegate;
using ICCHMapClusterer = MapClustering.ICCHMapClusterer;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomMap), typeof(CustomMapRenderer))]
namespace MyApp.iOS.CustomRenderer
public class CustomMapRenderer : MapRenderer, ICCHMapClusterControllerDelegate//IMKMapViewDelegate
MKMapView mapView;
CustomMap customMap;
CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController;
ICCHMapClusterer mapClusterer;
List<MKPointAnnotation> annotations;
CLLocationManager LocationManager;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
mapView.ShowsUserLocation = false;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<View> e)
if (e.OldElement == null)
mapView = Control as MKMapView;
customMap = e.NewElement as CustomMap;
customMap.LocationsLoaded += customMap_LocationsLoaded;
customMap.CenterToMyLocationButtonClicked += CenterToMyLocation;
customMap.OpenCallout += OpenCallout;
LocationManager = new CLLocationManager();
LocationManager.AuthorizationChanged += (object locationmanager, CLAuthorizationChangedEventArgs eventargs) =>
if (eventargs.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedWhenInUse)
mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
mapView.ShowsUserLocation = false;
if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedWhenInUse || CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedAlways
|| CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Authorized)
mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
WMSTileOverlay WMSOverlay = new WMSTileOverlay(NetworkConstants.WmsOvermaasLayerUrl, "3")
CanReplaceMapContent = false
WMSProvincieTileOverlay ProvinceOverLay = new WMSProvincieTileOverlay
CanReplaceMapContent = false
WMSTileOverlay WPMOverlay2 = new WMSTileOverlay(NetworkConstants.WmsWpmLayerUrl, "2")
CanReplaceMapContent = false
WMSTileOverlay WPMOverlay3 = new WMSTileOverlay(NetworkConstants.WmsWpmLayerUrl, "3")
CanReplaceMapContent = false
WMSTileOverlay WPMOverlay4 = new WMSTileOverlay(NetworkConstants.WmsWpmLayerUrl, "4")
CanReplaceMapContent = false
mapView.AddOverlay(WMSOverlay, MKOverlayLevel.AboveLabels);
mapView.AddOverlay(ProvinceOverLay, MKOverlayLevel.AboveLabels);
mapView.AddOverlay(WPMOverlay2, MKOverlayLevel.AboveLabels);
mapView.AddOverlay(WPMOverlay3, MKOverlayLevel.AboveLabels);
mapView.AddOverlay(WPMOverlay4, MKOverlayLevel.AboveLabels);
mapClusterController = new CCHMapClusterController(mapView);
mapClusterController.Delegate = new CCHMapClusterControllerDelegate();
mapClusterController.WeakDelegate = this;
// /new CCHMapDelegate();//new CCHMapDelegate();
//new CCHMapClusterControllerDelegate(); //new CCHMapDelegate ();
private void customMap_LocationsLoaded(object sender, List<Location> locations)
if (locations == null || locations.Count == 0)
annotations = new List<MKPointAnnotation>();
foreach (Location location in locations)
MKPointAnnotation anno = new MKPointAnnotation();
CLLocationCoordinate2D coord = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);
anno.Coordinate = coord;
anno.Title = location.WaterName;
anno.Subtitle = location.City + " " + location.ExternalReference;
mapClusterController.AddAnnotations(annotations.ToArray(), null);
mapView.Delegate = new MapDelegate(locations, customMap);
mapClusterController.ReuseExistingClusterAnnotations = false;
private void RemoveAnnotations()
if (annotations != null && annotations.Count != 0)
mapClusterController.RemoveAnnotations(annotations.ToArray(), () =>
private void CenterToMyLocation(object sender, string e)
if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedWhenInUse || CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.AuthorizedAlways
|| CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Authorized)
MKCoordinateRegion mapRegion;
mapRegion.Center.Latitude = mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate.Latitude;
mapRegion.Center.Longitude = mapView.UserLocation.Coordinate.Longitude;
mapRegion.Span.LatitudeDelta = 0.2;
mapRegion.Span.LongitudeDelta = 0.2;
mapView.SetRegion(mapRegion, true);
if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Denied)
//check if ios 7/8 this is ios 8
UIAlertController alertController = UIAlertController.Create(title: "Locatie", message: "Om uw locatie te kunnen gebruiken in de app hebben we uw toestemming nodig. " +
"dit kunt u in het instellingen menu geven.", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
alertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create(title: "Annuleren", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, handler: null));
alertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create(title: "Instellingen", style: UIAlertActionStyle.Default, handler =>
NSUrl settingsurl = new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString);
mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController(alertController, true, null);
//Old Obsolete
//UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("Locatie", "Om uw locatie te kunnen gebruiken in de app hebben we uw toestemming nodig. " +
// "dit kunt u in het instellingen menu geven.", null, "Annuleren", "Instellingen");
//alert.Clicked += (object alertsender, UIButtonEventArgs eventargs) => {
// if (eventargs.ButtonIndex != 0)
// {
// NSUrl settingsurl = new NSUrl(UIApplication.OpenSettingsUrlString);
// mapView.ShowsUserLocation = true;
// UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(settingsurl);
// }
if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined)
private void OpenCallout(object sender, Location e)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Thread.Sleep(1000); // delay execution for 1 s
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
var anno = this.annotations.Where(a => a.Coordinate.Latitude == e.Latitude && a.Coordinate.Longitude == e.Longitude).FirstOrDefault();
if (anno != null)
this.mapClusterController.SelectAnnotation(anno, e.Latitude, e.Longitude);
public string TitleForMapClusterAnnotation(CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
var annotationsCount = mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.Count;
if (annotationsCount != 1) return "";
MKPointAnnotation annot = (MKPointAnnotation)mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.First();
return annot.Title;
public string SubtitleForMapClusterAnnotation(CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
if (mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.Count != 1) return "";
MKPointAnnotation annot = (MKPointAnnotation)mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.First();
return annot.Subtitle;
public void WillReuseMapClusterAnnotation(CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
internal class MapDelegate : MKMapViewDelegate
public MapDelegate(List<Location> locations, CustomMap CustomMap)
: base()
Locations = locations;
customMap = CustomMap;
conv = new LevelStatusToColorValueConverter();
defaultColor = Color.FromHex(ColorConstants.WaterLevelBadgeGreen).ToUIColor();
static NSObject Invoker = new NSObject();
List<Location> Locations;
string clusterPinId = "cluster";
string nonClusterPinId = "nonCluster";
CustomMap customMap;
LevelStatusToColorValueConverter conv;
UIColor defaultColor;
public override void RegionChanged(MKMapView mapView, bool animated)
if (mapView.UserLocationVisible)
public override MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotation(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation anno)
var annotation = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(anno.Handle) as CCHMapClusterAnnotation; // this is required to get the underlying annotation object
string useId = nonClusterPinId;
if (anno is MKUserLocation)
return null;
if (annotation == null)
return null;
string imageName = "";
string imageURL = string.Empty;
string value = string.Empty;
UIColor color = defaultColor;
if (annotation.IsCluster)
useId = clusterPinId;
if (Locations != null)
List<Location> locations = new List<Location>();
foreach (MKPointAnnotation clusterAnno in annotation.Annotations)
string title = clusterAnno.Subtitle;
var location = Locations.Where(l => (l.City + " " + l.ExternalReference) == title).ToList();
if (location != null && location.Count != 0)
if (locations.Any())
imageName = MapUtil.GetCorrectImageNameForLocations(locations);
if (Locations != null)
string title = annotation.Subtitle;
var location = Locations.Where(l => (l.City + " " + l.ExternalReference) == title).ToList();
if (location != null && location.Count != 0)
var currentLocation = location.First();
value = currentLocation.CurrentValueAsString;
var xColor = (Color)conv.Convert(currentLocation.WaterlevelStatus, null, null, null);
color = xColor.ToUIColor();
imageName = MapUtil.GetCorrectImageNameForLocation(currentLocation);
if (currentLocation.HasImage)
imageURL = currentLocation.SmallImageURL();
imageURL = NetworkConstants.NoImageSmall;
MKAnnotationView pinView = (MKAnnotationView)mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(useId);
if (pinView == null)
pinView = new MKAnnotationView(annotation, useId);
if (!annotation.IsCluster)
pinView.CanShowCallout = true;
double testWidth = value.Length < 11 ? 65 : 90;
var button = new UIButton(new CGRect(testWidth, 5, 10, 20));
button.SetImage(UIImage.FromBundle("disclosure"), UIControlState.Normal);
JSBadgeView badge = new JSBadgeView(button, JSBadgeView.Alignment.CenterLeft)
BadgeBackgroundColor = color,
BadgeStrokeColor = UIColor.Red,
BadgeTextColor = Color.FromHex(ColorConstants.DarkGreyDetailText).ToUIColor(),
BadgeTextFont = UIFont.FromName("AvenirNext-Regular", 11),
BadgeAlignment = JSBadgeView.Alignment.CenterLeft,
BadgeText = value
UIView view = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, testWidth + 10, 30));
view.ClipsToBounds = false;
pinView.RightCalloutAccessoryView = view;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageURL))
var imageView = new UIImageView(new CGRect(0, 0, 42, 42));
imageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("notavailable");
imageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit;
pinView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = imageView;
FromUrl(imageURL, pinView);
pinView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle((string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName)) ? "flowgreenpin" : imageName);
if (annotation.IsCluster)
pinView.CanShowCallout = false;
JSBadgeView badge = new JSBadgeView(pinView, JSBadgeView.Alignment.TopCenter)
BadgeBackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(0.451f, 0.847f, 0.988f),
BadgeStrokeColor = UIColor.Red,
BadgeTextColor = UIColor.White,
BadgeTextFont = UIFont.FromName("AvenirNext-Regular", 11),
BadgeAlignment = JSBadgeView.Alignment.TopCenter,
BadgeText = annotation.Annotations.Count.ToString()
return pinView;
public static void InvokedOnMainThread(Action Action)
if (NSThread.Current.IsMainThread)
Invoker.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => Action());
static async Task FromUrl(string uri, MKAnnotationView pinView)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
Task<byte[]> contentsTask = httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(uri);
// await! control returns to the caller and the task continues to run on another thread
var contents = await contentsTask;
// load from bytes
var image = UIImage.LoadFromData(NSData.FromArray(contents));
var imageView = new UIImageView(new CGRect(0, 0, 42, 42));
imageView.Image = image;
imageView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit;
pinView.LeftCalloutAccessoryView = imageView;
public override void DidSelectAnnotationView(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view)
var annotation = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(view.Annotation.Handle) as CCHMapClusterAnnotation;
if (annotation != null)
if (!annotation.IsCluster)
UITapGestureRecognizer tap = new UITapGestureRecognizer(OnTap);
MKMapRect mapRect = annotation.MapRect;
UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets = new UIEdgeInsets(20, 20, 20, 20);
mapView.SetVisibleMapRect(mapRect, edgeInsets, true);
mapView.DeselectAnnotation(view.Annotation, true);
public override void DidDeselectAnnotationView(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view)
view.GestureRecognizers = null;
public override void CalloutAccessoryControlTapped(MKMapView mapView, MKAnnotationView view, UIControl control)
if (view != null)
var clusterPin = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(view.Annotation.Handle) as CCHMapClusterAnnotation;
var location = Locations.Where(l => (l.City + " " + l.ExternalReference) == clusterPin.Subtitle).ToList();
if (location != null && location.Count != 0)
private void OnTap(UIGestureRecognizer gesture)
var pinView = gesture.View as MKAnnotationView;
if (pinView != null)
var clusterPin = ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(pinView.Annotation.Handle) as CCHMapClusterAnnotation;
var location = Locations.Where(l => (l.City + " " + l.ExternalReference) == clusterPin.Subtitle).ToList();
if (location != null && location.Count != 0)
public override MKOverlayRenderer OverlayRenderer(MKMapView mapView, IMKOverlay overlay)
var osmOverlay = overlay as WMSTileOverlay;
if (osmOverlay != null)
return new MKTileOverlayRenderer(new WMSTileOverlay(osmOverlay.BaseUrl, osmOverlay.Layer) { CanReplaceMapContent = false });
return new MKTileOverlayRenderer(new WMSProvincieTileOverlay() { CanReplaceMapContent = false });
internal class CCHMapDelegate : UIViewController, ICCHMapClusterControllerDelegate//CCHMapClusterControllerDelegate
public string TitleForMapClusterAnnotation(CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
var annotationsCount = mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.Count;
if (annotationsCount != 1) return "";
MKPointAnnotation annot = (MKPointAnnotation)mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.First();
return annot.Title;
//public override string MapClusterTitleForAnnotation (CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
// if (mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.Count == 1) {
// MKPointAnnotation annot = (MKPointAnnotation)mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.First ();
// return annot.Title;
// }
// return "";
public string SubtitleForMapClusterAnnotation(CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
if (mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.Count != 1) return "";
MKPointAnnotation annot = (MKPointAnnotation)mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.First();
return annot.Subtitle;
//public override string MapClusterSubtitleForAnnotation (CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
// if (mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.Count == 1) {
// MKPointAnnotation annot = (MKPointAnnotation)mapClusterAnnotation.Annotations.First ();
// return annot.Subtitle;
// }
// return "";
public void WillReuseMapClusterAnnotation(CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)
//public override void MapClusterWillReuseAnnotation (CCHMapClusterController mapClusterController, CCHMapClusterAnnotation mapClusterAnnotation)

What is the Android equivalent of iOS's UITabBarController?

I have the following code in iOS renderer:
public class TabbedPageRenderer : TabbedRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
var tabbarController = (UITabBarController)this.ViewController;
if (null != tabbarController)
tabbarController.ViewControllerSelected += OnTabBarReselected;
catch (Exception exception)
void OnTabBarReselected(object sender, UITabBarSelectionEventArgs e)
var tabs = Element as TabbedPage;
var playTab = tabs.Children[4];
if (TabBar.SelectedItem.Title == "Play")
if (tabs != null)
playTab.Title = "Pause";
playTab.Icon = "ionicons_2_0_1_pause_outline_22.png";
App.pauseCard = false;
if (tabs != null)
playTab.Title = "Play";
playTab.Icon = "ionicons_2_0_1_play_outline_25.png";
App.pauseCard = true;
What this do is let the user pause/play a timer running in a page. When opening the app, Home tab will be open so the Play icon is displayed. But when switching to the Play tab, by default the timer is running so the Pause title and icon is displayed.
The code above works perfectly for iOS. But I am still lost in Android. I have tried the following code for Android:
public class MyTabbedPageRenderer: TabbedPageRenderer, TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener
void TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabReselected(TabLayout.Tab tab)
var tabs = Element as TabbedPage;
var playTab = tabs.Children[4];
var selectedPosition = tab.Position;
if(selectedPosition == 4)
if (playTab.Title == "Play")
if (tabs != null)
playTab.Title = "Pause";
playTab.Icon = "ionicons_2_0_1_pause_outline_22.png";
App.pauseCard = false;
if (tabs != null)
playTab.Title = "Play";
playTab.Icon = "ionicons_2_0_1_play_outline_25.png";
App.pauseCard = true;
Obviously this would only work when reselecting the tab. Would really appreciate if someone could point me to the right direction here.
Like #G.hakim, you also need add TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabSelected method, and it will be same as OnTabReselected:
void TabLayout.IOnTabSelectedListener.OnTabSelected(TabLayout.Tab tab)
var tabs = Element as TabbedPage;
var playTab = tabs.Children[4];
var selectedPosition = tab.Position;
if(selectedPosition == 4)
if (playTab.Title == "Play")
if (tabs != null)
playTab.Title = "Pause";
playTab.Icon = "ionicons_2_0_1_pause_outline_22.png";
App.pauseCard = false;
if (tabs != null)
playTab.Title = "Play";
playTab.Icon = "ionicons_2_0_1_play_outline_25.png";
App.pauseCard = true;
