#Async and #Transaction aspect order - spring

Using Spring Boot 2.1.1.RELEASE / Spring Framework 5.1.4, I have an application with #Async and #Transactional annotations enabled through:
#EnableAsync(mode = AdviceMode.ASPECTJ)
#EnableTransactionManagement(mode = AdviceMode.ASPECTJ)
When running a method that is annotated with both, first the transaction is created and then the asynchronous execution starts. So, the actual method body is not executed inside the transaction.
public void myAsyncMethod() {
// asynchronous database stuff
How can I configure spring / the aspects to actually execute in an order that makes sense, e.g. start the transaction on the new thread?
On a side note, with the older Spring Boot 1.5.17 / Spring Framework 4.3.20 it actually worked.
Demo: https://github.com/jaarts/spring-asynctransaction-demo

In Spring 5 Async advice is always execited first. See AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
public AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor() {
After that on superclass in postProcessAfterInitialization when advisors aplies code executes
if (this.beforeExistingAdvisors) {
advised.addAdvisor(0, this.advisor);
On #EnableTransactionManagement#order javadoc says
Indicate the ordering of the execution of the transaction advisor
but on #EnableAsync
Indicate the order in which the AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor should be applied.


SpringBatch #Async method not working in persistent layer (JPAItemWriter)

SpringBoot Application with SpringBatch and JPA, without #Async all working fine but with #Async added in the REST API the job is completed but JPAItemWriter is not persisting the objects in the DB. looks like Transactional problem as am getting this exception.
Transaction Manager [org.sringframework.batch.support.transaction.ResourcelessTransactionManager] does not support transaction suspension.
I tried with different approaches like changing Propagation.Requires_New (Required, Supports) but nothing works, tried searching all the forums but no luck.
public class SampleWriter extends JpaItemWriter<TestEntity> {
EntityManager entityManager;
#Transactional(readOnly=false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED)
public void write(List<TestEntity> entities) {
this.doWrite(entityManager, entities);
It seems that you are configuring and using Spring Batch in a wrong way.
Firstly, it is using the default BatchConfigurer which the TransactionManager is ResourcelessTransactionManager that is mainly use for testing or acts as a "no-op" TransactionManager for the batch job that does not require any transaction which is definitely not your case now.
Secondly, Spring Batch will internally take care of managing the transaction boundary for processing each chunk , you do not need to extend JpaItemWriter and control the transaction behaviour using #Transactional by yourself.
So , read this section for how to configure Spring Batch , especially the part related to BatchConfigurer
On the other hand if you are using Spring-boot , it should already configure a JpaBatchConfigurer for you.

Spock with Spring Boot and Camel: Zero interactions with detached mock

I am having some issues with testing my camel context with spring boot.
I am using spring boot 1.5.6, spock 1.1-groovy-2.4, camel 2.19.2, and camel-spring-boot-starter 2.19.2.
I am using a spock mock, and I'm using the DetachedMockFactory in a #TestConfiguration class. All of my beans use constructor injection. I am injecting a mocked #Repository into one of the processor #Components, and I am also injecting it into my test class to define interactions.
I have my test annotated with #SpringBootTest with the classes list including all Processor implementations, and all RouteBuilder extensions. I also have an '#Import' with my TestConfiguration class. I am even using constructor injection for this repository bean in my test!
But it seems that the mock that is injected into the test class is not the one that is in use. Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong? I have tried #DirtiesContext to reload the context both before and after each test, but that did not help.
Problems with DetachedMocks not behaving correctly, e.g., appearing to be the same instance, are usually caused by some framework wrapping them in proxies. For example this can be caused by #Transactional annotation in Spring, which creates a proxy to facilitate jdbc-session management. See also issue #758
For spring you can use the methods of AopUtils (jdoc). The simple way is to use AopUtils.isAopProxy to check if it is proxied by spring an then unwrap it.
public static <T> T getTargetObject(Object proxy) throws Exception {
if (AopUtils.isAopProxy(proxy)) {
return (T) ((Advised) proxy).getTargetSource().getTarget();
} else {
return (T) proxy;
And in a Test
def "sample service test"() {
def sampleRepositryMock = getTargetObject(sampleRepositry)
sampleService.doSomething() // simply invoke sampleRepositry.doSomething() in it
1 * sampleRepositryMock.doSomething()
0 * _
Edit: Since Spock 1.2 there is an extension to automatically unwrap injected beans #UnwrapAopProxy.
SampleRepositry sampleRepositryMock
If someone comes up with the same problem.
Spock added additional #UnwrapAopProxy that will do the job for you instead of the util method mentioned above. You can also drop the DetachedMockFactory
Service service

Spring #Transactional timeout not timing out

I have set transaction timeout in my application as #Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRED,timeout=30)
ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory and Oracle XA Datasource are two resources of my Distributed transaction. after reading a message from queue my transaction begins and while processing the application is taking more than 30 seconds and still transaction is not timed out. Only when committing the transaction its throwing timeout exception. I wanted immediately after 30 seconds the transaction should time out and throw the exception and make that thread available to consume another message from queue. Is this possible?
Without seeing your configuration it will be hard to say. If you are just adding an #Transactional, it is not going to do anything. You going to need both an EntityManager and a TransactionManager, then you need to turn on annotation based transaction management, and Spring needs to be controlling your datasource if I recall correctly.
Another, probably unnecessary side note, #Transactional will only work on public methods. Spring will proxy your method in order to manage the transaction and Spring can only proxy public methods. Also, it will only be able to work on calls from another class to that method, if you are calling that method from another method inside the same class, Spring cannot proxy either, thus no transaction management. Spring is sneakily deceptive here.
public class A{
Datasource datasource;
public void save(){
public void callSave(){
public class B{
A a;
public void callSave(){
Here, if a.save() is called from a.callSave(), no proxy will occur, thus you will have no transaction management. But in the exact same application, if you call b.callSave(), you will have transaction management, since Spring can then proxy the method call to a.save().
Are you using Spring Boot or vanilla Spring? We can probably give you more of a direction if you divulge that.
Hopefully that helped a bit!

Using PersistenceContext in a Quartz Job

We're using Spring 3.1, JPA (via Hibernate) and Quartz. Typically we interact with the DB via #PersistenceContext annotation on Service beans, and either SpringMVC controllers, or GraniteDS-managed service invocation.
I'm working on writing a Quartz job that needs to interact with the database. I've tried everything I can find to get this working. I tried passing in a Spring-managed component (annotated with #PersistenceContext and #Transactional) via the jobMap, the call to entityManager.persist(o) executes, but nothing happens in the database. I also tried similar to this answer, creating a factory class to call autowireBean() on the job object. I set up the job class like so:
public class CreateAlertJob implements Job {
EntityManager entityManager;
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
SomeEntity entity = new SomeEntity();
Same result, the method executes but the database is unaltered. I found this blog post which references a GitHub project. There he is using JpaInterceptor to establish a Hibernate session, but this uses the DAO pattern and I'd like to stick with using #PersistenceContext.
Clearly there is something about the Quartz thread that is preventing this from working properly? I'm about out of ideas and considering making a web service call to a SpringMVC controller just to get this working.
Since your CreateAlertJob is not created by Spring, #Transactional in it doesn't take effect.
You have the following options:
Delegate actual work to Spring bean and put #Transactional there
Use programmatic transaction management
Use AspectJ-based AOP implementation instead of Spring default implementation (but it would be overkill for such a simple problem)

Relation betweenn hibernate and spring

I have a question about spring + hibernate
I always use hibernate for my develeppoment, I generate images of the tables and the class DAO
then at logic metier I make simple calls to these methods dao ....
for exemple UserDao=new UserDao () then userdao.persist() ...
Now I have intgret spring, and I do not yet understand ..
what is the plus made ​​by him knowing that he is also making calls
has dao Service (the writings that manually) it does not generate the
class dao with hibernate
is that with spring I would not worry about manage session for
example open session, close session commit() ...
thank you in advance I would like to have an idea Ccool:
At its core, Spring is a dependency injection framework. This means that instead of doing
public class MyService
private MyDao dao;
public MyService() {
dao = new MyDao();
You can do
public class MyService
private MyDao dao;
public MyService(MyDao dao) {
this.dao = dao;
And Spring will automatically call the constructor and inject an instance of MyDao. The main benefit is that the code is easily unit-testable.
On top of that, it allows injecting proxies instead of the actual implementations directly. These proxies will indeed handle the transaction management for you, and more (exception translation, security checks, etc.).
So instead of explicitely opening, committing and rollbacking transactions, you would simply annotate a service method with #Transactional, and Spring would open, commit/rollback the transaction. And the transaction context would automatically propagate to the nested service calls.
This short answer is only to give you an idea. To learn more, read about dependency injection, and read the Spring documentation.
Use Spring annotations like #Service for service classes, #Repository for Dao classes and #Controller for action controllers. Use of #Transactional on service class or methods is suffice to carry out transactions.
