Why spring client cannot obtain spring config server properties? - spring

I've got a #SpringBootApplication, running with the production profile, and a spring config server,
I cannot load property my.pretty.property.id from server (they are always null), I am using
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.pretty.property")
public class MyProperties {
private String id;
and my bootstrap.yml is
uri: http://${SERVICE_HOST}/${PROJECT_KEY}-config-server
enabled: false
failFast: true
build.gradle contains this:
My client application is normally built and deployed, what am I missing?

From Spring Cloud Config:
The HTTP service has resources in the form:
As you mentioned your application is running under production profile - hence Spring will try to find file: <cloud-config-server-url>/application-production.yml and load it, besides application.properties. But your properties are located in application-integration.yml and you don't use integration profile.
So the solution is to use an integration profile or to create an application-production.yml on your config. server.

The following config is right, but spring.cloud.config.enabled should be true, I didn't overrride it in my production environment


Spring Cloud Config Client with #RefreshScope not applying

I have a config server and client up and running by means of Spring Cloud. However I am not able to dynamically update the properties on my #Component
#RefreshScope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.DEFAULT)
internal class ThreadConfig {
var numThreads = 1
var pollInterval = 1
My application.properties look like the following:
spring.config.import =optional:configserver:hhtp://localhost:8888
You need to create a properties file or yml file with you clint app name to be able to refresh configuration files.
For example, if your client application has name test-client like
Then you need to create a configuration file with the same name. test-client or test-client.yml

Spring Cloud Config client doesn't get values from server

I have been following this tutorial from Baeldung in setting up a Spring Cloud Config server and client. I believe I have set up the server correctly since going to http://localhost:8888/service-config/development/master will seemingly correctly show the json with the user.role defined:
However, I cannot seem to correctly connect the Spring Cloud Config client to the server - the client fails to run with cannot resolve placeholder errors on the #Value("${user.role}") annotation. I've tried adding a default value to the annotation and then manually refreshing the values (using the #refreshscope annotation), but to no avail.
I've looked at the debug and trace logs by running the tools with --debug --trace flags but I cannot find when/if the client is making the call to the server and which config-data .properties file the server is actually looking for. I am a bit lost on how to proceed.
Here is my server application.properties:
And inside the service-config-data folder, there are files with this inside:
I have tried files called service-config.properties, service-config-client.properties, service-config-development.properties, and service-config-client-development.properties, and none of them seem to pull through the user.role.
Here is my client:
public class ServiceConfigClient {
private String role;
value = "/whoami/{username}",
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
public String whoami(#PathVariable("username") String username) {
return String.format("Hello! You're %s and you'll become a(n) %s...\n", username, role);
And my client bootstrap.properties:
How do I correctly connect the client to the server so that it can successfully pull the config data? Thank you.
My problem was fixed by adding spring.cloud.config.name=service-config to the bootstrap.properties of the service-config-client as well as adding spring-cloud-config-client to and removing spring-cloud-config-server from my pom.xml
There is confusion about client service name and corresponding property sources in config server.
You need to do one of the following:
Change client service name:
//client bootstrap.properties
Change folder name in git repo from service-config to service-config-client

Spring Boot #EnableEurekaClient conditionally

I'm using several profiles for my app, that I can select via the application.yml prop:
spring.profiles.active: dev #can be integration, uat, prod
My applications all start by:
public class MyApp {
Now, I'd like to enable the eureka client only for selected profiles. I don't want, for example, to enable that in dev profile as in dev you don't mind about the service register right?
Is it possible? I tried to move eureka related properties in the single profile files but they are found anyway...
you can extract your config and only activate it on certain profiles
#Profile(value= {"uat","prod"})
public class EurekaClientConfiguration {
//your configuration
on the other hand you could de-activate config for a certain profile by using a ! (=not) #Profile("!dev")

Spring Config-Client doesn't refresh if Config-Server is down during initial startup

I am running a test with a barebones Spring cloud config-server and a client-application. I executed a refresh scenario (by calling /refresh endpoint on the client-application)
after config-server was down initially. Here is what I found
Client starts up with locally packaged properties when config-server is not reachable on startup. (I have the properties in application.yml that is bundled with client-application)
Git backend has different values for the properties compared to locally packaged version. Config-server is aware of the changes in git (Confirmed by connecting directly to config-server)
I bring up config-server and do a POST to /refresh endpoint on the client-application.
Client-application is not aware of the new properties from config-server.
In the second usecase
Client-application starts up and connects to config-server successfully. I see that the values from config-server have been fetched by the client-application successfully
I make a change in Git and call the /refresh endpoint on the client-application. Properties are refreshed successfully.
At this point it looks like /refresh doesn't work if the client-application comes up initially without being able to successfully connect to config-server. I am doing this to test
a fallback strategy for the client-application if config-server is not reachable when the client-application is starting up. (The fallback strategy is to have locally packaged properties
that will be used if config-server is not available on startup. If the config-server is available then the local properties are overriden). Any pointers to why this is not working and
what I could do differently? Thanks in advance.
public class ConfigServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ConfigServerApplication.class, args);
public class Greeter {
String greeting;
#RequestMapping(value = "/",produces = "application/json")
public List<String> index(){
List<String> env = Arrays.asList("message.greeting: " + greeting);
return env;
bootstrap.yml (On config-client application)
name: configclient
uri: http://localhost:8888
enabled: false
config: classpath:logback.xml
port: 8000
greeting: Hello from Local!
Config in Git (Served through config-server)
greeting: Hello from Git-Edited!
According to spring-cloud-config documentation -
If you expect that the config server may occasionally be unavailable
when your app starts, you can ask it to keep trying after a failure.
First you need to set spring.cloud.config.failFast=true, and then you
need to add spring-retry and spring-boot-starter-aop to your
classpath. The default behaviour is to retry 6 times with an initial
backoff interval of 1000ms and an exponential multiplier of 1.1 for
subsequent backoffs. You can configure these properties (and others)
using spring.cloud.config.retry.* configuration properties.
Reference -> http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-config/1.3.1.RELEASE/

How to register spring boot microservices on spring cloud Netflix eureka?

We were planning to use spring cloud Netflix oss components. So I was doing a small sample project.
I developed 2 spring microservices and those services runs well on
http://localhost:9000/microsvc-one http://localhost:9001/microsvc-two
And also wrote a sample spring cloud etflix eureka maven project which runs well on
I used annotations #EurekaDiscoveryClient and #SpringBootApplication on both the spring boot microservices main class
I used annotation #EnableEurekaServer and #SpringBootApplication
Now I am facing a problem in registering those services in eureka server. I referred some samples. I am not understanding those.
I did some changes in application.yml files of microsvc-one and microsvc-two and also application.yml file of eureka server.
But still it shows empty.
What all changes are required or missing or correct configuration to be done so that my services are being registered on eureka.
I also have other question like do i need to create a separate project which has #EnableConfigServer and #SpringBootApplication Annotations other than the above 2 microservices and eureka server project module to register the services on eureka.
I see those in most of the examples.
If yes..how do we link between all these?
If you are using springBoot application you will need the annotaion #SpringBootApplication thats why that annotation is there on the project you are seeing. #EnableConfigServer is when you are using the spring-cloud config server it is used to externalize the configuration properties but since you have the application.yml inside the project so you donot need that either.
I am thinking you have a spring boot application for both Microservices and the Eureka server. You need to annotate the eureka main class with
public class EurekaServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(EurekaServerApplication.class, args);
Additionally you need annotate you microservice's main class with..
public class MicroApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MicroApplication.class, args);
Since you donot have you application.yml file in the question here is what you need.
You need the below configuration in application.yml of the microservices.
defaultZone: ${eurekaurl:http://localhost:8761/eureka/}
In the Eureka Server application.yml file I have this in mine. you might need to tweak it based on what you want.
component: Registry Server
port: ${port:8761}
registerWithEureka: false
fetchRegistry: false
enable-self-preservation: false
waitTimeInMsWhenSyncEmpty: 0
hostname: localhost
lease-expiration-duration-in-seconds: 15
lease-renewal-interval-in-seconds: 5
Suppose you have a microservice named "LoginServer" now, let's see how to register this service with discovery server (Eureka Server) at startup.
Here Spring Boot startup class of LoginServer.java:
public class LoginServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Will configure using login-server.yml
System.setProperty("spring.config.name", "login-server");
SpringApplication.run(LoginServer.class, args);
The #EnableDiscoveryClient - enables service registration and discovery. In this case, this process registers itself with the discovery-server service using its application name, that is configured in YML configuration file.
let's see the complete setup:
First create a login-server.yml (any name but extension should be .yml) file into src/main/resources package folder. And write those configurations and save.
# Spring properties
name: login-server # This name used as ID so ("spring.config.name",
#"login-server"); must be same.
# Discovery Server Access
defaultZone: http://localhost:1111/eureka/
# HTTP Server
port: 2222 # HTTP (Tomcat) port
Run the LoginServer and let it finish initializing. Open the dashboard by putting this URL http://localhost:1111 in your favorite browser and refresh. After few seconds later you should see the LOGIN-SERVER. Generally registration takes up to 30 seconds (by default) so wait or restart.
And this is the microservice complete registration process.
