How to convert epoch time to Date in CAPL - epoch

I am not able to find predefined function in CAPL scripting language for converting epoch time to Data starting at 01.January.1985 00:00:00.
Can anyone suggest me how to convert epoch time to Date in CAPL

The timestamps in CANoe start at the begin of the simulation, not at the begin of the epoch.
Therefore no such function exists in CAPL. You would have to write one yourself.


Convert epoch timestamp to normal timestamp in nifi

I want to convert the epoch timestamp to a normal timestamp.
i have tried ${field.value:format('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS')} in update attribute it give some wrong date in 1970 for the value 1625777940
if you have epoch timestamp in seconds then converting it to java is simply multiply by 1000 because java counts time in milliseconds since 1/1/1970 (the same base as unix).
so, this should work:
${field.value:multiply(1000):format('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS')}

Pentaho kettle value conversion

I wanted to convert microseconds to data:
60000000 -> 1997-2-12 (something like this).
This means the new field contains year-month-day-hour-minute-seconds-microseconds
microseconds (or any time span) can't be directly converted to a date, because you need a starting date and then add your timespan to that date, to end up with a calculated date. Quite often, timespans expressing dates are using the unix epoch start date of January 1st, 1970, 0:00 UTC as their base date.
To calculate your target date, you could use the Calculator step from Kettle. First reverse the sign of your microseconds timespan (multiply with -1), then use the calculation Date A - Date B (milliseconds) to calculate your new date.
as your new field is a Date field, you can format the output to your own specification.

I want to concatenate milliseconds to date format in informatica

I have a date value that has no milliseconds, and I want to concatenate System Timestamp milliseconds to that date.
I use GET_DATE_PART, but it didn't work.
What can I do regarding this?
Firstly generate the values in two ports. One for original date value and the other for sysdate value. Take a variable port and substring sysdate value until the date before the milliseconds and print just the milliseconds. Finally in the other port concatenate your original date value with milliseconds. If you can be able to post your codes, it would be more helpful to provide you relevant codes
Create a variable port in expression transformation with the below logic and pass it to the next level, like:
Replace MS with NS if you want Nanoseconds.
Hope this helps!

Convert Unix Timestamp - Spotfire Analyst

I'm importing SQL data into Spotfire Analyst. All of the date and time fields are in the form of a Unix timestamp. What's the best way to convert this into an actual date format that I can manipulate in Spotfire?
Utilizing a calculated column you can calculate the datetime based on the UNIX epoch.
We simply add our seconds to the DateTime of the UNIX epoch (JAN 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC) to get the result. Below is an example of the UNIX time when I started writing this post.
The below is what should work for you:
Keep in mind these dates produced will be in the UTC timezone as per the JAN 1 1970 epoch. If you need them in your local time zone you may have to adjust accordingly with further DateAdd functions adding/subtracting time as per current conversions. Also, if you observe daylight savings time you may need to add some extra case logic to handle that as well.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.
In 7.0 and later you can use

How to find a date and time stamp in a file using VBscript?

I have an online temperature logger that publishes the date and time of last measurement in a file.
I need to find the date and time stamp in the html file using VBscript, and then check if it's older then 2 hours comparing to current time.
Example date format: 12.04.2013 16:45
You could extract the timestamp with a regular expression
\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}
However, due to the characteristics of HTML this is prone to error (line-wrapping, inline tags, …), so a better approach would be to extract the date from the HTML using DOM methods (e.g. getElementsByTagName().
Once you have the date string, you can use the DateDiff function to calculate the difference to the current timestamp:
DateDiff("h", datestring, Now)
