How to trigger a multiple run in a single pipeline job of jenkins? - jenkins-pipeline

I have a pipeline job which run with below pipeline groovy script,
pipeline {
string(name: 'Unique_Number', defaultValue: '', description: 'Enter Unique Number')
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent { node { label 'Build' } }
steps {
script {
stage('Deploy') {
agent { node { label 'Deploy' } }
steps {
script {
stage('Test') {
agent { node { label 'Test' } }
steps {
script {
I just trigger this job multiple times with different unique ID number as input parameter. So as a result i will have multiple run/build for this job at different stages.
With this, i need to trigger a multiple run/build to be promote to next stage (i.e., from build to deploy or from deploy to test) in this pipeline job as a one single build instead of triggering each and every single run/build to next stage. Is there any possibility?

I was also trying to do the same thing and found no relevant answers. May this help to someone.
This will read a file that contains the Jenkins Job name and run them iteratively from one single job.
Please change below code accordingly in your Jenkins.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
git branch: 'Your Branch name', credentialsId: 'Your crendiatails', url: ' Your BitBucket Repo URL '
##To read file from workspace which will contain the Jenkins Job Name ###
def filePath = readFile "${WORKSPACE}/ Your File Location"
##To read file line by line ###
def lines = filePath.readLines()
##To iterate and run Jenkins Jobs one by one ####
for (line in lines) {
build(job: "$line/branchName",
[string(name: 'vertical', value: "${params.vertical}"),
string(name: 'environment', value: "${params.environment}"),
string(name: 'branch', value: "${params.aerdevops_branch}"),
string(name: 'project', value: "${params.host_project}")

You can start multiple jobs from one pipeline if you run something as:
build job:"One", wait: false
build job:"Two", wait: false
Your main job starts children pipelines and children pipelines will run in parallel.
You can read PipeLine Build Step documentation for more information.
Also, you can read about the parallel run in declarative pipeline
Here you can find a lot of examples for parallel running


Jenkins function of shared library executed on wrong node

I have a simple shared library and want to call a function which creates a file.
My pipeline script looks like this:
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'node1'
stages {
stage('test') {
steps {
script {
def host = sh(script: 'hostname', returnStdout: true).trim()
echo "Hostname is: ${host}"
def testlib = new TestLibrary(script:this)
This pipeline job is triggered by another job which runs on the built-in master node.
The stage 'test' is correctly executed on the 'node1'.
Problem: The created file "/tmp/file1" is created on the jenkins master, instead of "node1"
I also tried it without the shared library and load a groovy script
directly in a step:
pipeline {
agent {
node {
label 'node1'
stages {
stage('test') {
steps {
script {
def script = load "/path/to/script.groovy"
This also creates the file on the master node, instead on "node1".
Is there no way of loading external libs or classes and execute them on the node where the stage is running on ? I dont want to place all the code directly into the step.
Ok I found it myself, groovy scripts run by definition always on the master node. No way to run scripts or shared-library code on a node other than master.

How to configure jenkins pipeline with logstash plugin?

Usecase: I want to send jenkins job console log to elasticsearch, from there to kibana so that i can visualise the data.
I am using logstash plugin to achieve this. For freestyle job logstash plugin configuration is working fine but for jenkins pipeline jobs I am getting all required data like build number, job name, build duration and all but it is not showing the build result i.e., success or failure it is not showing.
I tried in two ways:
stage('send to ES') {
logstashSend failBuild: true, maxLines: -1
timestamps {
logstash {
node() {
echo 'Hello, World!'
try {
git url: 'github repo.git'
jdk = tool name: 'jdk'
env.JAVA_HOME = "${jdk}"
echo "jdk installation path is: ${jdk}"
sh "${jdk}/bin/java -version"
sh '$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version'
def mvnHome = tool 'mvn'
stage('Build Stage')
def mvnHome = tool 'mvn'
sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn -B verify"
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
} catch (Exception err) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
But in both ways I am not getting build result i.e., success or failure in my elasticsearch or kibana.
Can someone help.
I didn't find a clear way to do that, my solution was add those lines at the end of the Jenkinsfile:
echo "Current result: ${currentBuild.currentResult}"
logstashSend failBuild: true, maxLines: 3
In my case, I dont need it to send all console logs, only one log with the result per job.

how to keep process running after the stage is finished for declarative jenkins pipeline

pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Server') {
node {
label "xxx"
customWorkspace "/home/xxx/server"
steps {
sh 'node server.js &'
//start server
stage('RunCase') {
node {
label 'clientServer'
customWorkspace "/home/xxx/CITest"
sh 'start test'
sh 'run case here'
I create above Jenkins pipeline. What I want to do is:
1. start server at server node.
2. start test at test node.
However, I found the server process will be closed when second stage start.
So how to keep server start until my second stage testing work is finished. I try to use &, still not working. It seems it will kill all process I started at first stage.
One solution is to try to start the two stages in "parallel"-mode. For more informations see this two files: parallel-declarative-blog jenkins-pipeline-syntax. But be carefull, because it is not ensured, that the first stage starts before the second one starts. Maybe you need a waiting time for your tests. Here is an example Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Run Tests') {
parallel {
stage('Start Server') {
steps {
sh 'node server.js &'
stage('Run Tests) {
steps {
sh 'run case here'
Another solution would be to start the node server in the background. For this you can try different tools, like nohup or pm2.

Jenkins declarative pipeline - User input parameters

I've looked for some example of user input parameters using Jenkins declarative pipeline, however all the examples are using the scripted pipelines. Here is a sample of code I'm trying to get working:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
input id: 'test', message: 'Hello', parameters: [string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'myparam')]
sh "echo ${env}"
I can't seem to work out how I can access the myparam variable, it would be great if someone could help me out.
When using input, it is very important to use agent none on the global pipeline level, and assign agents to individual stages. Put the input procedures in a separate stage that also uses agent none. If you allocate an agent node for the input stage, that agent executor will remain reserved by this build until a user continues or aborts the build process.
This example should help with using the Input:
def approvalMap // collect data from approval step
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
agent none
steps {
timeout(60) { // timeout waiting for input after 60 minutes
script {
// capture the approval details in approvalMap.
approvalMap = input
id: 'test',
message: 'Hello',
ok: 'Proceed?',
parameters: [
choices: 'apple\npear\norange',
description: 'Select a fruit for this build',
name: 'FRUIT'
defaultValue: '',
description: '',
name: 'myparam'
submitter: 'user1,user2,group1',
submitterParameter: 'APPROVER'
stage('Stage 2') {
agent any
steps {
// print the details gathered from the approval
echo "This build was approved by: ${approvalMap['APPROVER']}"
echo "This build is brought to you today by the fruit: ${approvalMap['FRUIT']}"
echo "This is myparam: ${approvalMap['myparam']}"
When the input function returns, if it only has a single parameter to return, it returns that value directly. If there are multiple parameters in the input, it returns a map (hash, dictionary), of the values. To capture this value we have to drop to groovy scripting.
It is good practice to wrap your input code in a timeout step so that build don't remain in an unresolved state for an extended time.

How to define jenkins build trigger in jenkinsfile to start build after other job

I would like to define a build trigger in my Jenkinsfile. I know how to do it for the BuildDiscarderProperty:
properties([[$class: 'jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '50', artifactNumToKeepStr: '20']]])
How can I set the Build Trigger that starts the job, when another project has been built. I cannot find a suitable entry in the Java API docs.
My solution is to use the following code:
stage('Build Agent'){
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'develop') {
try {
// try to start subsequent job, but don't wait for it to finish
build job: '../Agent/develop', wait: false
} catch(Exception ex) {
echo "An error occurred while building the agent."
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
// start subsequent job and wait for it to finish
build '../Agent/master', wait: true
I just looked for the same thing and found this Jenkinsfilein jenkins-infra/
In short:
pipelineTriggers([cron('H/30 * * * *')])
This is an example:
#Project test1
pipeline {
agent {
stages {
stage('hello') {
steps {
container('dind') {
sh """
echo "Hello world!"
post {
build propagate: false, job: 'test2'
post {} will be execute when project test1 is built and the code inside
success {} will only be executed when project test1 is successful.
build propagate: false, job: 'test2' will call project test2.
propogate: false ensures that project test1 does not wait for project test2's
completion and simply invokes it.
