How to compute the number of times pattern in one list appears in other list in Scheme - scheme

I am stuck up in a Scheme program for about 5 hours. The program that I am working on should take two lists as input and then compute the number of times the pattern within the first list appears on the second list.
For example : > (patt '(b c) '(a b c d e b c)) ==> answer = 2
(patt '(a b c) '(a b c a b c d e a b c c c)) ==> answer = 3
(patt '((a b) c) '(a b (a b) c d e b c)) ==> answer = 1
Below is the code that I have till now.
(define (patt lis1 lis2)
((null? lis1) 0)
((null? lis2) 0)
[(and (> (length lis1) 1) (eq? (car lis1) (car lis2))) (patt (cdr lis1) (cdr lis2))]
((eq? (car lis1) (car lis2)) (+ 1 (patt lis1 (cdr lis2))))
(else (patt lis1 (cdr lis2)))
Can someone please help me solve this. Thanks!

Consider the subproblem of testing if a list starts with another list.
Then do this for every suffix of the list. Sum up the count of matches.
If you want non overlapping occurrences, you can have the prefix match, return the suffix of the list so that you can skip over the matching part.
Also use equals? for structural equality, not eq? which is for identity.

You need to divide the problem into parts:
(define (prefix? needle haystack)
(prefix? '() '(a b c)) ; ==> #t
(prefix? '(a) '(a b c)) ; ==> #t
(prefix? '(a b c) '(a b c)) ; ==> #t
(prefix? '(a b c d) '(a b c)) ; ==> #f
(prefix? '(b) '(a b c)) ; ==> #t
(define (count-occurences needle haystack)
So with this you can imagine searching for the pattern (count-occurences '(a a) '(a a a a)). When it is found from the first element you need to search again on the next. Thus so that the result is 3 for the (a a a a) since the matches overlap. Every sublist except when it's the empty list involves using prefix?
Good luck!

(define (patt list1 list2)
(let ([patt_length (length list1)])
(let loop ([loop_list list2]
[sum 0])
(if (>= (length loop_list) patt_length)
(if (equal? list1 (take loop_list patt_length))
(loop (cdr loop_list) (add1 sum))
(loop (cdr loop_list) sum))

After giving this homework problem a little time to marinate, I don't see the harm in posting additional answers -
(define (count pat xs)
(cond ((empty? xs)
((match pat xs)
(+ 1 (count pat (cdr xs))))
(count pat (cdr xs)))))
(define (match pat xs)
(cond ((empty? pat)
((empty? xs)
((and (list? pat)
(list? xs))
(and (match (car pat) (car xs))
(match (cdr pat) (cdr xs))))
(eq? pat xs))))
(count '(a b c) '(a b c a b c d e a b c c c)) ;; 3
(count '((a b) c) '(a b (a b) c d e b c)) ;; 1
(count '(a a) '(a a a a)) ;; 3


reverse a general list using scheme

I am trying to reverse a general list using Scheme. How can I reverse a complex list?
I can make a single list like (A B C D) works using my function, but for some complex list inside another list like (F ((E D) C B) A), the result is just (A ((E D) C B) F). How can I improve it?
(define (reverse lst)
(if (null? lst)
(append (reverse (cdr lst)) (list (car lst)))))
Any comments will be much appreciated!
Here is another way that uses a default parameter (r null) instead of the expensive append operation -
(define (reverse-rec a (r null))
(if (null? a)
(reverse-rec (cdr a)
(cons (if (list? (car a))
(reverse-rec (car a))
(car a))
(reverse-rec '(F ((E D) C B) A))
; '(A (B C (D E)) F)
Using a higher-order procedure foldl allows us to encode the same thing without the extra parameter -
(define (reverse-rec a)
(foldl (lambda (x r)
(cons (if (list? x) (reverse-rec x) x)
(reverse-rec '(F ((E D) C B) A))
; '(A (B C (D E)) F)
There are several ways of obtaining the expected result. One is to call reverse recursively also on the car of the list that we are reversing, of course taking care of the cases in which we must terminate the recursion:
(define (reverse x)
(cond ((null? x) '())
((not (list? x)) x)
(else (append (reverse (cdr x)) (list (reverse (car x)))))))
(reverse '(F ((E D) C B) A))
'(A (B C (D E)) F)
(A ((E D) C B) F) is the correct result, if your goal is to reverse the input list. There were three elements in the input list, and now the same three elements are present, in reverse order. Since it is correct, I don't suggest you improve its behavior!
If you have some other goal in mind, some sort of deep reversal, you would do well to specify more clearly what result you want, and perhaps a solution will be easier to find then.

Trying to replace all instances of an element in a list with a new element [Racket]

As the title said, I'm trying to write a function that takes a list, a variable, and an element, then replaces all instances of the variable in the list with that element.
For example:
(substitute '(C or (D or D)) 'D #f) would return
'(C or (#f or #f))
Right now what I've got is:
(define (substitute lst rep new)
(cond ((or (null? lst))
((eq? (car lst) rep)
(cons new (substitute (cdr lst) rep new)))
(cons (car lst) (substitute (cdr lst) rep new)))))
Which doesn't check nested lists like my example, though it works fine when they aren't a part of the input.
And I'm having trouble with where to place recursion in order to do so - or would it be easier to flatten it all and then rebuild it after everything's been replaced in some way?
Here's another solution using pattern matching via match -
(define (sub l rep new)
(match l
((list (list a ...) b ...) ; nested list
(cons (sub a rep new)
(sub b rep new)))
((list a b ...) ; flat list
(cons (if (eq? a rep) new a)
(sub b rep new)))
(_ ; otherwise
It works like this -
(sub '(a b c a b c a b c) 'a 'z)
;; '(z b c z b c z b c)
(sub '(a b c (a b c (a b c))) 'a 'z)
;; '(z b c (z b c (z b c)))
(sub '() 'a 'z)
; '()
At first sight, your question looks similar to How to replace an item by another in a list in DrScheme when given paramters are two items and a list?. From my understanding, your question is slightly different because you also want to replace occurrences within nested lists.
In order to deal with nested lists, you must add a clause to check for the existence of a nested list, and replace all occurrences in that nested list by recursing down the nested list:
(define (subst l rep new)
(cond ((null? l)
((list? (car l)) ; Check if it is a nested list.
(cons (subst (car l) rep new) ; Replace occurrences in the nested list.
(subst (cdr l) rep new))) ; Replace occurrences in the rest of the list.
((eq? (car l) rep)
(cons new
(subst (cdr l) rep new)))
(cons (car l)
(subst (cdr l) rep new)))))
Example use (borrowed from the answer given by user633183):
(subst '(a b c a b c a b c) 'a 'z)
;; '(z b c z b c z b c)
(subst '(a b c (a b c (a b c))) 'a 'z)
;; '(z b c (z b c (z b c)))
(subst '() 'a 'z)
; '()
This can be done using map and recursion:
(define (subst lst rep new)
(map (lambda (x)
(if (list? x)
(subst x rep new)
(if (eq? rep x) new x))) lst))
the output:
(subst '(a b c (a b c (a b c))) 'a 'z)
; '(z b c (z b c (z b c)))

Scheme set made from parts of set

Hi i'm trying to define a function which should make a set from the parts of that set.
Should be defined like: P(A) = P(A-{x}) U { {x} U B} for all B that belongs to P(A-{X}) where X belongs to A.
A test would be:
(parts '(a b c))
=> ((a b c) (a b) (a c) (a) (b c) (b) (c)())
I've been trying with this one:
(define (mapc f x l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (f x (car l)) (mapc f x (cdr l)))))
Maybe something like this? (untested)
(define (power-set A)
[(null? A) '()] ; the power set of an empty set it empty
[else (append (map (lambda (S) (cons x S)) ; sets with x
(power-set (cdr A)))
(power-set (cdr A)) ; sets without x
This is essentially 'combinations' function (
Following short code in Racket (a Scheme derivative) gets all combinations or parts:
(define (myCombinations L)
(define ol (list L)) ; Define outlist and add full list as one combination;
(let loop ((L L)) ; Recursive loop where elements are removed one by one..
(for ((i L)) ; create progressively smaller combinations;
(define K (remove i L))
(set! ol (cons K ol)) ; Add new combination to outlist;
(loop K)))
(remove-duplicates ol))
(myCombinations '(a b c))
'(() (a) (b) (a b) (c) (a c) (b c) (a b c))

Scheme removing nested duplicates

So I'm programming in scheme and made a function that removes duplicated but it doesn't work for nested. I can't really figure out a good way to do this, is there a way to modify the current code I have and simply make it work with nested? lists?
Here's my code
(define (duplicates L)
(cond ((null? L)
((member (car L) (cdr L))
(duplicates (cdr L)))
(cons (car L) (duplicates (cdr L))))))
So your procedure jumps over elements that exist in the rest of the list so that (duplicates '(b a b)) becomes (a b) and not (b a). It works for a flat list but in a tree you might not have a first element in that list but a list. It's much easier to keep the first occurrence and blacklist future elements. The following code uses a hash since you have tagged racket. Doing this without a hash requires multiple-value returns or mutation.
(define (remove-duplicates lst)
(define seen (make-hasheqv))
(define (ins val)
(hash-set! seen val #t)
(let aux ((lst lst))
(cond ((null? lst) lst)
((not (pair? lst)) (if (hash-has-key? seen lst) '() (ins lst)))
((pair? (car lst)) (let ((a (aux (car lst))))
(if (null? a) ; if the only element is elmininated
(aux (cdr lst))
(cons a (aux (cdr lst))))))
((hash-has-key? seen (car lst)) (aux (cdr lst)))
(else (cons (ins (car lst)) ; NB! order of evaluation in Racket is left to right but not in Scheme!
(aux (cdr lst)))))))
;; test
(remove-duplicates '(a b a)) ; ==> (a b)
(remove-duplicates '(a (a) b a)) ; ==> (a b)
(remove-duplicates '(a (b a) b a)) ; ==> (a (b))
(remove-duplicates '(a b (a b) b a)) ; ==> (a b)
(remove-duplicates '(a (a . b) b a)) ; ==> (a b)
(remove-duplicates '(a b (a b . c) b a . d)) ; ==> (a b c . d)

Get last n elements in a list in DrRacket, without list-ref

I know how to get the first n elements in a list,
(define (countup n ls)
[(zero? n) '()]
[else (cons (first ls) (countup (sub1 n) (rest ls)))]))
but how can I do something like this for the last n elements in a list (without using list-ref)?
If I call (countup 3 '(a b c d e)), I get (list a b c). I need to be able to enter (counter 3 '(a b c d e)) and get (list c d e).
I need error messages in case the number n given is bigger than the list's length.
Just use the built-in take-right procedure, it does exactly what you need:
(take-right '(a b c d e) 3)
=> '(c d e)
Or you can implement it from scratch, using primitive procedures:
(define (counter n lst)
(define (move n lst)
(if (zero? n)
(move (sub1 n) (rest lst))))
(define (trim-left lst rst)
(if (empty? rst)
(trim-left (rest lst) (rest rst))))
(trim-left lst (move n lst)))
It also works as expected:
(counter 3 '(a b c d e))
=> '(c d e)
I guess I would use a local fn to chop of items from the left and then return the remaining items. The following also returns '() if asked to return a Negative number of items. You may want to treat this as an error as well. #f signals an error in your input ie trying to take more items than the list contains
(define (counter n loN)
(define (acc loN c)
(cond [(null? loN) '()]
[(> c 0) (acc (cdr loN) (sub1 c))]
[else loN]))
(let ((c (- (length loN) n)))
(cond ; [(>= 0 n) #f]
[(positive? c) (acc loN c)]
[else #f])))
(check-equal? (counter 3 '(a b c d e)) '(c d e))
(check-equal? (counter 6 '(a b c d e)) #f)
(check-equal? (counter -3 '(a b c d e)) '())
(check-equal? (counter 0 '(a b c d e)) '())
