How do I extract unique data from Hyperledger Composer using query or js - hyperledger-composer

I want to get unique data from a duplicates data at Hyperledger Composer. How can I achieve this?
suppose I have a data like this
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "1",
"dataType" : "in",
"productName": "A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "2",
"dataType": "in",
"productName": “A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "BABA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "3",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "C",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "4",
"dataType": "in",
"productName": "C",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "5",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "B",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "BABA"
what I want to get is a list of unique Product name.
So the result I want maybe something like this
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "1",
"dataType" : "in",
"productName": "A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "3",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "C",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "5",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "B",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "BABA"
I don't really care about the sequence. I just want to know what productName do I have in my database.
I think this needs something to do with the logic.js part. I can do queries and get the data using post method. But I don't know how to do that using logic.js
I don't know how to get the data from logic.js. The example at official page only delete or trade. They don't return a new data.
any help is appreciated. I want to know how to send data using the js.

The js code to get the unique productname from your data would be
const data =[
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "1",
"dataType" : "in",
"productName": "A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "3",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "5",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "B",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "BABA"
const distinctProductName = [ Set( => x.productName))];
You will have your distinct ProductName in distinctProductName but you won't have the details of product. From your questions, it didnot feel necessary too. If you need the details too, you could do something like
const data =[
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "1",
"dataType" : "in",
"productName": "A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "3",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "A",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "GAGA"
"$class": "org.stock.mynetwork.Commodity",
"time": "5",
"dataType": "out",
"productName": "B",
"quantity": 1,
"country": "Unknown",
"owner": "BABA"
const result = Array.from(new Set( => x.productName)))
.map(productName => {
productName: productName,
dataType : data.find(x => x.productName ===productName).dataType
//you can obtain other values as I obtained dataType
You will have your data in result.


two node Elasticsearch cluster having data sync issue

I have a 2 node Elasticsearch cluster with both as master eligible nodes. They both are formed a cluster and named as **node1 and **node2. Couple of weeks back we have upgraded the version of ES from 7.9 to 7.17.4. Now there was an issue reported that there is some data sync issue between the nodes.
When hitting elasticsearch url we are seeing different data for an index. so we tried to hit two node urls individually as below and we observed different data on each node.
curl http://node1:9200/vehicle/_search?q=***
curl http://node2:9200/vehicle/_search?q=***
I know that data on a cluster will get synced automatically on elasticsearch but I think this is not happening in my case. Could you please let me know why this is happening ? is there anything that I can forcefully sync data between nodes.
What could be the reason to get different data on the nodes ? what should I check why there is a different data getting populated ?
Here are the curl queries and their results on two nodes. Node 2 has an additional object along with the first object with a small difference in the last line.
curl http://node1:9200/vehicle/_search?q=XYZ
"took": 5,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 1,
"relation": "eq"
"max_score": 7.8380795,
"hits": [
"_index": "vehicle_inventory",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "109802",
"_score": 7.8380795,
"_source": {
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"addressLine2": " ",
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"chassisMakeCode": "FTL",
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"compared": false,
"saved": false,
"country": "US",
"countryExt": "United States",
"collisionWarning": "No",
"collisionWarningModel": "",
"customerNumber": "RENTAL",
"description": "AVAILABLE JANUARY 2022",
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"interiorLevel": "PREMIUM",
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"rearRatio": "2.53",
"rearWheelType": "",
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"refrigerationHours": "",
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"advertTerm": "Level 1",
"numeric_Height": 0,
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"numeric_Width": 0,
"promotionList": [
"name": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors",
"description": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors",
"amount": 10000,
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"type": "DISCOUNT",
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"imageMaxInstance": 10,
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"advertTerm": "Level 1",
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"range_cabType": "Raised Roof",
"model": "Cascadia 12564ST",
"category": "Heavy Duty Tractors",
"type": "Sleeper Tractor"
"vehicle_suggestions": {},
"vehicle_locations": {
"lon": "-93.0933",
"lat": "44.9444"
"combo_filter": [
"filter_name": "range_horsepower",
"filter_value": "401 and more"
"filter_name": "range_cabType",
"filter_value": "Raised Roof"
"filter_name": "range_retailCenter",
"filter_value": null
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"filter_value": "Level 1"
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"filter_name": "engineMake",
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"filter_value": "DIESEL"
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"filter_value": "Cascadia 12564ST"
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"filter_name": "numberOfBunks",
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"filter_value": null
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"filter_name": "promotions",
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"filter_name": "promotions",
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"filter_value": 2015
"slider_filter_float": [
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"filter_name": "numeric_wholesale_price",
"filter_value": 59500
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"displayManagerspecial": null,
"displayPromotions": "true",
"canada": null,
"unitedStates": "MN",
"mgrSpecialRetail": "false",
"mgrSpecialWholesale": "false",
"promotions": []
curl http://node2:9200/vehicle/_search?q=XYZ
"took": 5,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
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"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
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"value": 1,
"relation": "eq"
"max_score": 7.8380795,
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"_index": "vehicle_inventory",
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"_id": "109802",
"_score": 7.8380795,
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"aeroSideFairings": "Yes",
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"areaName": " ",
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"bodySerialNumber": "NULL",
"bodyFloorType": "",
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"brakeType": "NULL",
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"chassisMakeCode": "FTL",
"cdlRequired": "Yes",
"city": "Eagan",
"color": "White",
"modified_color": "WHITE",
"compared": false,
"saved": false,
"country": "US",
"countryExt": "United States",
"collisionWarning": "No",
"collisionWarningModel": "",
"customerNumber": "RENTAL",
"description": "AVAILABLE JANUARY 2022",
"displayDeliveryCal": "Y",
"districtName": " ",
"driverSeatType": "AIR",
"engineBrake": "Yes",
"engineMake": "Detroit",
"engineModel": "DD15AT",
"engineHours": 0,
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"featuredListing": "Y",
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"frontWheelType": "",
"fuelType": "DIESEL",
"grossVehicleWeight": 80000,
"height": "NULL",
"horsepower": 455,
"image": "/usedtrucks/image/109802/1",
"interiorLevel": "PREMIUM",
"individualPageUrl": "",
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"liftGateCapacity": "0",
"liftGateModel": " ",
"loadLength": "NULL",
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"managerSpecialDiscountRetail": "0",
"managerSpecialDiscountWholeSale": "0",
"mileage": "701,830 miles",
"model": "Cascadia 12564ST",
"newListing": "false",
"numberOfBunks": "2",
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"numberOfTanks": "Dual",
"numericHeight": "",
"numericLoadLength": -1,
"numericWidth": "",
"offLease": "N",
"originalWholeSalePrice": "64,500",
"originalRetailPrice": "64,500",
"phoneNumber": "1-866-309-1962",
"promotionVehicle": "true",
"rearAxleCapacity": "40000",
"rearAxleMake": "Detroit",
"rearDoor": "NULL",
"rearRatio": "2.53",
"rearWheelType": "",
"reeferStandby": "",
"refrigerationHours": "",
"refrigerationMake": "NULL",
"refrigerationModel": "NULL",
"retailPrice": "44,500",
"salePutUpDate": "2021-12-17 00:00:00",
"sideConstruction": "NULL",
"sideDoor": "NULL",
"sleeperSize": "72",
"sleeperType": "Raised Roof",
"slidingFifthWheel": "Yes",
"state": "MN",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"statusComments": " ",
"sale_reason_desc": "AVAILABLE JANUARY 2022",
"saleType": " ",
"size": "",
"suspension": "Air",
"tareWeight": "18795",
"thumbnail": "usedtrucks/image/109802t/1",
"tireSize": "11R22.5",
"tireType": "S/WAY",
"totalFuelCapacity": "220",
"transmissionMake": "Detroit",
"transmissionModel": "12DA1550",
"transmissionSpeed": "12",
"transmissionType": "Automatic",
"type": "Sleeper Tractor",
"unitNumber": "109802",
"use": "RENTAL",
"vin": "3AKJGLD53FSGJ8668",
"wheelBase": "228\"",
"wheelType": "Aluminum",
"wholesalePrice": "59,500",
"width": "NULL",
"year": 2015,
"zip": "55121",
"numeric_mileage": 701830,
"numeric_retail_price": 44500,
"numeric_wholesale_price": 59500,
"dLatitude": 44.944400787353516,
"dLongitude": -93.09329986572266,
"bodyModel": null,
"promotionAmount": "10,000",
"salePrice": 0,
"location": "016510",
"jpegImage": "/usedtrucks/JpgServlet/109802_1.jpg",
"translatedCategory": "Heavy Duty Tractors",
"originalCategory": "Heavy Duty Tractors",
"monFriHours": "M-F 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET",
"satHours": "Sat 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ET",
"mobileSitePhone": "1-800-485-9671",
"salePutUpDatesort": "2021-12-17",
"stringyear": "2015",
"range_grossVehicleWeight": null,
"range_loadLength": null,
"range_horsepower": "401 and more",
"range_cabType": "Raised Roof",
"range_retailCenter": null,
"viewCount": "222ST15",
"advertTerm": "Level 1",
"numeric_Height": 0,
"numeric_totalFuelCapacity": 0,
"numeric_Width": 0,
"promotionList": [
"name": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors",
"description": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors",
"amount": 10000,
"amountDisplayRetail": "10,000",
"amountDisplayWholeSale": "10,000",
"type": "DISCOUNT",
"rule": "viewCount != null and viewCount.equalsIgnoreCase('222ST15') and (numeric_mileage < 700 or year > 2014)"
"name": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors. Save an additional $5,000 when financing with Premier Financing",
"description": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors. Save an additional $5,000 when financing with Premier Financing",
"amount": 10000,
"amountDisplayRetail": "10,000",
"amountDisplayWholeSale": "10,000",
"type": "DISCOUNT",
"rule": "viewCount != null and viewCount.equalsIgnoreCase('222ST15') and (numeric_mileage >= 700 or year <= 2014) "
"imageMaxInstance": 10,
"defaultImageBeanList": null,
"translationsMap": {
"cdlRequired": "Yes",
"countryExt": "United States",
"advertTerm": "Level 1",
"color": "White",
"range_horsepower": "401 and more",
"range_cabType": "Raised Roof",
"model": "Cascadia 12564ST",
"category": "Heavy Duty Tractors",
"type": "Sleeper Tractor"
"vehicle_suggestions": {},
"vehicle_locations": {
"lon": "-93.0933",
"lat": "44.9444"
"combo_filter": [
"filter_name": "range_horsepower",
"filter_value": "401 and more"
"filter_name": "range_cabType",
"filter_value": "Raised Roof"
"filter_name": "range_retailCenter",
"filter_value": null
"filter_name": "advertTerm",
"filter_value": "Level 1"
"filter_name": "airConditioning",
"filter_value": "Yes"
"filter_name": "category",
"filter_value": "Heavy Duty Tractors"
"filter_name": "color",
"filter_value": "White"
"filter_name": "engineMake",
"filter_value": "Detroit"
"filter_name": "fuelType",
"filter_value": "DIESEL"
"filter_name": "make",
"filter_value": "Freightliner"
"filter_name": "model",
"filter_value": "Cascadia 12564ST"
"filter_name": "newListing",
"filter_value": "false"
"filter_name": "numberOfBunks",
"filter_value": "2"
"filter_name": "numberOfDriveAxles",
"filter_value": "2"
"filter_name": "state",
"filter_value": "MN"
"filter_name": "transmissionMake",
"filter_value": "Detroit"
"filter_name": "transmissionSpeed",
"filter_value": "12"
"filter_name": "transmissionType",
"filter_value": "Automatic"
"filter_name": "type",
"filter_value": "Sleeper Tractor"
"filter_name": "collisionWarning",
"filter_value": "No"
"filter_name": "canada",
"filter_value": null
"filter_name": "unitedStates",
"filter_value": "MN"
"filter_name": "countryExt",
"filter_value": "United States"
"filter_name": "promotionVehicle",
"filter_value": "true"
"filter_name": "promotions",
"filter_value": "Current Deals"
"filter_name": "promotions",
"filter_value": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors"
"filter_name": "promotions",
"filter_value": "Save on Select Sleeper Tractors. Save an additional $5,000 when financing with Premier Financing"
"slider_filter_integer": [
"filter_name": "numeric_mileage",
"filter_value": 701830
"filter_name": "year",
"filter_value": 2015
"slider_filter_float": [
"filter_name": "numeric_retail_price",
"filter_value": 44500
"filter_name": "numeric_wholesale_price",
"filter_value": 59500
"basic_filter": {},
"rowNum": 2465,
"displayManagerspecial": null,
"displayPromotions": "true",
"canada": null,
"unitedStates": "MN",
"mgrSpecialRetail": "false",
"mgrSpecialWholesale": "false",
"promotions": []
Output of GET _cat/shards/vehicle*?v from both the nodes
index shard prirep state docs store ip node
vehicle_inventory 0 p STARTED 120528 9.9mb qa-esearch-n1
vehicle_inventory 0 r UNASSIGNED
index shard prirep state docs store ip node
vehicle_inventory 0 p STARTED 121065 10.1mb qa-esearch-n2
vehicle_inventory 0 r UNASSIGNED
Please observe there is a difference in storage size (9.9mb and 10.1mb). why is the size difference.
Output of GET _cat/nodes?v from both nodes
ip heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role master name 54 96 7 2.10 1.53 1.58 cdfhilmrstw * qa-esearch-n1
ip heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role master name 30 98 6 0.35 0.21 0.17 cdfhilmrstw * qa-esearch-n2

Vuetify's v-select doesn't show all the items for some reason

This is extremely weird for me - my code is very basic:
:label="trans('Areas of interest')"
The items when echoed right before that with {{areas}} returns as follows:
{ "interestsAreas": "TEst", "id": 0, "name": "TEst" },
{ "interestsAreas": "Test2", "id": 1, "name": "Test2" },
{ "interestsAreas": "Something", "id": 0, "name": "Something" },
{ "interestsAreas": "1", "id": 1, "name": "1" },
{ "interestsAreas": "2", "id": 2, "name": "2" },
{ "interestsAreas": "3", "id": 3, "name": "3" }
Yet, whatever I do the v-select drops "Something" and "1" out of the dropdown even if I rename them or whatever.
I can't catch the logic behind dropping some of them, is there any known bug or something that I am not doing right in the invocation?
I am guessing it has something to do with the item-value, as id needs to be unique
{ "interestsAreas": "TEst", "id": 0, "name": "TEst" },
{ "interestsAreas": "Test2", "id": 1, "name": "Test2" },
{ "interestsAreas": "Something", "id": 0, "name": "Something" },// the id value is already used so try changing it
{ "interestsAreas": "1", "id": 1, "name": "1" },//same for this one as well
{ "interestsAreas": "2", "id": 2, "name": "2" },
{ "interestsAreas": "3", "id": 3, "name": "3" }

rethinkdb, How could I pluck the result by a value in particular "array index"?

sample data
"createdDate": 1508588333821,
"data": {
"image_extension": "png",
"name": "Golden",
"qty": 1,
"remark": "#296-2",
"status": "RETURN",
"owner": [
"name": "app1emaker",
"location": 1
"name": "simss92_lmao",
"location": 31
"deleted": false,
"docId": 307,
"docType": "product",
"id": "db0131f9-9359-4aa3-b6ed-cd9f3ff4aa3e",
"updatedDate": 1553155281691
"createdDate": 1508588333324,
"data": {
"image_extension": "png",
"name": "Golden",
"qty": 1,
"remark": "#296-2",
"status": "DISCARD",
"owner": [
"name": "At533",
"location": 7
"name": "madsimon",
"location": 64
"name": "boyboy96",
"location": 1
"name": "xinfengCN",
"location": 5
"deleted": false,
"docId": 308,
"docType": "product",
"id": "3790bdaa-5347-4ab0-8149-37332c23c6ea",
"updatedDate": 1554555231691
And said that, I would like to select the data.owner on array index 0 only (or I should say data.owner[0]), which are
"name": "app1emaker",
"location": 1
"name": "At533",
"location": 7
in this case. I have a failed code below.
r.db('carbon').table("items").pluck(['id', 'docId', 'createdDate',{data:{name: true, owner:[0]}}])
I saw that for some functions like orderBy, rethinkdb allowed to use orderBy(r.row('data')('owner')(0)('name')) for access nested object, but I have no idea how to do this for pluck? could anyone give me some hints?
Thanks a lot
pluck can not do that, but you can fall back to use the map:
return {
"id": doc("id"),
"docId": doc("docId"),
"createdDate": doc("createdDate"),
"data": {
"name": doc("data")("name"),
"owner": doc("data")("owner")(0)

Magento 2 Rest api: unable to place order. getting error

Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: PUT resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"message":"Please specify a shipping method."}
My codes:
$shipBill = '{
"addressInformation": {
"shipping_address": {
"id": 60,
"customer_id": 1,
"region": "Arkansas",
"region_id": 5,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"Whitefield,New York"
"company": "IBM",
"telephone": "94354545",
"postcode": "234533",
"city": "New York",
"firstname": "test",
"lastname": "test",
"prefix": "address_",
"region_code": "AR"
"billing_address": {
"id": 60,
"customer_id": 1,
"region": "Arkansas",
"region_id": 5,
"country_id": "US",
"street": ["Whitefield,New York"],
"company": "IBM",
"telephone": "94354545",
"postcode": "234533",
"city": "New York",
"firstname": "test",
"lastname": "test",
"prefix": "address_",
"region_code": "AR"
"shipping_method_code": "flatrate",
"shipping_carrier_code": "flatrate"
$checkout = $magento->createShippingAndBilling($quoteId, $shipBill)->getInArray();
$payment = '
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "checkmo"
$order = $magento->orderCreate($quoteId, $payment)->getInArray();
I have added items on a cart by the rest API. Everything is working only when I tried to place an order I am getting this error.

datatables number of results from JSON

I have a pretty simple question on datatables for which I couldn't find an answer.
I'm using Spring MVC to generate a JSON, which has the following format:
"content": [
"id": 1,
"firstName": "\u00d6sten",
"lastName": "Dixon",
"email": "",
"country": "Belarus",
"ipAddress": "",
"creditCard": "060479202511002980",
"company": "Trunyx",
"timezone": "Atlantic\/South_Georgia",
"latitude": "52.644",
"longitude": "25.2027",
"race": "Blackfeet"
"id": 2,
"firstName": "Agn\u00e8s",
"lastName": "Perry",
"email": "",
"country": null,
"ipAddress": "",
"creditCard": "5191970963453131",
"company": "Tanoodle",
"timezone": "Asia\/Kabul",
"iban": "TN75 8279 0633 7374 0209 2905",
"latitude": "11.97444",
"longitude": "-86.09417",
"race": null
// more
"totalPages": 51,
"last": false,
"totalElements": 503,
"size": 10,
"number": 0,
"sort": null,
"numberOfElements": 10,
"first": true
I'd like to display the result using datatables, however it looks like it's expecting a "iTotalRecords" for example, where my JSON has a "totalElements"
How can I specify that mapping?
$(document).ready(function () {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "members",
"sAjaxDataProp" : 'content',
"columns": [
{ "data": "id" },
{ "data": "firstName" },
{ "data": "lastName" },
{ "data": "email" },
{ "data": "country" },
{ "data": "ipAddress" },
{ "data": "creditCard" },
{ "data": "company" },
{ "data": "timezone" },
{ "data": "iban" },
{ "data": "latitude" },
{ "data": "longitude" },
{ "data": "race" },
