Linux Extract login history of all users - bash

I currently have this bash script that is able to extract login history of all users in a certain time period, but I am trying to do so for all history not just between a certain time period.
Would it be more beneficial to grab this data from /var/log/secure?
Can anyone help steer me in the right direction?
last | while read line
date=`date -d "$(echo $line | awk '{ print $5" "$6" "$7 }')" +%s`
[[ $date -ge `date -d "Aug 25 00:00" +%s` && $date -le `date -d "Aug 28 00:00" +%s` ]] && echo $line

For the whole history just run last
from last --help
-s --since
-t --until
last -s 2019-01-30
For older login history you can try
last -s YYYY-MM-DD -f /var/log/wtmp.1 #


Shell script - is there a faster way to write date/time per second between start and end time?

I have this script (which works fine) that will write all the date/time per second, from a start date/time till an end date/time to a file
while read line; do
FIRST_TIMESTAMP="20230109-05:00:01" #this is normally a variable that changes with each $line
LAST_TIMESTAMP="20230112-07:00:00" #this is normally a variable that changes with each $line
while [[ $date < $LAST_TIMESTAMP || $date == $LAST_TIMESTAMP ]]; do
date2=$(echo $date |sed 's/ /-/g' |sed "s/^/'/g" |sed "s/$/', /g")
echo "$date2" >> "OUTPUTFOLDER/output_LABELS_$line"
date=$(date -d "$date +1 sec" +"%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")
done < external_file
However this sometimes needs to run 10 times, and the start date/time and end date/time sometimes lies days apart.
Which makes the script take a long time to write all that data.
Now I am wondering if there is a faster way to do this.
Avoid using a separate date call for each date. In the next example I added a safety parameter maxloop, avoiding loosing resources when the dates are wrong.
awkdates() {
awk \
-v startdate="${first_timestamp:0:4} ${first_timestamp:4:2} ${first_timestamp:6:2} ${first_timestamp:9:2} ${first_timestamp:12:2} ${first_timestamp:15:2}" \
-v enddate="${last_timestamp:0:4} ${last_timestamp:4:2} ${last_timestamp:6:2} ${last_timestamp:9:2} ${last_timestamp:12:2} ${last_timestamp:15:2}" \
-v maxloop="${maxloop}" \
while (T1 <= T2) {
printf("%s\n", strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S",T1));
if (linenr++ > maxloop) break;
while IFS= read -r line; do
first_timestamp="20230109-05:00:01" #this is normally a variable that changes with each $line
last_timestamp="20230112-07:00:00" #this is normally a variable that changes with each $line
awkdates >> "OUTPUTFOLDER/output_LABELS_$line"
done < <(printf "%s\n" "line1" "line2")
Using epoch time (+%s and #) with GNU date and GNU seq to
produce datetimes in ISO 8601 date format:
begin=$(date -ud '2023-01-12T00:00:00' +%s)
end=$(date -ud '2023-01-12T00:00:12' +%s)
seq -f "#%.0f" "$begin" 1 "$end" |
date -uf - -Isec
if you're using macOS/BSD's date utility instead of the gnu one, the equivalent command to parse would be :
(bsd)date -uj -f '%FT%T' '2023-01-12T23:34:45' +%s
...and the reverse process is using -r flag instead of -d, sans "#" prefix :
(bsd)date -uj -r '1673566485' -Iseconds
(gnu)date -u -d '#1673566485' -Iseconds

Time difference in seconds between given two dates

I have two dates as follows:
2019-01-06 00:02:10 | END
2019-01-05 23:52:00 | START
How could I calculate and print the difference between START and END dates in seconds?
For above case I would like to get something like:
Assuming GNU implementation based OS, you can use date's option %s and -d to calculate the time difference in seconds using command substitution and arithmetic operations.
START="2019-01-05 23:52:00"
END="2019-01-06 00:02:10"
Time_diff_in_secs=$(($(date -d "$END" +%s) - $(date -d "$START" +%s)))
echo $Time_diff_in_secs
Hope this helps!!!
With bash and GNU date:
while read d t x x; do
[[ $x == "END" ]] && end="$d $t"
[[ $x == "START" ]] && start="$d $t"
done < file
end=$(date -u -d "$end" '+%s')
start=$(date -u -d "$start" '+%s')
echo "$diff"
See: man date
What you're asking for is difficult verging on impossible using pure bash. Bash doesn't have any date functions of its own. For date processing, most recommendations you'll get will be to use your operating system's date command, but the usage of this command varies by operating system.
In BSD (including macOS):
start="2019-01-05 23:52:00"; end="2019-01-06 00:02:10"
printf '%d\n' $(( $(date -j -f '%F %T' "$end" '+%s') - $(date -j -f '%F %T' "$start" '+%s') ))
In Linux, or anything using GNU date (possibly also Cygwin):
printf '%d\n' $(( $(date -d "$end" '+%s') - $(date -d "$start" '+%s') ))
And just for the fun of it, if you can't (or would prefer not to) use date for some reason, you might be able to get away with gawk:
gawk 'END{ print mktime(gensub(/[^0-9]/," ","g",end)) - mktime(gensub(/[^0-9]/," ","g",start)) }' start="$start" end="$end" /dev/null
The mktime() option parses a date string in almost exactly the format you're providing, making the math easy.
START="2019-01-05 23:52:00"
END="2019-01-06 00:02:10"
parse () {
local data=(`grep -oP '\d+' <<< "$1"`)
local y=$((${data[0]}*12*30*24*60*60))
local m=$((${data[1]}*30*24*60*60))
local d=$((${data[2]}*24*60*60))
local h=$((${data[3]}*60*60))
local mm=$((${data[4]}*60))
echo $((y+m+d+h+mm+${data[5]}))
START=$(parse "$START")
END=$(parse "$END")
echo $((END-START)) // OUTPUT: 610
Was trying to solve the same problem on a non-GNU OS, i.e. macOS. I couldn't apply any of the solutions above, although it inspired me to come up with the following solution. I am using some in-line Ruby from within my shell script, which should work out of the box on macOS.
START="2019-01-05 23:52:00"
END="2019-01-06 00:02:10"
SECONDS=$(ruby << RUBY
require 'date'
puts ((DateTime.parse('${END}') - DateTime.parse('${START}')) * 60 * 60 * 24).to_i
echo ${SECONDS}
# 610

Using a Loop To Search Only Logs In A Time Window

I'm trying to find a pattern "INFO: Server startup in" for last 5 mins in a log file.
Here is the line from which I'm trying to find the pattern: "INFO | jvm 1 | main | 2018/07/09 00:11:29.077 | INFO: Server startup in 221008 ms"
The pattern is coming, but I need to shorten the code or create a loop for it.
I tried to create a loop, but it is not working. Here is my code without loops, which is working:
#Written by Ashutosh
#We will declare variables with date and time of last 5 mins.
touch /tmp/a.txt;
ldt=$(date +"%Y%m%d");
cdt=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M");
odtm5=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M" --date "-5 min");
odtm4=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M" --date "-4 min");
odtm3=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M" --date "-3 min");
odtm2=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M" --date "-2 min");
odtm1=$(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M" --date "-1 min");
## Finding the pattern and storing it in a file
grep -e "$odtm1" -e "$cdt" -e "$odtm2" -e "$odtm3" -e "$odtm4" -e
"$odtm5" /some/log/path/console-$ldt.log
> /tmp/a.txt;
out=$(grep 'INFO: Server startup in' /tmp/a.txt);
echo "$out"
## remove the file that contains the pattern
rm /tmp/a.txt;
I have tried to use sed also, but date function is not working with it.
Can someone please give me the new changed script with loops?
Adopting your original logic:
for ((count=5; count>0; count--)); do
time_re+="$(date +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M' --date "-$count min")|"
time_re+="$(date +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))"
ldt=$(date +'%Y%m%d')
awk -v time_re="$time_re" '
$0 ~ time_re && /INFO: Server startup in/ { print $0 }
' "/some/log/path/console-$ldt.log"
Performance enhancements are certainly possible -- this could be made much faster by bisecting the log for the start time -- but the above addresses the explicit question (about using a loop to generate the time window). Note that it will get unwieldy -- you wouldn't want to use this to search for the last day, for example, as the regex would become utterly unreasonable.
Sounds like all you need is:
awk -v start="$(date +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M' --date '-5 min')" -F'[[:space:]]*[|][[:space:]]*' '
($4>=start) && /INFO: Server startup in/
' file
No explicit loops or multiple calls to date required.
Here is a bash script that does the job (thanks to Charles for its improvement):
limit=$(date -d '5 minutes ago' +%s)
today_logs="/some/log/path/console-$(date +'%Y%m%d').log"
yesterday_logs="/some/log/path/console-$(date +'%Y%m%d' -d yesterday).log"
tac "$today_logs" "$yesterday_logs" \
| while IFS='|' read -r prio jvm app date log; do
[ $(date -d "$date" +%s) -lt "$limit" ] && break
echo "|$jvm|$prio|$app|$date|$log"
done \
| grep -F 'INFO: Server startup in' \
| tac
It has the following advantages over your original script:
optimized: it parses log lines starting from the more recent ones and stops at the first line encountered that is more than 5 min old. At 23:59, no need to parse log lines from 0:00 to 23:53
arbitrary time window: you can replace "5 minutes" with "18 hours" and it will still work. A time window of more than one day needs adaptation since each day has it own log file
works correctly when day changes: at 0:00 the original script will never parse the log lines from 23:55:00 to 23:59:59
Mixing the above code with Ed Morton's answer, you get:
limit=$(date -d '5 minutes ago' +'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M')
today_logs="/some/log/path/console-$(date +'%Y%m%d').log"
yesterday_logs="/some/log/path/console-$(date +'%Y%m%d' -d yesterday).log"
tac "$today_logs" "$yesterday_logs" \
| awk -v stop="$limit" -F'[[:space:]]*[|][[:space:]]*' '
($4 < stop) { exit }
/INFO: Server startup in/
' \
| tac

How to find the first occurence of date which is greater than or eqaul to particular date in text file using shell script

initial_time=$(grep -o -m1 "$past_date [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]" logfile.txt)
/* Here I am trying to find the first occurence of date which is greater than or eqaul to '2013-11-14', Above code I have tried ,It is giving only that particular line of file, If that date is not found It has to give next date which is greater than 2013-11-14 date */
Using awk
awk '{d=$1;gsub(/-/,"",d);if (d>=p) {print;exit}}' p=$past_date logfile
2013-11-15 15:45:40 Starting agent install process
If you use bash, then you might want to try something like:
initial_time=$(grep -oP '\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d' < logfile.txt | \
while read LINE ; do if [ "$LINE" '>' "$past_date" ]; then echo $LINE; break; fi ; done)
while read line
initial_time=`echo $line | sed -e 's/\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/'`
file_content_date=`date -d "$initial_time" +%Y%m%d`
comparison_past_date=`date -d "$past_date" +%Y%m%d`
if [ $comparison_past_date -le $file_content_date ]; then
comparison_start_date=`date -d "$file_content_date" +%Y%m%d`
done < logfile.txt

Is there a way to delete all log entries in a file older than a certain date? (BASH)

I have log file in which I'm trying to delete all entries older than a specified date. Though I haven't succeeded with this yet. What I've tested so far is having an input for what the entries must be older than to be deleted and then loop like this:
DATE=$(date -d "-${COUNTER} days" +%s)
DATE=$(date -d -#${DATE} "+%Y-%m-%d")
while [ -n "$(grep $DATE test.txt)" ]; do
sed -i "/$DATE/d" test.txt
DATE=$(date -d "-${COUNTER} days" +%s)
DATE=$(date -d #${DATE} +"%Y-%m-%d")
This kind of works except when a log entry doesn't exist for date. When it doesn't find a match it aborts the loop and the even older entries are kept.
This was how I solved it:
DATE=$(date -d "-${COUNTER} days" +%s)
DATE=$(date -d -#${DATE} "+%Y-%m-%d")
if [ -z "$(grep $DATE test.txt)" ]; then
exit 1
sed -i "1,/$DATE/d" test.txt
Sorry for answering my own question but I went with Martin Frost's suggestion in the comments. It was much easier than the other suggestions.
This was my implementation:
# requirements for script script
DATE=$(date -d "-${COUNTER} days" +%s)
DATE=$(date -d -#${DATE} "+%Y-%m-%d")
sed -i "1,/$DATE/d" test.txt
Thanks for all the help!
Depending on your logfile format, assuming that the timestamp is the first column in the file you can do it like this with (g)awk.
awk 'BEGIN { OneWeekEarlier=strftime("%Y-%m-%d",systime()-7*24*60*60) }
$1 <= OneWeekEarlier { next }
This computes the date - surprise, surprise - one week earlier, then checks if the first column (white space separated columns by default) is less than or equal, and if true, skips the line, otherwise prints.
The hard part is doing the "in place" editing with awk. But it can be done:
{ rm LOGFILE && awk 'BEGIN { OneWeekEarlier=strftime("%Y-%m-%d",systime()-7*24*60*60) }
$1 <= OneWeekEarlier { next }
I deleted log records in syslog-ng files before 60 days ago with following code.
DATE=`date +"%b %e" --date="-60days"`
sed -i "/$DATE/d" $LOGFILE
