Outllok mail account with same mail address - outlook

Due to server change, I need to make another account in Outlook so that it can take over when the new server is up and running.
I have created the new email address on the new server, but when I try to create it in outlook, I can't make an account with the same email address despite that the servers for in and out are different from the current server.
How to solve this?

If that is an Exchange account, you won't have much luck - autodiscover will redirect to the active server. You cannot explicitly specify the serve parameters.


Setting both Out of Office AND a forwarding on a Shared Mailbox

I got a shared mailbox in O365 made of my old emailaccount. All the messages that are sent to it need to be forwarded to my new mailadress and everyone who mails to my old mailaddress needs to get an Out of Office notice saying the I am not working at the office anymore and thanking everyone for the cooperation.
I have an Out of Office configured in O365 admin panel, both for internal and external senders AND I also got the forwarding there configured and activated.
However, when people send to my old account, I get it in my new mailbox BUT the person then does NOT get the Out of Office. Mind you, it's not an ordinary user account but a Shared Mailbox. What did I do wrong?

In Outlook, will changing POP3 server settings delete existing inbox emails?

I've recently moved my web and email hosting to a new supplier and am ready to repoint my Domain name from the old host to the new one.
My worry is that when a change the POP3 and SMTP server settings on my Outlook accounts, the mail boxes will either empty or become unreadable in some way.
The email address will be the same, e.g.
but the underling servers will be different, e.g.
pop3.oldhost.com --> pop3.newhost.com
Will the emails retrieved from the new host simply start accumulating in my existing Outlook inbox, or will it start putting them in a different place?
Thanks in advance for any help!

Transfer ownership of hosting keeping emails and delete them on server

A client of mine is selling his business and he will transfer he's hosting with website and email adresses to the new owner.
My client wants to keep his emails on his computer and delete them on the server before the new owner takes over.
However I'm not sure what is the best approach because there will be backups. My client doesn't want the new owner to have any possibility to read my clients old emails from backups.
What is the best approach, is there any differences if the emails are setup for POP3 or IMAP ?
Following are difference between POP3 and IMAP
1] POP3 -if you are keeping this option while configuring your email client,then it will directly download email from server and there will be no email copy on server once it is downloaded.
2] IMAP -if email client is configured with IMAP then it will shows just header of an email and once we click on it, it will download email from server. Copy of email will be there on server after download even.

Meeting invites not sent to Contacts in Dynamics CRM

I'm having an issue, I have an On-Premise CRM Dynamics environment with Server Side synchronization, the sync works fine.
When creating appointments the System Users receive a meeting invite, but this is not sent to contacts in the system (even though some of them are emails from the same AD).
Is there an error log I can check, or some extra configuration needed in exchange server for it to work?
P.S. I'm attaching the current configuration.
When using server side synchronization, the account used as part of the authentication setup must have elevated permissions to send email on behalf of others or you need to modify the user's settings to allow others to send emails on their behalf, this could be what is causing the issue, also could you open up the emails that were not sent, they should also have an error message describing why the sending the email failed.

Windows server 2008 SMTP service using for website

I am working on .net applicaton that need to send emails to clients. I am trying to figure out what would be that best solution to send emails. Here is what i have considered. Could you please suggest what would be the best way to go for?
1>Windows server 2008 in built smtp
2>Exchange server hosted in our
3>Use google apps for sending
emails(Basically same as gmail like
for custom domain).
I have explored all options and below are findings.
1>I think would be way to go. Also
supports drop in directory to send
emails so can achieve disconnected
email activity.
2>Application would be tied up with
availability of exchange server and
we dont have any exchange server
support personal. Only developers
poke around in exchange server and
got it working. So if option 1 is as
good as 2 then would like to go with 1.
Is there any drop in directory feature in exchange server like 1?
3>Tried gmail smtp stuff didnt
work. I was receiving timeout error.
Also there is no guarantee that
gmail will send our mail
reliability. They can decide anytime
to stop sending our mails as we are
using free standard version of
google apps.
Other questions:
I installed smtp service in windows server 2008. Now to use this do i need to change any MX record and anything? What i need to do so it can send email using my domain name. Or it can send email for any domain?
I would use a hybrid of 1 and 2. Use local SMTP, but have it relay to your exchange server. Emails will queue if it can't relay to exchange and you have one server(s) that handle all of your outgoing/incoming mail. This support doc explains this setup: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/303734
You only need an MX record if you'll be receiving mail from that domain too.
I would also put in a reverse DNS entry for your domain, which will help with spam detection.
