Displaying images in an Emacs process running within iTerm2 - image

I want to display inline images in a Emacs process running in iTerm2. Here is a demonstration of what I'm expecting, using imgcat (a iTerm2 shell integration utility).
To begin with, I executed the following code within an *eshell* buffer. The rationale is that if this works out, I can simply setup a separate window dedicated to running eshell, and then update the image with a hook.
imgcat -u https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/company/img/logos/so/so-icon.png
However, all I got is a bunch of base64 characters, even if I have set TERM to xterm-256color (was dumb).
The reason I chose eshell instead of shell, term, ansi-term or anything else is that it's implemented in Emacs Lisp, so it should be the most extensible one. On the other hand, using other terminal emulators is also OK if you find them more handy.


Restoring content from a cleared terminal on Mac OS

After clearing a Mac terminal (via Command K, or the "Clear All" command under the edit menu), is there a way to easily restore the previously cleared text?
Periodically, when I run a long process on a Mac Terminal (such as a suite of unit tests) I prefer to clear the terminal. I do this so when I'm scrolling up to look over the results of the process, I can focus ONLY on the results of that process and not other commands I've recently run. (Such as, say, a different suite of tests)
But, sometimes I do eventually want to go back and look over the previous suit of tests.
Is there a way to restore previous terminal text?
The terminal is not going to help with restoring the text. It is gone.
If you anticipate wanting to review the text, you could (in a more or less transparent manner—not interfering with your work) run your session in script. That records everything sent to the terminal (including escape sequences for vi).
If your use of the terminal is largely just cat'ing files or watching logs, then the resulting typescript file is usable with less -R. It does not work well with cursor-movement, but for those, I use slowcat or similar filters to slowly cat a file, etc. For best results, the terminal emulator interprets escape sequences reliably.
When running the tests why not redirect the output to a file? This keeps your terminal clear and you can cat (or tail or more or less) that file to see only the results of that process. Another advantage is you can keep these log files around for future reference if needed.

Running Java/C++ Programs in Sublime (no command prompt): There is one unaddressed issue

I've gone through the questions and the solution proposed works great. It helps us both compile and run programs in Sublime text editor instead of opening the command line prompt every time you need to run a program.
However, it doesn't work when you have to accept input from the console (Like cin and Scanner(System.in)). How do you fix those?
Running programs within Sublime Text cannot accept input, regardless of the language they're written in. To interact with your program, you'll have to run it through the shell. The only way around this is if you're using an interpreted language like Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript, etc., in which case you can install the SublimeREPL package and run your code via an interactive session. Unfortunately, since you're using compiled languages, this is not an option.

How to stop MATLAB from opening a new window using Cygwin?

In the past, I have used MATLAB sparingly from Linux machines at work, and I far and away preferred using the '-nodesktop' option. On all Unix-like machines I've worked on this option allows me to control STDIN and STOUT with relative ease, but on Windows(using Cygwin) this option spawns a new window and control is returned to the calling shell!
Basically, I would like to know if there is any way that I can force MATLAB to behave as it would on a Unix-like machine?
Short answer: You can not.
A longer answer can be found on their website.
-nodesktop behaves differently depending if you are on Windows vs
Linux or Mac. On Windows we provide a boring Command-Window only
interface that lacks the “bells and whistles” of the regular Command
Window or the full Desktop.
So you can use -nodesktop, but it pops up that annoying command line only window.

Emacs: Terminal vs shell?

I have been reading how to use a shell inside EMACS, along the way I found the concept of Terminal, which is an abstraction for the old physical devices which interacted with the shell.
But, nowadays, I really can't understand which are the advantages regarding its use, so, can you please point me out a couple of situations or examples where one should use it instead of the shell in Emacs?
Running a term buffer is much closer to an actual terminal. Here are a few differences:
Shell mode provides very limited terminal emulation. Programs that take advantage of the terminal's full-screen capabilities (e.g. less, mtr, mutt, top) won't work properly. Terminal mode will generally handle these without any problem.
In shell mode, emacs provides tab completion. In terminal mode, the shell or command-line program provide it themselves.
Shell mode buffers the input and sends it to the process on newline. Terminal mode sends the characters to the running process immediately.
Shell mode works like a regular buffer with the usual emacs key bindings. Terminal mode doesn't intercept most control characters unless you explicitly put it into line mode.
The shell is like another emacs buffer, so the same keys work in it which work in other buffers. It is not true for the terminal.
You can launch the console programs that clear the screen like mc in terminal.
Physical terminals are long obsolete, but the terminal emulators which replaced them are pretty important, and I would presume that most shells outside of Emacs are run within one, so it's not such a mysterious concept to use one within Emacs too.
It's only tangential to your question, but The TTY demystified is an excellent article which you might find enlightening.

Is there any way to prevent ncurses based programs from running?

Hey there, I'm building a remote shell server that interfaces between a text-only client and a virtual shell.
It works perfectly when using regular shell commands, but the first thing that people try after that is vim, which promptly drives my server crazy and can't even be closed remotely.
Is there any way to detect ncurses based programs and prevent them from running in my special shell?
(the server is ruby, but any system command will do)
You can declare the capabilities your shell has, by setting the TERM environment variable to the correct value. For instance, if your shell has the same capabilities as the vt100 terminal, export TERM to the correct value, and programs like vim will respect that.
To run vim in vt100-mode, try:
TERM=vt100 vim
You could also try:
export TERM=dumb
The trick is to find a terminal that corresponds to the capabilities of what you are creating. There is a lot to choose from. On my system (Arch Linux) this gives me a long list of choices:
find /usr/share/terminfo
You might be able to find a terminal specification that corresponds to what your program can handle.
Alternatively, you may want to consider implementing terminal emulation for ansi or vt100:
Best of luck!
