Spring Boot swagger file without UI - spring

I have a simple service built in Spring Boot that has a simple API. I've added the springfox libraries to use swagger and the swagger UI, but I do not want my application to serve the UI also. I just want to get the definition from from /api/v1/api-docs
How do I switch off the UI part? Not adding swagger-ui library as a dependency doesn't remove the UI for some reason.

You can block the UI and return HTTP code 404. Something similar to below
#Controller //note - this is a spring-boot controller, not #RestController
public class HomeController {
#RequestMapping ("/swagger/api/v1/api-docs")
public String home(HttpServletRequest request) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(); //Custom Solution
throw new NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodException(request);
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {

If you are using Spring Boot
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routerFunction() {
return route(GET("/swagger"), req ->
ServerResponse.temporaryRedirect("<some 404 page>").build());


How can I add textbox/textfield in my swagger page built in Spring boot?

I am trying to auto-generate the swagger page for a RestAPI in Spring Boot using annotations.
Code of Controller:
#Api(value="UserManagementAPI", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class UserManagementController {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
#ApiOperation(value="add a pro",consumes="application/json")
#RequestMapping(value = "/getUser", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public static List<UserDetails> getUser(#PathVariable(name="id") String id) throws UserException
return UserHelper.getUserByEmail(id);
#ComponentScan({ "userManagement"})
public class Application {
public Docket simpleDiffServiceApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).groupName("userManagement").apiInfo(apiInfo()).select()
// .paths(PathSelectors.any())
// Will also include the basic error controllers by default
// Exclude basic error controllers
private ApiInfo apiInfo() {
return new ApiInfoBuilder().title("Business Location Service")
.description("Spring Boot REST APIs for Business Location Service")
.contact(new Contact("EntSol-IoT (Niche Technology Delivery Group)", "http://somewebsite.com",
In the swagger page, I can see all my APIs. But there are more. It is showing all possible method type (e.g POST, GET, PUT etc.) though in Controller I only wrote GET method.
Another issue is that there is no Textbox in the swagger page under the API where I can search for the id. May be I am missing something. I have been trying to resolve it for past two days. But couldn't help myself. Thanks in advance.
I got the problem. Your getUser method is declared as static. Please remove static, for it to work.
public List<UserDetails> getUser(#PathVariable(name="id") String id) throws UserException { }

#RequestMapping not working in Spring Boot

Controller class.
public class Controller {
public String index(){
return "sdfksdjfkjkUshshdfisdfsdkasjdfjkasjdfkjakl:";
Application class
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
Added all the necessary dependency when running the application shows the
Hello World
of index.xml
When I change to http://localhost:8081/check/ it gives
HTTP Status 404 – Not Found
Type Status Report
Message /check
Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
How can I understand the flow of Spring Boot application?
You need to put the Http method on your method, here I am assuming you are doing a GET request
public class Controller {
#GetMapping // you forgot to put http method here
public String index(){
return "sdfksdjfkjkUshshdfisdfsdkasjdfjkasjdfkjakl:";
Note: GetMapping is only available if you are using Spring 4.3 or above else use #RequestMapping(value = "/url", method = RequestMethod.GET)
Your controller should be like this:
public class Controller {
public String index(){
return "sdfksdjfkjkUshshdfisdfsdkasjdfjkasjdfkjakl:";
It seems
#RequestMapping(value="/check") is not working.
switch to
though as per documentation it should work.

How to get a respose from a localhost url exactly http://localhost:8888/

I have two projects setting up Springboot in it, now, I am going to run these two springboot on eclipse, I set up the port 8888 for projectB.
Here is my projectB controller with RequestMapping.
#RequestMapping(value = "test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody String test() {
return "testtesttest";
I need to call a url from jquery method that url is to read the respose from a controller in projectB.
how can I call this url ??
I tried "http://localhost:8888/test" and ""
but I did not get anything from the response.
The error shows up as :
please give me the solution for this
very appreciated.
Add below code in your application's main class. This configures your web mvc cors mapping to allow request from " * "
public class Application {
public class MyConfiguration {
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
logger.info("Added CORS config");

Spring Boot url mappings order for controllers and static pages

I have a Spring Boot web application which is meant to serve both static and controller based (ModelAndView) pages. Problem is that a controller can serve something like /{string} and a static page must be served with /test.
The problem is that the controller mapping takes precedence, and I need to avoid that. If the user hits /test, he must be forwarded to the test.html static page.
I tried to use the order property of ViewControllerRegistry in this way, with no success:
public class MyWebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
registry.setOrder(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE); // but I tried with 0 and -1 as well: annotated controllers should have order equals to 0
This is my SpringBootApplication class:
public class VipApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(VipApplication.class, args);
And this is the controller code:
public class VipController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/{string}")
public ModelAndView vip(#PathVariable("string") String string) {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("mypage");
return mv;
How can I reorder the mappings to make sure static pages are considered before annotated controllers?
(I'm not sure, but) I suggest to override WebMvcConfigurerAdapter.addResourceHandlers() method and configure order of resource handler by invoking ResourceHandlerRegistry.setOrder()

How to configure Spring Data REST to return the representation of the resource created for a POST request?

I am following the spring-data-rest guide Accessing JPA Data with REST. When I http post a new record it is inserted (and the response is a 201). That is great, but is there a way to configure the REST MVC code to return the newly created object? I'd rather not have to send a search request to find the new instance.
You don't have to search for the created entity. As the HTTP spec suggests, POST requests returning a status code of 201 Created are supposed to contain a Location header which contains the URI of the resource just created.
Thus all you need to do is effectively issuing a GET request to that particular URI. Spring Data REST also has two methods on RepositoryRestConfiguration.setReturnBodyOnCreate(…) and ….setReturnBodyOnUpdate(…) which you can use to configure the framework to immediately return the representation of the resource just created.
Example with Spring Boot:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
RepositoryRestConfiguration restConfiguration = ctx.getBean(RepositoryRestConfiguration.class);
public class Application extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
protected void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {
Good Luck!
If you are using Spring Boot, you can add the following lines to your application.properties file for POST (create) and PUT (update) respectively
Here's another variant that uses DI rather than extending RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration or using the ConfigurableApplicationContext.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
#Autowired private RepositoryRestConfiguration repositoryRestConfiguration;
public void exposeIds() {
