I'm working with Total.js Flow. I would like to know if is possible to refresh my flow if I edit designer.json without rebooting my node server.
This is currently not possible. But I'll add something like FLOW.reload() might this week :-). But you will need to add some scheduler or watcher for watching of designer.json file because FLOW.reload() will perform only reloading of Flow.
UPDATE: new version of Total.js Flow v6 supports hot reloading of designer.json file. It can be reloaded by executing FLOW.reload() method for example in code component or directly in application.
I have built a new site for a customer and taken over managing their domain and using a new hosting. The previous site and hosting have been completely taken down.
I am running into a major issue that I am not sure how to fix. The previous developer used a service worker to cache and load the previous site. The problem is that users that had previous visited the site keep seeing the old one since it is all loading from a cache. This old site no longer even exists so I have no way of adding any javascript to remove the service worker from their browser unless they hit the new site.
Has anyone ever had this issue and know of a way to resolve it? Note, asking the users to delete the service worker from their browser won't work.
You can use cache busting to achieve the outcome. As per Keycdn
Cache busting solves the browser caching issue by using a unique file
version identifier to tell the browser that a new version of the file
is available. Therefore the browser doesn’t retrieve the old file from
cache but rather makes a request to the origin server for the new
In case you want to update the service worker itself, you should know, for a service worker an update is triggered if any of the following happens:
A navigation to an in-scope page.
A functional events such as push and sync, unless there's been an update
check within the previous 24 hours.
Calling .register() only if the service worker URL has changed. However, you should avoid changing the worker URL.
Updating the service worker
Maybe using the clear-site-data header would be the most thorough solution.
My use case is the following - being able to periodically send updates to a web service with the current location of the device on which the {NS} app is running. This should happen even if the app is "minimized".
I saw that workers have been added to the framework, but as I understand it, the app is supposed to be active(not minimized) for the worker to execute.
Is there a way to accomplish this?
You need to use background-services for this purpose.
I am currently using SignalR 2.0 and MVC 5.0 for my project. All the signalR update works fine except when I have updated the web.config file which causes the application pool to recycle. This is the starting point I notice SignalR behaving inconsistently. Sometimes I need to perform an action multiple times before the SignalR update can be propagated to the client. I have enabled the SignalR logging and I can't see anything displayed in the log whenever it failed to propagate to the client.
Do we need to do something in the hub, like reconnect or anything when the app pool got recycled?
At the moment, i didnt do anything in terms of coding and simply refresh the page. But it gives me that problems with SignalR. And the only way to fix that intermittent problem completely is to reboot the server.
Have anyone experienced this kind of behavior in SignalR?
Thanks in advance.
I have run into a situation where I need to open a newly created quote at the end of a workflow. I have a feeling this is going to require me to create a a very simple custom workflow that uses "window.open", but I would like to avoid this if anyone has a better idea.
So I need to open a newly created quote as soon as it is created in a workflow. Anyone have any good ideas on how to do this?
Workflows are asynchronous; they run on the server (as opposed to the client) and do not run in realtime. eg a workflow that is triggered by creation of a record will run on the server sometime after the record is created (depending on system load etc - it could be a second or two, or could be half an hour later. If you have stopped the CRM Async service on the server, they might well never run.)
Because they run on the server the user has no interaction with them. As a result you can't open a window, as there's no user involved to open a window for...
What you probably want to do is make use of Dialogs (introduced in CRM 2011). You won't be able to use window.open() but as long as you've got a recent update rollup installed on the server you can present the user with a hyperlink to most CRM records.
Setup of Dialogs is much the same as Workflows, and they use the same mechanics under the hood. The difference is that they're syncronous (i.e. run in real-time) and they are client-side. There's some detail on Technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg334463.aspx
I need to write web aplication like google reader (using SmartGWT).
Instead of RSS feads I will show log files which updates in realtime. I think I can start a timer and ask server are there any new logs every minute. Is this the right way to do this?
Do I have to use WebSockets? Are they working in all the modern browsers?
I think I can start a timer and ask server are there any new logs every minute. Is this the right way to do this?
Without using server push this is the way to go. You typically want to query the server with the timestamp of the last received log entry. This way can you only send the diff since the last pull.
See here for some more information on GWT and push (which is actually pull). Or check out stream-hub (and the pimped stock watcher example) if you wanna go for server push.