Set number of parity drives to 0 in Minio reduced redundancy storage class - minio

For our storage with non-critical data we don't need any replication at all, therefore we do not need parity drives. But it seems that making number of parity drives in Minio less then 2 is not allowed. Is it possible to set it to 0 somehow?

#Datacult, it is not possible to set the parity to 0.


Retrieving sequential numbers in a distributed system

System consists of tens of peer servers (none of them is leader/master).
To create an entity, service should acquire the next sequential number basing on some group key: there are different sequences for each group key.
Let's say to create instance of entity A, service has to get sequence with group key A, while to create entity B, service has to get sequence number with group key B.
Getting the same number twice is prohibited. Missing numbers are allowed.
Currently I have implemented solution with a RDBMS, having a record for each of the group keys and updating its current sequence value in a transaction:
However, this approach only allows to get 200-300 queries per seconds because of locking and synchronisation.
Another approach I consider is to have local buffer of sequences at the each node. Once buffer is empty, service queries DB to get the next batch of ids and store them locally: UPDATE SEQUENCES SET SEQ_ID=SEQ_ID + 1000 WHERE KEY = ? if the batch size is 1000. This may help to lower contention. However, if node goes down it loses all these acquired sequence numbers, which, if happened frequently, can lead to overflowing the maximum value of sequence (e.g. max int).
I don't know in advance, how many sequence numbers will be needed.
I don't want to introduce additional dependencies between servers and have one of them to generate sequence numbers and serving to the others.
What are the general ways to solve similar problems?
Which other RDBMS-based approaches can be considered?
Which other NOT RDBMS-based approaches can be considered?
What other problems can happen with local buffer solution?

Balanced trees and space and time trade-offs

I was trying to solve problem 3-1 for large input sizes given in the following link The solution uses an AVL tree for range queries and that got me thinking.
I was wondering about scalability issues when the input size increases from a million to a billion and beyond. For instance consider a stream of integers (size: 4 bytes) and input of size 1 billion, the space required to store the integers in memory would be ~3GB!! The problem gets worse when you consider other data types such as floats and strings with the input size the order of magnitude under consideration.
Thus, I reached the conclusion that I would require the assistance of secondary storage to store all those numbers and pointers to child nodes of the AVL tree. I was considering storing the left and right child nodes as separate files but then I realized that that would be too many files and opening and closing the files would require expensive system calls and time consuming disk access and thus at this point I realized that AVL trees would not work.
I next thought about B-Trees and the advantage they provide as each node can have 'n' children, thereby reducing the number of files on disk and at the same time packing in more keys at every level. I am considering creating separate files for the nodes and inserting the keys in the files as and when they are generated.
1) I wanted to ask if my approach and thought-process is correct and
2) Whether I am using the right data structure and if B-Trees are the right data structure what should the order be to make the application efficient? What flavour of B Trees would yield maximum efficiency. Sorry for the long post! Thanks in advance for your replies!
Yes, you're reasoning is correct, although there are probably smarter schemes than to store one node per file. In fact, a B(+)-Tree often outperforms a binary search tree in practice (especially for very large collections) for numerous reasons and that's why just about every major database system uses it as its main index structure. Some reasons why binary search trees don't perform too well are:
Relatively large tree height (1 billion elements ~ height of 30 (if perfectly balanced)).
Every comparison is completely unpredictable (50/50 choice), so the hardware can't pre-fetch memory and fill the cpu pipeline with instructions.
After the upper few levels, you jump far away and to unpredictable locations in memory, each possibly requiring accessing the hard drive.
A B(+)-Tree with a high order will always be relatively shallow (height of 3-5) which reduces number of disk accesses. For range queries, you can read consecutively from memory while in binary trees you jump around a lot. Searching in a node may take a bit longer, but practically speaking you are limited by memory accesses not CPU time anyway.
So, the question remains what order to use? Usually, the node size is chosen to be equal to the page size (4-64KB) as optimizing for disk accesses is paramount. The page size is the minimal consecutive chunk of memory your computer may load from disk to main memory. Depending on the size of your key, this will result in a different number of elements per node.
For some help for the implementation, just look at how B+-Trees are implemented in database systems.

Is higher or lower ALS.checkpointInterval better?

When setting ALS.checkpointInterval, what consideration should be taken in setting it? What does a higher or lower interval mean?
ALS.checkpointInterval value refers the iterations for how many no. of times cache will be checkpointed.
E.g. If interval is set to 10 means that the cache will get checkpointed every 10 iterations.
Checkpointing helps with recovery (when nodes fail) and StackOverflow exceptions caused by long lineage. It also helps with eliminating temporary shuffle files on disk, which can be important when there are many ALS iterations.
Default value is 10. So according to your system memory, you can set the lower or higher value now

Block Replication Limits in HDFS

I'm currently rebuilding our servers that have our region-servers and data nodes. When I take down a data node, after 10 minutes the blocks that it had are being re-replicated among other data nodes, as it should. We have 10 data-nodes, so I see heavy network traffic as the blocks are being re-replicated. However, I'm seeing that traffic to be about only 500-600mbps per server (the machines all have gigabit interfaces) so it's definitely not network-bound. I'm trying to figure out what is limiting the speed that the data-nodes send and receive blocks. Each data-node has six 7200 rpm sata drives, and the IO usage is very low during this, only peaking to 20-30% per drive. Is there a limit built into hdfs that limits the speed at which blocks are replicated?
The rate of replication work is throttled by HDFS to not interfere with cluster traffic when failures happen during regular cluster load.
The properties that control this are (2), dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams (2) and dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams-hard-limit (4). The foremost controls the rate of work to be scheduled to a DN at every heartbeat that occurs, and the other two further limit the maximum parallel threaded network transfers done by a DataNode at a time. The values in () indicate their defaults. Some description of this is available at
You can perhaps try to increase the set of values to (10, 50, 100) respectively to spruce up the network usage (requires a NameNode restart), but note that your DN memory usage may increase slightly as a result of more blocks information being propagated to it. A reasonable heap size for these values for the DN role would be about 4 GB.
P.s. These values were not tried by me on production systems personally. You will also not want to max out the re-replication workload such that it affects regular cluster work, as recovery of 1/3 replicas may be of lesser priority than missing job/query SLAs due to lack of network resources (unless you have a really fast network that's always under-utilised even under loaded periods). Try to tune it till you're satisfied with the results.

What is the max size that i can provide with the cache clause in oracle sequences?

CACHE 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
If i fire a query with such a big size even if it creates the sequence s1.
What is the max size that I can provide with it???
Quote from 11g docs ...
Specify how many values of the sequence the database preallocates and keeps in memory for faster access. This integer value can have 28 or fewer digits. The minimum value for this parameter is 2. For sequences that cycle, this value must be less than the number of values in the cycle. You cannot cache more values than will fit in a given cycle of sequence numbers. Therefore, the maximum value allowed for CACHE must be less than the value determined by the following formula:
If a system failure occurs, then all cached sequence values that have not been used in committed DML statements are lost. The potential number of lost values is equal to the value of the CACHE parameter.
Determining the optimal value is a matter of determining the rate at which you will generate new values, and thus the frequency with which recursive SQL will have to be executed to update the sequence record in the data disctionanry. Typically it's higher for RAC systems to avoid contention, but then they are also generally busier as well. Performance problems relating to insufficient sequence cache are generally easy to sport through AWR/Statspack and other diagnostic tools.
Looking in the Oracle API, I don't see a maximum cache size specified (Reference).
Here are some guidelines on setting an optimal cache size.
