issues with .wav file in SFML - visual-studio

Hey everybody i recently started c++ on a tutorial from a couple of years ago. I am having an issue using SFML for a .wav file in the main program(this is a simplified one having the same issue). The file is in the same folder as project and that is where the directory looks and the name is spelled the same and everything. I am using the most recent SFML and visual studio 2017. Forgive me if the upload looks weird it is my first time posting here.
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
using namespace sf;
int main()
VideoMode vm(1920,1080);
RenderWindow window(vm, "SpriteTest", Style::Fullscreen);
sf::SoundBuffer chop;
if (!chop.loadFromFile("audio/chop.wav"))
std::cout << "ERROR LOADING AUDIO" << std::endl;
sf::Sound chopNoise;
/*Exception thrown at 0x6A36E344 (vcruntime140.dll) in sprite tester.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x005C5000.
my .wav file is in the audio file in the project file which is where the working directory is
// shield test
Texture shield;
Sprite shieldSprite;
shieldSprite.setPosition(1500, 800);
//background test
Texture backgroundTexture;
Sprite background;
background.setPosition(0, 0);
//lazer test
Texture lazerTexture;
Sprite lazerSprite;
lazerSprite.setPosition(200, 500);
while (window.isOpen())
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape))
if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Right))
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\Debug\sprite tester.exe'. Symbols loaded.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-graphics-d-2.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp140d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vcruntime140d.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ucrtbased.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-window-d-2.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-window-d-2.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-window-d-2.dll'
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-system-d-2.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-audio-2.dll'. Module was built without symbols.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32full.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp_win.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ucrtbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\opengl32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\user32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcrt.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\win32u.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\advapi32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcrt4.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sspicli.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmm.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmm.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmm.dll'
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cryptbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcryptprimitives.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp140.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vcruntime140.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmmbase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cfgmgr32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\glu32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-system-d-2.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-system-d-2.dll'
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\sfml-system-2.dll'. Module was built without symbols.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\kyle9\Desktop\Game dev book stuff\Visual Studios stuff\sprite tester\sprite tester\openal32.dll'. Module was built without symbols.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shell32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SHCore.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\combase.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shlwapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel.appcore.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\profapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\powrprof.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fltLib.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ole32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imm32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\uxtheme.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msctf.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oleaut32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_b9b9c39e4e2b88eb\ig9icd32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wtsapi32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dwmapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\version.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\version.dll'
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_b9b9c39e4e2b88eb\igc32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dinput8.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\hid.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\setupapi.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\devobj.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InputHost.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WinTypes.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CoreMessaging.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CoreUIComponents.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntmarta.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wintrust.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msasn1.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\crypt32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TextInputFramework.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oleacc.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\clbcatq.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MMDevAPI.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\propsys.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AudioSes.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'sprite tester.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\avrt.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
Exception thrown at 0x640DE340 (vcruntime140.dll) in sprite tester.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00B00000.


Visual Studio cannot find or open PBD file for ig7icd64.dll and igdusc64.dll.

'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\Velu\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ConsoleApplication1\x64\Debug\OpenGL.exe'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\glew32.dll'. Module was built without symbols.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\opengl32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\bcryptprimitives.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\glu32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ddraw.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\SHCore.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dciman32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140d.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbased.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\imm32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmm.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dinput8.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\XInput1_4.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\devobj.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dwmapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\hid.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\setupapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\wintrust.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msasn1.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\crypt32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msctf.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ig7icd64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\igdusc64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\wtsapi32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\version.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\version.dll'
The thread 0x2bb8 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x107c has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x11b0 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x2bb4 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\XInput1_4.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\devobj.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msasn1.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\crypt32.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\wintrust.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\setupapi.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\hid.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dinput8.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'
'OpenGL.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmm.dll'
The thread 0x2b94 has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
The thread 0x2b4c has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
The thread 0x2b84 has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
The program '[10908] OpenGL.exe' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff).
I am trying to use Visual Studio with OpenGL 4.0. I at first had a problem where all the dll's wouldn't load but then I found the answer on this site which was enabling Microsoft Symbol Servers. But now Visual Studio complains that it cannot find or open the PDB file for ig7icd64.dll and igdusc64.dll. I am using Windows 10 with Visual Studio,GLEW,and GLFW. Please help.
This is normal. The ig7icd64.dll and igdusc64.dll are Intel drivers and Intel doesn't provide the symbol files (PDB). Only if you roll back to the inbox driver that is part of Windows you get PDBs from Microsoft, but those drivers are old and outdated.
So you have to ignore this message and continue debugging.

Why is Cordova Windows 8 app causing an unhandled win32 exception occurred in wwahost.exe?

We're building out an app in Cordova via VS 2013 for Windows 8.1. When the user is "clicking" an anchor tag on one of our pages we get "an unhandled win32 exception occurred in wwahost.exe".
We checked our registery for this issue: and everything is correct by default.
According to some Google searches this is the only solution we can find.
In the debugger -
"Call Stack":
mshtml.dll!CDocument::Doc(void) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CAttribute::GetNSAtomTable() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CAttribute::NamespaceURI(void) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CAttribute::get_namespaceURI() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CAttribute::get_ie9_nodeValue() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CAttribute::get_ie9_value(unsigned short * *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CDOMMutationEvent::PrepareEvent() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::Dispatch() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::DispatchDOMAttrModified(class CElement *,unsigned short const *,struct PROPERTYDESC const *,long,class CNSAttr *,unsigned short const *,unsigned short,bool) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::DispatchDOMAttrModified(class CElement *,unsigned short const *,struct PROPERTYDESC const *,long,class CNSAttr *,unsigned short const *,unsigned short) Unknown
mshtml.dll!BASICPROPPARAMS::SetStyleComponentProperty() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CCSSStyleDeclaration::put_StyleComponentLocalHelper() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CWritableCSSStyleDeclaration::put_transitionDuration(unsigned short *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CFastDOM::CCSSStyleDeclaration::Trampoline_Set_transitionDuration(void *,struct CallInfo,...) Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptExternalFunction::ExternalFunctionThunk() Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::HelperOrLibraryMethodWrapper<1,class <lambda_f3fb5c5fabf75a41a43766851a4fc31b> >(class Js::ScriptContext *,class <lambda_f3fb5c5fabf75a41a43766851a4fc31b>) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::ScriptContext::ProfileModeThunk_DebugModeWrapper(class Js::JavascriptFunction *,class Js::ScriptContext *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments &) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::ScriptContext::DebugProfileProbeThunk(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...) Unknown
jscript9.dll!<lambda>(void)() Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptOperators::CallSetter() Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptOperators::OP_SetElementI() Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_SetElementI_NoFastPath(struct Js::OpLayoutElementI const *,void *,enum Js::PropertyOperationFlags) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_ProfiledSetElementI() Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::ProcessWithDebugging(void) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::DebugProcess(void) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::InterpreterThunk<1>() Unknown
000000045d541fbb() Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::ScriptContext::DebugProfileProbeThunk(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...) Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_CallCommon<struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> >(struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> const *,class Js::RecyclableObject *,unsigned int) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_ProfileCallCommon<struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> >(struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> const *,class Js::RecyclableObject *,unsigned int,unsigned short) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_ProfiledCallI<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte>(struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> const *,unsigned int) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::ProcessWithDebugging(void) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::DebugProcess(void) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::InterpreterThunk<1>() Unknown
000000045d541943() Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::ScriptContext::DebugProfileProbeThunk(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...) Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_CallCommon<struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> >(struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> const *,class Js::RecyclableObject *,unsigned int) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_ProfileCallCommon<struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> >(struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> const *,class Js::RecyclableObject *,unsigned int,unsigned short) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::OP_ProfiledCallI<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte>(struct Js::OpLayoutDynamicProfile<struct Js::OpLayoutCallI_OneByte> const *,unsigned int) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::ProcessWithDebugging(void) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::InterpreterStackFrame::DebugProcess(void) Unknown
jscript9.dll!BailOutRecord::BailOutHelper() Unknown
jscript9.dll!BailOutRecord::BailOutCommonNoCodeGen(class Js::JavascriptCallStackLayout *,class BailOutRecord const *,unsigned int,void *,enum IR::BailOutKind,void * *,struct BailOutRecord::BailOutReturnValue *) Unknown
jscript9.dll!BailOutRecord::BailOutCommon(class Js::JavascriptCallStackLayout *,class BailOutRecord const *,unsigned int,void *,enum IR::BailOutKind,struct BailOutRecord::BailOutReturnValue *) Unknown
jscript9.dll!BailOutRecord::BailOut() Unknown
000000046a05d891() Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::ScriptContext::DebugProfileProbeThunk(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...) Unknown
jscript9.dll!amd64_CallFunction () Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>(class Js::RecyclableObject *,void * (*)(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::CallInfo,...),struct Js::Arguments) Unknown
jscript9.dll!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallRootFunction() Unknown
jscript9.dll!ScriptSite::CallRootFunction(class Js::JavascriptFunction *,struct Js::Arguments,struct IServiceProvider *,void * *) Unknown
jscript9.dll!ScriptSite::Execute(class Js::RecyclableObject *,struct Js::Arguments *,struct IServiceProvider *,void * *) Unknown
jscript9.dll!JavascriptDispatch::InvokeOnSelf() Unknown
jscript9.dll!JavascriptDispatch::InvokeEx() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CBase::InvokeDispatchWithThis() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::InvokeNonLegacyListener(class CBase *,struct IDispatch *,struct IDispatch *,struct tagVARIANT *,struct tagDISPPARAMS *,struct tagEXCEPINFO *,struct tagVARIANT *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CListenerDispatch::InvokeDispatch(class CBase *,class CEventListener *,struct DISPATCHINFO *,struct tagVARIANT *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CListenerDispatch::Invoke() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::_InvokeListeners() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::_DispatchBubblePhase(class CDOMEvent *,struct DISPATCHINFO *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::Dispatch() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CEventMgr::DispatchMouseEvent() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CElement::FireStdEvent_MouseHelper() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CElement::FireStdEventOnMessage() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CDoc::PumpMessage() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CMouseHandler::HandleSyntheticMessage() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::PumpSynthesizedMessage(class CMessage *,bool) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::PrepareAndPump(class CMessage *,class CMessage const *,class TOUCHCONTEXT *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::FireMouseEventMessage(class CMessage const *,class TOUCHCONTEXT *,unsigned int,bool) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::FireMouseDownMessages() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::FirePointerDownMessages(class CMessage const *,class TOUCHCONTEXT *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::GenerateInputEvents() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::OnPointerMessage() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CTouchHelper::HandleMessage(unsigned int,unsigned __int64,__int64,__int64 *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CInputManager::HandleMessage(unsigned int,unsigned __int64,__int64,__int64 *,bool *) Unknown
mshtml.dll!CDoc::OnWindowMessage() Unknown
mshtml.dll!CServer::WndProc(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned __int64,__int64) Unknown
user32.dll!UserCallWinProcCheckWow() Unknown
user32.dll!DispatchMessageWorker() Unknown
Windows.UI.dll!Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::WaitAndProcessMessages(void * hEventWait) Line 321 C++
Windows.UI.dll!Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::ProcessEvents(Windows::UI::Core::CoreProcessEventsOption options) Line 390 C++
WWAHost.exe!CoreWindowDispatcher::RunMessageLoop(struct Windows::UI::Core::ICoreWindow *) Unknown
WWAHost.exe!WebInstance::Run(void) Unknown
twinapi.appcore.dll!Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView::Run(void) Unknown
twinapi.appcore.dll!Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView::Uninitialize(void) Unknown
SHCore.dll!StrRetToBSTR () Unknown
kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk () Unknown
ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart () Unknown
and the Output:
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WWAHost.exe'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\profapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WinTypes.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\iertutil.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cryptbase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\bcryptprimitives.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\imm32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msctf.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.appcore.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\MrmCoreR.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\BCP47Langs.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\SHCore.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rometadata.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ninput.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dwmapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cryptsp.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\rsaenh.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\d2d1.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\DWrite.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dxgi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\actxprxy.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\igd10iumd64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\d3d10_1.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ncrypt.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\d3d10_1core.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntasn1.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\igdusc64.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\secur32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sspicli.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msimtf.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\dcomp.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WwaApi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VS7Debug\pdm.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VS7Debug\msdbg2.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VS7Debug\pdmproxy100.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VS7Debug\VSDebugScriptAgent120.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\jscript9.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Script Diagnostics\amd64\DiagnosticsTap.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\mlang.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsCodecs.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\PhotoMetadataHandler.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\WindowsCodecsExt.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\IPHLPAPI.DLL'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\nsi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winnsi.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\t2embed.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\version.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\mfplat.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\cfgmgr32.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\RTWorkQ.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\avrt.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\MFMediaEngine.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Media.MediaControl.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\profext.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\ntmarta.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\xmllite.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\sxs.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\MMDevAPI.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\devobj.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmm.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\winmmbase.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Devices.Enumeration.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\DevDispItemProvider.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\StructuredQuery.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\MSWB7.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\oleacc.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\UIAutomationCore.dll'. Symbols loaded.
'WWAHost.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\System32\UIAnimation.dll'. Symbols loaded.
The thread 0x19b8 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
First-chance exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
First-chance exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
The thread 0x2880 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
First-chance exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
First-chance exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
First-chance exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF98C21A67B (mshtml.dll) in WWAHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000068.
We get that First-chance exception... error every time we view the debugger. Not sure if it's related to the app or an visual studio issue.
In our cordova code this is the html that we are using. Selecting the a tag is what cases the error.
<div class="case-study-wrapper active nanowrap nanoslim convention-center" data-has-video="yes">
<div class="logo-wrapper">
<a data-linked-content="case-studies.html?subsec=#ix-center" data-content-id="ix-center" href="#"></a>
<img src="img/installation-logos/ixcenter-logo.png" />
<div class="description">
<p>IX Center</p>
<p><strong>NanoWrap and NanoSlim</strong></p>
<p class="industry">Convention Centers</p>
<div class="video-icon visible">
<div class="ion-ios-videocam"></div>
the data- attributes trigger eventlisteners and other functions based on their values.
There is a quicker workaround for this that should work for most apps; before you click around and get the WWAHost.exe exception, close the DOM Explorer window. This should enable you to debug by hitting breakpoints, etc. If you need to use DOM Ex (against a Windows target), I'd suggest trying Kenneth's solution.
The only work around that I have found that has allowed me to debug Hybrid Windows Store Apps has been to use remote debugging on anther machine. Kind of a pain if you don't have two machines, but you may be able to use a virtual machine as your remote machine.
I ran into a similar problem with input tags in Windows 8.1 with my Cordova app. Seemed to only happen to users with tablets using touch screens. Here's my code for a simple image upload/preview button.
<label class="lbl-upload" for="uploadFile1">
<img class="img-upload" src="img/add-photos.png" id="uploadBtn1" />
<input type="file" name="uploadFile1" id="uploadFile1" />
<img id="img1" src="#" alt="your image" />
var coors;
$('#uploadFile1').change(function() {
coors = setTimeout(function() {
var reader = new FileReader();
var file = document.querySelector('#uploadFile1').files[0];
var preview = document.querySelector('#img1');
reader.onloadend = function () {
preview.src = reader.result;
if (file){
else {
preview.src = "";
}, 2000);
For whatever reason a delay is needed for touch screens. Not very pretty but gets the job done.
Turns out when VS crashed it became corrupted. I reran the install and chose "repair" and now it's fine.

How to manage a bigger project in VC++?

I've been writing small snippets or single projects for quite long time, but this time I came across a 'solution', which requires more than one project to be attached.
So, why does this needed? Because my project stands up the following way:
The core is in a static library
There's an executable which requires functions from the core
There's a DLL which requires functions from the core
Some other minor projects
Okay, it's not even hard, it's logical. I don't want to compile the core each time, so I put it in a lib. The only problem started to occur, when I started to compile.
A simple #pragma comment(lib,"mylibrary.lib") wasn't enough, the solution couldn't find this file. I had to do the following trick, to compile my solution: #pragma comment(lib,"..\\Release\\mylib.lib").
Of course it's not the best solution, since what if I'm compiling it in debug mode? Maybe I could write a define, but it doesn't feel quite professional. Even a problem occurs after compilation. I'm getting tons of warnings:
2>Lib32Anticheat.lib(disasm.obj) : warning LNK4204: 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\Lib32Anticheat.pdb' is missing debugging information for referencing module; linking object as if no debug info
2>Lib32Anticheat.lib(disasm_x86.obj) : warning LNK4204: 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\Lib32Anticheat.pdb' is missing debugging information for referencing module; linking object as if no debug info
2>Lib32Anticheat.lib(cpu.obj) : warning LNK4204: 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\Lib32Anticheat.pdb' is missing debugging information for referencing module; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(dyn_tls_dtor.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(dyn_tls_dtor.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(dyn_tls_init.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(dyn_tls_init.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(matherr_detection.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(matherr_detection.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(guard_support.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(guard_support.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(gs_cookie.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(gs_cookie.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(gs_report.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(gs_report.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(gs_support.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(gs_support.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(pesect.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(pesect.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(cpu_disp.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(cpu_disp.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(ehprolg3.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(ehprolg3.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(secchk.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(secchk.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(loadcfg.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(loadcfg.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(argv_mode.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(argv_mode.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(commit_mode.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(commit_mode.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(denormal_control.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(denormal_control.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(file_mode.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(file_mode.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(fltused.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(fltused.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(invalid_parameter_handler.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(invalid_parameter_handler.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(matherr.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(matherr.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(new_mode.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(new_mode.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(thread_locale.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(thread_locale.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(ehvecdtr.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(ehvecdtr.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(std_type_info_static.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(std_type_info_static.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(tncleanup.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(tncleanup.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(delete_array.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(delete_array.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(delete_scalar.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(delete_scalar.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(new_array.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(new_array.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(new_scalar.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(new_scalar.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(throw_bad_alloc.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(throw_bad_alloc.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(thread_safe_statics.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(thread_safe_statics.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(exe_main.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(exe_main.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(tlssup.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(tlssup.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(initializers.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(initializers.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(utility.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(utility.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(default_precision.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(default_precision.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(utility_desktop.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(utility_desktop.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(utility_static.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(utility_static.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2>LIBCMT.lib(initsect.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'libcmt.pdb' was not found with 'LIBCMT.lib(initsect.obj)' or at 'C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\libcmt.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info
2> Win32Anticheat.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Unknown User\Desktop\Lib32Anticheat\Release\Win32Anticheat.exe
So, after that log, I assume that it's missing debug information, which can make bug finding harder. In Debug mode I'm not getting such warnings, but I think that I should adjust something or make something different just to make sure that Release mode isn't giving such warnings.
Personally I would not make the core of your product a static library. Your DLL and your EXE will each get their own copy of it, which will be two distinct and separate entities. Anything that is supposed to be static and single, will instead be doubled up. And your program may not behave as expected.
Second, I think that LNK4099 warnings cannot be suppressed. If your getting them, it's probably because you are linking in a release lib when you are building debug, or vice versa.
I would personally not use #pragma statements to do your linking. I've seen it done in the past, and those projects were always poorly built. Specify your library linkage in the project or make files: that is what they are there for.

OpenGl with tutorials

I have downloaded tutorial 0.3.8 from then according to instruction I have build visual studio 2010 files by premake4.exe. But when I'm trying to debug project console shows for a second and in output shows:
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Users\Bartek\Desktop\andagain\Tutorial 0.3.8\Tut 01 Hello Triangle\Tut 01 MainD.exe', Symbols loaded.
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\opengl32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmm.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\user32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\advapi32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp100d.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcr100d.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcrt.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\glu32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ddraw.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmmbase.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcrt4.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dciman32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sspicli.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cryptbase.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcryptprimitives.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imm32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msctf.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nvinit.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\uxtheme.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dwmapi.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ig4icd32.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\version.dll', Cannot find or open the PDB file
'Tut 01 MainD.exe': Unloaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\version.dll'
The program '[7932] Tut 01 MainD.exe: Native' has exited with code 1 (0x1).
#edit: I have windows 8 64-bit if it mean something to that.
So I run visual studio on GeForce not on Intel and project is building without any problem.. sorry tor taking time.

Visual Studio 2012 not able to debug non-x64 .net applications: Access Violation

I upgraded (clean install) from Win7+VS2012 to Win8+VS2012.
I ran into a problem just after that: When I try to run any project with the processor target AnyCPU or x86, vshost.exe crashes immediately after building and starting the project with an Access Violation. This behavior is not affected by changing the type of the project (console, winforms, wpf).
When I change the architecture to x64 however, debugging works just fine.
This is the output I get in the Debug output window if I start a new created console application:
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.Utilities\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.Utilities.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Windows.Forms\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Windows.Forms.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Drawing\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Drawing.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.Utilities.Sync\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.HostingProcess.Utilities.Sync.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Runtime\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Runtime.dll'
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'e:\Users\SeriTools\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2\bin\Debug\ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Core\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Core.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Xml.Linq\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Xml.Linq.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Data.DataSetExtensions\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.CSharp\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\Microsoft.CSharp.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\System.Data\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Data.dll', Symbols loaded.
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Xml\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Xml.dll', Symbols loaded.
The thread 'vshost.NotifyLoad' (0x1068) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread '<No Name>' (0x16c8) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread '<No Name>' (0x1688) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 'vshost.LoadReference' (0x233c) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
'ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe' (Managed (v4.0.30319)): Loaded 'e:\users\seritools\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2\bin\Debug\ConsoleApplication2.exe', Symbols loaded.
The program '[5088] ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe: Program Trace' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The program '[5088] ConsoleApplication2.vshost.exe: Managed (v4.0.30319)' has exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) 'Access violation'.
What I tried to fix that:
Completely removed and reinstalled VS, checking if not applying Update 1 changes anything
devenv.exe /ResetSettings and uninstalling all plugins/add-ins
running VS as admin
Can someone help me with this problem?
