Applescript: Getting Information from Website - applescript

Trying to get a single bit of information from this website ( as part of an AppleScript to autofill the BPM on each of my tracks in iTunes. The script takes the track, opens up the webpage, and now I just need to get the first BPM listed (in this case 110) and send it back to my script.
How do I do this?

Figured it out using this bit of code, thanks entirely to
to getInput(theClass, num)
tell application "Safari"
set input to do JavaScript "document.getElementsByClassName('" & theClass & "')[" & num & "].innerHTML;" in document 1 -- uses JavaScript to set the variable input to the information we want
return input
end tell
end getInput
set urlBPM to getInput("title", 3)


Applescript for Safari AUTOMATION -- any advice, information, tip etc --

PreNote: I am open and hungry for any information, advice, tip etc.
Hello Everyone!
I am trying to create automation with applescript. This is my first personal applescript task but I have some valuable questions. Basically I am trying to catch live notifications from a website and display them in mac os notification.
I am trying to build process for a few days but I don't want to give a mess to you :) so I have roughly explained my process below.
(* Variables used in whole process
set $webToCheck > This is Safari webpage which I want to run my script on it. It won't be front window, script should be run with its name or other property.
set $theClass > This is class name of DOM element to check if it is exist or not. This class is not always exist on DOM of $webpage. It comes with notifications so when use it in "do Javascript" I got error "variable is not defined"
set $num > number of class to use in "do Javascript"
set $input > variable to assign HTML text
set $modifiedInput > Text of input seperated from HTML tags
-- Step 1
tell application "Safari"
work on $webToCheck
-- Step 2
repeat until $input is not empty
set input do Javascript
document.getElementsByClassName > $theClass, $num of $webToCheck
end repeat
-- Step 3
modify text of $input to seperate from RAW HTML -- For example: <a class="" value=""> TEXT to be seperated </a>
Display notification $modifiedInput
-- Step 4
Go back to step 1 or 2 to check and display notification again
First of all, here are some general tips though:
Applescript won't accept $ at the start of variable names.
The variable assignment you are looking for is set {variable} to {value}. You can optionally at the end of it clarify the variable's class using as {class} at the end of the assignment.
Focusing a certain website does not happen with work on {URL} but as with most object oriented things in Applescript with the tell-statement. It will be shown in the full solution.
Text concatenation in Applescript happens with &. So something like "Hello " & "World" is the standard way to do it.
Modification of most things in Applescript happens with set.
It is easier to use innerText instead of innerHTML as splitting text in Applescript is a bit of a pain.
There is no goto but you could wrap the first few steps into a function, which are declared with on or to in Applescript.
Here is the full code with some documentation sprinkled in there:
global webToCheck, theClass, num, input --This says that all variables can be used even in functions.
set webToCheck to "" --Strings can only use double quotes.
set theClass to "style-scope yt-alert-with-actions-renderer" --I will use an actual demo to prove that it is working
set num to 0 as integer -- This is the type declaration I was talking about. For numbers we have integer, real(float) and number.
set input to "" -- You don't have define everything at the top, but I will do so for this.
on displayNotification()
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1 -- This will target only the first window. For multiple windows you would have to write a repeat with-loop(for-loop), which I'm not going to do, for the sake of simplicity.
tell (first tab whose URL contains webToCheck) -- This targets just the first tab which contains the webToCheck variable.
set input to do JavaScript "document.getElementsByClassName('" & theClass & "')[" & num & "].innerText" -- This is the way I would go about writing the Javascript. I think you had something different in mind, but this works for my example.
display notification (paragraph 1 of input) with title webToCheck -- This displays the first line of my input since that is the relevant part. I also set a title so I doesn't just say "Script Editor"
end tell
end tell
end tell
end displayNotification
repeat 4 times -- I think this is quite obvious. Adjust this to your needs.
delay 4
end repeat
Running this while having not used youtube on Safari in a while it displays this:
Note that this isn't the most elegant solution, but I think it is readable and it (hopefully) works for your needs.

Error in workflow when launched from calendar event

I am making a calendar alarm workflow that pulls text from a website and compares it to the text stored in a local file once a day. I store the text in the two variables "newText" and "oldText" in Automator. With the following apple-script code I try to access and compare these two variables. If they are equal, I want the break out of the workflow.
on run {input, parameters}
set newText to value of variable "newText" of front workflow
set oldText to value of variable "oldText" of front workflow
if newText is equal to oldText then
tell me to quit
end if
end run
The workflow works fine when run from automator, but when launched from the calendar-event I get the following error (second line):
Syntax Error, Expected end of line, etc. but found “"”.
All suggestions appreciated!
Outside of Automator you must wrap the related code in an application tell block
tell application "Automator"
set newText to value of variable "newText" of front workflow
set oldText to value of variable "oldText" of front workflow
end tell
if newText is equal to oldText then
tell me to quit
end if

Applescript: Batch save files in Preview without save dialog

thanks in advance for your help.
New to Applescript.
Trying to open in Preview all files in folder and save them.
The problem is that saving pops up a dialog half the time, which requires me to sit there hitting enter.
tell application "Finder"
set fl to files of folder POSIX file "/Users/myname/Desktop/myfolder/" as alias list
end tell
repeat with f in fl
tell application "Preview"
open f
# Trying to save before the window has appeared will fail.
# Note: - This assumes that NO window was initially open.
# - The code should be made more robust to eventually time out.
repeat until (count of windows) > 0
delay 0.3
end repeat
save front document
close front document
end tell
end repeat
Thank you for the help
I made several PDF files and download from different sites and I get sample of version 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, ..but no 1.6 ! For all of them no issue.
Anyway, because I have not been able to reproduce what you have, I took different approach.
1) I have added at top of the script, a list of encoding/version list which may required special treatment (like hit return key). You can of course amend these 2 lists to manage other cases you may have.
2) I changed your script to allow the script to get encoding and version values of the pdf. This is done by using spotlight data base via shell command 'mdls'. I use it 2 times to get version and encoding characteristics. The shell command returns characters before and after the value we want to get, so I use text x thru Y to extract the encoding and the version itself.
3) if PDF version/encoding are in the list predefined which requires special treatment, then I set OKReturn to true.
4) Just after the save instruction, the script now test if OKReturn is true. then I ask the script to hit return key for you. you may have to adjust this part, for instance, it could be not only 1 return, but 2 or something else. this is something I have not been able to test, because all my pdf are working. please keep in mind that because I simulate return key, you should not use the keyboard during the script run.
based on my test, I don't think the encoding is the blocking criteria. I think the version 1.6 is.Here is the script. It includes comment to make you able to adjust it:
set CodingReturn to {"Mac OS X 10.7.3 Quartz PDFContext"}
set VersionReturn to {"1.6"}
set myFolder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
set fl to files of myFolder as alias list
end tell
repeat with f in fl
set FVersion to do shell script "mdls -name kMDItemVersion " & quoted form of POSIX path of f
set FEncoding to do shell script "mdls -name kMDItemEncodingApplications " & quoted form of POSIX path of f
if (length of FVersion) > 21 then set FVersion to text 19 thru -2 of FVersion -- extract only version number
if (length of FEncoding) > 42 then set FEncoding to text 38 thru -4 of FEncoding -- extract only the coding
set OKReturn to ((FVersion is in VersionReturn) and (FEncoding is in CodingReturn)) -- special treatment true/false
tell application "Preview"
open f
repeat until (count of windows) > 0
delay 0.3
end repeat
save front document
if OKReturn then -- we need special key to be pressed
tell application "System Events" to keystroke return
end if
close front document
end tell
end repeat
I would be very interested to get your feedback about this version.
To save without the "save as" dialog popping up, add "in f". Here "f" was the filename. You could also put in a different path.
save front document in f

print multiple copies of a document Applescripting a printer's app

I'm trying to automate some hard printing.
I already can print one copy of a document accessing the printer's app like this :
tell application "hp LaserJet 2300 series (BDB806)" --my printer's app, could be any other model
print myFile
end tell
This snippet works.
But it becomes tricky when I try to print multiple copies. According to the printer's app dictionnary, I should be able to achieve it by doing :
tell application "hp LaserJet 2300 series (BDB806)"
print myFile with properties {copies:n} -- n being an integer
end tell
But this doesn't work.
Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
Happens the same to me with this code:
set d to ((path to home folder) as string) & "Desktop:" & "untitled.txt"
set n to 3
tell application "EPSON WP-4595 Series"
print d with properties {copies:n}
end tell
Only one copy is printed.
As far as I know nothing is wrong with the code, maybe something is wrong with AppleScript..
Not very elegant but you could always do
repeat n times
print d
end repeat

AppleScript Word Count Service

I am trying to create a service in OSX leopard that counts the number of words of selected text. I have automator set to run an applescript, with the following put in it:
on run {input, parameters}
count words of input
display alert "Words: " & input
return input
end run
When I compile the script, it says it cannot count every word. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the help,
First of all, I presume you are testing this in Automator, and that's where the error is taking place? If so, the likely problem is that there is no input—so it can't count the words of nothing. In order to test it successfully, you need to temporarily add a "Get Specified Text" action before the Run AppleScript action, and enter some test text into that field. You'll have to remove the Get Specified Text action before using it as an actual service.
Secondly, you need to use
count words of (input as string)
in order to get a proper count, otherwise it'll return zero.
I made one here, on Github:
The current source is:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "System Events"
set _appname to name of first process whose frontmost is true
end tell
set word_count to count words of (input as string)
set character_count to count characters of (input as string)
tell application _appname
display alert "" & word_count & " words, " & character_count & " characters"
end tell
return input
end run
Use to create a new service, and then select the Run AppleScript action. Paste this code in to the text box, and save as Word and Character Count. Now switch to a new app, select some text, and open the context menu to find the new option.
