Moving files into a sub directory talend automatic - etl

I want to move folders into another directory using talend. Right now I have the folders inside a directory, and I want to move them into another sub-directory before starting my work on them.
Any ideas how

You can use the tFileList component to iterate on the files in the specified source directory and tFileCopy component to move the files as shown below. Make sure that the File Name is grabbed from the tFileList as shown and that the Remove Source File is selected to remove the file from the original directory. Hope this helps.


VSCode folder structure

I want to change the folder structure.. if you see in the folder "utils" i have another folder called "mocks" well.. what i want is change the structure to see 1 folder by folder.. something like this
Like the "services" folder which have just a 1 file.. i have the same structure, 1 folder inside another and 1 file but in the structure i see 1 folder in the same line. I don't know if i explained me
This is a setting: explorer.compactFolders.
More info here: Compact folders in Explorer.
In the File Explorer, we now render single child folders in a compact form. In such a form, single child folders will be compressed in a combined tree element. Useful for Java package structures, for example.
Setting explorer.compactFolders controls this behavior. By default, this setting is turned on.
In VS Code we have a Setting called Compact File Structure.
If that setting is On then we Compact the structure.
How to turn it off?
Go to settings
Search for: Compact File
Uncheck The compact file structure
Save the file

Dimensions dmcli: is it possible to upload files on a subfolder of a project?

The subject says it all. I have a bunch of files in a local workspace: I am able to select the ones I want with /USER_FILTER parameter, but they are saved related to the root folder of the workset, while I would like to put them in a subfolder.
Apart from moving those files in a local subfolder with the corrisponding name so that they will be put in the correct place, is there some other way to do this from within dmcli?

Publish empty sub folder in MVC5

I have a ASP.Net MVC 5 application. In this application I have an "Images" folder. As a sub folder, I have a "logos" folder which will be filled out by the application when requested.
When I publish (on file system), the sub folder is NOT published.
How can I publish this empty folder (without having to add a "dummy" image)?
Last I knew there was no way around this, and the VS team were aware. I get around it by putting an "empty" web.config in the folder.
I do not understand the need to publish an Empty folder,
Why not just try and create the folder on startup (or when needed)?
It is not even needed to check if it pre-exists as the docs suggest
Any and all directories specified in path are created, unless they
already exist or unless some part of path is invalid. The path
parameter specifies a directory path, not a file path. If the
directory already exists, this method does nothing.

How to add an existing folder on a solution level in vs 2008?

I renamed a folder using Tortoise SVN which creates a new folder.
Now I want to add it again but there is no add existing folder option and I can't show all files at the solution level.
How can it be done?
I know that solution folders are virtual, I would like to import an existing hierachy.
Folders on the solution level correspond to projects. So just add the existing project file (.csproj, .vbproj, .vcproj) to your solution from the new folder (if you have a reference to the project at the old location in your solution, remove it first).
However, if you are talking about a subfolder within a project, quickest way to get it right is to open the project file with a simple text editor like notepad, find the old folder name within there and rename it manually.
It cant be done. Solution folder are 'virtual'. Solution files are just links to the actual file location.

Xcode organization in finder?

I have read all the suggested StackOverflow posts on this question. It bothers me that Xcode will not organize my files in the finder the same way it does in the editor will only do that if I copy files in from an external source and specifically tell it how I want things organized. Is there a way to make Xcode have the Finder respect the same organization as a default? I'd love to create a directory and then a file in that directory, and see the changes in both places.
I hate opening a project and seeing ALL my files in one place.
If you want your Groups structure in Xcode to mirror your Directories structure in the file system (which is also the Folders structure in the Finder), you have to take the following steps when adding files that you want to go into Groups/Subdirectories:
Create the folder in the Finder (or the directory from the command line)
Drag that folder into your Xcode project. Import it as a Group. Make sure its reference style is Relative to Enclosing Group, and that you drop it into the Group that represents its parent directory.
To add new files, select the Group and choose Add Files. The files will be stored in the directory that that Group represents, and they will be within that Group in the Xcode UI.
If your files are not yet under SCM control, one thing you can do is just delete them all from the Xcode project, rearrange them on disk however you want, then drag all the folders and files back in, making sure to not make copies, to create groups, and to set the reference style to Relative to Enclosing Group.
