ERROR at line 1: ORA-00984: column not allowed here - oracle

create table student(id int,name varchar2(20),marks int);
insert into student(id,name,marks) values(545,"wiahr",100);
insert into student values(545,"wiahr",100);
For the above two insertions, I am getting the following error
insert into student(id,name,marks) values(545,"wiahr",100)
* ERROR at line 1: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
can you please help with this.

Per the error message, you're actually using an Oracle database, and with Oracle databases strings should be encapsulated by single quotes:
insert into student(id,name,marks) values(545,'wiahr',100);
(live demo)
Double quotes instead name fields (and fields are invalid in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement).
It's specifically called out in the INSERT documentation:
Character and date literals in the VALUES list must be enclosed by single quotes ('). Numeric literals are not enclosed by quotes.
This is in contrast to MySQL, with which you can use either single- or double-quotes for strings, and backticks introduce fields.

String literals are denoted by single quotes ('), not double quotes ("):
insert into student (id, name, marks) values (545, 'wiahr', 100);
-- Here -------------------------------------------^-----^


How to avoid " " in select statement in column name for column that has numberAlphabet pattern in Oracle?

I have doubts regarding double quote column name in Oracle. I tried creating column name in number_alphabets pattern but this won't work. Then I used double quote and I was able to create table with this column name. When I do select, column name comes within double quote.
I have attached script in here.
"100_title" VARCHAR2(200) NULL
When I do select, in result set, column name will be "100_title" but I do not want "" in it. Is there a way to fix this?
From the Database Object Names and Qualifiers documentation:
Nonquoted identifiers cannot be Oracle Database reserved words. Quoted identifiers can be reserved words, although this is not recommended.
Nonquoted identifiers must begin with an alphabetic character from your database character set. Quoted identifiers can begin with any character.
Nonquoted identifiers can only contain alphanumeric characters from your
database character set and the underscore (_). Database links can contain
periods (.) and "at" signs (#).
Quoted identifiers can contain any characters and punctuations marks as well
as spaces. However, neither quoted nor nonquoted identifiers can contain
double quotation marks or the null character (\0).
So your question:
When I do select, in result set, column name will be "100_title" but I do not want "" in it. Is there a way to fix this?
The column identifier 100_title starts with a non-alphabetic character so by point 6 of that documentation you must use double quotes with the identifier.
How the column name displays depends on the user interface you are using. On db<>fiddle, the column name is displayed without quotes and this will be the same with many other interfaces.
If the user interface you are using only outputs the identifier with surrounding quotes then you could change the identifier from "100_title" to title_100 as this starts with an alphabetic character and contains only alpha-numeric and underscore characters and, thus, does not need to be quoted.
The short version is "no; pick a name that starts with a letter"
If you use a name that starts with a number you'll have to use " every time you mention the column name, and you'll have to get the case right. Your column is called "100_title", not "100_Title" or "100_TITLE"
Call it title_100, then you can refer to it as any case, even TiTLe_100 if you like, and generally your life will be easier

How to retain double quotes in a column while loading a file using SQL Loader

I am trying to load a txt file with | (pipe) delimiter to an Oracle table via SQL loader utility. All the fields are enclosed with double quotes. But there are some text fields in the files that have additional double quotes in addition to the enclosed ones that needs to be retained. All the table columns are defined as VARCHAR. Here's the control parameters am using
INFILE aaa.txt
This is my sample file
"1"|"High "Gold Tip" Tea, 600"
"2"|""10000 Beers, Wines & Spirits""
Table should be loaded with the below details
Record 1:
Column 1 - 1
Column 2 - High "Gold Tip" Tea, 600
Record 2:
Column 1 - 2
Column 2 - 10000 Beers, Wines & Spirits
Unfortunately, there's nothing much to be said.
File format is bad. You can't enclose values into characters that are used in those fields themselves. As data contain double quotes, you'll have to optionally enclose values into something else, not double quotes.
However, as you already split values with pipe characters, what do you need double quotes to optionally enclose those field values? Omit them from the file and you won't have any problem (of such kind, of course; who knows what might come next, but that's another story).

Replace comma with double quotes enclosed comma for all character fields?

In my schema, for a definite set of tables, if any character field contains a comma it must be enclosed in double quotes.How can I achieve this for all the character fields of that set of tables in one go.I am using Oracle 11g?
Not sure if I'm following the question correctly, but maybe this will give you what you need.
Create our example table:
create table foobar (foo varchar2(30));
Populate it with test values:
insert into foobar values ('There is no comma.');
insert into foobar values ('There is, a comma.');
This query will wrap comma-containing values in double-quotes:
select decode(instr(foo,','),0,foo,'"'||foo||'"') from foobar;
And here's the output:
"There is, a comma."
There is no comma.
Here's how it works. The INSTR tests for the presence of a comma in the column. If there is no comma (INSTR returns 0) the DECODE returns the column as is. In all other circumstances (i.e. a comma exists) we wrap the output in double-quotes.
Repeat for each table/column.
It would be simple to use the syntax in an update statement, if that's what you're trying to achieve. So,
update foobar
set foo=decode(instr(foo,','),0,foo,'"'||foo||'"');

Skip hyphen in hive

I have executed a query in HIVE CLI that should generate an External Table .
"create EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hassan( code int, area_name string,
male_60_64 STRUCT,
male_above_65 STRUCT)
It works fine but if I put "-" instead of "_" I will face with error.
"create EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hassan ( code int, area_name string, male-60-64 STRUCT< c1 : string, x-user : string>) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t';"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The answer by Addy already provided an example of how to use a hyphen in a column name. Here is an addition that describes how this works in different versions of Hive, according to the documentation:
In Hive 0.12 and earlier, only
alphanumeric and underscore characters are allowed in table and
column names.
In Hive 0.13 and later, column names can contain any
Unicode character (see HIVE-6013). Any column name that is specified
within backticks (`) is treated literally. Within a backtick string,
use double backticks (``) to represent a backtick character. Backtick
quotation also enables the use of reserved keywords for table and
column identifiers.
To revert to pre-0.13.0 behavior and restrict
column names to alphanumeric and underscore characters, set the
configuration property to none. In
this configuration, backticked names are interpreted as regular
expressions. For details, see Supporting Quoted Identifiers in Column
In addition to that, you can also find the syntax for STRUCT there, which should help you with the error that you mentioned in the comments:
struct_type : STRUCT < col_name : data_type [COMMENT col_comment],
Note that hyphens in complex types (so inside structs) do not appear to be supported.
Try Quoted Identifiers
create table hassan( code int, `area_name` string, `male-60-64` STRUCT, `male-above-65` STRUCT) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t';

How to call ora_hash function inside control file in sql loader?

I'm trying to call a function(ORA_HASH) inside sqlldr but I'm not able to achive the target.
Data File
AKY,90035,"G","DP",20150121,"",0,,,,,,"","E8BD4346-A174-468B-ABC2-1586B81A8267",1,17934,5099627512855,"TEST of CLOROM","",14.00,"",14.00,17934,5099627512855,"TEST of CLOROM",14.00,"ONE TO BE T ONE",344,0,"98027f93-4f1a-44b2-b609-7ffbb041a375",,,AKY8035,"Taken Test","L-20 Shiv Lok"
AKY,8035,"D","DP",20150121,"",0,,,,,,"","E8BD4346-A174-468B-ABC2-1586B81A8267",2,17162,5099627885843,"CEN TESt","",15.00,"",250.00,17162,5099627885843,"CEN TESt",15.00,"ONE TDAILY",3659,0,"09615cc8-77c9-4781-b51f-d44ec85bbe54",,,LLY8035,"Taken Test","L-20 Shiv Lok"
Control file
load data
into table Table_XYZ
fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"'
F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,F13,F14,F15,F16,F17,F18,F19,F20,F21,F22,F23,F24,F25,F26,F27,F28,F29,F30,F31 ORA_HASH(CONCAT(F2,F5,F6,F9,F10,F12,F13,F14,F15,F16,F17,F19,F21,F22)),F32 ORA_HASH(CONCAT(f23,H24,F7,F8,F3)),F33,F34,F35
sqlldr "xxxxx/yyyyy" control=cnt_file.ctl data=abc.txt
whenever I'm executing sqlldr from Linux box I'm getting below error
SQL*Loader-350: Syntax error at line 4.
Expecting "," or ")", found "ORA_HASH".
Any idea
You might consider using a virtual column on the table to which you are loading the data.
For columns which are deterministically based on other column values in the same row, that usually ends up being a more simple solution than anything involving SQL*Loader.
You're doing a few things wrong. The immediate error is because the Oracle function call has to be enclosed in double quotes:
...,F31 "ORA_HASH(CONCAT(F2,F5,F6,...))",...
The second issue is that the concat function only takes two arguments, so you would either have to nest (lots of) concat calls, or more readably use the concatenation operator instead:
...,F31 "ORA_HASH(F2||F5||F6||...)",...
And finally you need to prefix the field names inside your function call with a colon:
...,F31 "ORA_HASH(:F2||:F5||:F6||...)",...
This is explained in the documentation:
The following requirements and restrictions apply when you are using SQL strings:
The SQL string must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
To refer to fields in the record, precede the field name with a colon (:). Field values from the current record are substituted. A field name preceded by a colon (:) in a SQL string is also referred to as a bind variable. Note that bind variables enclosed in single quotation marks are treated as text literals, not as bind variables.
