I'm trying to work out how to expand the camera frustum for some intersection logic that I'm working on.
In short, I need to work out what objects fall not only within the camera frustum, but also that fall within a certain buffer surrounding the camera frustum. The best way I can think of to achieve this is to expand the camera frustum in some way before running the intersection checks.
However, I can't think how best to achieve this. I'm also unsure if there's a better alternative for achieving the same result. I guess if I could find the distance from an object to the nearest frustum plane then that could also work.
All help appreciated.
After re-reading my question I realised that my first port of call should have been to look at how Frustum.intersectsBox() works. It turns out it had everything I needed and by introducing a buffer argument I can effectively expand the frustum by providing a buffer value in world units.
const frustumIntersect = (() => {
const p = new THREE.Vector3()
return (frustum, box, buffer = 0) => {
const planes = frustum.planes
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i ++) {
const plane = planes[i]
p.x = plane.normal.x > 0 ? box.max.x : box.min.x
p.y = plane.normal.y > 0 ? box.max.y : box.min.y
p.z = plane.normal.z > 0 ? box.max.z : box.min.z
if (plane.distanceToPoint(p) < 0 - buffer) {
return false
return true
Which would be called like so to include objects within a 200 unit buffer around the frustum:
frustumIntersect(frustum, yourBox3, 200)
I'm trying to implement "bullet and target collision" problem and create an explosion when collision occurs. I managed to do it using aframe-physics-system which was working good: the explosion was rendering at the exact point of the collision and in the exact time. Now I decided to get rid of the physics system as I don't need such overhead - my only goal is to render an explosion.
I tried to use box.containsPoint as well as Raycaster:
tick(time: number, delta: number): void {
// bullet-component
// ...
// Update speed based on acceleration
this.speed = this.currentAcceleration * .01 * delta;
if (this.speed > this.data.maxSpeed) {
this.speed = this.data.maxSpeed;
// there is an initial position and direction set in data property.
const newBulletPosition = this.position.add(this.direction.multiplyScalar(this.speed));
// targets is an array of boxes
const found = this._detectCollision(newBulletPosition, this.targets);
if (found) {
this.el.emit("collide", {
coordinates: newBulletPosition//found
this.el.object3D.position.set(newBulletPosition.x, newBulletPosition.y, newBulletPosition.z);
_detectCollision(point: THREE.Vector3, obj: THREE.Object3D[]): THREE.Vector3 | null {
const ray = new THREE.Raycaster(point,
const intersects = ray.intersectObjects(obj, true);
return intersects.length % 2 === 1 ? intersects[0].point : null;
_box: new THREE.Box3(),
_inverseWorldMatrix: new THREE.Matrix4(),
_detectCollision2(point: THREE.Vector3, obj: THREE.Object3D): THREE.Vector3 | null {
this._inverseBulletPosition.set(point.x, point.y, point.z);
return this._box.containsPoint(this._inverseBulletPosition);
But both approaches have the following flaw:
On frame X the bullet is just in front of a box, but in frame X+1 it is already behind this box. For some reason in this case there might be desirable intersections, but the last bullet position is different than the intersection. Which causes the explosion to be rendered in a wrong position. So, the second approach works only if bullet during it's "jumps" appears inside of a box which is far from being frequent.
The question is how in this case I can repeat the behaviour I had with physics system:
Bullet is moving relatively fast
The intersection is being detected instantly once a bullet crosses any face of a box, so there is no "jump" in bullet's movement.
Thanks in advance.
This is a common problem when trying to recreate the calculations of a physics engine. Since your bullet is too small and sometimes travels beyond the wall in between frames, I see two options:
On frame x+1 you could calculate how much distance has been traveled since frame x, and use that as the size of the bullet. If the plane is crossed in the distance travelled between x -> x1, then you know you've had a collision.
If collision points don't move, you could use a THREE.Raycaster and calculate the point of collision pre-emptively, so you'll know where the bullet will hit before that point is reached:
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
shoot() {
raycaster.set(origin, direction);
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(arrayOfWalls);
// No intersection took place
if (intersects[0] == undefined) return;
// How far away from origin the collision takes place.
// The Vector3 where the bullet crosses the wall
You can read more about Raycasters in the docs.
Thanks to #Marquizzo, I ended up with the following solution:
I'm casting a ray from the bullet position to the position of the gun. If there is 1 intersection, then the bullet is inside of the box, so I can render an explosion at the intersection position. But if there are two intersections I will take the second one as it will be more far from the ray origin point and hence closer to the gun. But also I had to calculate the distance between the bullet position and the intersection which as was advised should be less than the distance bullet passed between the frames:
tick(time: number, delta: number): void {
const el = this.el;
if (!el) {
console.warn("AFRAME entity is undefined.");
// Update acceleration based on the friction
// Update speed based on acceleration
this.speed = this.currentAcceleration * 0.05 * delta;
if (this.speed > this.data.maxSpeed) {
this.speed = this.data.maxSpeed;
// Set new position
const newBulletPosition = this.temps.position.add(this.temps.direction.multiplyScalar(this.speed));
if (newBulletPosition.length() >= FADE_DISTANCE) {
const found = this._detectCollision(newBulletPosition, this.targetCollisionShapes);
if (found) {
const jumpDistance = newBulletPosition.clone().sub(this.el.object3D.position).length();
const collisionDistance = newBulletPosition.clone().sub(found).length();
if (collisionDistance < jumpDistance) {
this.el.emit("collide", {
target: this.target,
coordinates: found
} as CollisionEvent);
this.el.object3D.position.set(newBulletPosition.x, newBulletPosition.y, newBulletPosition.z);
_detectCollision(point: THREE.Vector3, obj: THREE.Object3D[]): THREE.Vector3 | null {
const ray = new THREE.Raycaster(point, this.direction.clone().multiplyScalar(-1).normalize());
const intersects = ray.intersectObjects(obj, true);
return intersects.length % 2 === 1
? intersects[0].point
: intersects.length > 1 ? intersects[1].point : null;
Let’s say I want to make 100 objects - for example cars, like the one you see here:
This car is currently comprised of 5 meshes: one yellow Cube and four blue Spheres
What I’d like to know is what would be the most efficient/correct way to make 100 of these cars - or maybe 500 - in terms of memory management/ CPU performance, etc.
The way I’m currently going about doing this is as follows:
Make an empty THREE.Group called “newCarGroup” -
Create the yellow rectangular Mesh for the body of the car - called “carBodyMesh”
Create four blue Sphere Meshes for the Tires called “tire1Mesh”, “tire2Mesh”, “tire3Mesh”, and “tire4Mesh”
Add the Body and the four Tires to the “newCarGroup”
And finally, in a FOR loop, create/instantiate 100 “newCarGroup” objects, adding each one to the SCENE at a random position
The code is below.
It's working perfectly well right now, but I’d like to know if this is the “proper”/best way to do this?
Consider it’s possible I might end up needing 1,000 cars - or 5,000 cars. So will this scale properly?
Also, I need to add more objects to the car: like 4 windows - actually make that 6 windows, to also include the front and back windshields, then four headlights, etc.
So the final Car Object alone may end up being comprised of 20 meshes - or more.
Being that I’m kinda new to THREE.JS I wanna make sure I develop good habits and go about this sort of thing the right way.
Here’s my code:
function makeOneCar() {
var newCarGroup = new THREE.Group();
// 1. CAR-Body:
const bodyGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(30, 10, 10);
const bodyMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ color: "yellow" } );
const carBodyMesh = new THREE.Mesh(bodyGeometry, bodyMaterial);
// 2. TIRES:
const tireGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(2, 16, 16);;
const tireMaterial = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: "blue" } );
const tire1Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(tireGeometry, tireMaterial);
const tire2Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(tireGeometry, tireMaterial);
const tire3Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(tireGeometry, tireMaterial);
const tire4Mesh = new THREE.Mesh(tireGeometry, tireMaterial);
// TIRE 1 Position:
tire1Mesh.position.x = carBodyMesh.position.x - 11;
tire1Mesh.position.y = carBodyMesh.position.y - 4.15;
tire1Mesh.position.z = carBodyMesh.position.z + 4.5;
// TIRE 2 Position:
tire2Mesh.position.x = carBodyMesh.position.x + 11;
tire2Mesh.position.y = carBodyMesh.position.y - 4.15;
tire2Mesh.position.z = carBodyMesh.position.z + 4.5;
// TIRE 3 Position:
tire3Mesh.position.x = carBodyMesh.position.x - 11;
tire3Mesh.position.y = carBodyMesh.position.y - 4.15;
tire3Mesh.position.z = carBodyMesh.position.z - 4.5;
// TIRE 4 Position:
tire4Mesh.position.x = carBodyMesh.position.x + 11;
tire4Mesh.position.y = carBodyMesh.position.y - 4.15;
tire4Mesh.position.z = carBodyMesh.position.z - 4.5;
// Putting it all together:
// Setting (x, y, z) Coordinates - RANDOMLY
let randy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let newCarGroupX = randy % 2 == 0 ? Math.random() * 250 : Math.random() * -250;
let newCarGroupY = 0.0;
let newCarGroupZ = randy % 2 == 0 ? Math.random() * 250 : Math.random() * -250;
newCarGroup.position.set(newCarGroupX, newCarGroupY, newCarGroupZ)
function makeCars() {
for(var carCount = 0; carCount < 100; carCount ++) {
I’d like to know if this is the “proper”/best way to do this?
This is subjective. You say the method works great for your current use-case, so for that use-case, it is fine.
So will this scale properly?
The simple answer is: No. The more complex answer is: ...not really.
You're re-using the geometry and materials, which is good. But every Mesh you create has meta information surrounding it, which adds to your overall memory footprint.
Also, every standard Mesh you add incurs what is known as a "draw call", which is the GPU drawing that particular shape. Instead, take a look at InstancedMesh. This allows the GPU to be given instructions on how to draw the shape throughout the scene once. Yes, rather than drawing each cube individually, the GPU can draw all the cubes at the same time, and they can even have different colors and transformations. There are limitations to this class, but it's a good starting point to understanding how instancing works.
I know a method from Unity whichs is very useful to convert a screen position to a world position : https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint.html
I've been looking for something similar in A-Frame/THREE.js, but I didn't find anything.
Is there an easy way to convert a screen position to a world position in a plane which is positioned a given distance from the camera ?
This is typically done using Raycaster. An equivalent function using three.js would be written like this:
function screenToWorldPoint(screenSpaceCoord, target = new THREE.Vector3()) {
// convert the screen-space coordinates to normalized device coordinates
// (x and y ranging from -1 to 1):
const ndc = new THREE.Vector2()
ndc.x = 2 * screenSpaceCoord.x / screenWidth - 1;
ndc.y = 2 * screenSpaceCoord.y / screenHeight - 1;
// `Raycaster` can be used to convert this into a ray:
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
raycaster.setFromCamera(ndc, camera);
// finally, apply the distance:
return raycaster.ray.at(screenSpaceCoord.z, target);
Note that coordinates in browsers are usually measured from the top/left corner with y pointing downwards. In that case, the NDC calculation should be:
ndc.y = 1 - 2 * screenSpaceCoord.y / screenHeight;
Another note: instead of using a set distance in screenSpaceCoord.z you could also let three.js compute an intersection with any Object in your scene. For that you can use raycaster.intersectObject() and get a precise depth for the point of intersection with that object. See the documentation and various examples linked here: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/core/Raycaster
I need to orient one node to point its Z-axis at another node in 3D. Yeah, the perfect job for the LookAtConstraint. And for most of my work LookAt is fine. But when I apply LookAt to a particular node, I can no longer animate that node's translation with SCNAction. Picture a hydrogen atom leaving a molecule as it ionizes. The orientation is needed to properly rotate the bond (a cylinder) bewteen the hydrogen and an oxygen atom on the molecule.
I can orient the bond FROM the oxygen TO the hydrogen and animate. But this disorients most of the other bonds which were getting by just fine with LookAt's.
I gave this a mighty try before realizing it answers a somewhat different question:
Calculate rotations to look at a 3D point?
I had a similar issue with a project. What I eventually realized was that I need to use multiple constraints. One for translation (movement) and the other using the look at constraint.
I would move the object and then apply the look at constraint; in this case, it was a camera following an objects being moved using actions. Code snippet follows:
let targetNodeConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: someObject)
targetNodeConstraint.gimbalLockEnabled = true
let followObjectConstraint = SCNTransformConstraint(inWorldSpace: true, withBlock: { (node, matrix) -> SCNMatrix4 in
let transformMatrix = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(
self.someObject.position.x - 1.0,
self.someObject.position.y, self.someObject.position.z + 1.0)
return transformMatrix
// Position the object behind the other object & rotate it to
roadCamera.constraints = [followObjectConstraint, targetNodeConstraint]
The important thing to note is the order in which the constraints are added to the object using an array. In the code above, I am ignoring the current matrix before I apply a transform matrix (I should re-write this code someday)
The complete source code of this "experiment" is on GitHub as I try things out.
Hopefully, this is helpful.
My solution here. Deal with situation that node continuously translate in space and should always toward a position.
func yew(_ node:SCNNode, toPosition position:SCNVector3) -> Float
var eularAngle = SCNVector3Zero
let tranform = node.transform
var forward = GLKVector3Make(tranform.m31, tranform.m32, tranform.m33)
var toWard = GLKVector3Make(position.x - node.position.x, position.y - node.position.y, position.z - node.position.z)
forward = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3Make(forward.x, 0, forward.z))
toWard = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3Make(toWard.x, 0, toWard.z))
var dotProduct = GLKVector3DotProduct(forward,toWard)
dotProduct = (dotProduct > 1) ? 1 : ((dotProduct < -1) ? -1 : dotProduct)
var yew = acos(dotProduct)
if yew < 0 {
//toward is clockwise of forward
let isCW = GLKVector3CrossProduct(forward, toWard).y < 0
if isCW {
yew = -yew
eularAngle.y = yew
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(eularAngle.x + wrapperNode.eulerAngles.x,
eularAngle.y + wrapperNode.eulerAngles.y,
eularAngle.z + wrapperNode.eulerAngles.z)
return yew
func pitch(_ node:SCNNode, toPosition position:SCNVector3) -> Float{
var eularAngle = SCNVector3Zero
let tranform = node.transform
var toWard = GLKVector3Make(position.x - node.position.x, position.y - node.position.y, position.z - node.position.z)
var forward = GLKVector3Make(tranform.m31, tranform.m32, tranform.m33)
forward = GLKVector3Normalize(forward)
toWard = GLKVector3Normalize(toWard)
var dotProduct = GLKVector3DotProduct(forward,toWard)
dotProduct = (dotProduct > 1) ? 1 : ((dotProduct < -1) ? -1 : dotProduct)
var pitch = acos(dotProduct)
//toward is clockwise of forward, if right vector of model and crossProfuct.x has same direction
let crossProduct = GLKVector3CrossProduct(forward, toWard)
let isCW = (crossProduct.x <= 0) != (tranform.m11 <= 0)
if isCW {
pitch = -pitch
eularAngle.x = pitch
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(eularAngle.x + node.eulerAngles.x,
eularAngle.y + node.eulerAngles.y,
eularAngle.z + node.eulerAngles.z)
return pitch
func orient(_ node:SCNNode, toPosition position:SCNVector3) {
self.yew(node, toPosition: position)
self.pitch(node, toPosition: position)
I'm working on a 3D scene viewer with the HOOPS Engine
I want to implement support for a 3D mouse. Everything is working fine but there is one remaining problem I don't know how to solve:
I move my camera with following formula:
HC_Dolly_Camera(-(factor.x * this->m_speed), factor.y * this->m_speed, factor.z * this->m_speed);
this->m_speed is dependent on scene extents. But if the scene is really big (e.g. a airport) the camera speed is on a deep zoom level ridiculous fast.
My first attempt was to implement a kind of damping factor which is dependent on the distance from objects to my camera. It works ... somehow. Sometimes I noticed ugly "bouncing effects" which I can avoid with smooth acceleration and a modified cosine function.
But my question is: Is there a best practice to reduce camera speed in closeup situations in a 3D scene? My approach is working, but I think it is not a good solution due it uses many raycasts.
Best regards,
My code
if(int res = HC_Compute_Selection_By_Area(this->view->GetDriverPath(), ".", "v", -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5) > 0)
float window_x, window_y, window_z, camera_x, camera_y, camera_z;
double dist_length = 0;
double shortest_dist = this->max_world_extent;
HC_Show_Selection_Position(&window_x, &window_y, &window_z, &camera_x, &camera_y, &camera_z);
// Compute distance vector
this->dist.Set(cam.position.x - camera_x, cam.position.y - camera_y, cam.position.z - camera_z);
dist_length = sqrt(pow((cam.position.x - camera_x), 2) + pow((cam.position.y - camera_y), 2) + pow((cam.position.z - camera_z), 2));
if(dist_length < shortest_dist)
shortest_dist = dist_length;
// Reduced computation
// Compute damping factor
damping_factor = ((1 - 8) / (this->max_world_extent - 1)) * (shortest_dist - 1) + 8;
// Difference to big? (Gap)
if(qFabs(damping_factor - damping_factor * 0.7) < qFabs(damping_factor - this->last_damping_factor))
this->smooth_damping = true;
this->damping_factor_to_reach = damping_factor; // this is the new damping factor we have to reach
this->freezed_damping_factor = this->last_damping_factor; // damping factor before gap.
if(this->last_damping_factor > damping_factor) // Negative acceleration
this->acceleration = false;
else // Acceleration
this->acceleration = true;
this->last_damping_factor = damping_factor;
if(this->freezed_damping_factor -= 0.2 >= 1);
damping_factor = this->freezed_damping_factor +
(((this->damping_factor_to_reach - this->freezed_damping_factor) / 2) -
((this->damping_factor_to_reach - this->freezed_damping_factor) / 2) *
qCos(M_PI * this->damping_step)); // cosine function between freezed and to reach
this->last_damping_factor = damping_factor;
if(damping_factor >= this->damping_factor_to_reach)
this->smooth_damping = false;
this->damping_step = 0;
this->freezed_damping_factor = 0;
} // Reset
if(this->freezed_damping_factor += 0.2 >= 1);
damping_factor = this->damping_factor_to_reach +
((this->freezed_damping_factor - this->damping_factor_to_reach) -
(((this->freezed_damping_factor - this->damping_factor_to_reach) / 2) -
((this->freezed_damping_factor - this->damping_factor_to_reach) / 2) *
qCos(M_PI * this->damping_step))); // cosine functio between to reach and freezed
this->last_damping_factor = damping_factor;
if(damping_factor <= this->damping_factor_to_reach)
this->smooth_damping = false;
this->damping_step = 0;
this->freezed_damping_factor = 0;
} // Reset
this->damping_step += 0.01; // Increase the "X"
I've never used the HOOPS engine, but do you have any way to get the closest object to the camera? You could scale your speed with this value, so your camera gets slower close to objects.
Even better would be to take the closest point on bounding-box instead of center of object. This would improve the behaviour close to big objects like long walls/floor.
Another solution I'd try would be to raycast through the view center to look for the first object and use the distance the same way. In this approach you'll not be slowed down by objects behind you. You may also add additional raycast points, like in 1/4 of screen and blend resulting values, so you have more constant speed scale.
What I understand from your question is that you want a way to steer camera through large scenes, like an airport and still be able to move slowly close to the objects. I don't think there's some 'universal' way of doing it. All will depend on your Engine/API features and specific needs. If all those solutions doesn't work, maybe you should try with paper and pen ;) .
You said that m_speed is dependent on scene extent, I guess this dependency is linear (by linear I mean if you are measuring the scene extend with something called sExtent, m_speed equals c*sExtent that c is some constant coefficient).
So to make m_speed dependent on scene extent but avoid huge m_speed for large scale scenes , I suggest to make dependency of m_speed to sExtent non-linear, like logarithmic dependency:
m_speed = c*log(sExtent+1)
This way your m_speed will be bigger if scene is bigger, but not in the same ratio. you also can use radical to create non-linear dependency. below you can compare these functions: