Wkhtmltopdf failed (error code: -8). Message: b' in odoo 12 in ubuntu 18.04 - wkhtmltopdf

I have tried to install wkhtml2pdf in odoo12 in ubuntu 18.04 but i could not get the report.and I can't uninstall the wkhtmltopdf

I have also a problem like Wkhtmltopdf failed (error code: -8) only when I wanted to send-email or print, but I managed to overcome this as:
1. First, go to /opt/odoo12/odoo folder.
2. Now, Install wkhtmltopdf as,sudo apt-get install -y wkhtmltopdf
3. Stop and start odoo server.
Try this once, if it might help you solve this problem.


orientjs install issues both on windows and ubuntu

I installed orientjs with npm on windows and ubuntu.
When I execute the file that requires orientjs, it gives node-gyp rebuild error on windows and can not find module 'arrify' on ubuntu.
On Windows
I tried hundreds of times with binding.gyp and binding.cc files.
I also tried npm install --global --production windows-build-tools, but it didn't work.
On Ubuntu
When I install 'arrify', it gives another error of 'parse-function'.
Could you help me fix these?
These are the error image of ubuntu and windows.
enter image description here
enter image description here
There is an issue with the parse-function package that causes this issue. The OrientJS team fixed it by hard-coding the version of parse-function. Should be resolved per: https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientjs/pull/416/commits/0ab736b351e89374bbc1c0bafbd71b567ccdd8bd

Error: unable to locate package libpam-google-authenticator

I'm having trouble setting up 2 factor authentication in Ubuntu Server 18.04.
I'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntuboss.com/how-to-set-up-2-factor-authentication-in-ubuntu-server-18-04/
But on the first step when I try to install the package I get the package not found error as seen in the title.
sudo apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator
I have looked around to see if the package has been updated and goes by a different name and I am sure I have the most recent version of the package manager.
Has the package changed or is there anyway around this problem.
Had the same problem. Turned out it's because Ubuntu Server doesn't include the Universe Repository.
Add this line
sudo add-apt-repository universe
Then run the command again and it will install.
I found a way round this issue,
/tmp$ wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/326531917/libpam-google-authenticator_20170702-1_amd64.deb
I was able to manually install it via this link and installed the missing dependencies the same way and was able to finish the tutorial as normal.

command not found: tensorflowjs_converter

I'm trying to convert a frozen model graph file (.pb file) to tensorflowjs model file using tensorflowjs-convertor.
As mentioned in their documentation , I've installed tensorflowjs package with below command :
pip install tensorflowjs
While running the command to convert , it throws this error :
zsh: command not found: tensorflowjs_converter
Looks like that command is still not available after installing the package. I couldn't find any useful workaround regarding this. Can anyone help fixing this please ?
Make sure your pip install tensorflowjs completes successfully, before trying to use tensorflowjs_converter.
It doesn't work on Ubuntu either (Tensorflow 2.0.0, Dec. 2019). Running pip with sudo doesn't help.

Firefox 45.0.2 installation on Debian

I'm not able to install Firefox 45.0.2 on my Debian system. I have downloaded the .tar file and followed the steps. While checking the version, I'm getting the below error. I'm not able to launch Firefox with
firefox -v
Error: bash: /usr/bin/firefox: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
I was able to install and use other Firefox versions without any issues.
try this
sudo apt-get install firefox=45.0.2+build1-0ubuntu1

Cannot install Logentries Mac Agent on OS X Yosemite

I tried to install Logentries (Mac Agent) as instructed by the website itself. I followed the steps as instructed.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/logentries/le/master/install/mac/install.sh
I downloaded the install.sh script and ran sudo ./install.sh. But that didn't work so I tried sudo sh install.sh.
When I do sudo le then I get same error message as marked in pic above.
I googled but didn't find the solution.
Thank you in advance.
Here is composer.json content
it's missing the formats directory.
sudo pip install formats
should resolve your issue here, then sudo sh install.sh
#user5384112 is correct, the error is being caused by a missing dependancy.
I have a PR to fix this for the Mac installer which should go live shortly.
You can install directly with by downloading with curl or download and install it. You should first look for missing dependencies before installing anything. You should have looked carefully in the documentation and error messages. The error clearly suggests you should have formats. for that do following
sudo pip install formats
