Bash why quotes in while cycles make different behaviour? - bash

I wanted to read an input $1 using parameters. I used this code:
while [ -n "$1" ]
case $1 in
-dt) do something;;
Why if I remove those quotes in the while instruction the script is stuck in a permanent loop? Quotes should let you evaluate a string making special characters like normal characters but I'm not inserting any special character in the input and anyway it has a different behavior with or without quotes

Without the quotes, when $1 is empty, [ -n $1 ] will become [ -n ] which means [ -n "-n" ] which is TRUE.
According to bash manual:
test and [ evaluate conditional expressions using a set of rules
based on the number of arguments.
0 arguments
The expression is false.
1 argument
The expression is true if and only if the argument is not null.


Bash script creates a file which it shouldn't be

This following script will creates a file named "Happy", i couldn't figure out why, can someone try this script and tell me what is happening?
if [ "$str2">"$str3" ]
then echo "$str2 is greater than $str3"
elif [ "$str2"<"$str3" ]
then echo "$str2 is less than $str3"
[ is just a (silly) alias for the test command; everything following it (including the mandatory closing ]) is an argument. (What you have is treated the same as if test "$str2">"$str3".)
There are two issues:
The operands and the operators need to be separated by whitespace.
# still not quite right, but ...
if [ "$str2" > "$str3" ]
Since > and < are interpreted as redirection operators by the shell, they have to be escaped so that they are passed as arguments to [.
if [ "$str2 \> "$str3" ]
(You might think just escaping the operator would be sufficient; however, "$str2"\>"$str3" would be treated as a single string argument to test rather than three separate arguments which test will interpret as an expression. test "$str2"\>"$str3" would simply check if the single argument is empty or not.)
Since you are using bash, it's far simpler to just use [[ instead of [. [[ is not a regular command; it's special syntax recognized by bash, so that normal processing rules don't apply. Most relevant here is that > is a string comparison operator, not a redirection operator, so it doesn't need to be escaped.
if [[ $str2 > $str3 ]]
If you rewrite the code as follows:
if [[ "$str2" > "$str3" ]]
then echo "$str2 is greater than $str3"
elif [[ "$str2" < "$str3" ]]
then echo "$str2 is less than $str3"
then the comparisons should occur correctly and you can avoid inadvertent file creation. The extra pair of "[" and "]" takes the code out of test context, allowing for comparison and avoids file creation. More info here which states the following:
Note that the ">" needs to be escaped within a [ ] construct.
Note that the "<" needs to be escaped within a [ ] construct.
The reason is that in a test context, i.e. using only a single pair of square brackets as in the OP code, ">" and "<" are interpreted as redirection operators. So, instead of meaning greater than and less than respectively, ">" means direct the output of a command to a file whereas "<" means give input to a command.

Unix shell - file test operator without argument

prompt> if [ -f ]; then echo "true"; fi
Why does the if condition evaluate to true? Isn't -f supposed to need an argument?
prompt> if [ -f $1 ]; then echo "true"; fi
Does it mean I always need to check if the argument $1 is not empty before proceeding to the if condition?
The reason [ -f ] results in a successful exit code is because of this bit from the manual:
-n string
True if the length of string is non-zero.
Which is also explained here when talking about test/[:
The test and [ builtins evaluate conditional expressions using a set
of rules based on the number of arguments.
0 arguments
The expression is false.
1 argument
The expression is true if and only if the argument is not null.
2 arguments
If the first argument is ‘!’, the expression is true if and only if the second argument is null. If the first argument is one of the unary conditional operators (see Bash Conditional Expressions), the expression is true if the unary test is true. If the first argument is not a valid unary operator, the expression is false.
3 arguments
4 arguments
5 or more arguments
So while you expect to be using the two argument test the shell sees the one argument version and tests the string -f against the null string.
That is [ word ] is equivalent to [ -n word ].
You can avoid this problem by quoting your variable in the test:
if [ -f "$1" ]; then echo true; fi
In general you want to always quote variable expansions.
You can avoid that scenario using if [[ ]] syntax or simply by quoting the variable $1 in your current code.
if [ -f "$1" ]; then echo "true"; fi
if [[ -f $1 ]]; then echo "true"; fi
Note: Always try to quote variables.

sh shell double if statement

Can anyone see what I did wrong here? I keep getting the following error message: [[: not found
read INPUT
if [[ "$INPUT" -ge 1 ]] && [[ "$INPUT" -le 10 ]]; then
Do something
printf "Please enter a value between 1 and 10"
[[ is not available in scripts which start with #!/bin/sh, or which are started with sh yourscript. Start your script with #!/bin/bash if you want to use it.
See also
If you are going to use bash, by the way, there's a better syntax for numeric comparisons:
if (( input >= 1 && input <= 10 )); then ...
Note that lower-case variable names are preferred for local use -- all-upper-case names are reserved for environment variables and shell builtins.
If you're not going to use bash, use the POSIX test operator:
if [ "$input" -ge 1 ] && [ "$input" -le 10 ]; then ...
Note that when using [ ] correct quoting is essential, whereas with [[ ]] it is often superfluous; also, [ ] is missing some extensions such as pattern-matching and regular-expression operators.
It's complicated:
First, there are three separate ways of constructing your if statement. Each way has its own unique syntax on how to join two booleans. (Actually, there are four ways since one way allows you to use list operators).
A little background...
The if command is a compound command built into the shell. The if command executes the commands following the if. If that command returns a zero value, the if statement is considered true and the then clause executes. Otherwise, if it exists, the else clause will execute. Remember, the if is just a command. You can do things like this:
if ! mv "$foo" "$bar"
echo "I can't move $foo to $bar"
exit 2
What we need is a command to do some testing for us. If the test succeeds, that test command returns an exit code of zero. If not, it returns a non-zero exit code. Then, it could be used with the if command!
The test command (Yes, there's really one!).
The [ is an alias for the test command which was created to allow you to test files, strings, and numbers for the if statement. (This is now a built in command in Bash, but its roots are actually part of /bin/test and /bin/[). These are the same:
if test "$foo" -eq "$bar"
if [ "$foo" -eq "$bar" ]
The test command (if you read the manpage has a -a And test and a -o Or test. You could have done:
if [ "$INPUT" -ge 1 -a "$INPUT" -le 10 ]
This is a single test statement with three test parameters (-ge, -a, and -le).
Using List Operators
This isn't the only way to do a compound boolean test. The Bash shell has two list operators: && and ||. The list operators go in between two commands. If you use && and the left hand command returns a non-zero exit code, the right hand command is not executed, and the entire list returns the exit value of the left-hand command. If you use ||, and the left hand command succeeds, the right hand command is not executed, and the entire list returns a zero exit value. If the first command returns a non-zero exit value, the right-hand command is executed, and the entire list returns the exit value of the right-hand command.
That's why you can do things like this:
[ $bar -eq 0 ] || echo "Bar doesn't have a zero value"!
Since [ ... ] is just a command that returns a zero or non-zero value, we can use these list operators as part of our test:
if [ "$INPUT" -ge 1 ] && [ "$INPUT" -le 10 ]
Note that this is two separate tests and are separated by a && list operator.
Bash's Special [[ compound command
In Kornshell, Zsh, and Bash, there are special compound commands for testing. These are the double square brackets. They appear to be just like the single square brackets command, but because they're compound commands, parsing is affected.
For example:
foo="This has white space"
bar="" #No value
if [ ! $foo = $bar ] # Doesn't work!
The shell expands $foo and $bar and the test will become:
if [ This has white space = ]
which just doesn't work. However,
if [[ $foo != $bar ]]
works fine because of special parsing rules. The double brackets allow you to use parentheses for grouping and && and || as boolean operators. Thus:
if [[ $INPUT -ge 1 && $INPUT -le 10 ]]
Note that the && appears inside a single set of double square brackets. (Note there's no need for quotation marks)
Mathematical Boolean Expression
Bash has built in mathematical processing including mathematical boolean expressions. If you put something between double parentheses, Bash will evaluate it mathematically:
if (( $INPUT >= 1 && $INPUT <= 10 ))
In this case, (( $INPUT >= 1 && $INPUT <= 10 )) is evaluated. If $INPUT is between 1 and 10 inclusively, the mathematical expression will evaluate as true (zero exit code), and thus the then clause will be executed.
So, you can:
Use the original test (single square brackets) command and use the -a to string together two boolean statements in a single test.
Use list operators to string together two separate test commands (single square brackets).
Use the newer compound test command (double square brackets) that now include && and || as boolean operators, so you have a single compound test.
Forget about test command and just use mathematical evaluation (double parentheses) to evaluate boolean expressions.
Test Constructs Can Vary by Shell
As has been mentioned in other posts, [[ is a Bash shell keyword that isn't present in the Bourne shell. You can see this from a Bash prompt with:
type '[['
[[ is a shell keyword
In a Bourne shell, you will instead get "command not found."
Be More Portable: Use the -a Test Operator
A more portable construct is to use the -a test operator to join conditions (see man test for details). For example:
if [ "$INPUT" -ge 1 -a "$INPUT" -le 10 ]; then
: # do something when both conditions are true
: # do something when either condition is false
This will work in every Bourne-compatible shell I've ever used, and on any system that has a /bin/\[ executable.

Testing against -n option in BASH scripts always returns true

I am writing a bash script, in which I am trying to check if there are particular parameters provided. I've noticed a strange (at least for me) behavior of [ -n arg ] test. For the following script:
if [ -n $1 ]; then
echo "The 1st argument is of NON ZERO length"
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "The 1st argument is of ZERO length"
I am getting results as follows:
with no parameters:
xylodev#ubuntu:~$ ./
The 1st argument is of NON ZERO length
The 1st argument is of ZERO length
with parameters:
xylodev#ubuntu:~$ ./ foobar
The 1st argument is of NON ZERO length
I've already found out that enclosing $1 in double quotes gives me the results as expected, but I still wonder why both tests return true when quotes are not used and the script is called with no parameters? It seems that $1 is null then, so [ -n $1 ] should return false, shouldn't it?
Quote it.
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
Without the quotes, if $1 is empty, you execute [ -n ], which is true*, and if $1 is not empty, then it's obviously true.
* If you give [ a single argument (excluding ]), it is always true. (Incidentally, this is a pitfall that many new users fall into when they expect [ 0 ] to be false). In this case, the single string is -n.

Why doesn't [[ ... ]] work when script called with sh, while [ ... ] works always?

if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "no arg"
echo "have arg"
When I ran it as
it said "no arg", which was expected, but if I run it as
sh ./
it prints "have arg", but it you print $#, it's zero in both cases.
However, the script below
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "no arg"
echo "have arg"
prints "no arg" in both cases.
Could somebody explain this? Why does [[ ... ]] interpret $# differently from [ ... ]?
The explanations I've read about [[ ... ]] weren't clear enough about this.
/bin/sh is often a different shell interpreter than bash. On my ubuntu system, it's a symlink to dash. The different shells have different syntax.
[ foo ] and test foo are equivalent in both bash and dash.
[[ foo ]] is a bash expression that is similar to [ ] tests, but with some differences that are noted in man bash.
Dash does not have a [[ command, which results in an error-exitcode, and the execution of the else branch.
[[ expression ]]
Return a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the
conditional expression expression. Expressions are composed of
the primaries described below under CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS.
Word splitting and pathname expansion are not performed on the
words between the [[ and ]]; tilde expansion, parameter and
variable expansion, arithmetic expansion, command substitution,
process substitution, and quote removal are performed. Condi‐
tional operators such as -f must be unquoted to be recognized as
When the == and != operators are used, the string to the right
of the operator is considered a pattern and matched according to
the rules described below under Pattern Matching. If the shell
option nocasematch is enabled, the match is performed without
regard to the case of alphabetic characters. The return value
is 0 if the string matches (==) or does not match (!=) the pat‐
tern, and 1 otherwise. Any part of the pattern may be quoted to
force it to be matched as a string.
An additional binary operator, =~, is available, with the same
precedence as == and !=. When it is used, the string to the
right of the operator is considered an extended regular expres‐
sion and matched accordingly (as in regex(3)). The return value
is 0 if the string matches the pattern, and 1 otherwise. If the
regular expression is syntactically incorrect, the conditional
expression's return value is 2. If the shell option nocasematch
is enabled, the match is performed without regard to the case of
alphabetic characters. Any part of the pattern may be quoted to
force it to be matched as a string. Substrings matched by
parenthesized subexpressions within the regular expression are
saved in the array variable BASH_REMATCH. The element of
BASH_REMATCH with index 0 is the portion of the string matching
the entire regular expression. The element of BASH_REMATCH with
index n is the portion of the string matching the nth parenthe‐
sized subexpression.
In my case (ubuntu 9.04) I also see the following error line ABOVE the "have arg" line:
./ 6: [[: not found
And indeed that's as it should be; /bin/sh is a symbolic link to 'dash' not 'bash'.
