Can i give sed an array for its path? - bash

I'm new to the world of macOS and Unix, but I have to work with it.
My question is: Am I able to give the sed-command an array, which contains paths, so that sed uses the contained variable as a path?
I try to manipulate the dock of a User, that I have identified before that.
My code to this point is this:
for change in '${plistToModify[#]}'
sed 's<_CFURLSTRING>file:///Applications/</_CFURLSTRING>#<_CFURLSTRING>file:///Applications/</_CFURLSTRING>#' '${plistToModify[$change]}'
killall Dock
(I switched the name of the app, fyi)
I tried double-quoting the array at the beginning of the for-loop and at the end of sed, but nothing worked
The array contains a unknown number of paths, which look like this:
Is this possible in the first place or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.

Yes, sed can handle multiple files, whether they come from an array or not does not matter.
Your Specific Case
In your specific example you can write
sed 'yourSedCommand' "${plistToModify[#]}"
General Case
sed 'cmd' file1 file2 file3 is the same as a=(file1 file2 file3); sed 'cmd' "${a[#]}". Bash expands "${a[#]}" before sed even runs. There is no way for sed to tell the difference.
sed itself will handle multiple files as if it was one big file, therefore sed 'cmd' file1 file2 file3 is the same as cat file1 file2 file3 | sed 'cmd'.
Only if you use the -i flag to edit files inplace sed -i will treat multiple files individually.

Wrong type of quotes. Parameter expansion does not occur within single quotes. You have to write "${plistToModify[$change]}".


sed command to change names for few files in different directories at once

I have few folders as S1S, S2S ,S3S ... , In each of these folders there is a file1 .
This file1 in each folder consistent of
likewise S1S extension change according to the folder.
I'm trying to change these names into 1990.A.BHT type for all folders using this command
for dir in S*
cd $dir
sed -i 's/_${dir}\.dat//g' file1 > file2
cd ../
but i get an empty file for file2
Can someone help me to figure out my mistake please?
This might work for you (GNU sed and parallel):
parallel sed 's/_{}\.dat//' {}/file1 \> {}/file2 ::: S*S
Create a new file file2 in each directory S1S S2S S3S ... from file1 with the string _SnS.dat removed (where SnS represents the current directory).
There are several problems here. First, as konsolebox said in a comment, sed -i modifies the original file rather than producing output that can be redirected with >, so you need to remove that option.
Second, variables don't expand in single-quoted strings, so 's/_${dir}\.dat//g' doesn't use the dir variable, it just treats that whole thing as a literal string.
The third is probably ok, but using cd in a script is dangerous, because if it fails for some reason the rest of the script will run in unexpected places, with possibly very bad results. It's generally better to use explicit paths, like sed ... "$dir/file1" instead of cding to $dir and then using sed ... file1.
Finally (again probably ok here) is that you should almost always put double-quotes around variable references, to avoid weird parsing of some characters.
So here's how I'd rewrite the script snippet:
for dir in S*
sed "s/_${dir}\.dat//g" "$dir/file1" > "$dir/file2"
p.s. is good at spotting common mistakes in shell scripts; it spots three of the four problems I saw (all but the sed -i problem). I recommend running your scripts through it as a check.

Extracting a value from a same file from multiple directories

Directory name F1 F2 F3……F120
Inside each directory, a file with a common name ‘xyz.txt’
File xyz.txt has a value
I want to extract these values and paste them in a single file say ‘new.txt’ in a column like
Any help please? Thank you so much.
If your files look very similar then you can use grep. For example:
cat F{1..120}/xyz.txt | grep -E '^[0-9][.][0-9]{3}e-[0-9]$' > new.txt
This is a general example as any number can be anything. The regular expression says that the whole line must consist of: a any digit [0-9], a dot character [.], three digits [0-9]{3}, the letter 'e' and any digit [0-9].
If your data is more regular you can also try more simple solution:
cat F{1..120}/xyz.txt | grep -E '^[0-9][.]345e-2$' > new.txt
In this solution only the first digit can be anything.
If your files might contain something else than the line, but the line you want to extract can be unambiguously extracted with a regex, you can use
sed -n '/^[0-9]\.[0-9]*e-*[0-9]*$/p' F*/Xyz.txt >new.txt
The same can be done with grep, but you have to separately tell it to not print the file name. The -x option can be used as a convenience to simplify the regex.
grep -h -x '[0-9]\.[0-9]*e-*[0-9]*' F*/Xyz.txt >new.txt
If you have some files which match the wildcard which should be excluded, try a more complex wildcard, or multiple wildcards which only match exactly the files you want, like maybe F[1-9]/Xyz.txt F[1-9][0-9]/Xyz.txt F1[0-9][0-9]/Xyz.txt
This might work for you (GNU parallel and grep):
parallel -k grep -hE '^[0-9][.][0-9]{3}e-[0-9]$' F{}/xyz.txt ::: {1..120}
Process files in parallel but output results in order.
If the files contain just one line, and you want the whole thing, you can use bash range expansion:
cat /path/to/F{1..120}/Xyz.txt > output.txt
(this keeps the order too).
If the files have more lines, and you need to actually extract the value, use grep -o (-o is not posix, but your grep probably has it).
grep -o '[0-9].345-e2' /path/to/F{1..120}/Xyz.txt > output.txt

Find two string in same line and then replace using sed

I am doing a find and replace using sed in a bash script. I want to search each file for words with files and no. If both the words are present in the same line then replace red with green else do nothing
sed -i -e '/files|no s/red/green' $file
But I am unable to do so. I am not receiving any error and the file doesn't get updated.
What am I doing wrong here or what is the correct way of achieving my result
/files|no/ means to match lines with either files or no, it doesn't require both words on the same line.
To match the words in either order, use /files.*no|no.*files/.
sed -i -r -e '/files.*no|no.*files/s/red/green/' "$file"
Notice that you need another / at the end of the pattern, before s, and the s operation requires / at the end of the replacement.
And you need the -r option to make sed use extended regexp; otherwise you have to use \| instead of just |.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/files/{/no/s/red/green/}' file
sed '/files/!b;/no/s/red/green/' file
This method allows for easy extension e.g. foo, bar and baz:
sed '/foo/!b;/bar/!b;/baz/!b;s/red/green/' file
or fee, fie, foe and fix:
sed '/fee/!b;/fi/!b;/foe/!b;/fix/!b;s/bacon/cereal/' file
An awk verison
awk '/files/ && /no/ {sub(/red/,"green")} 1' file
/files/ && /no/ files and no have to be on the same line, in any order
sub(/red/,"green") replace red with green. Use gsub(/red/,"green") if there are multiple red
1 always true, do the default action, print the line.

Prepend, copy/paste, and append using sed?

I have a file full of IDs which I need to use to build a list of URLs as part of a bash file.
ids.txt is as follows:
The URLs will always end in a filename that contains the ID, in its own path.
I've looked around for how to prepend and append using sed, but cannot figure out to do the duplicating copy/paste part (\1) using that tool. The ID can be anything, so pattern matching seems hard. Duplication of everything before the line break seems more sensible? I don't know.
How do I create something like this as urls.txt using sed or awk? Is it possible?
$ sed 's#.*#' ids.txt
$ awk '{sub(/.*/,"")}1' ids.txt
try gnu sed:
sed -E 's/\S+/' ids.txt >urls.txt

Removing duplicate entries from files on the basis of substring postfixes

Let's say that I have the following text in a file:
How would I remove duplicates from the file, on the basis of postfixes? The expected output without duplicates would be:
(Consider and bar.baz. The latter is a substring postfix so only bar.baz remains. However, neither of and are not substring postfixes of each other, so both remain.)
Try this:
in="$(cat $INPUT_FILE)"
for line in $in; do
out=$(echo "$out" | grep -v "\.$line\$")
echo "$out"
You need to save it to a script (e.g., make it executable (chmod +x and call it with your input file as the first argument:
./ path/to/input.txt
Use sed to escape the string for regular expressions, prefix ., postfix $ and pipe this into GNU grep (-f - doesn't work with BSD grep, eg. on a mac).
sed 's/[^-A-Za-z0-9_]/\\&/g; s/^/./; s/$/$/' test.txt |grep -vf - test.txt
I just used to regular expression escaping from another answer and didn't think about whether it is reasonable. On first sight it seems fine, but escapes too much, though probably this is not an issue.
