afterEach top-level describe - mocha.js

Each one of my files has all of it's tests wrapped in a describe. I want to run an async function after each one of these top-level describe blocks.
I put an afterEach but it's running after every one of my it blocks. Is there anyway to make it go after the top-level describe blocks?


Aws lambda functions multiple jars vs single jar

Lets say you have a feature to reserve a dining table broken down into multiple lambda functions ex:
1. RestaurantsLambda - get list of restaurants etc
2. BookingLambda - takes payment, confirms booking etc
3. EmailLambda - sending confirmation emails.
Now will you place all the above lambdas in 1 jar or have jar per lambda?
Probably all the functions are very small. If is the case, in the end of the day it will not make difference. But if they are big or, the functions has different dependencies, it will make difference, but...
The best practice is to keep in the lambda only the code needed by the function. This includes dependencies and libraries, and of course the main code. This best practice is based on the fact that for lambda execution the code must be downloaded at the first invocation (after a while, the code is dismissed and the next invocations will be treated as first again). In Java there is a extra pain that is the process of class loading that happens before code execution.
So: the best way to understand this response is: Bigger the code base, more time needed to load the function and more time that it will cost you.
Long story short: One jar per function!
Extra point: In Java you must be very caution with libraries to be imported. In aws-sdk for example, you must only import the libraries that you'll need instead of import the entire aws-sdk. This will keep your functions slim and ... read again the last paragraph...;-)

How to print all methods executed in a golang program

Similar to the question: How to dump goroutine stacktraces?
I took over a go program but it's fairly complex and I am not able to manually follow the code flow by reading code as some methods are executed and I have no idea why.
Is there a way I could print out all the methods that were executed after main.go was run?
I am aware of: but I am able to see only goroutines run, not the specific methods I am unable to backtrace/reverse engineer.
When I'm not sure how a method got called, I find the easiest is to debug.PrintStack() at the start of it. If that scrolls past too fast, make it panic.
I think if you printed all the methods executed, the signal would get lost in the noise.
Another helpful way is to write a unit test that just calls a part of the code you are interested in. Run it and watch what happens. Put some print statements in. Once you figure out what's happening, add some checks to your unit test (to make it a real test), and you've improved the code already.
Once you have a unit test (or any entry point), you can also step into it with delve.
Michael Feather's "Working Effectively With Legacy Code" is pretty good, it gives lots of strategies to attack legacy code, and refactor it to goodness.
Finally, I've found it's difficult to make Go really confusing, so I'm usually really glad if the complex code I inherit is in Go :-)

First call to Julia is slow

This questions deals with first load performance of Julia
I am running a Julia program from command line. The program is intended to be an API where user of the API doesn't have to initialize internal objects.
module Internal
type X
function do_something(a::X, arg:Any)
#some function
export do_something
using Internal
const i_of_X = X()
function wrapper_do_something(args::Any)
do_something(i_of_X, args)
Now, this API.jl is exposed to third party user so that they don't have to bother about instantiating the internal objects. However, API.jl is not a module and hence cannot be precompiled. As there are many functions in API.jl, the first load takes a "very" long time.
Is there a way to improve the performance? I tried wrapping API.jl in a module too but I don't know if wrapping const initialized variables in a module is the way to go. I also get segmentation fault on doing so (some of the const are database connections and database collections along with other complex objects).
I am using v0.5 on OSX
I did wrap API.jl in a module but there is no performance improvement.
I digged deeper and a big performance hit comes from the first call to linear regression function (GLM module based OLS lm(y~X, df)). The df has only 2 columns and 3 rows so it's not the run time issues but compilation slowness.
The other big hit comes from calling a highly overloaded function. The overloaded function fetches data from the database and can accept variety of input formats.
Is there a way to speed these up? Is there a way to fully precompile the julia program?
For a little more background, API based program is called once via command-line and any persistent first compilation advantages are lost as command-line closes the Julia process.
$julia run_api_based_main_func.jl
One hacky way to use the compilation benefits is to somehow copy/paste the code in already active julia process. Is this doable/recommended?(I am desperate to make it fast. Waiting 15-20s for a 2s analysis doesn't seem right)
It is OK to wrap const values in a module. They can be exported, as need be.
As Fengyang said, wrapping independent components of a larger design in modules is helpful and will help in this situation. When there is a great deal going on inside a module, the precompile time that accompanies each initial function call can add up. There is a way to avoid that -- precompile the contents before using the module:
module ModuleName
# ...
end # module ModuleName
Please Note (from the online help):
__precompile__() should not be used in a module unless all of its dependencies are also using __precompile__(). Failure to do so can
result in a runtime error when loading the module.

PHPUnit - Creating tests after development

I've watched and read a handful of tutorials on PHPUnit and Test Driven Development and have recently begun working with Laravel which extends the PHPUnit Framework with it's TestCase class. All of these things make sense to me, as far as, creating tests as you develop. And I find Laravel's extensions particularly intuitive (especially in regards to testing Controller routes)
However, I've recently been tasked with creating unit tests for a sizable app that's near completion. The app is built in Codeigniter, and it was not built with any tests
I find that I'm not entirely sure where to begin, or what steps to take in order to determine the tests I should create.
Should I be looking to test each controller method? Or do I need to break it down more than that? Admittedly, many of these controller methods are doing more than one task.
It is really difficult to write tests for existing project. I will suggest you to first start with writing tests for classes which are not dependent on other classes. Then you can continue to write tests to classes which coupled with classes for which you wrote tests. You will increase your test coverage step by step by repeating this process.
Also don't forget that some times you will need to refactor your code to make it testable. You should improve design of code for example if your controller methods doing more than one task you should divide this method to sub methods and test each of these methods independently.
I also will suggest you to look at this question
You are in a bit of a tight spot, but here is what I would do in your situation. You need to refactor (ie. change) the existing code so that you end up with three types of functions.
The first type are those that deal with the outside world. By this I mean anything that talks to I/O, or your framework or your operating system or even libraries or code from stable modules. Basically everything that has a dependency on code that you can not, or may not change.
The second group of functions are where you transform or create data structures. The only thing they should know about are the data structures that they receive as parameters and the only way they communicate back is by changing those structures or by creating and populating a new structure.
The third group consists of co-ordinating functions which make the calls to the outside world functions, get their returned data structures and pass those structures to the transforming functions.
Your testing strategy is then as follows: the second group can be tested by creating fake data structures, passing them in and checking that the transforms were done correctly. The third group of co-ordinating functions can be tested by dependency injection and mocking to see that they call the outside world and transform functions correctly. Finally the last group of functions should not be tested. You follow the maxim - "make it so simple that their is obviously nothing wrong". See if you can keep it to a single line of code. If you go over four lines of code for these then you are probably doing it wrong.
If you are completely new to TDD I do however strongly suggest that you first get used to doing it on green field projects/modules. I made a couple of false starts on unit testing because I tried to bolt it onto projects afterwards. TDD is really a joy when you finally grok it so it would not be good if you get discouraged early on because of a too steep learning curve.

How can I implement a blocking process in a single slot without freezing the GUI?

Let's say I have an event and the corresponding function is called. This function interacts with the outside world and so can sometimes have long delays. If the function waits or hangs then my UI will freeze and this is not desirable. On the other hand, having to break up my function into many parts and re-emitting signals is long and can break up the code alot which would make hard to debug and less readable and slows down the development process. Is there a special feature in event driven programming which would enable me to just write the process in one function call and be able to let the mainThread do its job when its waiting? For example, the compiler could reckognize a keyword then implement a return then re-emit signals connected to new slots automatically? Why do I think this would be a great idea ;) Im working with Qt
Your two options are threading, or breaking your function up somehow.
With threading, it sounds like your ideal solution would be Qt::Concurrent. If all of your processing is already in one function, and the function is pretty self-contained (doesn't reference member variables of the class), this would be easy to do. If not, things might get a little more complicated.
For breaking your function up, you can either do it as you suggested and break it into different functions, with the different parts being called one after another, or you can do it in a more figurative way, but scattering calls to allow other processing inside your function. I believe calling processEvents() would do what you want, but I haven't come across its use in a long time. Of course, you can run into other problems with that unless you understand that it might cause other parts of your class to run once more (in response to other events), so you have to treat it almost as multi-threaded in protecting variables that have an indeterminate state while you are computing.
"Is there a special feature in event driven programming which would enable me to just write the process in one function call and be able to let the mainThread do its job when its waiting?"
That would be a non-blocking process.
But your original query was, "How can I implement a blocking process in a single slot without freezing the GUI?"
Perhaps what you're looking for a way to stop other processing when some - any - process decides it's time to block? There are typically ways to do this, yes, by calling a method on one of the parental objects, which, of course, will depend on the specific objects you are using (eg a frame).
Look to the parent objects and see what methods they have that you'd like to use. You may need to overlay one of them to get your exactly desired results.
If you want to handle a GUI event by beginning a long-running task, and don't want the GUI to wait for the task to finish, you need to do it concurrently, by creating either a thread or a new process to perform the task.
You may be able to avoid creating a thread or process if the task is I/O-bound and occasional callbacks to handle I/O would suffice. I'm not familiar with Qt's main loop, but I know that GTK's supports adding event sources that can integrate into a select() or poll()-style loop, running handlers after either a timeout or when a file descriptor becomes ready. If that's the sort of task you have, you could make your event handler add such an event source to the application's main loop.
