Maven dependency plugin - maven

I have a top level pom with nested projects and subdirectories. When I invoke 'mvn dependency : tree' on my top level pom to get the list of dependencies for all child projects, I got none. The result is
"The following files have been resolved: none".
Kindly let me know if I am doing something wrong.

the command is correct
mvn dependency:tree
your tree directory must look like
and your parent pom
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>Project Parent</description>
. . . properties, etc


Maven build is failing with error could not find artifact

I have a project demo-parent which contains 2 subprojects child1 and child2.
demo-parent is building a pom.
child1 and child2 are building one jar each. And all these are getting uploaded to the artifactory.
demo-parent(also used flatten plugin)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
child1 and child 2
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
This project is building and uploading fine. Now when I use this child1 or child2 as a dependency in other projects, it fails with the error:
Failed to execute goal on project maven-webapp: could not resolve dependencies for the project com.demos:maven-webapp:war:1.01: Failed to collect dependencies at com.demos:child1:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.demos:child1:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.demos:demp-parent:pom:{revision} in artifactory .
I am not getting why it is searching for com.demos:demo-parent:pom:{revision}, even if searching why revision is not getting replaced by 1.0-SNAPSHOT as I have used <revision>1.0-SNAPSHOT</revision> in child1.

How to configure/override Maven property used as parent version in dependencies?

Suppose there are two 3rd-party Maven artifacts with the following POM.XMLs:
artifact1 POM.XML:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
artifact2 POM.XML:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
They are built normally using
mvn clean install
Now, if I try to reuse artifact2 in a 3rd POM.XML:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
After executing...
mvn clean install
...the build fails trying to locate group1:artifact1:pom:${artifact1.version}
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project artifact3: Could not resolve dependencies for project group2:artifact3:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at group1:artifact2:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failed to read artifact descriptor for group1:artifact2:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact group1:artifact1:pom:${artifact1.version} in central ( -> [Help 1]
And setting the property in the command-line doesn't work either:
mvn clean install -Dartifact1.version=0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
How can I use artifact2 as a dependency?
<parent> doesn't allow variables. Because in order to get a list of variables Maven first has to build Effective POM and for this it needs to resolve parents.
Even if there is some version of Maven that allowed such module to be installed it's not a working solution in general. Maven's ideology is that all the dependencies (including parent) could be downloaded from a repo and are not necessarily present on local FS/in the reactor. With properties in the parent dependency definition you violate this rule.

Maven hierarchical dependency search

So I have a problem, that is - Maven seems to ignore dependencies, even though they should be visible in hierarchy.
I have following project hierarchy:
All levels are linked via <parent> tag.
sub-parent1 has projB and projC declared as modules and no dependencies declared. But projB has a dependency on projA. And building entire sub-parent1 module will not build projA, which is strange, because projB is aware of sub-parent1 and sub-parent1 is aware of parent and it is aware of dependency (projA). But maven do not build it whenever I build entire sub-parent1 or, for example, -pl projB -am clean install.
Any help appreciated.
I've created a structure, representing this structure. Try to build sub-parent:
parent pom:
<project xmlns=""
<project xmlns=""
<project xmlns=""
<project xmlns=""
Although I had the same solution as in Maven multi module project cannot find sibling module - this problem is different as it deals with not only with multimodule, but with multilevel (several levels of modules) project and person there did not told maven explicitly to build dependencies aswell.
So it seems the only solution is - build such multilevel structure from the upper-most level pom, in my case it will be parent (so parent is current dir) and address module you need to build by relative path from the parent. That results in:
mvn -pl sub-parent1/projB -am clean install
The order will be:
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] parent
[INFO] projA
[INFO] sub-parent1
[INFO] projB
So it seems the only solution is - build such multilevel structure from the upper-most level pom, in my case it will be parent (so parent is current dir) and address module you need to build by relative path from the parent. That results in:
mvn -pl sub-parent1/projB -am clean install
The order will be:
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] parent
[INFO] projA
[INFO] sub-parent1
[INFO] projB

TeamCity, Maven Build not found child module

I've Maven project with one subproject, when I run my install task on parent project from IDEA (IntelliJ IDEA) all works fine and maven resolve child module.
My projects are versioned on subversion, and this is the filesystem structure:
|-- branches
|-- tags
|-- trunk (here there is my subproject source, also pom.xml file)
I've create project with its subproject, from svn URL, on teamcity server.
When I run Build on parent project it fail and return me the following error:
[Step 1/1] Error reading Maven project: Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[ERROR] Child module /opt/buildAgent/work/ee114e0c77ee2c44/subproject of /opt/buildAgent/work/ee114e0c77ee2c44/pom.xml does not exist #
How can I say to parent-project-build where it find the child module?
Is there something else wrong?
Parent POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Child POM:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
I added new parameter (pathSubproject) to my parent pom.xml, so when I run the parent build it skipped the previous error, but now it crash when trying to resolve parent dependency on the subproject. So I added a new parameter also at subproject (parentPath) and I passed it to relativePath inside parent tag.
Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact and 'parent.relativePath'
I think that my subproject POM not resolve the properties that I put inside <relativePath tag.
Is possible pass a properties to relativePath tag?
In the <modules/> section of your parent project's pom, each module listed is a relative path to the directory containing the module.
So if you don't want to change the directory structure, you should be able to refer to the trunk of your subproject using <module>subproject/trunk</module>.
This does seem a bit clumsy though. If you are using the aggregator / modules pattern, I would recommend that project and subproject are both in the same SVN respository. If that isn't appropriate, then your subproject might not really be a module, and should be a dependency or have project as its parent artifact.
I solve my problem by creating 2 profile in my parent pom, the first one builds the parent application with all submodules, while the latter build only the the parent application.
In TeamCiTY build configuration settings I specified (inside Additional Maven command line parameters) the profile that build only parent module, and after I built the parent Application.
After that I built the parent application I built all submodules, and then I was able to build parent application with all modules.
I'm not sure that this is the right way, but in my case it worked well.

maven multimodule project-Update POM parent section in selected projects

I am creating multimodule project using maven in eclipse.After configuring parent in that configuration tab,to add modules I have selected Add and selected the modules to be added and I have checked the 'Update POM parent section in selected projects'.But it doesnot include the parent information in the selected modules.
I was not aware that such a feature exists, but you can do it by your own, with more reliability adding those lines to your parent pom :
parent pom.xml
Here put your modules configuration
<project xmlns=""
childs pom.xml
Here put you parent reference and ommit version
<project xmlns=""
More information here :
